BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / spice / ovtpvts.f
1 subroutine ovtpvt
2 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
5c this routine generates the requested tabular listings of analysis
6c results. it calls plot to generate line-printer plots.
8 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
9 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
10 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
11 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
12 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
13 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
14 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
15 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
16 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
17 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
18 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
19 common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts,
20 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof
21 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
22 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
23 common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop,
24 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout
25 common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq,
26 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt
27 common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg
28 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
29 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
30 common /blank/ value(1000)
31 integer nodplc(64)
32 complex*16 cvalue(32)
33 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
35 complex*16 cval
36 dimension prform(3)
37 dimension subtit(4,3)
38 data subtit / 8hdc trans, 8hfer curv, 8hes , 8h ,
39 1 8htransien, 8ht analys, 8his , 8h ,
40 2 8hac analy, 8hsis , 8h , 8h /
41 data prform / 8h(1pe11.3, 8h,2x,8e00, 8h.00) /
42 data aper,rprn / 1h., 1h) /
44 call second(t1)
45 if (icalc.le.0) go to 1000
46 call crunch
47 if ( go to 1000
49c construct format statement to be used for printing the outputs
51 ifract=max0(numdgt-1,0)
52 ifwdth=ifract+9
53 ipos=15
54 call alfnum(ifwdth,prform,ipos)
55 call move(prform,ipos,aper,1,1)
56 ipos=ipos+1
57 call alfnum(ifract,prform,ipos)
58 call move(prform,ipos,rprn,1,1)
60 noprln=min0(8,(lwidth-12)/ifwdth)
61 if (mode-2) 50,60,300
62 50 numout=jelcnt(41)+1
63 go to 70
64 60 numout=jelcnt(42)+1
66c dc and transient analysis printing
68 70 loc=locate(30+mode)
69 80 if (loc.eq.0) go to 200
70 kntr=min0(noprln,nodplc(loc+3))
71 if (kntr.le.0) go to 120
72 call title(1,lwidth,1,subtit(1,mode))
73 call setprn(loc)
75c get buffer space
77 call getm8(locx,npoint)
78 call getm8(locy,kntr*npoint)
80c interpolate outputs
82 call ntrpl8(locx,locy,numpnt)
84c print outputs
86 do 100 i=1,numpnt
87 xvar=value(locx+i)
88 locyt=locy
89 do 90 k=1,kntr
90 yvar(k)=value(locyt+i)
91 locyt=locyt+npoint
92 90 continue
93 write (6,prform) xvar,(yvar(k),k=1,kntr)
94 100 continue
95 write (6,111)
96 111 format(1hy)
97 call clrmem(locx)
98 call clrmem(locy)
