BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / lisp / pearl / franz.l
1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; franz.l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2; Franz-dependent PEARL functions, declarations, and initializations
3; that don't use PEARL functions.
4; Functions to make Franz accept UCI Lisp functions are in ucisubset.l
6; Copyright (c) 1983 , The Regents of the University of California.
7; All rights reserved.
8; Authors: Joseph Faletti and Michael Deering.
10; Version numbers, major and minor.
11(defvar pearlmajorversion 3)
12(defvar pearlminorversion 9)
13;3.1: Use of lets and other speedups and new slot encoding.
14;3.2: Slot encoding applied to speeded-up match.
15;3.3: New faster hashing.
16;3.4: Type tags added to symbols, instances, definitions and databases.
17;3.5: New print functions.
18;3.6: Made hooks additive and fixed global variables in failed matches.
19;3.7: Minor bug fixes in scopy and hooks.
20;3.8: Unification added; minor bug fixes in setv and create.
21;3.9: Bug fixes in blocks and freezing; selectq becomes selectq*.
23; db:
24(declare (*fexpr builddb))
25(defvar *pearldb*)
26(defvar *pearlinactivedb*)
27(defvar db)
28(defvar *db1size*)
29(defvar *db2size*)
31(defvar *availablesizes* '((-1. . 1.) (0. . 1.) (1. . 1.) (2. . 3.)
32 (3. . 7.) (4. . 13.) (5. . 29.) (6. . 61.)
33 (7. . 127.) (8. . 127.) (9. . 127.)
34 (10. . 127.) (11. . 127.)
35 (12. . 127.) (13. . 127.)))
37; For UCI Lisp or Franz (7. . 127.) (8. . 251.) (9. . 509.)
38; with vectors (soon?). (10. . 1021.) (11. . 2039.)
39; (12. . 4093.) (13. . 8191.)))
40; (setq buildpplst nil)
42(defvar *maindb*)
43(defvar *db*)
44(defvar *activedbnames* nil)
46; vars:
47(declare (*fexpr varvalue setv *var* *global* global unbind))
48(declare (*fexpr block endblock endanyblocks setblock))
50; hook:
51(defvar *runallslothooks* t)
52(defvar *runallbasehooks* t)
54(defvar *runputpathhooks* t)
55(defvar *runclearpathhooks* t)
56(defvar *runaddsetpathhooks* t)
57(defvar *rundelsetpathhooks* t)
58(defvar *runaddpredpathhooks* t)
59(defvar *rundelpredpathhooks* t)
60(defvar *rungetpathhooks* t)
61(defvar *rungetpredpathhooks* t)
62(defvar *rungethookpathhooks* t)
63(defvar *runapplypathhooks* t)
65(defvar *runmatchhooks* t)
66(defvar *runsmergehooks* t)
67(defvar *runindividualhooks* t)
68(defvar *runexpandedhooks* t)
69(defvar *runpatternhooks* t)
70(defvar *runnextitemhooks* t)
71(defvar *runfetchhooks* t)
72(defvar *runinsertdbhooks* t)
73(defvar *runremovedbhooks* t)
74(defvar *runindbhooks* t)
75(defvar *runnextequalhooks* t)
76(defvar *runstrequalhooks* t)
78; symord and create and scopy (and all):
79(defvar *pearlunbound*)
80(defvar *equivclass*)
81(defvar *invisible*)
82(defvar *warn* t)
84(defvar *pearlsymbol*)
85(defvar *pearldef*)
86(defvar *pearlinst*)
88(declare (*fexpr pearlbreak symbol ordinal create cr insidecreate))
89(defvar nilstruct)
90(defvar d:nilstruct)
91(defvar i:nilstruct)
92(defvar s:nilsym)
93(defvar *lastcreated*)
94(defvar *toplevelp*)
95(defvar *currenttopcreated*)
96(defvar *currenttopalists*)
97(defvar *currenttopcopy*)
98(defvar *currentcreatetype*)
99(defvar *ordinalnames* nil)
100(defvar *globallist* nil)
101; So that unique numbers start at 0.
102(defvar *lastsymbolnum* -1)
103(defvar *unhashablevalues*)
104(defvar *any*conscell*)
105(defvar *blockstack* nil)
106(defvar *zero-ordinal-value* 0)
107(defvar *currentpearlstructure* nil)
108(defvar *currentstructure* nil)
109(defvar *scopieditems*)
111; path:
112(defvar *pathtop*)
113(defvar *pathlocal*)
115; print:
116(declare (*fexpr foreach quiet))
117(defvar *fullprint* nil)
118(defvar *abbrevprint* nil)
119(defvar *uniqueprint* nil)
120(defvar *uniqueprintlist* nil)
121(defvar *streamprintlength* 2)
122(defvar *quiet* nil)
123(defvar prinlevel)
124(setq prinlevel 7)
125(defvar printvar)
126(defvar pearltraceprintfn)
127(defvar pearlshowstackprintfn)
128(defvar pearlbreakprintfn)
129(defvar pearlfixprintfn)
130(defvar msgprintfn)
131(defvar pearltracebreakprintfn)
132(defvar pearlprintfn)
133(defvar dskprintfn)
134(defvar trace-printer)
135(setq trace-printer 'pearltraceprintfn)
136(defvar showstack-printer)
137(setq showstack-printer 'pearlshowstackprintfn)
138(defvar top-level-print)
139(setq top-level-print 'pearltracebreakprintfn)
141; if t, then enters and exits to tracing are quiet,
142; but info is still kept so (tracedump) will work
143(defvar \$tracemute)
145; hash:
146(defvar *stream*)
147(defvar *stream:*)
148(defvar *function-stream:*)
149(defvar *slotvalues* (makhunk 64))
150(defvar *hashingmarks* (makhunk 64))
151; (and via lowlevel.l):
152(defvar *multiproducts* '(16. 256. 4096. 65536. 1048576. 16777216.
153 268435456. 42944967296.))
155; match:
156(defvar *matchunboundsresult* nil)
157(defvar *globalsavestack* nil)
158(defvar *equivsavestack* nil)
159(defvar *unifyunbounds* nil)
160(defvar xvar)
161(defvar yvar)
163; history:
164(defvar *historynumber* -1.)
165(defvar *historysize* 64.)
166(defvar *usealiases* t)
167(defvar *history* (makhunk *historysize*))
168(defvar *histval* (makhunk *historysize*))
169(defvar *printhistorynumber* nil)
170(defvar *readlinechanged*)
172; PEARL-top-level:
173(defvar *firststartup* t)
174(defvar *pearlprompt* '|pearl> |)
175(declare (*fexpr savepearl))
177; Franz: PEARL-top-level:
178(defvar pearl-title (concat " plus PEARL "
179 pearlmajorversion "."
180 pearlminorversion))
181(defvar franz-not-virgin)
182(defvar pearl-top-level-init)
183(defvar top-level)
184(defvar franz-minor-version-number)
185(defvar franz-top-level)
186(defvar +)
187(defvar ++)
188(defvar +++)
189(defvar *)
190(defvar **)
191(defvar ***)
192(defvar ER%tpl)
193(defvar ER%brk)
194(defvar ER%err)
195(defvar evalhook)
196(defvar \$gcprint)
197(defvar funcallhook)
198(defvar tpl-errlist)
199(defvar user-top-level)
200(defvar top-level-eof)
202; PEARL-break-err-handler or trace or fixit debugger:
203(defvar break-level-count)
204(defvar debug-level-count)
205(defvar errlist)
207; (funl (x...) body) expands to (function (lambda (x...) body)).
208(defmacro funl (&rest rest)
209 `(function (lambda .,rest)))
211; Various Lisps store functions different ways. Check for
212; lambda-ness (expr-ness).
213(de islambda (fcn)
214 (and (neq 'binary (type fcn))
215 (setq fcn (getd fcn)))
216 (or (and (eq 'binary (type fcn))
217 (eq 'lambda (getdisc fcn)))
218 (and (dtpr fcn)
219 (eq 'lambda (car fcn)))))
221; Tests for an actual literal atom rather than nil!!
222(defmacro reallitatom (potatom)
223 `(let ((pot ,potatom))
224 (and (symbolp pot)
225 pot)))
227; To avoid problems with UCI Lisp's unbound, we use a special value
228; for PEARL (pattern-matching) variables to indicate unboundness.
229(dm punbound (none)
230 ''*pearlunbound*)
232(defmacro pboundp (a)
233 `(neq ,a (punbound)))
235(defmacro punboundatomp (yyy)
236 `(eq ,yyy (punbound)))
238;(aliasdef 'To 'From 'Property) means define To to be the same as From
239; (under Property in UCILisp). HOWEVER, in Franz it means copy the
240; function definition of To to From and ignore Property.
241(defmacro aliasdef (to from property)
242 `(putd ,to (getd ,from)))
244; vi: set lisp: