BSD 4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / berknet / nbs.c
1# include <stdio.h>
2/* file nbs.c
3 This file has the necessary procedures to use the NBS algorithm
4 to encrypt and decrypt strings of arbitrary length.
6 Basically
8 ciphertext = nbsencrypt(cleartext,secretkey,ciphertext);
10 yields a string ciphertext from string cleartext using
11 the secret string secretkey.
12 Then
14 cleartext = nbsdecrypt(ciphertext,secretkey,cleartext);
16 yields the original string cleartext IF the string secretkey
17 is the same for both calls.
18 The third parameter is filled with the result of the call-
19 it must be (11/8)*size(firstarg).
20 The first and third areguments must be different.
21 The cleartext must be ASCII - the top eighth bit is ignored,
22 so binary data won't work.
23 The plaintext is broken into 8 character sections,
24 encrypted, and concatenated separated by $'s to make the ciphertext.
25 The first 8 letter section uses the secretkey, subsequent
26 sections use the cleartext of the previous section as
27 the key.
28 Thus the ciphertext depends on itself, except for
29 the first section, which depends on the key.
30 This means that sections of the ciphertext, except the first,
31 may not stand alone.
32 Only the first 8 characters of the key matter.
34char *deblknot(), *deblkclr();
35char *nbs8decrypt(), *nbs8encrypt();
36static char E[48];
37char e[];
38char *nbsencrypt(str,key,result)
39 char *result;
40 register char *str, *key; {
41 static char buf[20],oldbuf[20];
42 register int j;
43 result[0] = 0;
44 strcpy(oldbuf,key);
45 while(*str){
46 for(j=0;j<10;j++)buf[j] = 0;
47 for(j=0;j<8 && *str;j++)buf[j] = *str++;
48 strcat(result,nbs8encrypt(buf,oldbuf));
49 strcat(result,"$");
50 strcpy(oldbuf,buf);
51 }
52 return(result);
53 }
54char *nbsdecrypt(cpt,key,result)
55 char *result;
56 register char *cpt,*key; {
57 register char *s;
58 char c,oldbuf[20];
59 result[0] = 0;
60 strcpy(oldbuf,key);
61 while(*cpt){
62 for(s = cpt;*s && *s != '$';s++);
63 c = *s;
64 *s = 0;
65 strcpy(oldbuf,nbs8decrypt(cpt,oldbuf));
66 strcat(result,oldbuf);
67 if(c == 0)break;
68 cpt = s + 1;
69 }
70 return(result);
71 }
72/* make key to be sent across the network */
74char *skey, *sn, mch;
76 skey[0] = mch;
77 skey[1] = 0;
78 strcat(skey,sn);
81/* all other calls are private */
83char _sobuf[BUFSIZ];
85 static char res[BUFSIZ];
86 register char *s;
87 char str[BUFSIZ];
88 setbuf(stdout,_sobuf);
89 while(!feof(stdin)){
90 fprintf(stderr,"String:\n");
91 fgets(str,BUFSIZ,stdin);
92 if(feof(stdin))break;
93 strcat(str,"\n");
94 s = nbsencrypt(str,"hellothere",res);
95 fprintf(stderr,"encrypted:\n%s\n",s);
96 fprintf(stderr,"decrypted:\n");
97 printf("%s",nbsdecrypt(s,"hellothere",str));
98 fprintf(stderr,"\n");
99 }
100 }
103 To encrypt:
104 The first level of call splits the input strings into strings
105 no longer than 8 characters, for encryption.
106 Then the encryption of 8 characters breaks all but the top bit
107 of each character into a 64-character block, each character
108 with 1 or 0 corresponding to binary.
109 The key is set likewise.
110 The encrypted form is then converted, 6 bits at a time,
111 into an ASCII string.
113 To decrypt:
114 We take the result of the encryption, 6 significant bits
115 per character, and convert it to the block(64-char) fmt.
116 This is decrypted by running the nbs algorithm in reverse,
117 and transformed back into 7bit ASCII.
119 The subroutines to do ASCII blocking and deblocking
120 are .....clr and the funny 6-bit code are .....not.
124char *nbs8encrypt(str,key)
125register char *str, *key; {
126 static char keyblk[100], blk[100];
127 register int i;
129 enblkclr(keyblk,key);
130 nbssetkey(keyblk);
132 for(i=0;i<48;i++) E[i] = e[i];
133 enblkclr(blk,str);
134 blkencrypt(blk,0); /* forward dir */
136 return(deblknot(blk));
138char *nbs8decrypt(crp,key)
139register char *crp, *key; {
140 static char keyblk[100], blk[100];
141 register int i;
143 enblkclr(keyblk,key);
144 nbssetkey(keyblk);
146 for(i=0;i<48;i++) E[i] = e[i];
147 enblknot(blk,crp);
148 blkencrypt(blk,1); /* backward dir */
150 return(deblkclr(blk));
152enblkclr(blk,str) /* ignores top bit of chars in string str */
153char *blk,*str; {
154 register int i,j;
155 register char c;
156 for(i=0;i<70;i++)blk[i] = 0;
157 for(i=0; (c= *str) && i<64; str++){
158 for(j=0; j<7; j++, i++)
159 blk[i] = (c>>(6-j)) & 01;
160 i++;
161 }
162 }
163char *deblkclr(blk)
164char *blk; {
165 register int i,j;
166 register char c;
167 static char iobuf[30];
168 for(i=0; i<10; i++){
169 c = 0;
170 for(j=0; j<7; j++){
171 c <<= 1;
172 c |= blk[8*i+j];
173 }
174 iobuf[i] = c;
175 }
176 iobuf[i] = 0;
177 return(iobuf);
178 }
180char *blk;
181char *crp; {
182 register int i,j;
183 register char c;
184 for(i=0;i<70;i++)blk[i] = 0;
185 for(i=0; (c= *crp) && i<64; crp++){
186 if(c>'Z') c -= 6;
187 if(c>'9') c -= 7;
188 c -= '.';
189 for(j=0; j<6; j++, i++)
190 blk[i] = (c>>(5-j)) & 01;
191 }
192 }
193char *deblknot(blk)
194char *blk; {
195 register int i,j;
196 register char c;
197 static char iobuf[30];
198 for(i=0; i<11; i++){
199 c = 0;
200 for(j=0; j<6; j++){
201 c <<= 1;
202 c |= blk[6*i+j];
203 }
204 c += '.';
205 if(c > '9')c += 7;
206 if(c > 'Z')c += 6;
207 iobuf[i] = c;
208 }
209 iobuf[i] = 0;
210 return(iobuf);
211 }
213 * This program implements the
214 * Proposed Federal Information Processing
215 * Data Encryption Standard.
216 * See Federal Register, March 17, 1975 (40FR12134)
217 */
220 * Initial permutation,
221 */
222static char IP[] = {
223 58,50,42,34,26,18,10, 2,
224 60,52,44,36,28,20,12, 4,
225 62,54,46,38,30,22,14, 6,
226 64,56,48,40,32,24,16, 8,
227 57,49,41,33,25,17, 9, 1,
228 59,51,43,35,27,19,11, 3,
229 61,53,45,37,29,21,13, 5,
230 63,55,47,39,31,23,15, 7,
234 * Final permutation, FP = IP^(-1)
235 */
236static char FP[] = {
237 40, 8,48,16,56,24,64,32,
238 39, 7,47,15,55,23,63,31,
239 38, 6,46,14,54,22,62,30,
240 37, 5,45,13,53,21,61,29,
241 36, 4,44,12,52,20,60,28,
242 35, 3,43,11,51,19,59,27,
243 34, 2,42,10,50,18,58,26,
244 33, 1,41, 9,49,17,57,25,
248 * Permuted-choice 1 from the key bits
249 * to yield C and D.
250 * Note that bits 8,16... are left out:
251 * They are intended for a parity check.
252 */
253static char PC1_C[] = {
254 57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,
255 1,58,50,42,34,26,18,
256 10, 2,59,51,43,35,27,
257 19,11, 3,60,52,44,36,
260static char PC1_D[] = {
261 63,55,47,39,31,23,15,
262 7,62,54,46,38,30,22,
263 14, 6,61,53,45,37,29,
264 21,13, 5,28,20,12, 4,
268 * Sequence of shifts used for the key schedule.
270static char shifts[] = {
271 1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,
275 * Permuted-choice 2, to pick out the bits from
276 * the CD array that generate the key schedule.
277 */
278static char PC2_C[] = {
279 14,17,11,24, 1, 5,
280 3,28,15, 6,21,10,
281 23,19,12, 4,26, 8,
282 16, 7,27,20,13, 2,
285static char PC2_D[] = {
286 41,52,31,37,47,55,
287 30,40,51,45,33,48,
288 44,49,39,56,34,53,
289 46,42,50,36,29,32,
293 * The C and D arrays used to calculate the key schedule.
294 */
296static char C[28];
297static char D[28];
299 * The key schedule.
300 * Generated from the key.
301 */
302static char KS[16][48];
305 * Set up the key schedule from the key.
306 */
309char *key;
311 register i, j, k;
312 int t;
314 /*
315 * First, generate C and D by permuting
316 * the key. The low order bit of each
317 * 8-bit char is not used, so C and D are only 28
318 * bits apiece.
319 */
320 for (i=0; i<28; i++) {
321 C[i] = key[PC1_C[i]-1];
322 D[i] = key[PC1_D[i]-1];
323 }
324 /*
325 * To generate Ki, rotate C and D according
326 * to schedule and pick up a permutation
327 * using PC2.
328 */
329 for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
330 /*
331 * rotate.
332 */
333 for (k=0; k<shifts[i]; k++) {
334 t = C[0];
335 for (j=0; j<28-1; j++)
336 C[j] = C[j+1];
337 C[27] = t;
338 t = D[0];
339 for (j=0; j<28-1; j++)
340 D[j] = D[j+1];
341 D[27] = t;
342 }
343 /*
344 * get Ki. Note C and D are concatenated.
345 */
346 for (j=0; j<24; j++) {
347 KS[i][j] = C[PC2_C[j]-1];
348 KS[i][j+24] = D[PC2_D[j]-28-1];
349 }
350 }
354 * The E bit-selection table.
355 */
356static char e[] = {
357 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
358 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
359 8, 9,10,11,12,13,
360 12,13,14,15,16,17,
361 16,17,18,19,20,21,
362 20,21,22,23,24,25,
363 24,25,26,27,28,29,
364 28,29,30,31,32, 1,
368 * The 8 selection functions.
369 * For some reason, they give a 0-origin
370 * index, unlike everything else.
371 */
372static char S[8][64] = {
373 14, 4,13, 1, 2,15,11, 8, 3,10, 6,12, 5, 9, 0, 7,
374 0,15, 7, 4,14, 2,13, 1,10, 6,12,11, 9, 5, 3, 8,
375 4, 1,14, 8,13, 6, 2,11,15,12, 9, 7, 3,10, 5, 0,
376 15,12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5,11, 3,14,10, 0, 6,13,
378 15, 1, 8,14, 6,11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2,13,12, 0, 5,10,
379 3,13, 4, 7,15, 2, 8,14,12, 0, 1,10, 6, 9,11, 5,
380 0,14, 7,11,10, 4,13, 1, 5, 8,12, 6, 9, 3, 2,15,
381 13, 8,10, 1, 3,15, 4, 2,11, 6, 7,12, 0, 5,14, 9,
383 10, 0, 9,14, 6, 3,15, 5, 1,13,12, 7,11, 4, 2, 8,
384 13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6,10, 2, 8, 5,14,12,11,15, 1,
385 13, 6, 4, 9, 8,15, 3, 0,11, 1, 2,12, 5,10,14, 7,
386 1,10,13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4,15,14, 3,11, 5, 2,12,
388 7,13,14, 3, 0, 6, 9,10, 1, 2, 8, 5,11,12, 4,15,
389 13, 8,11, 5, 6,15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2,12, 1,10,14, 9,
390 10, 6, 9, 0,12,11, 7,13,15, 1, 3,14, 5, 2, 8, 4,
391 3,15, 0, 6,10, 1,13, 8, 9, 4, 5,11,12, 7, 2,14,
393 2,12, 4, 1, 7,10,11, 6, 8, 5, 3,15,13, 0,14, 9,
394 14,11, 2,12, 4, 7,13, 1, 5, 0,15,10, 3, 9, 8, 6,
395 4, 2, 1,11,10,13, 7, 8,15, 9,12, 5, 6, 3, 0,14,
396 11, 8,12, 7, 1,14, 2,13, 6,15, 0, 9,10, 4, 5, 3,
398 12, 1,10,15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0,13, 3, 4,14, 7, 5,11,
399 10,15, 4, 2, 7,12, 9, 5, 6, 1,13,14, 0,11, 3, 8,
400 9,14,15, 5, 2, 8,12, 3, 7, 0, 4,10, 1,13,11, 6,
401 4, 3, 2,12, 9, 5,15,10,11,14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8,13,
403 4,11, 2,14,15, 0, 8,13, 3,12, 9, 7, 5,10, 6, 1,
404 13, 0,11, 7, 4, 9, 1,10,14, 3, 5,12, 2,15, 8, 6,
405 1, 4,11,13,12, 3, 7,14,10,15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2,
406 6,11,13, 8, 1, 4,10, 7, 9, 5, 0,15,14, 2, 3,12,
408 13, 2, 8, 4, 6,15,11, 1,10, 9, 3,14, 5, 0,12, 7,
409 1,15,13, 8,10, 3, 7, 4,12, 5, 6,11, 0,14, 9, 2,
410 7,11, 4, 1, 9,12,14, 2, 0, 6,10,13,15, 3, 5, 8,
411 2, 1,14, 7, 4,10, 8,13,15,12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6,11,
415 * P is a permutation on the selected combination
416 * of the current L and key.
417 */
418static char P[] = {
419 16, 7,20,21,
420 29,12,28,17,
421 1,15,23,26,
422 5,18,31,10,
423 2, 8,24,14,
424 32,27, 3, 9,
425 19,13,30, 6,
426 22,11, 4,25,
430 * The current block, divided into 2 halves.
431 */
432static char L[32], R[32];
433static char tempL[32];
434static char f[32];
437 * The combination of the key and the input, before selection.
438 */
439static char preS[48];
442 * The payoff: encrypt a block.
443 */
445blkencrypt(block, edflag)
446char *block;
448 int i, ii;
449 register t, j, k;
451 /*
452 * First, permute the bits in the input
453 */
454 for (j=0; j<64; j++)
455 L[j] = block[IP[j]-1];
456 /*
457 * Perform an encryption operation 16 times.
458 */
459 for (ii=0; ii<16; ii++) {
460 /*
461 * Set direction
462 */
463 if (edflag)
464 i = 15-ii;
465 else
466 i = ii;
467 /*
468 * Save the R array,
469 * which will be the new L.
470 */
471 for (j=0; j<32; j++)
472 tempL[j] = R[j];
473 /*
474 * Expand R to 48 bits using the E selector;
475 * exclusive-or with the current key bits.
476 */
477 for (j=0; j<48; j++)
478 preS[j] = R[E[j]-1] ^ KS[i][j];
479 /*
480 * The pre-select bits are now considered
481 * in 8 groups of 6 bits each.
482 * The 8 selection functions map these
483 * 6-bit quantities into 4-bit quantities
484 * and the results permuted
485 * to make an f(R, K).
486 * The indexing into the selection functions
487 * is peculiar; it could be simplified by
488 * rewriting the tables.
489 */
490 for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
491 t = 6*j;
492 k = S[j][(preS[t+0]<<5)+
493 (preS[t+1]<<3)+
494 (preS[t+2]<<2)+
495 (preS[t+3]<<1)+
496 (preS[t+4]<<0)+
497 (preS[t+5]<<4)];
498 t = 4*j;
499 f[t+0] = (k>>3)&01;
500 f[t+1] = (k>>2)&01;
501 f[t+2] = (k>>1)&01;
502 f[t+3] = (k>>0)&01;
503 }
504 /*
505 * The new R is L ^ f(R, K).
506 * The f here has to be permuted first, though.
507 */
508 for (j=0; j<32; j++)
509 R[j] = L[j] ^ f[P[j]-1];
510 /*
511 * Finally, the new L (the original R)
512 * is copied back.
513 */
514 for (j=0; j<32; j++)
515 L[j] = tempL[j];
516 }
517 /*
518 * The output L and R are reversed.
519 */
520 for (j=0; j<32; j++) {
521 t = L[j];
522 L[j] = R[j];
523 R[j] = t;
524 }
525 /*
526 * The final output
527 * gets the inverse permutation of the very original.
528 */
529 for (j=0; j<64; j++)
530 block[j] = L[FP[j]-1];