99 120 loc=nodplc(loc)
100 go to 80
102c dc and transient analysis plotting
104 200 loc=locate(35+mode)
105 210 if (loc.eq.0) go to 250
106 kntr=nodplc(loc+3)
107 if (kntr.le.0) go to 220
108 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
109 call title(1,lwidth,1,subtit(1,mode))
110 call setplt(loc)
112c get buffer space
114 call getm8(locx,npoint)
115 call getm8(locy,kntr*npoint)
117c interpolate outputs and load plot buffers
119 call ntrpl8(locx,locy,numpnt)
120 call plot(numpnt,locx,locy,locv)
121 call clrmem(locx)
122 call clrmem(locy)
123 220 loc=nodplc(loc)
124 go to 210
126c fourier analysis
128 250 if (mode.eq.1) go to 1000
129 if (nfour.eq.0) go to 1000
130 if ( go to 1000
131 call fouran
132 go to 1000
134c ac analysis printing
136 300 numout=jelcnt(43)+jelcnt(44)+jelcnt(45)+1
137 do 599 id=33,35
138 loc=locate(id)
139 320 if (loc.eq.0) go to 599
140 kntr=min0(noprln,nodplc(loc+3))
141 if (kntr.le.0) go to 595
142 call title(1,lwidth,1,subtit(1,mode))
143 call setprn(loc)
145c print ac outputs
147 lout=loutpt
148 do 590 i=1,icalc
149 xvar=dreal(cvalue(lout+1))
150 do 500 k=1,kntr
151 iseq=itab(k)
152 iseq=nodplc(iseq+4)
153 cval=cvalue(lout+iseq)
154 ktype=itype(k)
155 go to (450,450,430,440,450,450), ktype
156 430 yvar(k)=dreal(cval)
157 go to 500
158 440 yvar(k)=dimag(cval)
159 go to 500
160 450 call magphs(cval,xmag,xphs)
161 go to (460,460,430,440,470,465), ktype
162 460 yvar(k)=xmag
163 go to 500
164 465 yvar(k)=20.0d0*dlog10(xmag)
165 go to 500
166 470 yvar(k)=xphs
167 500 continue
168 lout=lout+numout
169 580 write (6,prform) xvar,(yvar(k),k=1,kntr)
170 590 continue
171 write (6,111)
172 595 loc=nodplc(loc)
173 go to 320
174 599 continue
176c ac analysis plotting
178 do 760 id=38,40
179 loc=locate(id)
180 610 if (loc.eq.0) go to 760
181 kntr=nodplc(loc+3)
182 if (kntr.le.0) go to 750
183 locv=nodplc(loc+1)
184 call title(1,lwidth,1,subtit(1,mode))
185 call setplt(loc)
187 call getm8(locx,icalc)
188 call getm8(locy,kntr*icalc)
190c load plot buffers
192 lout=loutpt
193 do 710 i=1,icalc
194 xvar=dreal(cvalue(lout+1))
195 locyt=locy
196 do 700 k=1,kntr
197 iseq=itab(k)
198 iseq=nodplc(iseq+4)
199 cval=cvalue(lout+iseq)
200 ktype=itype(k)
201 go to (670,670,650,660,670,670), ktype
202 650 yvr=dreal(cval)
203 go to 695
204 660 yvr=dimag(cval)
205 go to 695
206 670 call magphs(cval,xmag,xphs)
207 go to (680,680,650,660,690,685), ktype
208 680 yvr=dlog10(xmag)
209 go to 695
210 685 yvr=20.0d0*dlog10(xmag)
211 go to 695
212 690 yvr=xphs
213 695 value(locyt+i)=yvr
214 locyt=locyt+icalc
215 700 continue
216 value(locx+i)=xvar
217 lout=lout+numout
218 710 continue
219 call plot(icalc,locx,locy,locv)
220 call clrmem(locx)
221 call clrmem(locy)
222 750 loc=nodplc(loc)
223 go to 610
224 760 continue
226c finished
228 1000 call clrmem(loutpt)
229 call second(t2)
230 rstats(11)=rstats(11)+t2-t1
231 return
232 end
233 subroutine ntrpl8(locx,locy,numpnt)
234 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
236c this routine interpolates the analysis data to obtain the values
237c printed and/or plotted, using linear interpolation.
