BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / lisp / pearl / path.l
1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; path.l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2; Functions for accessing and changing information associated with
3; slots of structures via a path.
5; Copyright (c) 1983 , The Regents of the University of California.
6; All rights reserved.
7; Authors: Joseph Faletti and Michael Deering.
9; The PATH functions provide methods for adding and accessing information
10; in a structure. The PATH macro takes as a first argument the function
11; to be performed and simply expands to the function. The functions
12; available are:
13; 1. PUTPATH -- replaces the value in the slot with one provided.
14; 2. CLEARPATH -- replaces the value of the slot with the default.
15; 3. ADDSETPATH -- adds the value provided to a SETOF slot (only one
16; level of adding is currently available).
17; 4. DELSETPATH -- deletes the value provided from a SETOF slot (note
18; that this requires one to know the actual
19; value to delete).
20; 5. ADDPREDPATH -- adds a predicate (function, STRUCT, or hook) to
21; the PREDLIST.
22; 6. DELPREDPATH -- deletes a predicate from the PREDLIST.
23; 7. GETPATH -- returns a pointer to the value in the slot.
24; 8. GETPREDPATH -- returns the list of function and STRUCT
25; predicates for the slot.
26; 9. GETHOOKPATH -- returns the list of (dotted pair) hook
27; functions for the slot.
28; 10. APPLYPATH -- returns the result of APPLYing the function
29; provided to the value for the slot.
31; During a PATH operation, the global variable *PATHTOP* contains the
32; top level item which is being accessed and *PATHLOCAL* is the most
33; local item being accessed. These are most handy for use by hooks
34; and predicates.
36(defmacro path (fcn item pathlist &optional val)
37 (selectq fcn
38 (put `(putpath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
39 (clear `(clearpath ,item ,pathlist))
40 (addset `(addsetpath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
41 (delset `(delsetpath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
42 (addpred `(addpredpath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
43 (delpred `(delpredpath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
44 (get `(getpath ,item ,pathlist))
45 (getpred `(getpredpath ,item ,pathlist))
46 (gethook `(gethookpath ,item ,pathlist))
47 (apply `(applypath ,item ,pathlist ,val))
48 (otherwise (msg t "PATH: Illegal function selector: " fcn
49 ". Rest of call was: " item " " pathlist " " val t)
50 (pearlbreak))))
52(de putpath (item path value)
53 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
54 (setq *pathtop* item)
55 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
56 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
57 (return nil))
58 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
59 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
60 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<put *runputpathhooks*)
61 (selectq (getslotvaluetype slotnum item)
62 (CONSTANT (putslotvalue slotnum value item))
64 (putslotvalue slotnum
65 (cons value (cdr (getslotvalue slotnum item)))
66 item))
68 (putslotvaluetype slotnum 'CONSTANT item)
69 (putslotvalue slotnum value item)))
70 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>put *runputpathhooks*)
71 (return value)))
73(de clearpath (item path)
74 (prog (numitempair slotnum value result)
75 (setq *pathtop* item)
76 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
77 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
78 (return nil))
79 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
80 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
81 (setq value (defaultfortype (getslottype slotnum (getdefinition item))))
82 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<clear *runclearpathhooks*)
83 (putslotvaluetype slotnum 'CONSTANT item)
84 (putslotvalue slotnum value item)
85 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>clear *runclearpathhooks*)
86 (return value)))
88(de addsetpath (item path value)
89 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
90 (setq *pathtop* item)
91 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
92 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
93 (return nil))
94 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
95 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
96 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<addset *runaddsetpathhooks*)
97 (putslotvaluetype slotnum 'CONSTANT item)
98 (putslotvalue slotnum (cons value (getvalue slotnum item)) item)
99 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>addset *runaddsetpathhooks*)
100 (return value)))
102(de delsetpath (item path value)
103 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
104 (setq *pathtop* item)
105 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
106 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
107 (return nil))
108 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
109 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
110 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<delset *rundelsetpathhooks*)
111 (putslotvaluetype slotnum 'CONSTANT item)
112 (putslotvalue slotnum (delq value (getvalue slotnum item)) item)
113 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>delset *rundelsetpathhooks*)
114 (return value)))
116(de addpredpath (item path value)
117 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
