get errno from <errno.h>
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / make / job.h
2 * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
3 * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Adam de Boor
4 * Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
5 * All rights reserved.
6 *
7 * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
8 * Adam de Boor.
ab950546 9 *
87198c0c 10 * %sccs.include.redist.c%
ab950546 11 *
87198c0c 12 * @(#)job.h 5.3 (Berkeley) %G%
13 */
16 * job.h --
17 * Definitions pertaining to the running of jobs in parallel mode.
18 * Exported from job.c for the use of remote-execution modules.
19 */
20#ifndef _JOB_H_
21#define _JOB_H_
23#define TMPPAT "/tmp/makeXXXXX"
26 * The SEL_ constants determine the maximum amount of time spent in select
27 * before coming out to see if a child has finished. SEL_SEC is the number of
28 * seconds and SEL_USEC is the number of micro-seconds
29 */
30#define SEL_SEC 0
31#define SEL_USEC 500000
35 * Job Table definitions.
36 *
37 * Each job has several things associated with it:
38 * 1) The process id of the child shell
39 * 2) The graph node describing the target being made by this job
40 * 3) A LstNode for the first command to be saved after the job
41 * completes. This is NILLNODE if there was no "..." in the job's
42 * commands.
43 * 4) An FILE* for writing out the commands. This is only
44 * used before the job is actually started.
45 * 5) A union of things used for handling the shell's output. Different
46 * parts of the union are used based on the value of the usePipes
47 * flag. If it is true, the output is being caught via a pipe and
48 * the descriptors of our pipe, an array in which output is line
49 * buffered and the current position in that buffer are all
50 * maintained for each job. If, on the other hand, usePipes is false,
51 * the output is routed to a temporary file and all that is kept
52 * is the name of the file and the descriptor open to the file.
53 * 6) An identifier provided by and for the exclusive use of the
54 * Rmt module.
55 * 7) A word of flags which determine how the module handles errors,
56 * echoing, etc. for the job
57 *
58 * The job "table" is kept as a linked Lst in 'jobs', with the number of
59 * active jobs maintained in the 'nJobs' variable. At no time will this
60 * exceed the value of 'maxJobs', initialized by the Job_Init function.
61 *
62 * When a job is finished, the Make_Update function is called on each of the
63 * parents of the node which was just remade. This takes care of the upward
64 * traversal of the dependency graph.
65 */
66#define JOB_BUFSIZE 1024
67typedef struct Job {
68 int pid; /* The child's process ID */
69 GNode *node; /* The target the child is making */
70 LstNode tailCmds; /* The node of the first command to be
71 * saved when the job has been run */
72 FILE *cmdFILE; /* When creating the shell script, this is
73 * where the commands go */
74 char *rmtID; /* ID returned from Rmt module */
75 short flags; /* Flags to control treatment of job */
76#define JOB_IGNERR 0x001 /* Ignore non-zero exits */
77#define JOB_SILENT 0x002 /* no output */
78#define JOB_SPECIAL 0x004 /* Target is a special one. i.e. run it locally
79 * if we can't export it and maxLocal is 0 */
80#define JOB_IGNDOTS 0x008 /* Ignore "..." lines when processing
81 * commands */
82#define JOB_REMOTE 0x010 /* Job is running remotely */
83#define JOB_FIRST 0x020 /* Job is first job for the node */
84#define JOB_REMIGRATE 0x040 /* Job needs to be remigrated */
85#define JOB_RESTART 0x080 /* Job needs to be completely restarted */
86#define JOB_RESUME 0x100 /* Job needs to be resumed b/c it stopped,
87 * for some reason */
88#define JOB_CONTINUING 0x200 /* We are in the process of resuming this job.