239 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
240 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
241 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
242 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
243 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
244 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
245 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
246 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
247 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
248 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
249 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
250 common /blank/ value(1000)
251 integer nodplc(64)
252 complex*16 cvalue(32)
253 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
254 if( go to 4
255 numpnt=icalc
256 loco=loutpt
257 do 3 i=1,numpnt
258 locyt=locy
259 value(locx+i)=value(loco+1)
260 do 2 k=1,kntr
261 iseq=itab(k)
262 iseq=nodplc(iseq+4)
263 value(locyt+i)=value(loco+iseq)
264 locyt=locyt+npoint
265 2 continue
266 loco=loco+numout
267 3 continue
268 return
269 4 continue
270 xvar=xstart
271 xvtol=xincr*1.0d-5
272 ippnt=0
273 icpnt=2
274 loco1=loutpt
275 loco2=loco1+numout
276 if ( go to 50
277 10 x1=value(loco1+1)
278 x2=value(loco2+1)
279 dx1x2=x1-x2
280 20 if ( go to 24
281 if (xvar.le.(x2+xvtol)) go to 30
282 go to 28
283 24 if ( go to 30
284 28 if ( go to 100
285 icpnt=icpnt+1
286 loco1=loco2
287 loco2=loco1+numout
288 go to 10
289 30 ippnt=ippnt+1
290 value(locx+ippnt)=xvar
291 dxx1=xvar-x1
292 locyt=locy
293 do 40 i=1,kntr
294 iseq=itab(i)
295 iseq=nodplc(iseq+4)
296 v1=value(loco1+iseq)
297 v2=value(loco2+iseq)
298 yvr=v1+(v1-v2)*dxx1/dx1x2
299 tol=dmin1(dabs(v1),dabs(v2))*1.0d-10
300 if (dabs(yvr).le.tol) yvr=0.0d0
301 value(locyt+ippnt)=yvr
302 locyt=locyt+npoint
303 40 continue
304 if ( go to 100
305 xvar=xstart+dfloat(ippnt)*xincr
306 if (dabs(xvar).ge.dabs(xvtol)) go to 20
307 xvar=0.0d0
308 go to 20
310c special handling if icalc = 1
312c... icalc=1; just copy over the single point and return
313 50 ippnt=1
314 value(locx+ippnt)=xvar
315 locyt=locy
316 do 60 i=1,kntr
317 iseq=itab(i)
318 iseq=nodplc(iseq+4)
319 value(locyt+ippnt)=value(loco1+iseq)
320 locyt=locyt+npoint
321 60 continue
322 go to 100
324c return
326 100 numpnt=ippnt
327 return
328 end
329 subroutine setprn(loc)
330 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
332c this routine formats the column headers for tabular listings of
333c output variables.
335 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
336 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
337 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
338 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
339 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
340 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
341 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
342 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
343 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
344 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
345 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
346 common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop,
347 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout
348 common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq,
349 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt
350 common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg
351 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
352 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
353 common /blank/ value(1000)
354 integer nodplc(64)
355 complex*16 cvalue(32)
356 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
358 data ablnk, atimex, afreq / 1h , 6h time, 6h freq /
360c set limits depending upon the analysis mode
362 if (mode-2) 10,20,30
363 10 xstart=tcstar(1)
364 xincr=tcincr(1)
365 npoint=icvflg
366 itemp=itcelm(1)
367 loce=nodplc(itemp+1)
368 asweep=value(loce)
369 go to 40
370 20 xstart=tstart
371 xincr=tstep
372 npoint=jtrflg
373 asweep=atimex
374 go to 40
375 30 xstart=fstart
376 xincr=fincr
377 npoint=icalc
378 asweep=afreq
380c construct and print the output variable names
382 40 loct=loc+2
383 ipos=1
384 npos=ipos+numdgt+8
385 do 90 i=1,kntr
386 loct=loct+2
387 itab(i)=nodplc(loct)
388 itype(i)=nodplc(loct+1)
389 call outnam(itab(i),itype(i),string,ipos)
390 if ( go to 70
391 do 60 j=ipos,npos
392 call move(string,j,ablnk,1,1)
393 60 continue
394 ipos=npos
395 go to 80
396 70 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,1)
397 ipos=ipos+1
398 80 npos=npos+numdgt+8
399 90 continue
400 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,7)
401 jstop=(ipos+6)/8
402 write (6,91) asweep,(string(j),j=1,jstop)
403 91 format(/3x,a8,5x,14a8,a4)
404 write (6,101)
405 101 format(1hx/1h )
406 return
407 end
408 subroutine setplt(loc)
409 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
411c this routine generates the 'legend' subheading used to identify
412c individual traces on multi-trace line-printer plots.
