BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-2 / src / ex / ex_temp.h
1/* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
3 * The editor uses a temporary file for files being edited, in a structure
4 * similar to that of ed. The first block of the file is used for a header
5 * block which guides recovery after editor/system crashes.
6 * Lines are represented in core by a pointer into the temporary file which
7 * is packed into 16 bits. 15 of these bits index the temporary file,
8 * the 16'th is used by global commands. The parameters below control
9 * how much the 15 bits are shifted left before they index the temp file.
10 * Larger shifts give more slop in the temp file but allow larger files
11 * to be edited.
12 *
13 * The editor does not garbage collect the temporary file. When a new
14 * file is edited, the temporary file is rather discarded and a new one
15 * created for the new file. Garbage collection would be rather complicated
16 * in ex because of the general undo, and in any case would require more
17 * work when throwing lines away because marks would have be carefully
18 * checked before reallocating temporary file space. Said another way,
19 * each time you create a new line in the temporary file you get a unique
20 * number back, and this is a property used by marks.
21 *
22 * The following temp file parameters allow 256k bytes in the temporary
23 * file. By changing to the numbers in comments you can get 512k.
24 * By typedefing line to long (32 bit) integers you could get much more
25 * space in the temp file with (then) no waste. This would double core
26 * requirements and would probably require some editor debugging.
27 */
28#define BLKMSK 0777 /* 01777 */
29#define BNDRY 8 /* 16 */
30#define INCRMT 0200 /* 0100 */
31#define LBTMSK 0770 /* 0760 */
32#define NMBLKS 506 /* 1018 */
33#define OFFBTS 7 /* 6 */
34#define OFFMSK 0177 /* 077 */
35#define SHFT 2 /* 3 */
38 * The editor uses three buffers into the temporary file (ed uses two
39 * and is very similar). These are two read buffers and one write buffer.
40 * Basically, the editor deals with the file as a sequence of 512 character
41 * blocks (BUFSIZ). Each block contains some number of lines (and lines
42 * can run across block boundaries.
43 *
44 * New lines are written into the last block in the temporary file
45 * which is in core as obuf. When a line is needed which isn't in obuf,
46 * then it is brought into an input buffer. As there are two, the choice
47 * is to take the buffer into which the last read (of the two) didn't go.
48 * Thus this is a 2 buffer LRU replacement strategy. Measurement
49 * shows that this saves roughly 25% of the buffer reads over a one
50 * input buffer strategy. Since the editor (on our VAX over 1 week)
51 * spends (spent) roughly 30% of its time in the system read routine,
52 * this can be a big help.
53 */
54bool hitin2; /* Last read hit was ibuff2 not ibuff */
55bool ichang2; /* Have actually changed ibuff2 */
56bool ichanged; /* Have actually changed ibuff */
57short iblock; /* Temp file block number of ibuff (or -1) */
58short iblock2; /* Temp file block number of ibuff2 (or -1) */
59short ninbuf; /* Number useful chars left in input buffer */
60short nleft; /* Number usable chars left in output buffer */
61short oblock; /* Temp file block number of obuff (or -1) */
62short tline; /* Current temp file ptr */
64char ibuff[BUFSIZ];
65char ibuff2[BUFSIZ];
66char obuff[BUFSIZ];
69 * Structure of the descriptor block which resides
70 * in the first block of the temporary file and is
71 * the guiding light for crash recovery.
72 *
73 * As the Blocks field below implies, there are temporary file blocks
74 * devoted to (some) image of the incore array of pointers into the temp
75 * file. Thus, to recover from a crash we use these indices to get the
76 * line pointers back, and then use the line pointers to get the text back.
77 * Except for possible lost lines due to sandbagged I/O, the entire
78 * file (at the time of the last editor "sync") can be recovered from
79 * the temp file.
80 */
82/* This definition also appears in expreserve.c... beware */
83struct header {
84 time_t Time; /* Time temp file last updated */
85 short Uid;
86 short Flines; /* Number of lines in file */
87 char Savedfile[FNSIZE]; /* The current file name */
88 short Blocks[LBLKS]; /* Blocks where line pointers stashed */
89} H;
91#define uid H.Uid
92#define flines H.Flines
93#define savedfile H.Savedfile
94#define blocks H.Blocks