BSD 4_3 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / ucb / lisp / lisplib / cmufile.l
1;;; cmu file package.
3(setq rcs-cmufile-
4 "$Header: /usr/lib/lisp/cmufile.l,v 1.1 83/01/29 18:34:10 jkf Exp $")
6(eval-when (compile eval)
7 (load 'cmumacs)
8 (load 'cmufncs)
9 )
11(declare (special $cur$ dc-switch piport %indent dc-switch
12 vars body form var init label part incr limit
13 getdeftable $outport$ tlmacros f tmp))
15(declare (nlambda msg))
18 (special %changes
19 def-comment
20 filelst
21 found
22 getdefchan
23 getdefprops
24 history
25 historylength
26 args
27 i
28 l
29 lasthelp
30 prop
31 special
32 special
33 tlbuffer
34 z))
36(dv dc-switch dc-define)
38(dv %indent 0)
40(dv *digits ("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
42(dv *letters (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
44(def changes
45 (lambda nil
46 (changes1)
47 (for-each f
48 filelst
49 (cond
50 ((get f 'changes)
51 (terpri)
52 (princ f)
53 (tab 15)
54 (princ (get f 'changes)))))
55 (cond
56 (%changes (terpri) (princ '<no-file>) (tab 15) (princ %changes)))
57 nil))
59(def changes1
60 (lambda nil
61 (cond ((null %changes) nil)
62 (t
63 (prog (found prop)
64 (for-each f
65 filelst
66 (setq found
67 (cons (set-of fn
68 (cons (concat f 'fns)
69 (eval
70 (concat f
71 'fns)))
72 (memq fn %changes))
73 found))
74 (setq prop (get f 'changes))
75 (for-each fn
76 (car found)
77 (setq prop (insert fn prop nil t)))
78 (putprop f prop 'changes))
79 (setq found (apply 'append found))
80 (setq %changes (set-of fn %changes (not (memq fn found)))))))))
82(def dc
83 (nlambda (args)
84 (eval (cons dc-switch args]
86(def dc-define
87 (nlambda (args)
88 (msg "Enter comment followed by <esc>" (N 1))
89 (drain piport)
90 (eval (cons 'dc-dskin args]
92(def dc-help
93 (nlambda (args)
94 (cond
95 ((eval (cons 'helpfilter (cons (car args) (caddr args))))
96 (transprint getdefchan)))))
98(def dskin
99 (nlambda (files)
100 (mapc (function
101 (lambda (f)
102 (prog nil
103 (setq dc-switch 'dc-dskin)
104 (file f)
105 (load f)
106 (changes1)
107 (putprop f nil 'changes)
108 (setq dc-switch 'dc-define)
110 files]
113The new version of dskout (7/26/80) tries to keep backup versions It returns
114the setof its arguments that were successfully written If it can not write
115a file (typically because of protection restrictions) it offers to (try to)
116write a copy to /tmp A file written to /tmp is not considered to have been
117successfully written (and changes will not consider it to be up-to-date) )
119(def dskout
120 (nlambda (files)
121 (changes1)
122 (set-of f
123 files
124 (prog (ffns p tmp)
125 (cond ((atom (errset (setq p (infile f)) nil))
126 (msg "creating " f N D))
127 (t (close p)
128 (cond ((zerop
129 (eval
130 (list 'exec
131 'mv
132 f
133 (setq tmp
134 (concat f '|.back|)))))
135 (msg "old version moved to "
136 tmp N D))
137 (t (msg
138 "Unable to back up "
139 f
140 " - continue? (y/n) " D)
141 (cond ((not (ttyesno)) (return nil)))))))
142 (cond
143 ((atom
144 (errset (apply (function pp)
145 (cons (list 'F f)
146 (cons (setq ffns
147 (concat f
148 'fns))
149 (eval ffns))))
150 nil))
151 (msg
152 "Unable to write "
153 f
154 " - try to put it on /tmp? (y/n) " D)
155 (cond
156 ((ttyesno)
157 (setq f (explode f))
158 (while (memq '/ f)
159 (setq f (cdr (memq '/ f))))
160 (setq f
161 (apply (function concat)
162 (cons '/tmp/ f)))
163 (cond ((atom
164 (errset
165 (apply (function pp)
166 (cons (list 'F f)
167 (cons ffns (eval ffns))))))
168 (msg
169 "Unable to create "
170 f
171 " - I give up! " N D ))
172 (t (msg f " written " N D )))))
173 (return nil)))
174 (putprop f nil 'changes)
175 (return t)))))
177(def dskouts
178 (lambda nil
179 (changes1)
180 (apply (function dskout) (set-of f filelst (get f 'changes)))))
182(def evl-trace
183 (nlambda (exp)
184 (prog (val)
185 (tab %indent)
186 (prinlev (car exp) 2)
187 ((lambda (%indent) (setq val (eval (car exp)))) (+ 2 %indent))
188 (tab %indent)
189 (prinlev val 2)
190 (return val))))
193(def file
194 (lambda (name)
195 (setq filelst (insert name filelst nil t))
196 (cond
197 ((not (boundp (concat name 'fns)))
198 (set (concat name 'fns) nil)))
199 name))
201(def getdef
202 (nlambda (%%l)
203 (prog (x u getdefchan found)
204 (setq getdefchan (infile (car %%l)))
205 l (cond ((atom
206 (setq u
207 (errset
208 (prog (x y z)
209 (cond
210 ((eq (tyipeek getdefchan) -1)
211 (err 'EOF)))
212 (cond
213 ((memq (tyipeek getdefchan)
214 '(12 13))
215 (tyi getdefchan)))
216 (return
217 (cond
218 ((memq (tyipeek getdefchan)
219 '(40 91))
220 (tyi getdefchan)
221 (cond
222 ((and (symbolp
223 (setq y (ratom getdefchan)))
224 (cond (t (comment - what about
225 intern?)
226 (setq x y)
227 t)
228 ((neq y
229 (setq x
230 (intern y)))
231 t)
232 (t (remob1 x) nil))
233 (assoc x getdeftable)
234 (or (setq z (ratom getdefchan))
235 t)
236 (some (cdr %%l)
237 (function
238 (lambda (x)
239 (matchq x z)))
240 nil)
241 (cond ((symbolp z)
242 (setq y z)
243 t)
244 (t (setq y z) t))
245 (cond ((memq y found))
246 ((setq found
247 (cons y found))))
248 (not
249 (cond
250 ((memq (tyipeek
251 getdefchan)
252 '(40 91))
253 (print x)
254 (terpri)
255 (princ y)
256 (tyo 32)
257 (princ
258 '" -- bad format")
259 t))))
260 (cons x
261 (cons y
262 (cond ((memq (tyipeek
263 getdefchan)
264 '(41
265 93))
266 (tyi
267 getdefchan)
268 nil)
269 (t (untyi 40
270 getdefchan)
271 (read
272 getdefchan))))))))))))))
273 (close getdefchan)
274 (return found))
275 (t (setq x (car u))
276 (*** free u)
277 (setq u nil)
278 (cond
279 ((not (atom x))
280 (apply (cdr (assoc (car x) getdeftable)) (ncons x))))))
281 (cond ((not (eq (tyi getdefchan) 10)) (zap getdefchan)))
282 (go l))))
284(def getdefact
285 (lambda (i p exp)
286 (prog nil
287 (cond ((or (null getdefprops) (memq p getdefprops))
288 (terpri)
289 (print (eval exp))
290 (princ '" ")
291 (prin1 p))
292 (t (terpri)
293 (print i)
294 (princ '" ")
295 (prin1 p)
296 (princ '" ")
297 (princ 'bypassed))))))
299(dv getdefprops (function value expr fexpr macro))
301(dv getdeftable
302 ((defprop lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) (cadddr x) x))
303 (dc lambda
304 (x)
305 (cond
306 ((or (null getdefprops) (memq 'comment getdefprops))
307 (eval x))))
308 (de lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'expr x))
309 (df lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'fexpr x))
310 (dm lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'macro x))
311 (setq lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'value x))
312 (dv lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'value x))
313 (def lambda (x) (getdefact (cadr x) 'function x))))
315(setq filelst nil) ;; initial values
316(setq %changes nil)