date and time created 88/12/12 20:54:57 by kfall
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / ops.vax.c
2 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
3 * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5 */
be1518bb 6
2a24676e 7#ifndef lint
5b756389 8static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ops.vax.c 5.5 (Berkeley) %G%";
2a24676e 9#endif not lint
0022c355 10
5b756389 11static char rcsid[] = "$Header: ops.vax.c,v 1.3 88/10/26 19:12:17 donn Exp $";
14 * Machine operators.
15 */
17#include "defs.h"
c372bb62 18#include "ops.h"
20#ifndef public
21typedef unsigned char VaxOpcode;
23#define O_HALT 0x00 /* halt */
24#define O_NOP 0x01 /* no operation */
25#define O_REI 0x02 /* return from exception or interrupt */
26#define O_BPT 0x03 /* break point fault */
27#define O_RET 0x04 /* return from called procedure */
28#define O_RSB 0x05 /* return from subroutine */
29#define O_LDPCTX 0x06 /* load process context */
30#define O_SVPCTX 0x07 /* save process context */
31#define O_CVTPS 0x08 /* convert packed to leading separate numeric */
32#define O_CVTSP 0x09 /* convert leading separate numeric to packed */
33#define O_INDEX 0x0A /* compute index */
34#define O_CRC 0x0B /* calculate cyclic redundancy check */
35#define O_PROBER 0x0C /* probe read access */
36#define O_PROBEW 0x0D /* probe write access */
37#define O_INSQUE 0x0E /* insert into queue */
38#define O_REMQUE 0x0F /* remove from queue */
39#define O_BSBB 0x10 /* branch to subroutine with byte disp */
40#define O_BRB 0x11 /* branch with byte disp */
41#define O_BNEQ 0x12 /* branch on not equal (also BNEQU) */
42#define O_BEQL 0x13 /* branch on equal (also BEQLU */
43#define O_BGTR 0x14 /* branch on greater */
44#define O_BLEQ 0x15 /* branch on less or equal */
45#define O_JSB 0x16 /* jump to subroutine */
46#define O_JMP 0x17 /* jump */
47#define O_BGEQ 0x18 /* branch on greater or equal */
48#define O_BLSS 0x19 /* branch on less */
49#define O_BGTRU 0x1A /* branch on greater unsigned */
50#define O_BLEQU 0x1B /* branch on less of equal unsigned */
51#define O_BVC 0x1C /* branch on overflow clear */
52#define O_BVS 0x1D /* branch on overflow set */
53#define O_BCC 0x1E /* branch on carry clear (also BGEQU) */
54#define O_BCS 0x1F /* branch on carry set (also BLSSU) */
55#define O_ADDP4 0x20 /* add packed 4 operand */
56#define O_ADDP6 0x21 /* add packed 6 operand */
57#define O_SUBP4 0x22 /* subtract packed 4 operand */
58#define O_SUBP6 0x23 /* subtract packed 6 operand */
59#define O_CVTPT 0x24 /* convert packed to trailing numeric */
60#define O_MULP 0x25 /* multiply packed */
61#define O_CVTTP 0x26 /* convert trailing numeric to packed */
62#define O_DIVP 0x27 /* divide packed */
63#define O_MOVC3 0x28 /* move character 3 operand */
64#define O_CMPC3 0x29 /* compare character 3 operand */
65#define O_SCANC 0x2A /* scan for character */
66#define O_SPANC 0x2B /* span characters */
67#define O_MOVC5 0x2C /* move character 5 operand */
68#define O_CMPC5 0x2D /* compare character 5 operand */
69#define O_MOVTC 0x2E /* move translated characters */
70#define O_MOVTUC 0x2F /* move translated until character */
71#define O_BSBW 0x30 /* branch to subroutine with word disp */
72#define O_BRW 0x31 /* branch with word disp */
73#define O_CVTWL 0x32 /* convert word to long */
74#define O_CVTWB 0x33 /* convert word to byte */
75#define O_MOVP 0x34 /* move packed */
76#define O_CMPP3 0x35 /* compare packed 3 operand */
77#define O_CVTPL 0x36 /* convert packed to long */
78#define O_CMPP4 0x37 /* compare packed 4 operand */
79#define O_EDITPC 0x38 /* edit packed to character */
80#define O_MATCHC 0x39 /* match characters */
81#define O_LOCC 0x3A /* locate characters */
82#define O_SKPC 0x3B /* skip character */
83#define O_MOVZWL 0x3C /* move zero-extended word to long */
84#define O_ACBW 0x3D /* add compare and branch word */
85#define O_MOVAW 0x3E /* move address of word */
86#define O_PUSHAW 0x3F /* push address of word */
87#define O_ADDF2 0x40 /* add floating 2 operand */
88#define O_ADDF3 0x41 /* add floating 3 operand */
89#define O_SUBF2 0x42 /* subtract floating 2 operand */
90#define O_SUBF3 0x43 /* subtract floating 3 operand */
91#define O_MULF2 0x44 /* multiply floating 2 operand */
92#define O_MULF3 0x45 /* multiply floating 3 operand */
93#define O_DIVF2 0x46 /* divide floating 2 operand */
94#define O_DIVF3 0x47 /* divide floating 3 operand */
95#define O_CVTFB 0x48 /* convert float to byte */
96#define O_CVTFW 0x49 /* convert float to word */
97#define O_CVTFL 0x4A /* convert float to long */
98#define O_CVTRFL 0x4B /* convert rounded float to long */
99#define O_CVTBF 0x4C /* convert byte to float */
100#define O_CVTWF 0x4D /* convert word to float */
101#define O_CVTLF 0x4E /* convert long to float */
102#define O_ACBF 0x4F /* add compare and branch floating */
103#define O_MOVF 0x50 /* move float */
104#define O_CMPF 0x51 /* compare floating */
105#define O_MNEGF 0x52 /* move negated floating */
106#define O_TSTF 0x53 /* test float */
107#define O_EMODF 0x54 /* extended modulus floating */
108#define O_POLYF 0x55 /* evaluate polynomial floating */
109#define O_CVTFD 0x56 /* convert float to double */
110#define O_DUMMY57 0x57 /* RESERVED to DIGITAL */
111#define O_ADAWI 0x58 /* add aligned word interlocked */
112#define O_DUMMY59 0x59 /* RESERVED to DIGITAL */
113#define O_DUMMY5a 0x5A /* RESERVED to DIGITAL */
114#define O_DUMMY5b 0x5B /* RESERVED to DIGITAL */
115#define O_INSQHI 0x5C /* insert into queue head, interlocked */
116#define O_INSQTI 0x5D /* insert into queue tail, interlocked */
117#define O_REMQHI 0x5E /* remove from queue head, interlocked */
118#define O_REMQTI 0x5F /* remove from queue tail, interlocked */
119#define O_ADDD2 0x60 /* add double 2 operand */
120#define O_ADDD3 0x61 /* add double 3 operand */
121#define O_SUBD2 0x62 /* subtract double 2 operand */
122#define O_SUBD3 0x63 /* subtrace double 3 operand */
123#define O_MULD2 0x64 /* multiply double 2 operand */
124#define O_MULD3 0x65 /* multiply double 3 operand */
125#define O_DIVD2 0x66 /* divide double 2 operand */
126#define O_DIVD3 0x67 /* divide double 3 operand */
127#define O_CVTDB 0x68 /* convert double to byte */
128#define O_CVTDW 0x69 /* convert double to word */
129#define O_CVTDL 0x6A /* convert double to long */
130#define O_CVTRDL 0x6B /* convert rounded double to long */
131#define O_CVTBD 0x6C /* convert byte to double */
132#define O_CVTWD 0x6D /* convert word to double */
133#define O_CVTLD 0x6E /* convert long to double */
134#define O_ACBD 0x6F /* add compare and branch double */
135#define O_MOVD 0x70 /* move double */
136#define O_CMPD 0x71 /* compare double */
137#define O_MNEGD 0x72 /* move negated double */
138#define O_TSTD 0x73 /* test double */
139#define O_EMODD 0x74 /* extended modulus double */
140#define O_POLYD 0x75 /* evaluate polynomial double */
141#define O_CVTDF 0x76 /* convert double to float */
142#define O_DUMMY77 0x77 /* RESERVED to DIGITAL */
