BSD 4_1_snap development
[unix-history] / usr / lib / learn / editor / L53.2b
2There is a big file "federal" in this directory.
3It contains the following mistyped words:
4 Typed as Should be
5cotnend contend
6aalarm alarm
7exedient expedient
8drabel durable
9ugdes judges
10trame trample
11viws views
13Fix things up, rewrite the file, and then type "ready".
14#create Ref
15Among the numerous advantages promised by a well-constructed
16Union, none deserves to be more accurately
17developed than its tendency to break and control the violence
18of faction.
19The friend of popular governments never finds himself
20so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he
21contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice.
22He will not fail, therefore, to set a due value on
23any plan which, without violating the principles to which
24he is attached, provides a proper cure for it.
25The instability, injustice, and confusion introduced into the public
26councils have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under
27which popular governments have everywhere perished, as
28they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from
29which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious
31The valuable improvements made by the American constitutions
32on the popular models, both ancient
33and modern, cannot certainly be too much admired;
34but it would be an unwarrantable partiality to contend
35that they have as effectually obviated the danger on this
36side, as was wished and expected.
37Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous
38citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith
39and of public and personal liberty, that out governments
40are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in
41the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too
42often decided, not according to the rules of justice and
43the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force
44of an interested and overbearing majority.
45However anxiously we may wish that these complaints had no
46foundation, the evidence of known facts will not permit
47us to deny that they are in some degree true.
48It will be found, indeed, on a candid review of our situation, that
49some of the distresses under which we labor have been
50erroneously charged on the operation of our governments;
51but it will be found, at the same time, that other
52causes will not alone account for many of our heaviest
53misfortunes; and, particularly, for that prevailing and increasing
54distrust of public engagements and alarm for
55private rights which are echoed from one end of the
56continent to the other.
57These must be chiefly, if not wholly,
58effects of the unsteadiness and injustice with
59which a factious spirit has tainted out public administration.
60 By a faction I understand a number of citizens,
61whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole,
62who are united and actuated by some common impulse
63of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other
64citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of
65the community.
66 There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of
67faction: The one,
68by removing its causes; the other, by controlling
69its effects.
70 There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction:
71The one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence;
72The other, by giving to every
73citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the
74same interests.
75 It could never be more truly said than of the first
76remedy that it was worse than the disease.
77Liberty is to
78faction what air is to fire, an ailment without which it
79instantly expires.
80But it could not be less folly to
81abolish liberty, which is essential to political life,
82because it nourishes faction than it would be to wish the
83annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life,
84because it imparts to dire its destructive agency.
85 The second expedient is as impracticable as the first
86would be unwise.
87As long as the reason of man continues
88fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different
89opinions will be formed.
90As long as the connection subsists
91between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his
92passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other;
93and the former will be objects to which the latter will
94attach themselves.
95The diversity in the faculties of men,
96from which the rights of property originate, is not less an
97insuperable obstacle to the uniformity of interests.
98The protection of these faculties is the first object of
100From the protection of different and unequal
101faculties of acquiring property, the possession of
102different degrees and kinds of property immediately results;
103and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views
104of the respective proprietors ensues a division of the
105society into different interests and parties.
106 The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the
107nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought
108into different degrees of activity, according to the
109different circumstances of civil society.
110A zeal for different opinions
111concerning religion, concerning government, and
112many other points, as well of speculation as of practice;
113an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending
114for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other
115descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the
116human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into
117parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and
118rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each
119other than to co-operate for their common goal.
120So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual
121animosities that where no substantial occasion presents
122itself the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have
123been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and
124excite their most violent conflicts.
125But the most common and durable
126source of factions has been the verious
127and unequal distribution of property.
128Those who hold and those who are without
129property have ever formed distinct
130interests in society.
131Those who are creditors, and those
132who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination.
133A landed interest, a manufacturing interest,
134a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest,
135with many lesser interests, grow up of
136necessity in civilized nations, and divided them into
137different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views.
138The regulation of these various and interfering interests
139involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary
140and ordinary operations of government.
141 No man is allowed to be a judge in has own cause,
142because his interest would certainly bias his judgement,
143and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.
144With equal, nay with greater reason, a body
145of men are unfit to be both judges and parties at the same time;
146yet what are many of the most important acts of
147legislation but so many judicial determinations,
148not indeed concerning the
149rights of single person, but concerning the rights of large
150bodies of citizens?
