BSD 4_4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / lisp / pearl / vars.l
1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; vars.l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2; Functions for declaring and creating pattern-matching variables
3; and blocks and for freezing and thawing them.
5; Copyright (c) 1983 , The Regents of the University of California.
6; All rights reserved.
7; Authors: Joseph Faletti and Michael Deering.
9; Convert a question mark variable ?var to either (*global* var) if "var"
10; is in *globallist* or else make it local (*var* var).
11(drm \?
12 (lambda ()
13 (let ((nextchar (tyipeek))
14 var)
15 (cond ((\=& 9. nextchar) '\?)
16 ((\=& 10. nextchar) '\?)
17 ((\=& 13. nextchar) '\?)
18 ((\=& 32. nextchar) '\?)
19 ((\=& 41. nextchar) '\?)
20 ( t (setq var (read))
21 (cond ((memq var *globallist*)
22 (list '*global* var))
23 ( t (list '*var* var))))))))
25; VALUEOF and VARVALUE are EXPR and FEXPR versions of a function to
26; get the value of the variable VAR in the structure STRUCT.
27(de valueof (var struct)
28 (getvalofequivorvar
29 (cdr (or (assq var (getalist struct))
30 (assq var (getalistcp struct))
31 (progn (msg t "VALUEOF: Variable " var
32 " does not occur in structure:" struct t)
33 (pearlbreak))))))
35; This is a FEXPR version of valueof (above).
36(df varvalue (l) ; (VAR STRUCT)
37 (let ((var (car l))
38 (struct (eval (cadr l))))
39 (getvalofequivorvar
40 (cdr (or (assq var (getalist struct))
41 (assq var (getalistcp struct))
42 (progn (msg t "VARVALUE: Variable " var
43 " does not occur in structure:" struct t)
44 (pearlbreak)))))))
46; Set the given variable, in the given environment (if present) to
47; the value given. If no environment given, look first at
48; *currentstructure*, then at *currentpearlstructure*, then at
49; *blockstack*, else complain.
50(df setv (l) ; (var 'val 'environment)
51 (let*
52 ((var (car l))
53 (type (car var))
54 (name (cadr var))
55 (val (eval (cadr l)))
56 (environment (eval (caddr l)))
57 varcell
58 oldvarval)
59 (cond ((eq '*global* type) ; global variable.
60 (setq oldvarval (eval name))
61 (set name val))
62 ((eq '*var* type) ; local or block variable.
63 (cond (environment
64 ; optional 3rd argument given for environment.
65 (cond ((structurep environment)
66 (setq varcell
67 (or (assq name (getalist environment))
68 (assq name (getalistcp environment))
69 (progn (msg t "SETV: No variable named: " name
70 " in structure: " t environment t)
71 (pearlbreak)))))
72 ((blockp environment)
73 (setq varcell
74 (or (assq name environment)
75 (progn (msg t "SETV: No variable named: " name
76 " in block: " t environment t)
77 (pearlbreak)))))
78 ( t (msg t "SETV: Given environment is neither "
79 "a block nor a structure: " t environment)
80 (pearlbreak))))
81 ; otherwise, try to find in standard environment.
82 ((setq varcell
83 (or (and (structurep *currentstructure*)
84 (or (assq name (getalist *currentstructure*))
85 (assq name (getalistcp *currentstructure*))
86 ))
87 (and (structurep *currentpearlstructure*)
88 (or (assq name
89 (getalist *currentpearlstructure*))
90 (assq name
91 (getalistcp *currentpearlstructure*))
92 ))
93 (and *blockstack*
94 (assq name (cdar *blockstack*))))))
95 ( t ; Else if not there either, blow up.
96 (msg t "SETV: No variable in the current"
97 " environment named: " name t)
98 (pearlbreak)))
99 ; Successfully found the variable.
100 (and varcell
101 (setq oldvarval (cdr varcell))
102 (rplacd varcell val)))
103 ( t (msg t "SETV: " var " is not a variable." t)
104 (pearlbreak)))
105 (and (equivclassp oldvarval)
106 (mapc (funl (newvar) (cond ((dtpr newvar) ; a local var cell.
107 (and (eq (cdr newvar) oldvarval)
108 (rplacd newvar val)))
109 ( t ; otherwise a global var's name.
110 (and (eq (eval newvar) oldvarval)
111 (set newvar val)))))
112 (cdr oldvarval)))
113 val))
115; Get the value of a local variable. Look in the same places as
116; SETV above but return nil if not found.
117(df *var* (l)
118 (let ((var (car l)))
119 (getvalofequivorvar
120 (cdr (or (and (structurep *currentstructure*)
121 (or (assq var (getalist *currentstructure*))
122 (assq var (getalistcp *currentstructure*))))
123 (and (structurep *currentpearlstructure*)
124 (or (assq var (getalist *currentpearlstructure*))
125 (assq var
126 (getalistcp *currentpearlstructure*))))
127 (and *blockstack*
128 (assq var (cdar *blockstack*))))))))
130; Get the value of a global variable.