143#define O_ASHL 0x78 /* arithmetic shift long */
144#define O_ASHQ 0x79 /* arithmetic shift quad */
145#define O_EMUL 0x7A /* extended multiply */
146#define O_EDIV 0x7B /* extended divide */
147#define O_CLRQ 0x7C /* clear quad (also CLRD) */
148#define O_MOVQ 0x7D /* move quad */
149#define O_MOVAQ 0x7E /* move address of quad (also MOVAD) */
150#define O_PUSHAQ 0x7F /* push address of quad (also PUSHAD) */
151#define O_ADDB2 0x80 /* add byte 2 operand */
152#define O_ADDB3 0x81 /* add byte 3 operand */
153#define O_SUBB2 0x82 /* subtract byte 2 operand */
154#define O_SUBB3 0x83 /* subtract byte 3 operand */
155#define O_MULB2 0x84 /* multiply byte 2 operand */
156#define O_MULB3 0x85 /* multiply byte 3 operand */
157#define O_DIVB2 0x86 /* divide byte 2 operand */
158#define O_DIVB3 0x87 /* divide byte 3 operand */
159#define O_BISB2 0x88 /* bit set byte 2 operand */
160#define O_BISB3 0x89 /* bit set byte 3 operand */
161#define O_BICB2 0x8A /* bit clear byte 2 operand */
162#define O_BICB3 0x8B /* bit clear byte 3 operand */
163#define O_XORB2 0x8C /* exclusive or byte 2 operand */
164#define O_XORB3 0x8D /* exclusive or byte 3 operand */
165#define O_MNEGB 0x8E /* move negated byte */
166#define O_CASEB 0x8F /* case byte */
167#define O_MOVB 0x90 /* move byte */
168#define O_CMPB 0x91 /* compare byte */
169#define O_MCOMB 0x92 /* move complemented byte */
170#define O_BITB 0x93 /* bit test byte */
171#define O_CLRB 0x94 /* clear byte */
172#define O_TSTB 0x95 /* test byte */
173#define O_INCB 0x96 /* increment byte */
174#define O_DECB 0x97 /* decrement byte */
175#define O_CVTBL 0x98 /* convert byte to long */
176#define O_CVTBW 0x99 /* convert byte to word */
177#define O_MOVZBL 0x9A /* move zero-extended byte to long */
178#define O_MOVZBW 0x9B /* move zero-extended byte to word */
179#define O_ROTL 0x9C /* rotate long */
180#define O_ACBB 0x9D /* add compare and branch byte */
181#define O_MOVAB 0x9E /* move address of byte */
182#define O_PUSHAB 0x9F /* push address of byte */
183#define O_ADDW2 0xA0 /* add word 2 operand */
184#define O_ADDW3 0xA1 /* add word 3 operand */
185#define O_SUBW2 0xA2 /* subtract word 2 operand */
186#define O_SUBW3 0xA3 /* subtract word 3 operand */
187#define O_MULW2 0xA4 /* multiply word 2 operand */
188#define O_MULW3 0xA5 /* multiply word 3 operand */
189#define O_DIVW2 0xA6 /* divide word 2 operand */
190#define O_DIVW3 0xA7 /* divide word 3 operand */
191#define O_BISW2 0xA8 /* bit set word 2 operand */
192#define O_BISW3 0xA9 /* bit set word 3 operand */
193#define O_BICW2 0xAA /* bit clear word 2 operand */
194#define O_BICW3 0xAB /* bit clear word 3 operand */
195#define O_XORW2 0xAC /* exclusive or word 2 operand */
196#define O_XORW3 0xAD /* exclusive or word 3 operand */
197#define O_MNEGW 0xAE /* move negated word */
198#define O_CASEW 0xAF /* case word */
199#define O_MOVW 0xB0 /* move word */
200#define O_CMPW 0xB1 /* compare word */
201#define O_MCOMW 0xB2 /* move complemented word */
202#define O_BITW 0xB3 /* bit test word */
203#define O_CLRW 0xB4 /* clear word */
204#define O_TSTW 0xB5 /* test word */
205#define O_INCW 0xB6 /* increment word */
206#define O_DECW 0xB7 /* decrement word */
207#define O_BISPSW 0xB8 /* bit set processor status word */
208#define O_BICPSW 0xB9 /* bit clear processor status word */
209#define O_POPR 0xBA /* pop register */
210#define O_PUSHR 0xBB /* push register */
211#define O_CHMK 0xBC /* change mode to kernel */
212#define O_CHME 0xBD /* change mode to executive */
213#define O_CHMS 0xBE /* change mode to supervisor */
214#define O_CHMU 0xBF /* change mode to user */
215#define O_ADDL2 0xC0 /* add long 2 operand */
216#define O_ADDL3 0xC1 /* add long 3 operand */
217#define O_SUBL2 0xC2 /* subtract long 2 operand */
218#define O_SUBL3 0xC3 /* subtract long 3 operand */
219#define O_MULL2 0xC4 /* multiply long 2 operand */
220#define O_MULL3 0xC5 /* multiply long 3 operand */
221#define O_DIVL2 0xC6 /* divide long 2 operand */
222#define O_DIVL3 0xC7 /* divide long 3 operand */
223#define O_BISL2 0xC8 /* bit set long 2 operand */
224#define O_BISL3 0xC9 /* bit set long 3 operand */
225#define O_BICL2 0xCA /* bit clear long 2 operand */
226#define O_BICL3 0xCB /* bit clear long 3 operand */
227#define O_XORL2 0xCC /* exclusive or long 2 operand */
228#define O_XORL3 0xCD /* exclusive or long 3 operand */
229#define O_MNEGL 0xCE /* move negated long */
230#define O_CASEL 0xCF /* case long */
231#define O_MOVL 0xD0 /* move long */
232#define O_CMPL 0xD1 /* compare long */
233#define O_MCOML 0xD2 /* move complemented long */
234#define O_BITL 0xD3 /* bit test long */
235#define O_CLRL 0xD4 /* clear long (also CLRF) */
236#define O_TSTL 0xD5 /* test long */
237#define O_INCL 0xD6 /* increment long */
238#define O_DECL 0xD7 /* decrement long */
239#define O_ADWC 0xD8 /* add with carry */
240#define O_SBWC 0xD9 /* subtrace with carry */
241#define O_MTPR 0xDA /* move to processor register */
242#define O_MFPR 0xDB /* move from processor register */
243#define O_MOVPSL 0xDC /* move processor status longword */
244#define O_PUSHL 0xDD /* push long */
245#define O_MOVAL 0xDE /* move address of long (also MOVAF) */
246#define O_PUSHAL 0xDF /* push address of long (also PUSHAF) */
247#define O_BBS 0xE0 /* branch on bit set */
248#define O_BBC 0xE1 /* branch on bit clear */
249#define O_BBSS 0xE2 /* branch on bit set and set */
250#define O_BBCS 0xE3 /* branch on bit clear and set */
251#define O_BBSC 0xE4 /* branch on bit set and clear */
252#define O_BBCC 0xE5 /* branch on bit clear and clear */
253#define O_BBSSI 0xE6 /* branch on bit set and set interlocked */
254#define O_BBCCI 0xE7 /* branch on bit clear and clear interlocked */
255#define O_BLBS 0xE8 /* branch on low bit set */
256#define O_BLBC 0xE9 /* branch on low bit clear */
257#define O_FFS 0xEA /* find first set bit */
258#define O_FFC 0xEB /* find first clear bit */
259#define O_CMPV 0xEC /* compare field */
260#define O_CMPZV 0xED /* compare zero-extended field */
261#define O_EXTV 0xEE /* extract field */
262#define O_EXTZV 0xEF /* extract zero-extended field */
263#define O_INSV 0xF0 /* insert field */
264#define O_ACBL 0xF1 /* add compare and branch long */
265#define O_AOBLSS 0xF2 /* add one and branch on less */
266#define O_AOBLEQ 0xF3 /* add one and branch on less or equal */
267#define O_SOBGEQ 0xF4 /* subtract one and branch on gtr or equal */
268#define O_SOBGTR 0xF5 /* subtract one and branch on greater */
269#define O_CVTLB 0xF6 /* convert long to byte */
270#define O_CVTLW 0xF7 /* convert long to word */
271#define O_ASHP 0xF8 /* arithmetic shift and round packed */
272#define O_CVTLP 0xF9 /* convert long to packed */
273#define O_CALLG 0xFA /* call with general argument list */
274#define O_CALLS 0xFB /* call with stack */
275#define O_XFC 0xFC /* extended function call */
276#define O_ESCD 0xFD /* ESCD to DIGITAL */
277#define O_ESCE 0xFE /* ESCE to DIGITAL */
278#define O_ESCF 0xFF /* ESCF to DIGITAL */
281 * Addressing modes.