151And what are the different classes of legislators but
152advocates and parties to the causes which
153they determine?
154Is a law proposed concerning private
156It is a question to which the creditors are parties
157one one side and the debtors on the other.
158Justice ought to hold the balance
159between them.
160Yet the parties are, and must be,
161themselves the judges; and the most numerous
162party, or in other words, the most powerful faction must
163be expected to prevail.
164Shall domestic manufacturers be
165encouraged, and in what degree, by restrictions on foreign
167are questions which would be differently
168decided by the landed and the manufacturing classes, and
169probably by neither with a sole regard to justice and the
170public good.
171The apportionment of taxes on the various
172descriptions of property is an act which seems to require
173the most exact impartiality; yet there is, perhaps, no
174legislative act in which greater opportunity and
175temptation are given to a predominant party to trample on the
176rules of justice.
177Every shilling with which they overburden the inferior
178number is a shilling saved to their own pockets.
179 It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be
180able to adjust these clashing interests and render them
181all subservient to the public good.
182Enlightened statesmen will not
183always be at the helm.
184Nor, in many cases, can
185such an adjustment be made at all without taking into
186view indirect and remote considerations, which will rarely
187prevail over the immediate interest which one party may
188find in disregarding the rights of another or the good of
189the whole.
190 The inference to which we are brought is that the causes
191of faction cannot be removed and that relief is only to be
192sought in the means of controlling its effects.
193 If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is
194supplied by the republican principle, which enables the
195majority to defeat its sinister views by regular vote.
196It may clog the administration, it may convulse the society;
197But it will be unable to execute and mask its violence
198under the forms of the Constitution.
199When a majority is included in a faction,
200The form of popular government, on
201the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its ruling passion
202or interest both the public good and the rights of other
204To secure the public good and private rights
205against the danger of such a faction, and at the same
206time to preserve the spirit and form of popular
207government, is than the great object to which our inquiries
208are directed.
209Let me add that it is the great desideratum by which
210alone this form of government can be rescued from
211the opprobrium under which it has so long labored and
212be recommended to the esteem and adoption of mankind.
213#create federal
214Among the numerous advantages promised by a well-constructed
215Union, none deserves to be more accurately
216developed than its tendency to break and control the violence
217of faction.
218The friend of popular governments never finds himself
219so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he
220contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice.
221He will not fail, therefore, to set a due value on
222any plan which, without violating the principles to which
223he is attached, provides a proper cure for it.
224The instability, injustice, and confusion introduced into the public
225councils have, in truth, been the mortal diseases under
226which popular governments have everywhere perished, as
227they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from
228which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious
230The valuable improvements made by the American constitutions
231on the popular models, both ancient
232and modern, cannot certainly be too much admired;
233but it would be an unwarrantable partiality to cotnend
234that they have as effectually obviated the danger on this
235side, as was wished and expected.
236Complaints are everywhere heard from our most considerate and virtuous
237citizens, equally the friends of public and private faith
238and of public and personal liberty, that out governments
239are too unstable, that the public good is disregarded in
240the conflicts of rival parties, and that measures are too
241often decided, not according to the rules of justice and
242the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force
243of an interested and overbearing majority.
244However anxiously we may wish that these complaints had no
245foundation, the evidence of known facts will not permit
246us to deny that they are in some degree true.
247It will be found, indeed, on a candid review of our situation, that
248some of the distresses under which we labor have been
249erroneously charged on the operation of our governments;
250but it will be found, at the same time, that other
251causes will not alone account for many of our heaviest
252misfortunes; and, particularly, for that prevailing and increasing
253distrust of public engagements and aalarm for
254private rights which are echoed from one end of the
255continent to the other.
256These must be chiefly, if not wholly,
257effects of the unsteadiness and injustice with
258which a factious spirit has tainted out public administration.
259 By a faction I understand a number of citizens,
260whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole,
261who are united and actuated by some common impulse
262of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other
263citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of
264the community.
265 There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of
266faction: The one,
267by removing its causes; the other, by controlling
268its effects.
269 There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction:
270The one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence;
271The other, by giving to every
272citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the
273same interests.
274 It could never be more truly said than of the first
275remedy that it was worse than the disease.
276Liberty is to
277faction what air is to fire, an ailment without which it
278instantly expires.
279But it could not be less folly to
280abolish liberty, which is essential to political life,
281because it nourishes faction than it would be to wish the
282annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life,
283because it imparts to dire its destructive agency.
284 The second exedient is as impracticable as the first
285would be unwise.
286As long as the reason of man continues
287fallible, and he is at liberty to exercise it, different
288opinions will be formed.
289As long as the connection subsists
290between his reason and his self-love, his opinions and his
291passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other;
292and the former will be objects to which the latter will
293attach themselves.
294The diversity in the faculties of men,
295from which the rights of property originate, is not less an
296insuperable obstacle to the uniformity of interests.
297The protection of these faculties is the first object of
299From the protection of different and unequal
300faculties of acquiring property, the possession of
301different degrees and kinds of property immediately results;
302and from the influence of these on the sentiments and views
303of the respective proprietors ensues a division of the
304society into different interests and parties.
305 The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the
306nature of man; and we see them everywhere brought
307into different degrees of activity, according to the
308different circumstances of civil society.
309A zeal for different opinions
310concerning religion, concerning government, and
311many other points, as well of speculation as of practice;
312an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending
313for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other
314descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the
315human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into
316parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity, and
317rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each
318other than to co-operate for their common goal.
319So strong is this propensity of mankind to fall into mutual
320animosities that where no substantial occasion presents
321itself the most frivolous and fanciful distinctions have
322been sufficient to kindle their unfriendly passions and
323excite their most violent conflicts.
324But the most common and drabel
325source of factions has been the verious
326and unequal distribution of property.
327Those who hold and those who are without
328property have ever formed distinct
329interests in society.
330Those who are creditors, and those
331who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination.
332A landed interest, a manufacturing interest,
333a mercantile interest, a moneyed interest,
334with many lesser interests, grow up of
335necessity in civilized nations, and divided them into
336different classes, actuated by different sentiments and views.
337The regulation of these various and interfering interests
338involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary
339and ordinary operations of government.
340 No man is allowed to be a judge in has own cause,
341because his interest would certainly bias his judgement,
342and, not improbably, corrupt his integrity.
343With equal, nay with greater reason, a body
344of men are unfit to be both ugdes and parties at the same time;
345yet what are many of the most important acts of
346legislation but so many judicial determinations,
347not indeed concerning the
348rights of single person, but concerning the rights of large
349bodies of citizens?
350And what are the different classes of legislators but
351advocates and parties to the causes which
352they determine?
353Is a law proposed concerning private
355It is a question to which the creditors are parties
356one one side and the debtors on the other.
357Justice ought to hold the balance
358between them.
359Yet the parties are, and must be,
360themselves the judges; and the most numerous
361party, or in other words, the most powerful faction must
362be expected to prevail.
363Shall domestic manufacturers be
364encouraged, and in what degree, by restrictions on foreign
366are questions which would be differently
367decided by the landed and the manufacturing classes, and
368probably by neither with a sole regard to justice and the
369public good.
370The apportionment of taxes on the various
371descriptions of property is an act which seems to require
372the most exact impartiality; yet there is, perhaps, no
373legislative act in which greater opportunity and
374temptation are given to a predominant party to trame on the
375rules of justice.
376Every shilling with which they overburden the inferior
377number is a shilling saved to their own pockets.
378 It is in vain to say that enlightened statesmen will be
379able to adjust these clashing interests and render them
380all subservient to the public good.
381Enlightened statesmen will not
382always be at the helm.
383Nor, in many cases, can
384such an adjustment be made at all without taking into
385view indirect and remote considerations, which will rarely
386prevail over the immediate interest which one party may
387find in disregarding the rights of another or the good of
388the whole.
389 The inference to which we are brought is that the causes
390of faction cannot be removed and that relief is only to be
391sought in the means of controlling its effects.
392 If a faction consists of less than a majority, relief is
393supplied by the republican principle, which enables the
394majority to defeat its sinister viws by regular vote.
395It may clog the administration, it may convulse the society;
396But it will be unable to execute and mask its violence
397under the forms of the Constitution.
398When a majority is included in a faction,
399The form of popular government, on
400the other hand, enables it to sacrifice to its ruling passion
401or interest both the public good and the rights of other
403To secure the public good and private rights
404against the danger of such a faction, and at the same
405time to preserve the spirit and form of popular
406government, is than the great object to which our inquiries
407are directed.
408Let me add that it is the great desideratum by which
409alone this form of government can be rescued from
410the opprobrium under which it has so long labored and
411be recommended to the esteem and adoption of mankind.
413#cmp federal Ref
41654.1a 10