89 * Used to avoid infinite recursion between
90 * JobFinish and JobRestart */
91 union {
92 struct {
93 int op_inPipe; /* Input side of pipe associated
94 * with job's output channel */
95 int op_outPipe; /* Output side of pipe associated with
96 * job's output channel */
97 char op_outBuf[JOB_BUFSIZE + 1];
98 /* Buffer for storing the output of the
99 * job, line by line */
100 int op_curPos; /* Current position in op_outBuf */
101 } o_pipe; /* data used when catching the output via
102 * a pipe */
103 struct {
104 char of_outFile[sizeof(TMPPAT)+2];
105 /* Name of file to which shell output
106 * was rerouted */
107 int of_outFd; /* Stream open to the output
108 * file. Used to funnel all
109 * from a single job to one file
110 * while still allowing
111 * multiple shell invocations */
112 } o_file; /* Data used when catching the output in
113 * a temporary file */
114 } output; /* Data for tracking a shell's output */
115} Job;
117#define outPipe output.o_pipe.op_outPipe
118#define inPipe output.o_pipe.op_inPipe
119#define outBuf output.o_pipe.op_outBuf
120#define curPos output.o_pipe.op_curPos
121#define outFile output.o_file.of_outFile
122#define outFd output.o_file.of_outFd
126 * Shell Specifications:
127 * Each shell type has associated with it the following information:
128 * 1) The string which must match the last character of the shell name
129 * for the shell to be considered of this type. The longest match
130 * wins.
131 * 2) A command to issue to turn off echoing of command lines
132 * 3) A command to issue to turn echoing back on again
133 * 4) What the shell prints, and its length, when given the echo-off
134 * command. This line will not be printed when received from the shell
135 * 5) A boolean to tell if the shell has the ability to control
136 * error checking for individual commands.
137 * 6) The string to turn this checking on.
138 * 7) The string to turn it off.
139 * 8) The command-flag to give to cause the shell to start echoing
140 * commands right away.
141 * 9) The command-flag to cause the shell to Lib_Exit when an error is
142 * detected in one of the commands.
143 *
144 * Some special stuff goes on if a shell doesn't have error control. In such
145 * a case, errCheck becomes a printf template for echoing the command,
146 * should echoing be on and ignErr becomes another printf template for
147 * executing the command while ignoring the return status. If either of these
148 * strings is empty when hasErrCtl is FALSE, the command will be executed
149 * anyway as is and if it causes an error, so be it.
150 */
151typedef struct Shell {
152 char *name; /* the name of the shell. For Bourne and C
153 * shells, this is used only to find the
154 * shell description when used as the single
155 * source of a .SHELL target. For user-defined
156 * shells, this is the full path of the shell.
157 */
158 Boolean hasEchoCtl; /* True if both echoOff and echoOn defined */
159 char *echoOff; /* command to turn off echo */
160 char *echoOn; /* command to turn it back on again */
161 char *noPrint; /* command to skip when printing output from
162 * shell. This is usually the command which
163 * was executed to turn off echoing */
164 int noPLen; /* length of noPrint command */
165 Boolean hasErrCtl; /* set if can control error checking for
166 * individual commands */
167 char *errCheck; /* string to turn error checking on */
168 char *ignErr; /* string to turn off error checking */
169 /*
170 * command-line flags
171 */
172 char *echo; /* echo commands */
173 char *exit; /* exit on error */
174} Shell;
177extern char *targFmt; /* Format string for banner that separates
178 * output from multiple jobs. Contains a
179 * single %s where the name of the node being
180 * made should be put. */
181extern GNode *lastNode; /* Last node for which a banner was printed.
182 * If Rmt module finds it necessary to print
183 * a banner, it should set this to the node
184 * for which the banner was printed */
185extern int nJobs; /* Number of jobs running (local and remote) */
186extern int nLocal; /* Number of jobs running locally */
187extern Lst jobs; /* List of active job descriptors */
188extern Lst stoppedJobs; /* List of jobs that are stopped or didn't
189 * quite get started */
190extern Boolean jobFull; /* Non-zero if no more jobs should/will start*/
193 * These functions should be used only by an intelligent Rmt module, hence
194 * their names do *not* include an underscore as they are not fully exported,
195 * if you see what I mean.
196 */
197extern void JobDoOutput(/* job, final? */); /* Funnel output from
198 * job->outPipe to the screen,
199 * filtering out echo-off
200 * strings etc. */
201extern void JobFinish(/* job, status */); /* Finish out a job. If
202 * status indicates job has
203 * just stopped, not finished,
204 * the descriptor is placed on
205 * the stoppedJobs list. */
206#endif /* _JOB_H_ */