414 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
415 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
416 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
417 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
418 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
419 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
420 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
421 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
422 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
423 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
424 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
425 common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop,
426 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout
427 common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq,
428 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt
429 common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg
430 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
431 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
432 common /blank/ value(1000)
433 integer nodplc(64)
434 complex*16 cvalue(32)
435 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
437 dimension logopt(6)
438 data logopt / 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 /
439 data ablnk, atimex, afreq / 1h , 6h time, 6h freq /
440 data pltsym / 8h*+=$0<>? /
442c set limits depending upon the analysis mode
444 if (mode-2) 10,20,30
445 10 xstart=tcstar(1)
446 xincr=tcincr(1)
447 npoint=icvflg
448 itemp=itcelm(1)
449 loce=nodplc(itemp+1)
450 asweep=value(loce)
451 go to 40
452 20 xstart=tstart
453 xincr=tstep
454 npoint=jtrflg
455 asweep=atimex
456 go to 40
457 30 xstart=fstart
458 xincr=fincr
459 npoint=jacflg
460 asweep=afreq
462c construct and print the output variables with corresponding plot
463c symbols
465 40 loct=loc+2
466 if (kntr.eq.1) go to 80
467 write (6,41)
468 41 format('0legend:'/)
469 do 70 i=1,kntr
470 loct=loct+2
471 itab(i)=nodplc(loct)
472 ioutyp=nodplc(loct+1)
473 itype(i)=ioutyp
474 ilogy(i)=1
475 if (mode.le.2) go to 50
476 ilogy(i)=logopt(ioutyp)
477 50 ipos=1
478 call outnam(itab(i),itype(i),string,ipos)
479 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,7)
480 jstop=(ipos+6)/8
481 call move(achar,1,pltsym,i,1)
482 write (6,61) achar,(string(j),j=1,jstop)
483 61 format(1x,a1,2h: ,5a8)
484 70 continue
485 80 if ( go to 90
486 itab(1)=nodplc(loc+4)
487 ioutyp=nodplc(loc+5)
488 itype(1)=ioutyp
489 ilogy(1)=1
490 if (mode.le.2) go to 90
491 ilogy(1)=logopt(ioutyp)
492 90 ipos=1
493 call outnam(itab(1),itype(1),string,ipos)
494 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,7)
495 jstop=(ipos+6)/8
496 write (6,101) asweep,(string(j),j=1,jstop)
497 101 format(1hx/3x,a8,4x,5a8)
498 return
499 end
500 subroutine plot(numpnt,locx,locy,locv)
501 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
503c this routine generates the line-printer plots.
505 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
506 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
507 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
508 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
509 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