131(df *global* (l)
132 (getvalofequivorvar
133 (eval (car l))))
135; Declare a variable to be GLOBAL by entering it on the *GLOBALLIST*
136; and PEARL-unbinding it.
137(df global (l)
138 (let ((variable (car l)))
139 (set variable (punbound))
140 (push variable *globallist*)
141 variable))
143; PEARL-unbind a global variable. ("unbindvars" does the local variables
144; in an entire structure (see match.l)).
145(df unbind (l)
146 (let ((var (car l)))
147 (cond ((memq var *globallist*)
148 (set var (punbound)))
149 ( t (set var (punbound))
150 (and *warn*
151 (msg t "UNBIND: Warning: " var
152 " is not a global variable but unbound it anyway."
153 t))))))
155; Determine if the variable is GLOBAL, i.e., on the *GLOBALLIST*
156(de globalp (variable)
157 (memq variable *globallist*))
159; (BLOCK <name> (<LIST OF VARIABLES>)) starts a (possibly embedded)
160; set of variables accessible to all structure CREATEd within
161; the block. Terminated by a call to (ENDBLOCK <name>).
162; The name is optional. If used, then the block may be reaccessed
163; with b:<name>.
165(df block (l)
166 (let ((name (car l))
167 varlist
168 alist)
169 (cond ((reallitatom name) (setq varlist (cadr l)))
170 ( t (setq varlist name)
171 (setq name 'unnamedblock)))
172 (setq alist
173 (nconc (ncons (cons nil (punbound))) ; Cell for Frozen vars.
174 (mapcar (funl (varname) (cons varname (punbound)))
175 varlist)
176 (cond (*blockstack* (cdar *blockstack*))
177 ( t nil))))
178 (and name
179 (set name alist))
180 ; Create a special cons cell, point b:<name> at it and push it.
181 (push (set (blockatom name)
182 (cons name alist))
183 *blockstack*)
184 name))
186; (ENDBLOCK <name>) ends the block with name <name>.
187; If <name> is * then close one block, regardless of name.
188; If <name> is nil then close one unnamed block only.
189(df endblock (l)
190 (let ((name (car l)))
191 (and (null name)
192 (setq name 'unnamedblock))
193 (cond ((not *blockstack*)
194 (msg t "ENDBLOCK: No blocks to end")
195 (msg ", not even named: " name t)
196 (pearlbreak))
197 ((or (eq name '*)
198 (eq name (caar *blockstack*)))
199 (prog1 (caar *blockstack*)
200 (setq *blockstack* (cdr *blockstack*))))
201 ( t (msg t "ENDBLOCK: Block to be ended, "
202 name " doesn't match innermost block, named: "
203 (caar *blockstack*) t)
204 (pearlbreak)))))
206; (ENDANYBLOCKS <name>) ends all blocks back through the block
207; with name <name>.
208; If <name> is * then end all blocks.
209; If <name> is nil then end all blocks back through the
210; last unnamed block.
211(df endanyblocks (l)
212 (let ((name (car l))
213 (block *blockstack*))
214 (cond ((not *blockstack*) nil)
215 ((eq name '*) (setq *blockstack* nil))
216 ((null (while (and block
217 (neq (caar block) name))
218 (setq block (cdr block))))
219 (msg t "ENDANYBLOCKS: No currently open block named "
220 name " to end blocks back to." t)
221 (pearlbreak))
222 ( t (setq *blockstack* (pop block))
223 (caar *blockstack*)))
224 t))
226; (ENDALLBLOCKS <name>) ends any open blocks, regardless of name.
227(de endallblocks ()
228 (setq *blockstack* nil)
229 t)
231; (SETBLOCK <blockname>) changes the current scope to that of
232; <blockname>, BUT doesn't allow ending former blocks!
233(df setblock (l)
234 (let ((blockname (car l)))
235 (cond ((and (boundp (blockatom blockname))
236 (blockp (eval (blockatom blockname))))
237 (setq *blockstack* (eval (blockatom blockname))))
238 ( t (msg t "SETBLOCK: There is no block named: " blockname t)
239 (pearlbreak)))))
241; Take all the bound variables off the STRUCT'S ALIST, and put them on
242; the ALISTCP, preserving unique alist pairs. Also take care of all the
243; BLOCK alists. WARNING: This code is tough so be careful with it!
244(de freezebindings (struct)
245 (let ((oldalist (getalist struct)) ; to be frozen.
246 (unboundalist (ncons nil)) ; to still unbound variables.
247 (boundalist (getalistcp struct)) ; already frozen.
248 rest
249 currentblock)
250 ; While there are more variables to process, and we haven't reached
251 ; a block, add either to "unboundalist" or "boundalist".
252 (while (and oldalist
253 (reallitatom (caar oldalist)))
254 (setq rest (cdr oldalist))
255 (cond ((eq (cdar oldalist) (punbound))
256 (tconc unboundalist (car oldalist)))
257 ( t (setq boundalist (rplacd oldalist boundalist))))
258 (setq oldalist rest))
259 (and oldalist
260 (rplaca unboundalist
261 (nconc (car unboundalist)
262 oldalist))) ; pointer to the enclosing blocks.
263 ; Store new lists.
264 (putalist (car unboundalist) struct)
265 (putalistcp boundalist struct)
266 ; Process blocks one at a time.
267 (while oldalist
268 (setq currentblock oldalist)
269 (setq oldalist (cdr oldalist))
270 (setq unboundalist (ncons nil))
271 (setq boundalist (caar currentblock))
272 (while (and oldalist
273 (reallitatom (caar oldalist)))
274 (setq rest (cdr oldalist))
275 (cond ((eq (cdar oldalist) (punbound))
276 (tconc unboundalist (car oldalist)))
277 ( t (setq boundalist (rplacd oldalist boundalist))))
278 (setq oldalist rest))
279 (and oldalist
280 (rplaca unboundalist
281 (nconc (car unboundalist)
282 oldalist))) ; pointer to the enclosing blocks.
283 ; store frozen vars.
284 (rplaca (car currentblock) boundalist)
285 (rplacd currentblock (car unboundalist)))
286 t))
288; Take all the bound variables off the STRUCT's ALIST, and put them on
289; the ALISTCP, preserving unique alist pairs.
290(de freezestruct (struct)
291 (let ((oldalist (getalist struct))
292 (unboundalist (ncons nil))
293 (boundalist (getalistcp struct))
294 rest)
295 (while (and oldalist ; is not NIL, and
296 (reallitatom (caar oldalist))) ; have not reached block
297 (setq rest (cdr oldalist))
298 (cond ((eq (cdar oldalist) (punbound))
299 (tconc unboundalist (car oldalist)))
300 ( t (setq boundalist (rplacd oldalist boundalist))))
301 (setq oldalist rest))
302 (and oldalist
303 (rplaca unboundalist
304 (nconc (car unboundalist)
305 oldalist))) ; pointer to the enclosing blocks.
306 (putalist (car unboundalist) struct)
307 (putalistcp boundalist struct)
308 t))
310(df freezeblock (blockname)
311 (let (block
312 oldalist
313 unboundalist
314 boundalist
315 rest)
316 (cond ((and (boundp (blockatom (car blockname)))
317 (setq block (eval (blockatom (car blockname))))
318 (blockp block)))
319 ( t (msg t "FREEZEBLOCK: " blockname
320 " is not the name of a block." t)
321 (pearlbreak)))
322 (setq oldalist (cddr block))
323 (setq unboundalist (ncons nil))
324 (setq boundalist (caadr block))
325 (while (and oldalist
326 (reallitatom (caar oldalist)))
327 (setq rest (cdr oldalist))
328 (cond ((eq (cdar oldalist) (punbound))
329 (tconc unboundalist (car oldalist)))
330 ( t (setq boundalist (rplacd oldalist boundalist))))
331 (setq oldalist rest))
332 (and oldalist
333 (rplaca unboundalist
334 (nconc (car unboundalist)
335 oldalist))) ; pointer to the enclosing blocks.
336 (rplaca (cadr block) boundalist) ; store frozen vars.
337 (rplacd (cdr block) (car unboundalist))
338 t))
340(dm findnextblockstart (none) ; But expects ALIST
341 '(while (and alist
342 (reallitatom (caar alist)))
343 (setq alist (cdr alist))))
345; This is for JUST THE STRUCT.
346(de thawstruct (struct)
347 (let ((alist (getalist struct)))
348 (putalist (nconc (getalistcp struct) alist) struct)
349 (putalistcp nil struct)
350 t))
352; Restore the Alist to include all values. (Undo FREEZEBINDINGS)
353; This is done for ALL BLOCKs that STRUCT is a member of.
354(de thawbindings (struct)
355 (let ((alist (getalist struct)))
356 (putalist (nconc (getalistcp struct) alist) struct)
357 (putalistcp nil struct)
358 (while (findnextblockstart)
359 (rplacd alist (nconc (caar alist) (cdr alist)))
360 (rplaca (car alist) nil))
361 t))
363; This is for JUST ONE BLOCK.
364(df thawblock (blockname)
365 (let (alist
366 block)
367 (cond ((and (boundp (blockatom (car blockname)))
368 (setq block (eval (blockatom (car blockname))))
369 (blockp block))
370 block)
371 ( t (msg t "THAWBLOCK: " blockname
372 " is not the name of a block." t)
373 (pearlbreak)))
374 (setq alist (cddr block))
375 (rplacd (cdr block) (nconc (caadr block) alist))
376 (rplaca (cadr block) nil)
377 t))
380; vi: set lisp: