386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / public / ghostscript-2.4.1 / gxdraw.c
1/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
2 Distributed by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4This file is part of Ghostscript.
6Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
7WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
8to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
9particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
10to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
12Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
13Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
14General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
15given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
16responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
17things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
18copies. */
20/* gxdraw.c */
21/* Primitive drawing routines for Ghostscript imaging library */
22#include "gx.h"
23#include "math_.h"
24#include "gxfixed.h"
25#include "gxmatrix.h"
26#include "gzstate.h"
27#include "gzdevice.h" /* requires gsstate.h */
28#include "gzcolor.h" /* requires gxdevice.h */
30/* Fill a rectangle. */
32gz_fill_rectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_device_color *pdevc,
33 gs_state *pgs)
34{ gx_device *dev = pgs->device->info;
35#ifdef DEBUG
36if ( gs_debug['v'] )
37 dprintf7("[v]x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d c1=%ld c2=%ld htl=%d\n",
38 x, y, w, h, (long)pdevc->color1, (long)pdevc->color2,
39 (long)pdevc->halftone_level);
41 return gz_fill_rectangle_open(dev, x, y, w, h, dev->procs->fill_rectangle, dev->procs->tile_rectangle, pdevc, pgs);
45 * Auxiliary procedures for computing a * b / c and a * b % c
46 * when a, b, and c are all non-negative,
47 * b < c, and a * b exceeds (or might exceed) the capacity of a long.
48 * It's really annoying that C doesn't provide any way to get at
49 * the double-length multiply/divide instructions that
50 * the machine undoubtedly provides....
51 *
52 * Note that these routines are exported for the benefit of gxfill.c.
53 */
56fixed_mult_quo(fixed a, fixed b, fixed c)
57{ return (fixed)floor((double)a * b / c);
60fixed_mult_rem(fixed a, fixed b, fixed c)
61{ double prod = (double)a * b;
62 return (fixed)(prod - floor(prod / c) * c);
65/* Fill a trapezoid. Requires: wt >= 0, wb >= 0, h >= 0. */
66/* Note that the arguments are fixeds, not ints! */
67/* This is derived from Paul Haeberli's floating point algorithm. */
68typedef struct trap_line_s {
69 int di; fixed df; /* dx/dy ratio */
70 fixed ldi, ldf; /* increment per scan line */
71 fixed x, xf; /* current value */
72} trap_line;
74gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(fixed fx0, fixed fw0, fixed fy0,
75 fixed fx1, fixed fw1, fixed fh, int swap_axes,
76 gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
77{ const fixed ymin = fixed_rounded(fy0) + float2fixed(0.5);
78 const fixed ymax = fixed_rounded(fy0 + fh);
79 int iy = fixed2int_var(ymin);
80 const int iy1 = fixed2int_var(ymax);
81 if ( iy >= iy1 ) return 0; /* no scan lines to sample */
82 { trap_line l, r;
83 int rxl, rxr, ry;
84 const fixed dxl = fx1 - fx0;
85 const fixed dxr = dxl + fw1 - fw0;
86 const fixed yline = ymin - fy0; /* partial pixel offset to */
87 /* first line to sample */
88 int fill_direct = color_is_pure(pdevc);
89 gx_color_index cindex;
90 gx_device *dev;
91 dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill_rect));
