add entries to see also
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / yacc / y1.c
1#ifndef lint
2static char sccsid[] = "@(#)y1.c 4.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
3#endif not lint
5# include "dextern"
7 /* variables used locally */
9 /* lookahead computations */
11int tbitset; /* size of lookahead sets */
12struct looksets lkst [ LSETSIZE ];
13int nlset = 0; /* next lookahead set index */
14int nolook = 0; /* flag to suppress lookahead computations */
15struct looksets clset; /* temporary storage for lookahead computations */
17 /* working set computations */
19struct wset wsets[ WSETSIZE ];
20struct wset *cwp;
22 /* state information */
24int nstate = 0; /* number of states */
25struct item *pstate[NSTATES+2]; /* pointers to the descriptions of the states */
26int tystate[NSTATES]; /* contains type information about the states */
27int indgo[NSTATES]; /* index to the stored goto table */
28int tstates[ NTERMS ]; /* states generated by terminal gotos */
29int ntstates[ NNONTERM ]; /* states generated by nonterminal gotos */
30int mstates[ NSTATES ]; /* chain of overflows of term/nonterm generation lists */
32 /* storage for the actions in the parser */
34int amem[ACTSIZE]; /* action table storage */
35int *memp = amem; /* next free action table position */
37 /* other storage areas */
39int temp1[TEMPSIZE]; /* temporary storage, indexed by terms + ntokens or states */
40int lineno= 1; /* current input line number */
41int fatfl = 1; /* if on, error is fatal */
42int nerrors = 0; /* number of errors */
44 /* storage for information about the nonterminals */
46int **pres[NNONTERM+2]; /* vector of pointers to productions yielding each nonterminal */
47struct looksets *pfirst[NNONTERM+2]; /* vector of pointers to first sets for each nonterminal */
48int pempty[NNONTERM+1]; /* vector of nonterminals nontrivially deriving e */
50main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
52 setup(argc,argv); /* initialize and read productions */
53 tbitset = NWORDS(ntokens);
54 cpres(); /* make table of which productions yield a given nonterminal */
55 cempty(); /* make a table of which nonterminals can match the empty string */
56 cpfir(); /* make a table of firsts of nonterminals */
57 stagen(); /* generate the states */
58 output(); /* write the states and the tables */
59 go2out();
60 hideprod();
61 summary();
62 callopt();
63 others();
64 exit(0);
65 }
67others(){ /* put out other arrays, copy the parsers */
68 register c, i, j;
70 finput = fopen( PARSER, "r" );
71 if( finput == NULL ) error( "cannot find parser %s", PARSER );
73 warray( "yyr1", levprd, nprod );
75 aryfil( temp1, nprod, 0 );
76 PLOOP(1,i)temp1[i] = prdptr[i+1]-prdptr[i]-2;
77 warray( "yyr2", temp1, nprod );
79 aryfil( temp1, nstate, -1000 );
80 TLOOP(i){
81 for( j=tstates[i]; j!=0; j=mstates[j] ){
82 temp1[j] = tokset[i].value;
83 }
84 }
85 NTLOOP(i){
86 for( j=ntstates[i]; j!=0; j=mstates[j] ){
87 temp1[j] = -i;
88 }
89 }
90 warray( "yychk", temp1, nstate );
92 warray( "yydef", defact, nstate );
94 /* copy parser text */
96 while( (c=getc(finput) ) != EOF ){
97 if( c == '$' ){
98 if( (c=getc(finput)) != 'A' ) putc( '$', ftable );
99 else { /* copy actions */
100 faction = fopen( ACTNAME, "r" );
101 if( faction == NULL ) error( "cannot reopen action tempfile" );
102 while( (c=getc(faction) ) != EOF ) putc( c, ftable );
103 fclose(faction);
105 c = getc(finput);
106 }
107 }
108 putc( c, ftable );
109 }
111 fclose( ftable );
112 }
114char *chcopy( p, q ) char *p, *q; {
115 /* copies string q into p, returning next free char ptr */
116 while( *p = *q++ ) ++p;
117 return( p );
118 }
120# define ISIZE 400
121char *writem(pp) int *pp; { /* creates output string for item pointed to by pp */
122 int i,*p;
123 static char sarr[ISIZE];
124 char *q;
126 for( p=pp; *p>0 ; ++p ) ;
127 p = prdptr[-*p];
128 q = chcopy( sarr, nontrst[*p-NTBASE].name );
129 q = chcopy( q, " : " );
131 for(;;){
132 *q++ = ++p==pp ? '_' : ' ';
133 *q = '\0';
134 if((i = *p) <= 0) break;
135 q = chcopy( q, symnam(i) );
136 if( q> &sarr[ISIZE-30] ) error( "item too big" );
137 }
139 if( (i = *pp) < 0 ){ /* an item calling for a reduction */
140 q = chcopy( q, " (" );
141 sprintf( q, "%d)", -i );
142 }
144 return( sarr );
145 }
147char *symnam(i){ /* return a pointer to the name of symbol i */
148 char *cp;
150 cp = (i>=NTBASE) ? nontrst[i-NTBASE].name : tokset[i].name ;
151 if( *cp == ' ' ) ++cp;
152 return( cp );
153 }
155struct wset *zzcwp = wsets;
156int zzgoent = 0;
157int zzgobest = 0;
158int zzacent = 0;
159int zzexcp = 0;
160int zzclose = 0;
161int zzsrconf = 0;
162int * zzmemsz = mem0;
163int zzrrconf = 0;
165summary(){ /* output the summary on the tty */
167 if( foutput!=NULL ){
168 fprintf( foutput, "\n%d/%d terminals, %d/%d nonterminals\n", ntokens, NTERMS,
169 nnonter, NNONTERM );
170 fprintf( foutput, "%d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states\n", nprod, NPROD, nstate, NSTATES );
171 fprintf( foutput, "%d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported\n", zzsrconf, zzrrconf );
172 fprintf( foutput, "%d/%d working sets used\n", zzcwp-wsets, WSETSIZE );
173 fprintf( foutput, "memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d\n", zzmemsz-mem0, MEMSIZE,
174 memp-amem, ACTSIZE );
175 fprintf( foutput, "%d/%d distinct lookahead sets\n", nlset, LSETSIZE );
176 fprintf( foutput, "%d extra closures\n", zzclose - 2*nstate );
177 fprintf( foutput, "%d shift entries, %d exceptions\n", zzacent, zzexcp );
178 fprintf( foutput, "%d goto entries\n", zzgoent );
179 fprintf( foutput, "%d entries saved by goto default\n", zzgobest );
180 }
181 if( zzsrconf!=0 || zzrrconf!=0 ){
182 fprintf( stdout,"\nconflicts: ");
183 if( zzsrconf )fprintf( stdout, "%d shift/reduce" , zzsrconf );
184 if( zzsrconf && zzrrconf )fprintf( stdout, ", " );
185 if( zzrrconf )fprintf( stdout, "%d reduce/reduce" , zzrrconf );
186 fprintf( stdout, "\n" );
187 }
189 fclose( ftemp );
190 if( fdefine != NULL ) fclose( fdefine );
191 }
193/* VARARGS1 */
194error(s,a1) char *s; { /* write out error comment */
196 ++nerrors;
197 fprintf( stderr, "\n fatal error: ");
198 fprintf( stderr, s,a1);
199 fprintf( stderr, ", line %d\n", lineno );
200 if( !fatfl ) return;
201 summary();
202 exit(1);
203 }
205aryfil( v, n, c ) int *v,n,c; { /* set elements 0 through n-1 to c */
206 int i;
207 for( i=0; i<n; ++i ) v[i] = c;
208 }
210setunion( a, b ) register *a, *b; {
211 /* set a to the union of a and b */
212 /* return 1 if b is not a subset of a, 0 otherwise */
213 register i, x, sub;
215 sub = 0;
216 SETLOOP(i){
217 *a = (x = *a)|*b++;
218 if( *a++ != x ) sub = 1;
219 }
220 return( sub );
221 }
223prlook( p ) struct looksets *p;{
224 register j, *pp;
225 pp = p->lset;
226 if( pp == 0 ) fprintf( foutput, "\tNULL");
227 else {
228 fprintf( foutput, " { " );
229 TLOOP(j) {
230 if( BIT(pp,j) ) fprintf( foutput, "%s ", symnam(j) );
231 }
232 fprintf( foutput, "}" );
233 }
234 }
236cpres(){ /* compute an array with the beginnings of productions yielding given nonterminals
237 The array pres points to these lists */
