BSD 2 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-1 / pcs / scanner.i
1procedure nextch; (*read next character; process line end*)
2begin if cc = ll then
3 begin if eof(input) then
4 begin writeln;
5 writeln(' program incomplete');
6 errormsg; goto 99
7 end ;
8 if errpos <> 0 then
9 begin writeln; errpos := 0
10 end ;
11 write(lc:6, ' ');
12 ll := 0; cc := 0;
13 while not eoln(input) do
14 begin ll := ll+1; read(ch); write(ch); line[ll] := ch
15 end ;
16 writeln; ll := ll+1; read(line[ll])
17 end ;
18 cc := cc+1; ch := line[cc];
19end (*nextch*) ;
21procedure insymbol; (*reads next symbol*)
22 label 1,2,3;
23 var i,j,k,e: integer;
25 procedure readscale;
26 var s, sign: integer;
27 begin nextch; sign := 1; s := 0;
28 if ch = '+' then nextch else
29 if ch = '-' then begin nextch; sign := -1 end ;
30 while ch in ['0'..'9'] do
31 begin s := 10*s + ord(ch) - ord('0'); nextch
32 end ;
33 e := s*sign + e
34 end (*readscale*) ;
36 procedure adjustscale;
37 var s: integer; d,t: real;
38 begin if k+e > emax then error(21) else
39 if k+e < emin then rnum := 0 else
40 begin s := abs(e); t := 1.0; d := 10.0;
41 repeat
42 while not odd(s) do
43 begin s := s div 2; d := sqr(d)
44 end ;
45 s := s-1; t := d*t
46 until s = 0;
47 if e >= 0 then rnum := rnum*t else rnum := rnum/t
48 end
49 end (*adjustscale*) ;
51begin (*insymbol*)
521: while (ch = ' ') or (ch = TAB) do nextch;
53 if ch in ['a'..'z'] then
54 begin (*identifier or wordsymbol*) k := 0; id := ' ';
55 repeat if k < alng then
56 begin k := k+1; id[k] := ch
57 end ;
58 nextch
59 until not (ch in ['a'..'z','0'..'9']);
60 i := 1; j := nkw; (*binary search*)
61 repeat k := (i+j) div 2;
62 if id <= key[k] then j := k-1;
63 if id >= key[k] then i := k+1
64 until i > j;
65 if i-1 > j then sy := ksy[k] else sy := ident
66 end else
67 if ch in ['0'..'9'] then
68 begin (*number*) k := 0; inum := 0; sy := intcon;
69 repeat inum := inum*10 + ord(ch) - ord('0');
70 k := k+1; nextch
71 until not (ch in ['0'..'9']);
72 if (k > kmax) or (inum > nmax) then
73 begin error(21); inum := 0; k := 0
74 end ;
75 if ch = '.' then
76 begin nextch;
77 if ch = '.' then ch := ':' else
78 begin sy := realcon; rnum := inum; e := 0;
79 while ch in ['0'..'9'] do
80 begin e := e-1;
81 rnum := 10.0*rnum + (ord(ch)-ord('0')); nextch
82 end ;
83 if ch = 'e' then readscale;
84 if e <> 0 then adjustscale
85 end
86 end else
87 if ch = 'e' then
88 begin sy := realcon; rnum := inum; e := 0;
89 readscale; if e <> 0 then adjustscale
90 end ;
91 end else
92 case ch of
93':' : begin nextch;
94 if ch = '=' then
95 begin sy := becomes; nextch
96 end else sy := colon
97 end ;
98'<' : begin nextch;
99 if ch = '=' then begin sy := leq; nextch end else
100 if ch = '>' then begin sy := neq; nextch end else sy := lss
101 end ;
102'>' : begin nextch;
103 if ch = '=' then begin sy := geq; nextch end else sy := gtr
104 end ;
105'.' : begin nextch;
106 if ch = '.' then
107 begin sy := colon; nextch
108 end else sy := period
109 end ;
110'''': begin k := 0;
111 2: nextch;
112 if ch = '''' then
113 begin nextch; if ch <> '''' then goto 3
114 end ;
115 if sx+k = smax then fatal(7);
116 stab[sx+k] := ch; k := k+1;
117 if cc = 1 then
118 begin (*end of line*) k := 0;
119 end
120 else goto 2;
121 3: if k = 1 then
122 begin sy := charcon; inum := ord(stab[sx])
123 end else
124 if k = 0 then
125 begin error(38); sy := charcon; inum := 0
126 end else
127 begin sy := string; inum := sx; sleng := k; sx := sx+k
128 end
129 end ;
130'(' : begin nextch;
131 if ch <> '*' then sy := lparent else
132 begin (*comment*) nextch;
133 repeat
134 while ch <> '*' do nextch;
135 nextch
136 until ch = ')';
137 nextch; goto 1
138 end
139 end ;
140'+', '-', '*', '/', ')', '=', ',', '[', ']', '#', '&', ';' :
141 begin sy := sps[ch]; nextch
142 end ;
143'$', '\', '!', '?', '@', '_', '"', '^' :
144 begin error(24); nextch; goto 1
145 end
146 end;
147end (*insymbol*) ;