92 int code;
94 r.x = (l.x = fx0 + float2fixed(0.5)) + fw0;
95 if ( fill_direct )
96 cindex = pdevc->color1,
97 dev = pgs->device->info,
98 fill_rect = dev->procs->fill_rectangle;
99#define fill_trap_rect(x,y,w,h)\
100 (fill_direct ?\
101 (swap_axes ? (*fill_rect)(dev, y, x, h, w, cindex) :\
102 (*fill_rect)(dev, x, y, w, h, cindex)) :\
103 swap_axes ? gz_fill_rectangle(y, x, h, w, pdevc, pgs) :\
104 gz_fill_rectangle(x, y, w, h, pdevc, pgs))
106 /* Compute the dx/dy ratios. */
107 /* dx# = dx#i + (dx#f / fh). */
108#define compute_dx(tl, d)\
109 if ( d >= 0 )\
110 { if ( d < fh ) tl.di = 0, tl.df = d;\
111 else tl.di = (int)(d / fh), tl.df = d - tl.di * fh, tl.x += yline * tl.di;\
112 }\
113 else\
114 { if ( (tl.df = d + fh) >= 0 /* d >= -fh */ ) tl.di = -1, tl.x -= yline;\
115 else tl.di = (int)-((fh - 1 - d) / fh), tl.df = d - tl.di * fh, tl.x += yline * tl.di;\
116 }
118 /* Compute the x offsets at the first scan line to sample. */
119 /* We need to be careful in computing yline * dx#f {/,%} fh */
120 /* because the multiplication may overflow. We know that */
121 /* all the quantities involved are non-negative, and that */
122 /* yline is less than 1 (as a fixed, of course); this gives us */
123 /* a cheap conservative check for overflow in the multiplication. */
124#define ymult_limit (max_fixed / fixed_1)
125#define ymult_quo(yl, dxxf)\
126 (dxxf < ymult_limit ? yl * dxxf / fh : fixed_mult_quo(yl, dxxf, fh))
127#define ymult_rem(yl, dxxf)\
128 (dxxf < ymult_limit ? yl * dxxf % fh : fixed_mult_rem(yl, dxxf, fh))
130 /* It's worth checking for dxl == dxr, since this is the case */
131 /* for parallelograms (including stroked lines). */
132 compute_dx(l, dxl);
133 if ( dxr == dxl )
134 { fixed fx = ymult_quo(yline, l.df);
135 l.x += fx;
136 if ( l.di == 0 )
137 r.di = 0, r.df = l.df;
138 else /* too hard to do adjustments right */
139 compute_dx(r, dxr);
140 r.x += fx;
141 }
142 else
143 { l.x += ymult_quo(yline, l.df);
144 compute_dx(r, dxr);
145 r.x += ymult_quo(yline, r.df);
146 }
147 rxl = fixed2int_var(l.x);
148 rxr = fixed2int_var(r.x);
149 ry = iy;
151 /* Compute one line's worth of dx/dy. */
152 /* dx# * fixed_1 = ld#i + (ld#f / fh). */
153 /* We don't have to bother with this if */
154 /* we're only sampling a single scan line. */
155 if ( iy1 - iy == 1 )
156 { iy++;
157 goto last;
158 }
159#define compute_ldx(tl)\
160 if ( tl.df < ymult_limit )\
161 tl.ldi = int2fixed(tl.di) + int2fixed(tl.df) / fh,\
162 tl.ldf = int2fixed(tl.df) % fh,\
163 tl.xf = yline * tl.df % fh - fh;\
164 else\
165 tl.ldi = int2fixed(tl.di) + fixed_mult_quo(fixed_1, tl.df, fh),\
166 tl.ldf = fixed_mult_rem(fixed_1, tl.df, fh),\
167 tl.xf = fixed_mult_rem(yline, tl.df, fh) - fh
168 compute_ldx(l);
169 if ( dxr == dxl )
170 r.ldi = l.ldi, r.ldf = l.ldf, r.xf = l.xf;
171 else
172 { compute_ldx(r);
173 }
174#undef compute_ldx
176 while ( ++iy != iy1 )
177 { int ixl, ixr;
178#define step_line(tl)\
179 tl.x += tl.ldi;\
180 if ( (tl.xf += tl.ldf) >= 0 ) tl.xf -= fh, tl.x++;
181 step_line(l);
182 step_line(r);
183#undef step_line
184 ixl = fixed2int_var(l.x);
185 ixr = fixed2int_var(r.x);
186 if ( ixl != rxl || ixr != rxr )
187 { code = fill_trap_rect(rxl, ry, rxr - rxl, iy - ry);
188 if ( code < 0 ) goto xit;
189 rxl = ixl, rxr = ixr, ry = iy;
190 }
191 }
192last: code = fill_trap_rect(rxl, ry, rxr - rxl, iy - ry);
193xit: if ( code < 0 && fill_direct ) return_error(code);
194 return code;
195 }
198/* Fill a parallelogram whose points are p, p+a, p+b, and p+a+b. */
199/* We should swap axes to get best accuracy, but we don't. */
201gz_fill_pgram_fixed(fixed px, fixed py, fixed ax, fixed ay,
202 fixed bx, fixed by, gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
203{ fixed t;
204 fixed qx, dx, wx, pax, qax;
205 int code;
206#define swap(r, s) (t = r, r = s, s = t)
207 /* Reorder the points so that 0 <= ay <= by. */
208 if ( ay < 0 ) px += ax, py += ay, ax = -ax, ay = -ay;
209 if ( by < 0 ) px += bx, py += by, bx = -bx, by = -by;
210 if ( ay > by ) swap(ax, bx), swap(ay, by);
211 if ( by == 0 ) return 0; /* degenerate (line) */
212 qx = px + ax + bx;
213 /* Compute the distance from p to the point on the line (p, p+b) */
214 /* whose Y coordinate is equal to ay. */
215 dx = (fixed)((double)bx * ay / by);
216 if ( dx < ax ) pax = px + dx, qax = qx - ax, wx = ax - dx;
217 else pax = px + ax, qax = qx - dx, wx = dx - ax;
218 if ( ay >= fixed_1 ||
219 fixed_rounded(py) != fixed_rounded(py + ay)
220 )
221 { code = gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(px, fixed_0, py, pax, wx, ay,
222 0, pdevc, pgs);
223 if ( code < 0 ) return code;
224 }
225 code = gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(pax, wx, py + ay, qax, wx, by - ay,
226 0, pdevc, pgs);
227 if ( code < 0 ) return code;
228 py += by;
229 if ( ay >= fixed_1 ||
230 fixed_rounded(py) != fixed_rounded(py + ay)
231 )
232 return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(qax, wx, py, qx, fixed_0, ay,
233 0, pdevc, pgs);
234#undef swap
235 return 0;
238/* Default implementation of tile_rectangle */
240gx_default_tile_rectangle(gx_device *dev, register gx_bitmap *tile,
241 int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1,
242 int px, int py)
243{ /* Fill the rectangle in chunks */
244 int width = tile->size.x;
245 int height = tile->size.y;
246 int raster = tile->raster;
247 int rwidth = tile->rep_width;
248 int irx = ((rwidth & (rwidth - 1)) == 0 ? /* power of 2 */
249 (x + px) & (rwidth - 1) :
250 (x + px) % rwidth);
251 int ry = (y + py) % tile->rep_height;
252 int icw = width - irx;
253 int ch = height - ry;
254 byte *row = tile->data + ry * raster;
255#define d_proc_mono (dev->procs->copy_mono)
256 dev_proc_copy_mono((*proc_mono));
257#define d_proc_color (dev->procs->copy_color)
258 dev_proc_copy_color((*proc_color));
259#define d_color_halftone\
260 (color0 == gx_no_color_index && color1 == gx_no_color_index)
261 int color_halftone;
262#define get_color_info()\
263 if ( (color_halftone = d_color_halftone) ) proc_color = d_proc_color;\
264 else proc_mono = d_proc_mono
265 int code;
266#ifdef DEBUG
267if ( gs_debug['t'] )
268 { int ptx, pty;
269 byte *ptp = tile->data;
270 dprintf3("[t]tile %dx%d raster=%d;",
271 tile->size.x, tile->size.y, tile->raster);
272 dprintf6(" x,y=%d,%d w,h=%d,%d p=%d,%d\n",
273 x, y, w, h, px, py);
274 for ( pty = 0; pty < tile->size.y; pty++ )
275 { dprintf(" ");
276 for ( ptx = 0; ptx < tile->raster; ptx++ )
277 dprintf1("%3x", *ptp++);
278 }
279 dputc('\n');
280 }
282#define real_copy_tile(srcx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
283 code =\
284 (color_halftone ?\
285 (*proc_color)(dev, row, srcx, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, tx, ty, tw, th) :\
286 (*proc_mono)(dev, row, srcx, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, tx, ty, tw, th, color0, color1));\
287 if ( code < 0 ) return_error(code)
288#ifdef DEBUG
289#define copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
290 if ( gs_debug['t'] )\
291 dprintf5(" copy sx=%d x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d\n",\
292 sx, tx, ty, tw, th);\
293 real_copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)
295#define copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)\
296 real_copy_tile(sx, tx, ty, tw, th)
298 if ( icw >= w )
299 { /* Narrow operation */
300 int ey, fey, cy;
301 if ( ch >= h )
302 { /* Just one (partial) tile to transfer. */
303#define color_halftone d_color_halftone
304#define proc_color d_proc_color
305#define proc_mono d_proc_mono
306 copy_tile(irx, x, y, w, h);
307#undef proc_mono
308#undef proc_color
309#undef color_halftone
310 return 0;
311 }
312 get_color_info();
313 ey = y + h;
314 fey = ey - height;
315 copy_tile(irx, x, y, w, ch);
316 cy = y + ch;
317 row = tile->data;
318 do
319 { ch = (cy > fey ? ey - cy : height);
320 copy_tile(irx, x, cy, w, ch);
321 }
322 while ( (cy += ch) < ey );
323 return 0;
324 }
325 get_color_info();
326 if ( ch >= h )
327 { /* Shallow operation */
328 int ex = x + w;
329 int fex = ex - width;
330 int cx = x + icw;
331 copy_tile(irx, x, y, icw, h);
332 while ( cx <= fex )
333 { copy_tile(0, cx, y, width, h);
334 cx += width;
335 }
336 if ( cx < ex )
337 { copy_tile(0, cx, y, ex - cx, h);
338 }
339 }
340 else
341 { /* Full operation */
342 int ex = x + w, ey = y + h;
343 int fex = ex - width, fey = ey - height;
344 int cx, cy;
345 for ( cy = y; ; )
346 { copy_tile(irx, x, cy, icw, ch);
347 cx = x + icw;
348 while ( cx <= fex )
349 { copy_tile(0, cx, cy, width, ch);
350 cx += width;
351 }
352 if ( cx < ex )
353 { copy_tile(0, cx, cy, ex - cx, ch);
354 }
355 if ( (cy += ch) >= ey ) break;
356 ch = (cy > fey ? ey - cy : height);
357 row = tile->data;
358 }
359 }
360#undef copy_tile
361#undef real_copy_tile
362 return 0;
365/* Draw a one-pixel-wide line. */
367gz_draw_line_fixed(fixed ixf, fixed iyf, fixed itoxf, fixed itoyf,
368 gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
369{ int ix = fixed2int_var(ixf);
370 int iy = fixed2int_var(iyf);
371 int itox = fixed2int_var(itoxf);
372 int itoy = fixed2int_var(itoyf);
373 gx_device *dev;
374 if ( itoy == iy ) /* horizontal line */
375 { return (ix <= itox ?
376 gz_fill_rectangle(ix, iy, itox - ix + 1, 1, pdevc, pgs) :
377 gz_fill_rectangle(itox, iy, ix - itox + 1, 1, pdevc, pgs)
378 );
379 }
380 if ( itox == ix ) /* vertical line */
381 { return (iy <= itoy ?
382 gz_fill_rectangle(ix, iy, 1, itoy - iy + 1, pdevc, pgs) :
383 gz_fill_rectangle(ix, itoy, 1, iy - itoy + 1, pdevc, pgs)
384 );
385 }
386 if ( color_is_pure(pdevc) &&
387 (dev = pgs->device->info,
388 (*dev->procs->draw_line)(dev, ix, iy, itox, itoy,
389 pdevc->color1)) >= 0 )
390 return 0;
391 { fixed h = itoyf - iyf;
392 fixed w = itoxf - ixf;
393 fixed tf;
394#define fswap(a, b) tf = a, a = b, b = tf
395#define half float2fixed(0.5)
396 if ( (w < 0 ? -w : w) <= (h < 0 ? -h : h) )
397 { if ( h < 0 )
398 fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
399 h = -h;
400 return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(ixf - half, fixed_1, iyf,
401 itoxf - half, fixed_1, h,
402 0, pdevc, pgs);
403 }
404 else
405 { if ( w < 0 )
406 fswap(ixf, itoxf), fswap(iyf, itoyf),
407 w = -w;
408 return gz_fill_trapezoid_fixed(iyf - half, fixed_1, ixf,
409 itoyf - half, fixed_1, w,
410 1, pdevc, pgs);
411 }
412#undef half
413#undef fswap
414 }
417/* A stub to force use of the standard procedure. */
419gx_default_draw_line(gx_device *dev,
420 int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, gx_color_index color)
421{ return -1;