118 (setq *pathtop* item)
119 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
120 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
121 (return nil))
122 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
123 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
124 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<addpred *runaddpredpathhooks*)
125 (putpred slotnum (cons value (getpred slotnum item)) item)
126 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>addpred *runaddpredpathhooks*)
127 (return value)))
129(de delpredpath (item path value)
130 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
131 (setq *pathtop* item)
132 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
133 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
134 (return nil))
135 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
136 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
137 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<delpred *rundelpredpathhooks*)
138 (putpred slotnum (delete value (getpred slotnum item)) item)
139 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>delpred *rundelpredpathhooks*)
140 (return value)))
142(de getpath (item path)
143 (prog (numitempair slotnum value result)
144 (setq *pathtop* item)
145 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
146 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
147 (return nil))
148 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
149 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
150 (setq value (punbound))
151 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<get *rungetpathhooks*)
152 (or (neq value (punbound))
153 (setq value (getvalue slotnum item)))
154 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>get *rungetpathhooks*)
155 (return value)))
157(de getpredpath (item path)
158 (prog (numitempair slotnum value result)
159 (setq *pathtop* item)
160 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
161 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
162 (return nil))
163 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
164 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cadr numitempair)))
165 (setq value (punbound))
166 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<getpred *rungetpredpathhooks*)
167 (or (neq value (punbound))
168 (setq value (getpred slotnum item)))
169 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>getpred *rungetpredpathhooks*)
170 (return value)))
172(de gethookpath (item path value)
173 (prog (numitempair slotnum result)
174 (setq *pathtop* item)
175 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
176 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
177 (return nil))
178 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
179 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cadr numitempair)))
180 (setq value (punbound))
181 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<gethook *rungethookpathhooks*)
182 (or (neq value (punbound))
183 (setq value (getslothooks slotnum item)))
184 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>gethook *rungethookpathhooks*)
185 (return value)))
187(de applypath (fcn item path)
188 (prog (numitempair slotnum value result)
189 (setq *pathtop* item)
190 (setq *currentpearlstructure* item)
191 (and (null (setq numitempair (followpath item path)))
192 (return nil))
193 (setq slotnum (car numitempair))
194 (setq *pathlocal* (setq item (cdr numitempair)))
195 (setq value (getvalue slotnum item))
196 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '<apply *runapplypathhooks*)
197 (executehook1 fcn value item (getdefinition item))
198 (checkrunhandleslothooks1 '>apply *runapplypathhooks*)
199 (return value)))
201; This does indirection. If the path is longer and we come to a
202; symbol, we try to find something of the type with the name
203; that is next on the path and with the symbol in its first slot.
204; Unfortunately, this always uses the data base in *db*.
205(defmacro findstructsymbolpair (defblock symbol)
206 `(progn (and (setq bucket (gethash2 (getuniquenum ,defblock)
207 (getuniquenum ,symbol)
208 ; **** FIX to use different dbs (how?)
209 (getdb2 *db*)
210 ))
211 (while (and (setq potential (pop bucket))
212 (not (and (eq (getdefinition potential) ,defblock)
213 (eq (getvalue 1 potential)
214 ,symbol))))
215 potential))
216 potential))
218; Follow the path down through the structures starting at item.
219(de followpath (item path)
220 (or (structurep item)
221 (progn (msg t "PATH: only works on structures, not on " item
222 ". Requested path was: " path t)
223 (pearlbreak)))
224 (let (slotnum type slotname bucket potential slotlocation)
225 (and (atom path)
226 (setq path (ncons path)))
227 (while (setq slotname (pop path))
228 (and (\=& 0
229 (setq slotnum
230 (slotnametonumber slotname
231 (getdefinition item))))
232 (progn (msg t "PATH: illegal slotname " slotname "requested "
233 "from " item ". Remaining path is: " path t)
234 (pearlbreak)))
235 (and (null path)
236 (return (cons slotnum item)))
237 ; If a symbol slot (and more path), do indirection.
238 (cond ((\=& 1
239 (setq type (getslottype slotnum
240 (getdefinition item))))
241 (and (null (setq item
242 (findstructsymbolpair
243 (eval (defatom (pop path)))
244 (getvalue slotnum item))))
245 (return nil)))
246 ((\=& 0 type) (setq item (getvalue slotnum item)))
247 ( t (msg t "PATH: Unable to follow path. "
248 "Bad slotname is " slotname t)
249 (pearlbreak))))))
252; vi: set lisp: