BSD 4_3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / diction / dict.d
2ing behavior
3 ability to
4 a great deal of
5 majority of
6 number of
7~the number of
8 a tendency to
9 abovementioned
10 absolutely complete
11 absolutely essential
12 accordingly
13 activate
14 actual
15 added increments
16 adequate enough
17 advent
18 afford an opportunity
19 accomplished
20 aggregate
21 all of
22 all throughout
23 along the line
24 analyzation
25 and or
26 and etc
27 another additional
28 any and all
29 of the opinion that
30 of the same opinion
31 arrive at a
32 as a matter of fact
33 as a method of
34 as a consequence of
35 as of now
36 as of this date
37 as good or better than
38 as is the case
39 as per
40 as regards
41 as related to
42 as to
43 assistance
44 assuming that
45 at a later date
46 at about
47 at above
48 at all times
49 at an early date
50 at an earlier date
51 at below
52 at the present
53 at the time when
54 at this point in time
55 at this time
56 at which time
57 at your earliest convenience
58 awful
59 in back of
60 basic fundamentals
61 basically
62 be cognizant of
63 being that
64 being as
65 brief in duration
66 bring to a conclusion
67 but that
68 but what
69 by means of
70 by the use of
71 capability
72 carry out
73 center portion
74 center around
75 center about
76 check into
77 check on
78 check up on
79 circle around
80 close proximity
81 collaborate together
82 collect together
83 combine together
84 consolidate together
85 couple together
86 come to an end
87 commence
88 common accord
89 compensation
90 completely eliminated
91 completely full
92 concerning
93 comprise
94 conduct an investigation of
95 conjecture
96 connect up
97 consensus of opinion
98 consequent result
99 construct
100 contemplate
101 continue to remain
102 continue on
103 count up
104 could of
105 debate about
106 decide on
107 definitely
108 deleterious effect
109 demean
110 demonstrate
111 depreciate in value
112 deserving of
113 desirable benefits
114 desirous of
115 different than
116 discontinue
117 disutility
118 divide up
119 doubt but
120 duly noted
121 due to
122 during the time that
123 during the course of
124 each and every
125 early beginnings
126 effectuate
127 elucidate
128 emotional feelings
129 empty out
130 enclosed herein
131 enclosed herewith
132 end result
133 end up
134 endeavor
135 enter in
136 enthused
137 entirely complete
138 equally as good
139 essentially
140 eventuate
141 every now and then
142 exactly identical
143 experiencing difficulty
144 fabricate
145 face up to
146 facilitate
147 facts and figures
148 fast in action
149 fearful of
150 fearful that
151 few in number
152 fewer in number
153 file away
154 final completion
155 final ending
156 final outcome
157 final result
158 finalize
159 find it interesting to know
160 first and foremost
161 first of all
162 first beginnings
163 first initiated
164 firstly
165 follow after
166 following after
167 for the purpose of
168 for the reason that
169 reason to believe
170 for the simple reason that
171 for this reason
172 for your information
173 from the point of view of
174 full and complete
175 generally agreed
176 rise to
177 an indication of
178 order of magnitude
179 authorization
180 gratuitous
181 greatly minimize
182 got to
183 good and
184 a particular preference for
185 a preference for
186 reference to this
187 head up
188 help but
189 in the production of
190 hopeful
191 if and when
192 if at all possible
193 it stands to reason
194 impact
195 implement
196 important essentials
197 importantly
198 in a large measure
199 in a position to
200 in a satisfactory manner
201 in accordance
202 in advance of
203 in agreement with
204 in all cases
205 in behalf of
206 in between
207 in behind
208 in case
209 in close proximity
210 in conflict with
211 in conjunction with
212 in connection with
213 in large measure
214 in many cases
215 in most cases
216 in my opinion
217 in order to
218 in rare cases
219 in some cases
220 in reference to
221 in regard to
222 in regards to
223 in relation with
224 in relation to
225 in respect to
226 with respect to
227 in short supply
228 in terms of
229 in the amount of
230 in the case of
231 in the course of
232 in the event
233 in the form of
234 in the field of
235 in the instance of
236 in the interim
237 in the last analysis
238 in the matter of
239 in the near future
240 in the neighborhood of
241 in the not too distant future
242 in the proximity of
243 in the range of
244 in the same way as described
245 in the shape of
246 in the vicinity of
247 in this case
248 in view of
249 in violation of
250 inasmuch as
251 indicate
252 indicating
253 indicative of