238 /* the array pyield has the lists: the total size is only NPROD+1 */
239 register **pmem;
240 register c, j, i;
241 static int * pyield[NPROD];
243 pmem = pyield;
245 NTLOOP(i){
246 c = i+NTBASE;
247 pres[i] = pmem;
248 fatfl = 0; /* make undefined symbols nonfatal */
249 PLOOP(0,j){
250 if (*prdptr[j] == c) *pmem++ = prdptr[j]+1;
251 }
252 if(pres[i] == pmem){
253 error("nonterminal %s not defined!", nontrst[i].name);
254 }
255 }
256 pres[i] = pmem;
257 fatfl = 1;
258 if( nerrors ){
259 summary();
260 exit(1);
261 }
262 if( pmem != &pyield[nprod] ) error( "internal Yacc error: pyield %d", pmem-&pyield[nprod] );
263 }
265int indebug = 0;
266cpfir() {
267 /* compute an array with the first of nonterminals */
268 register *p, **s, i, **t, ch, changes;
270 zzcwp = &wsets[nnonter];
271 NTLOOP(i){
272 aryfil( wsets[i].ws.lset, tbitset, 0 );
273 t = pres[i+1];
274 for( s=pres[i]; s<t; ++s ){ /* initially fill the sets */
275 for( p = *s; (ch = *p) > 0 ; ++p ) {
276 if( ch < NTBASE ) {
277 SETBIT( wsets[i].ws.lset, ch );
278 break;
279 }
280 else if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] ) break;
281 }
282 }
283 }
285 /* now, reflect transitivity */
287 changes = 1;
288 while( changes ){
289 changes = 0;
290 NTLOOP(i){
291 t = pres[i+1];
292 for( s=pres[i]; s<t; ++s ){
293 for( p = *s; ( ch = (*p-NTBASE) ) >= 0; ++p ) {
294 changes |= setunion( wsets[i].ws.lset, wsets[ch].ws.lset );
295 if( !pempty[ch] ) break;
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 }
301 NTLOOP(i) pfirst[i] = flset( &wsets[i].ws );
302 if( !indebug ) return;
303 if( (foutput!=NULL) ){
304 NTLOOP(i) {
305 fprintf( foutput, "\n%s: ", nontrst[i].name );
306 prlook( pfirst[i] );
307 fprintf( foutput, " %d\n", pempty[i] );
308 }
309 }
310 }
312state(c){ /* sorts last state,and sees if it equals earlier ones. returns state number */
313 int size1,size2;
314 register i;
315 struct item *p1, *p2, *k, *l, *q1, *q2;
316 p1 = pstate[nstate];
317 p2 = pstate[nstate+1];
318 if(p1==p2) return(0); /* null state */
319 /* sort the items */
320 for(k=p2-1;k>p1;k--) { /* make k the biggest */
321 for(l=k-1;l>=p1;--l)if( l->pitem > k->pitem ){
322 int *s;
323 struct looksets *ss;
324 s = k->pitem;
325 k->pitem = l->pitem;
326 l->pitem = s;
327 ss = k->look;
328 k->look = l->look;
329 l->look = ss;
330 }
331 }
332 size1 = p2 - p1; /* size of state */
334 for( i= (c>=NTBASE)?ntstates[c-NTBASE]:tstates[c]; i != 0; i = mstates[i] ) {
335 /* get ith state */
336 q1 = pstate[i];
337 q2 = pstate[i+1];
338 size2 = q2 - q1;
339 if (size1 != size2) continue;
340 k=p1;
341 for(l=q1;l<q2;l++) {
342 if( l->pitem != k->pitem ) break;
343 ++k;
344 }
345 if (l != q2) continue;
346 /* found it */
347 pstate[nstate+1] = pstate[nstate]; /* delete last state */
348 /* fix up lookaheads */
349 if( nolook ) return(i);
350 for( l=q1,k=p1; l<q2; ++l,++k ){
351 int s;
352 SETLOOP(s) clset.lset[s] = l->look->lset[s];
353 if( setunion( clset.lset, k->look->lset ) ) {
354 tystate[i] = MUSTDO;
355 /* register the new set */
356 l->look = flset( &clset );
357 }
358 }
359 return (i);
360 }
361 /* state is new */
362 if( nolook ) error( "yacc state/nolook error" );
363 pstate[nstate+2] = p2;
364 if(nstate+1 >= NSTATES) error("too many states" );
365 if( c >= NTBASE ){
366 mstates[ nstate ] = ntstates[ c-NTBASE ];
367 ntstates[ c-NTBASE ] = nstate;
368 }
369 else {
370 mstates[ nstate ] = tstates[ c ];
371 tstates[ c ] = nstate;
372 }
373 tystate[nstate]=MUSTDO;
374 return(nstate++);
375 }
377int pidebug = 0; /* debugging flag for putitem */
378putitem( ptr, lptr ) int *ptr; struct looksets *lptr; {