282 */
284#define LITSHORT 0x0 /* short literals */
285#define LITUPTO31 0x1
286#define LITUPTO47 0x2
287#define LITUPTO63 0x3
288#define INDEX 0x4 /* i[r] */
289#define REG 0x5 /* r */
290#define REGDEF 0x6 /* (r) */
291#define AUTODEC 0x7 /* -(r) */
292#define AUTOINC 0x8 /* (r)+ */
293#define AUTOINCDEF 0x9 /* *(r)+ */
294#define BYTEDISP 0xA /* BD(r) */
295#define BYTEDISPDEF 0xB /* *BD(r) */
296#define WORDDISP 0xC /* WD(r) */
297#define WORDDISPDEF 0xD /* *WD(r) */
298#define LONGDISP 0xE /* LD(r) */
299#define LONGDISPDEF 0xF /* *LD(r) */
301#define is_branch_disp(arg) ((arg & ACCB) != 0)
5b756389 302#define typelen(arg) (arg & 0xF)
303#define regnm(mode) (mode & 0xF)
304#define addrmode(mode) (mode >> 4)
307 * Operator information structure.
308 */
310typedef struct {
311 char *iname;
312 unsigned char format;
313 unsigned char val;
314 char numargs;
315 char argtype[6];
316} Optab;
318#ifndef ASINSTRS
319#define ASINSTRS "../../bin/as/as.vax/instrs.h"
322#ifndef ADBINSTRS
323#define ADBINSTRS "../../bin/adb/adb.vax/instrs.adb"
326#define INSTTAB
327#include ASINSTRS
331#define OP(name,eopcode,popdcode,nargs,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6) {name,eopcode,popdcode,nargs,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6}
be1518bb 333public Optab optab[] = {
334#include ADBINSTRS
338 * Register names.
339 */
341public String regname[] = {
342 "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7",
343 "r8", "r9", "r10","r11","ap", "fp", "sp", "pc"
347 * Floating point immediate operands.
348 */
350public String fltimm[] = {
351 "0.5", "0.5625", "0.625", "0.6875", "0.75", "0.8125", "0.875", "0.9375",
352 "1.0", "1.125", "1.25", "1.375", "1.5", "1.625", "1.75", "1.875",
353 "2.0", "2.25", "2.5", "2.75", "3.0", "3.25", "3.5", "3.75",
354 "4.0", "4.5", "5.0", "5.5", "6.0", "6.5", "7.0", "7.5",
355 "8.0", "9.0", "10.0", "11.0", "12.0", "13.0", "14.0", "15.0",
356 "16.0", "18.0", "20.0", "22.0", "24.0", "26.0", "28.0", "30.0",
357 "32.0", "36.0", "40.0", "44.0", "48.0", "52.0", "56.0", "60.0",
358 "64.0", "72.0", "80.0", "88.0", "96.0", "104.0", "112.0", "120.0"