254 initialize
255 initiate
256 initiating
257 injurious to
258 inquire
259 inside of
260 institute a
261 intents and purposes
262 intermingle
263 the necessity of
264 irregardless
265 is defined as
266 is used to
267 is when
268 is where
269 it is incumbent
270 apparent that
271 it was noted that if
272 not un
273 not be un
274~ not under
275~ not until
276~ not unique
277 joint cooperation
278 joint partnership
279 just exactly
280 kind of
281 know about
282 in size
283 last but not least
284 liable
285 later on
286 leaving out of consideration
287 link up
288 literally
289 lose out on
290 a lot of
291 lots of
292 main essentials
293 make a
294 make adjustments to
295 make an
296 make application to
297 make contact with
298 make mention of
299 make out a list of
300 make the acquaintance of
301 make the adjustment
302 manner
303 maximum possible
304 meaningful
305 meet up with
306 melt down
307 melt up
308 methodology
309 might of
310 must of
311 minimize as far as possible
312 miss out on
313 modification
314 more preferable
315 most unique
316 mutual cooperation
317 the nature
318 necessary requisite
319 necessitate
320 need for
321 needless to say
322 nice
323 not in a position to
324 not of a high order of accuracy
325 notwithstanding
326 of considerable magnitude
327 of that
328 minor importance
329 off of
330 on a few occasions
331 on account of
332 on behalf of
333 on the basis of
334 on the grounds that
335 on the occasion
336 the order of
337 on the part of
338 one of the
339 open up
340 operates to correct
341 outside of
342 over with
343 overall
344 past history
345 perceptive of
346 perform
347 permits the reduction of
348 personalize
349 pertaining to
350 physical size
351 plan ahead
352 plan for the future
353 plan in advance
354 plan on
355 present a conclusion
356 present a report
357 presently
358 prior to
359 prioritize
360 proceed to
361 procure
362 productive of
363 prolong the duration
364 protrude out from
365 provided that
366 pursuant to
367 put to use in
368 range all the way from
369 reason is because
370 reason why
371 recur again
372 reduce down
373 refer back
374 reflective of
375 regretful
376 reinitiate
377 relative to
378 repeat again
379 representative of
380 resultant effect
381 resume again
382 retreat back
383 return again
384 return back
385 revert back
386 seal off
387 situation
388 seems apparent
389 send a communication
390 short space of time
391 should of
392 single unit
393 so as to
394 sort of
395 spell out
396 still continue
397 still remain
398 subsequent
399 substantially in agreement
400 succeed in
401 sufficient
402 suggestive of
403 superior than
404 surrounding circumstances
405 take appropriate
406 take cognizance of
407 take into consideration
408 termed as
409 terminate
410 termination
411 the case that
412 the fact
413 in fact
414 the foregoing
415 the foreseeable future
416 the fullest possible extent
417 the only difference being that
418 the point that
419 the authors
420 the author
421 the truth is
422 there are not many
423 little doubt that
424 through the medium of
425 through the use of
426 throughout the entire
427 time interval
428 to summarize the above
429 total effect of all this
430 totality
431 transpire
432 true facts
433 try and
434 ultimate
435 under a separate cover
436 under date of
437 under separate cover
438 under the necessity to
439 underlying purpose
440 undertake a study
441 uniformly consistent
442 unique
443 until such time as
444 up to this time
445 upshot
446 utilize
447 utilizing
448 very complete
449 very
450 very unique
451 vital
452~ in which
453~ into which
454~ from which
455~ of which
456~ on which
457~ for which
458~ to which
459~ through which
460~ without which
461~ which
462~ at which
463~ about which
464~ by which
465~ on which
466~ after which
467~ upon which
468~ with which
469~ between which
470~ under which
471~ over which
472 wish to thank
473 whether or not
474 which
479~ wise
481 with a view to
482 with reference to
483 with regard to
484 exception of
485 with the object of
486 with the result that
487 clear that
488 doubtful that
489 evident that
490 of interest
491 rather interesting
492 suggested that
493 worth pointing out
494 may be that
495 within the realm of possibility
496 without further delay
497 worth while
498 would of
499 in no case
500 in the possession of
501 in possession of
502 viable alternative
503 quite
504 upon
505 rather
506 fairly
507 relatively
508 comparatively
509 anticipate
510 approximately
511 as already stated
512 as can be seen from
513 reveal
514 sophisticated
515 in excess of
516 from the standpoint of
517 employ
518 as shown in
519~ rather than