379 register struct item *j;
381 if( pidebug && (foutput!=NULL) ) {
382 fprintf( foutput, "putitem(%s), state %d\n", writem(ptr), nstate );
383 }
384 j = pstate[nstate+1];
385 j->pitem = ptr;
386 if( !nolook ) j->look = flset( lptr );
387 pstate[nstate+1] = ++j;
388 if( (int *)j > zzmemsz ){
389 zzmemsz = (int *)j;
390 if( zzmemsz >= &mem0[MEMSIZE] ) error( "out of state space" );
391 }
392 }
394cempty(){ /* mark nonterminals which derive the empty string */
395 /* also, look for nonterminals which don't derive any token strings */
397# define EMPTY 1
398# define WHOKNOWS 0
399# define OK 1
401 register i, *p;
403 /* first, use the array pempty to detect productions that can never be reduced */
404 /* set pempty to WHONOWS */
405 aryfil( pempty, nnonter+1, WHOKNOWS );
407 /* now, look at productions, marking nonterminals which derive something */
409 more:
410 PLOOP(0,i){
411 if( pempty[ *prdptr[i] - NTBASE ] ) continue;
412 for( p=prdptr[i]+1; *p>=0; ++p ){
413 if( *p>=NTBASE && pempty[ *p-NTBASE ] == WHOKNOWS ) break;
414 }
415 if( *p < 0 ){ /* production can be derived */
416 pempty[ *prdptr[i]-NTBASE ] = OK;
417 goto more;
418 }
419 }
421 /* now, look at the nonterminals, to see if they are all OK */
423 NTLOOP(i){
424 /* the added production rises or falls as the start symbol ... */
425 if( i == 0 ) continue;
426 if( pempty[ i ] != OK ) {
427 fatfl = 0;
428 error( "nonterminal %s never derives any token string", nontrst[i].name );
429 }
430 }
432 if( nerrors ){
433 summary();
434 exit(1);
435 }
437 /* now, compute the pempty array, to see which nonterminals derive the empty string */
439 /* set pempty to WHOKNOWS */
441 aryfil( pempty, nnonter+1, WHOKNOWS );
443 /* loop as long as we keep finding empty nonterminals */
446 PLOOP(1,i){
447 if( pempty[ *prdptr[i]-NTBASE ]==WHOKNOWS ){ /* not known to be empty */
448 for( p=prdptr[i]+1; *p>=NTBASE && pempty[*p-NTBASE]==EMPTY ; ++p ) ;
449 if( *p < 0 ){ /* we have a nontrivially empty nonterminal */
450 pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] = EMPTY;
451 goto again; /* got one ... try for another */
452 }
453 }
454 }
456 }
458int gsdebug = 0;
459stagen(){ /* generate the states */
461 int i, j;
462 register c;
463 register struct wset *p, *q;
465 /* initialize */
467 nstate = 0;
468 /* THIS IS FUNNY from the standpoint of portability */
469 /* it represents the magic moment when the mem0 array, which has
470 /* been holding the productions, starts to hold item pointers, of a
471 /* different type... */
472 /* someday, alloc should be used to allocate all this stuff... for now, we
473 /* accept that if pointers don't fit in integers, there is a problem... */
475 pstate[0] = pstate[1] = (struct item *)mem;
476 aryfil( clset.lset, tbitset, 0 );
477 putitem( prdptr[0]+1, &clset );
478 tystate[0] = MUSTDO;
479 nstate = 1;
480 pstate[2] = pstate[1];
482 aryfil( amem, ACTSIZE, 0 );
484 /* now, the main state generation loop */
486 more:
487 SLOOP(i){
488 if( tystate[i] != MUSTDO ) continue;
489 tystate[i] = DONE;
490 aryfil( temp1, nnonter+1, 0 );
491 /* take state i, close it, and do gotos */
492 closure(i);
493 WSLOOP(wsets,p){ /* generate goto's */
494 if( p->flag ) continue;
495 p->flag = 1;
496 c = *(p->pitem);
497 if( c <= 1 ) {
498 if( pstate[i+1]-pstate[i] <= p-wsets ) tystate[i] = MUSTLOOKAHEAD;
499 continue;
500 }
501 /* do a goto on c */
502 WSLOOP(p,q){
503 if( c == *(q->pitem) ){ /* this item contributes to the goto */
504 putitem( q->pitem + 1, &q->ws );
505 q->flag = 1;
506 }
507 }
508 if( c < NTBASE ) {
509 state(c); /* register new state */
510 }
511 else {
512 temp1[c-NTBASE] = state(c);
513 }
514 }
515 if( gsdebug && (foutput!=NULL) ){
516 fprintf( foutput, "%d: ", i );
517 NTLOOP(j) {
518 if( temp1[j] ) fprintf( foutput, "%s %d, ", nontrst[j].name, temp1[j] );
519 }
520 fprintf( foutput, "\n");
521 }
522 indgo[i] = apack( &temp1[1], nnonter-1 ) - 1;
523 goto more; /* we have done one goto; do some more */
524 }
525 /* no more to do... stop */
526 }
528int cldebug = 0; /* debugging flag for closure */
529closure(i){ /* generate the closure of state i */
531 int c, ch, work, k;
532 register struct wset *u, *v;
533 int *pi;
534 int **s, **t;
535 struct item *q;
536 register struct item *p;
538 ++zzclose;
540 /* first, copy kernel of state i to wsets */
542 cwp = wsets;
543 ITMLOOP(i,p,q){
544 cwp->pitem = p->pitem;
545 cwp->flag = 1; /* this item must get closed */
546 SETLOOP(k) cwp->ws.lset[k] = p->look->lset[k];
547 WSBUMP(cwp);
548 }
550 /* now, go through the loop, closing each item */
552 work = 1;
553 while( work ){
554 work = 0;
555 WSLOOP(wsets,u){
557 if( u->flag == 0 ) continue;
558 c = *(u->pitem); /* dot is before c */
560 if( c < NTBASE ){
561 u->flag = 0;
562 continue; /* only interesting case is where . is before nonterminal */
563 }
565 /* compute the lookahead */
566 aryfil( clset.lset, tbitset, 0 );
568 /* find items involving c */
570 WSLOOP(u,v){
571 if( v->flag == 1 && *(pi=v->pitem) == c ){
572 v->flag = 0;
573 if( nolook ) continue;
574 while( (ch= *++pi)>0 ){
575 if( ch < NTBASE ){ /* terminal symbol */
576 SETBIT( clset.lset, ch );
577 break;
578 }
579 /* nonterminal symbol */
580 setunion( clset.lset, pfirst[ch-NTBASE]->lset );
581 if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] ) break;
582 }
583 if( ch<=0 ) setunion( clset.lset, v->ws.lset );
584 }
585 }
587 /* now loop over productions derived from c */
589 c -= NTBASE; /* c is now nonterminal number */
591 t = pres[c+1];
592 for( s=pres[c]; s<t; ++s ){
593 /* put these items into the closure */
594 WSLOOP(wsets,v){ /* is the item there */
595 if( v->pitem == *s ){ /* yes, it is there */
596 if( nolook ) goto nexts;
597 if( setunion( v->ws.lset, clset.lset ) ) v->flag = work = 1;
598 goto nexts;
599 }
600 }
602 /* not there; make a new entry */
603 if( cwp-wsets+1 >= WSETSIZE ) error( "working set overflow" );
604 cwp->pitem = *s;
605 cwp->flag = 1;
606 if( !nolook ){
607 work = 1;
608 SETLOOP(k) cwp->ws.lset[k] = clset.lset[k];
609 }
610 WSBUMP(cwp);
612 nexts: ;
613 }
615 }
616 }
618 /* have computed closure; flags are reset; return */
620 if( cwp > zzcwp ) zzcwp = cwp;
621 if( cldebug && (foutput!=NULL) ){
622 fprintf( foutput, "\nState %d, nolook = %d\n", i, nolook );
623 WSLOOP(wsets,u){
624 if( u->flag ) fprintf( foutput, "flag set!\n");
625 u->flag = 0;
626 fprintf( foutput, "\t%s", writem(u->pitem));
627 prlook( &u->ws );
628 fprintf( foutput, "\n" );
629 }
630 }
631 }
633struct looksets *flset( p ) struct looksets *p; {
634 /* decide if the lookahead set pointed to by p is known */
635 /* return pointer to a perminent location for the set */
637 register struct looksets *q;
638 int j, *w;
639 register *u, *v;
641 for( q = &lkst[nlset]; q-- > lkst; ){
642 u = p->lset;
643 v = q->lset;
644 w = & v[tbitset];
645 while( v<w) if( *u++ != *v++ ) goto more;
646 /* we have matched */
647 return( q );
648 more: ;
649 }
650 /* add a new one */
651 q = &lkst[nlset++];
652 if( nlset >= LSETSIZE )error("too many lookahead sets" );
653 SETLOOP(j){
654 q->lset[j] = p->lset[j];
655 }
656 return( q );
657 }