510 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
511 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
512 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
513 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
514 common /blank/ value(1000)
515 integer nodplc(64)
516 complex*16 cvalue(32)
517 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
520 integer xxor
521 dimension ycoor(5,8),icoor(8),delplt(8)
522 dimension agraph(13),aplot(13)
523 dimension asym(2),pmin(8),jcoor(8)
524 data ablnk, aletx, aper / 1h , 1hx, 1h. /
525 data asym1, asym2, arprn / 8h(-------, 8h--------, 1h) /
526 data pltsym / 8h*+=$0<>? /
529 iwide=1
530 nwide=101
531 nwide4=25
532 if( go to 3
533 iwide=0
534 nwide=57
535 nwide4=14
536 3 if (numpnt.le.0) go to 400
537 do 5 i=1,13
538 agraph(i)=ablnk
539 5 continue
540 do 7 i=1,5
541 ispot=1+nwide4*(i-1)
542 call move(agraph,ispot,aper,1,1)
543 7 continue
544 locyt=locy
545 lspot=locv-1
546 mltscl=0
547 if (value(locv).eq.0.0d0) mltscl=1
548 do 235 k=1,kntr
549 lspot=lspot+2
550 ymin=value(lspot)
551 ymax=value(lspot+1)
552 if ( go to 10
553 if ( go to 10
554 go to 100
555 10 ymin1=dmin1(ymin,ymax)
556 ymax1=dmax1(ymin,ymax)
557 30 if (ilogy(k).eq.1) go to 40
558 ymin1=dlog10(dmax1(ymin1,1.0d-20))
559 ymax1=dlog10(dmax1(ymax1,1.0d-20))
560 del=dmax1(ymax1-ymin1,0.0001d0)/4.0d0
561 go to 50
562 40 del=dmax1(ymax1-ymin1,1.0d-20)/4.0d0
563 50 ymin=ymin1
564 ymax=ymax1
565 go to 200
567c determine max and min values
569 100 ymax1=value(locyt+1)
570 ymin1=ymax1
571 if (numpnt.eq.1) go to 150
572 do 110 i=2,numpnt
573 ymin1=dmin1(ymin1,value(locyt+i))
574 ymax1=dmax1(ymax1,value(locyt+i))
575 110 continue
577c scaling
579 150 call scale(ymin1,ymax1,4,ymin,ymax,del)
581c determine coordinates
583 200 ycoor(1,k)=ymin
584 pmin(k)=ymin
585 small=del*1.0d-4
586 if (dabs(ycoor(1,k)).le.small) ycoor(1,k)=0.0d0
587 do 210 i=1,4
588 ycoor(i+1,k)=ycoor(i,k)+del
589 if (dabs(ycoor(i+1,k)).le.small) ycoor(i+1,k)=0.0d0
590 210 continue
591 if (ilogy(k).eq.1) go to 230
592 do 220 i=1,5
593 220 ycoor(i,k)=dexp(xlog10*ycoor(i,k))
594 230 delplt(k)=del/dfloat(nwide4)
595 locyt=locyt+npoint
596 235 continue
598c count distinct coordinates
600 icoor(1)=1
601 jcoor(1)=1
602 numcor=1
603 if (kntr.eq.1) go to 290
604 do 250 i=2,kntr
605 do 245 j=1,numcor
606 l=jcoor(j)
607c... coordinates are *equal* if the most significant 24 bits agree
608 do 240 k=1,5
609 y1=ycoor(k,i)
610 y2=ycoor(k,l)
611 if(y1.eq.0.0d0.and.y2.eq.0.0d0) go to 240
612 if(dabs((y1-y2)/dmax1(dabs(y1),dabs(y2))).ge.1.0d-7) go to 245
613 240 continue
614 icoor(i)=l
615 go to 250
616 245 continue
617 icoor(i)=i
618 numcor=numcor+1
619 jcoor(numcor)=i
620 250 continue
622c print coordinates
624 260 do 280 i=1,numcor
625 asym(1)=asym1
626 asym(2)=asym2
627 ipos=2
628 do 270 j=1,kntr
629 if (icoor(j).ne.jcoor(i)) go to 270
630 call move(asym,ipos,pltsym,j,1)
631 ipos=ipos+1
632 270 continue
633 call move(asym,ipos,arprn,1,1)
634 k=jcoor(i)
635 if( write(6,271) asym,(ycoor(j,k),j=1,5)
636 271 format(/1hx,2a8,4h----,1pd12.3,4(15x,d10.3)/26x,51(2h -))
637 if(iwide.eq.0) write(6,273) asym,(ycoor(j,k),j=1,5)
638 273 format(/1hx,2a8,1pd10.3,3(4x,d10.3),1x,d10.3/22x,29(2h -))
639 280 continue
640 go to 300
641 290 if( write(6,291) (ycoor(j,1),j=1,5)
642 291 format(/1hx,20x,1pd12.3,4(15x,d10.3)/26x,51(2h -))
643 if(iwide.eq.0) write(6,293) (ycoor(j,1),j=1,5)
644 293 format(/1hx,14x,1pd12.3,3(4x,d10.3),1x,d10.3/22x,29(2h -))
646c plotting
648 300 aspot=ablnk
649 do 320 i=1,numpnt
650 xvar=value(locx+i)
651 locyt=locy
652 call copy8(agraph,aplot,13)
653 do 310 k=1,kntr
654 yvr=value(locyt+i)
655 ktmp=icoor(k)
656 ymin1=pmin(ktmp)
657 jpoint=idint((yvr-ymin1)/delplt(k)+0.5d0)+1
658 if (jpoint.le.0) go to 306
659 if ( go to 306
660 call move(aspot,1,aplot,jpoint,1)
661 if (aspot.eq.ablnk) go to 303
662 if (aspot.eq.aper) go to 303
663 call move(aplot,jpoint,aletx,1,1)
664 go to 306
665 303 call move(aplot,jpoint,pltsym,k,1)
666 306 locyt=locyt+npoint
667 310 continue
668 yvr=value(locy+i)
669 if (ilogy(1).eq.1) go to 315
670 yvr=dexp(xlog10*yvr)
671 315 if( write(6,316) xvar,yvr,aplot
672 316 format(1x,1pd10.3,2x,d10.3,2x,13a8)
673 if(iwide.eq.0) write(6,317) xvar,yvr,(aplot(k),k=1,8)
674 317 format(1x,1pd10.3,1x,d10.3,7a8,a1)
675 320 continue
677c finished
679 if( write(6,331)
680 331 format(26x,51(2h -)//)
681 if(iwide.eq.0) write(6,332)
682 332 format(21x,29(2h -)//)
683 go to 500
685c too few points
687 400 write (6,401)
688 401 format('0warning: too few points for plotting'/)
689 500 write (6,501)
690 501 format(1hy)
691 return
692 end
693 subroutine scale(xmin,xmax,n,xminp,xmaxp,del)
694 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
696c this routine determines the 'optimal' scale to use for the plot of
697c some output variable.
700c adapted from algorithm 463 of 'collected algorithms of the cacm'
702 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
703 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
704 integer xxor
705 dimension vint(5)
706 data vint / 1.0d0,2.0d0,5.0d0,10.0d0,20.0d0 /
707 data eps / 1.0d-12 /
710c... trap too-small data spread
711 if(xmin.eq.0.0d0.and.xmax.eq.0.0d0) go to 4
712 if(dabs((xmax-xmin)/dmax1(dabs(xmin),dabs(xmax))).ge.1.0d-4)
713 1 go to 10
714 4 continue
715 if ( go to 5
716 xmax=0.5d0*xmin+eps
717 xmin=1.5d0*xmin-eps
718 go to 10
719 5 xmax=1.5d0*xmin+eps
720 xmin=0.5d0*xmin-eps
721c... find approximate interval size, normalized to [1,10]
722 10 a=(xmax-xmin)/dfloat(n)
723 nal=idint(dlog10(a))
724 if ( nal=nal-1
725 xfact=dexp(xlog10*dfloat(nal))
726 b=a/xfact
727c... find closest permissible interval size
728 do 20 i=1,3
729 if ( go to 30
730 20 continue
731 i=4
732c... compute interval size
733 30 del=vint(i)*xfact
734 fm1=xmin/del
735 m1=fm1
736 if ( m1=m1-1
737 if (dabs(dfloat(m1)+1.0d0-fm1).lt.eps) m1=m1+1
738c... compute new maximum and minimum limits
739 xminp=del*dfloat(m1)
740 fm2=xmax/del
741 m2=fm2+1.0d0
742 if ( m2=m2-1
743 if (dabs(fm2+1.0d0-dfloat(m2)).lt.eps) m2=m2-1
744 xmaxp=del*dfloat(m2)
745 np=m2-m1
746c... check whether another loop required
747 if (np.le.n) go to 40
748 i=i+1
749 go to 30
750c... do final adjustments and correct for roundoff error(s)
751 40 nx=(n-np)/2
752 xminp=dmin1(xmin,xminp-dfloat(nx)*del)
753 xmaxp=dmax1(xmax,xminp+dfloat(n)*del)
754 return
755 end
756 subroutine fouran
757 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
759c this routine determines the fourier coefficients of a transient
760c analysis waveform.
762 common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem,
763 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize,
764 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr,
765 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1,
766 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd,
767 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval
768 common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop,
769 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs
770 common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts,
771 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof
772 common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad,
773 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage
774 common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet,
775 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno,
776 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch
777 common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok,
778 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox
779 common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg
780 common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8),
781 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt
782 common /blank/ value(1000)
783 integer nodplc(64)
784 complex*16 cvalue(32)
785 equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1))
788 dimension sinco(9),cosco(9)
789 dimension fortit(4)
790 data fortit / 8hfourier , 8hanalysis, 8h , 8h /
791 data ablnk / 1h /
794 forprd=1.0d0/forfre
795 xstart=tstop-forprd
796 kntr=1
797 xn=101.0d0
798 xincr=forprd/xn
799 npoint=xn
800 call getm8(locx,npoint)
801 call getm8(locy,npoint)
802 do 105 nknt=1,nfour
803 itab(1)=nodplc(ifour+nknt)
804 kfrout=itab(1)
805 call ntrpl8(locx,locy,numpnt)
806 dcco=0.0d0
807 call zero8(sinco,9)
808 call zero8(cosco,9)
809 loct=locy+1
810 ipnt=0
811 10 yvr=value(loct+ipnt)
812 dcco=dcco+yvr
813 forfac=dfloat(ipnt)*twopi/xn
814 arg=0.0d0
815 do 20 k=1,9
816 arg=arg+forfac
817 sinco(k)=sinco(k)+yvr*dsin(arg)
818 cosco(k)=cosco(k)+yvr*dcos(arg)
819 20 continue
820 ipnt=ipnt+1
821 if ( go to 10
822 dcco=dcco/xn
823 forfac=2.0d0/xn
824 do 30 k=1,9
825 sinco(k)=sinco(k)*forfac
826 cosco(k)=cosco(k)*forfac
827 30 continue
828 call title(0,72,1,fortit)
829 ipos=1
830 call outnam(kfrout,1,string,ipos)
831 call move(string,ipos,ablnk,1,7)
832 jstop=(ipos+6)/8
833 write (6,61) (string(j),j=1,jstop)
834 61 format(' fourier components of transient response ',5a8///)
835 write (6,71) dcco
836 71 format('0dc component =',1pd12.3/,
837 1 '0harmonic frequency fourier normalized phase no
838 2rmalized'/,
839 3 ' no (hz) component component (deg) pha
840 4se (deg)'//)
841 iknt=1
842 freq1=forfre
843 xnharm=1.0d0
844 call magphs(dcmplx(sinco(1),cosco(1)),xnorm,pnorm)
845 phasen=0.0d0
846 write (6,81) iknt,freq1,xnorm,xnharm,pnorm,phasen
847 81 format(i6,1pd15.3,d12.3,0pf13.6,f10.3,f12.3/)
848 thd=0.0d0
849 do 90 iknt=2,9
850 freq1=dfloat(iknt)*forfre
851 call magphs(dcmplx(sinco(iknt),cosco(iknt)),
852 1 harm,phase)
853 xnharm=harm/xnorm
854 phasen=phase-pnorm
855 thd=thd+xnharm*xnharm
856 write (6,81) iknt,freq1,harm,xnharm,phase,phasen
857 90 continue
858 thd=100.0d0*dsqrt(thd)
859 write (6,101) thd
860 101 format (//5x,'total harmonic distortion = ',f12.6,' percent')
861 105 continue
862 call clrmem(locx)
863 call clrmem(locy)
864 110 return
865 end