fixed it to work on terminals with over 48 lines, and fixed bug
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / src / libI77 / lread.c
1#include "fio.h"
2#include "fmt.h"
3#include "lio.h"
4#include "ctype.h"
5extern char *fmtbuf;
6int (*lioproc)();
8#define isblnk(x) (ltab[x+1]&B)
9#define issep(x) (ltab[x+1]&SX)
10#define isapos(x) (ltab[x+1]&AX)
11#define isexp(x) (ltab[x+1]&EX)
12#define issign(x) (ltab[x+1]&SG)
13#define SX 1
14#define B 2
15#define AX 4
16#define EX 8
17#define SG 16
18char ltab[128+1] = { /* offset one for EOF */
19 0,
20 0,0,AX,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,SX,0,0,0,0,0,
21 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
22 SX|B,0,AX,0,0,0,0,AX,0,0,0,SG,SX,SG,0,SX,
23 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
24 0,0,0,0,EX,EX,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
25 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
26 AX,0,0,0,EX,EX,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
27 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
30char l_comma, l_first;
32{ int ch;
33 if(curunit->uend) return(EOF);
34 if((ch=getc(cf))!=EOF) return(ch);
35 if(feof(cf)) curunit->uend = 1;
36 return(EOF);
40 int ch;
41 if(curunit->uend) return(0);
42 while((ch=t_getc())!='\n' && ch!=EOF);
43 return(0);
46flag lquit;
47int lcount,ltype;
48char *lchar;
49double lx,ly;
50#define ERR(x) if(n=(x)) return(n)
51#define GETC(x) (x=t_getc())
53l_read(number,ptr,len,type) ftnint *number,type; flex *ptr; ftnlen len;
54{ int i,n,ch;
55 double *yy;
56 float *xx;
57 for(i=0;i<*number;i++)
58 {
59 if(lquit) return(0);
60 if(curunit->uend) err(elist->ciend, EOF, "list in")
61 if(lcount == 0) {
62 ltype = NULL;
63 if(!l_first) l_comma = 0;
64 else l_first = 0;
65 for(;;) {
66 GETC(ch);
67 switch(ch) {
68 case EOF:
69 goto loopend;
70 case ' ':
71 case '\n':
72 continue;
73 case '/':
74 lquit = 1;
75 goto loopend;
76 case ',':
77 if(l_comma) {
78 lcount = 1;
79 ungetc(ch, cf);
80 goto loopend;
81 }
82 l_comma = 1;
83 continue;
84 default:
85 ungetc(ch, cf);
86 goto rddata;
87 }
88 }
89 }
90 rddata:
91 switch((int)type)
92 {
93 case TYSHORT:
94 case TYLONG:
95 case TYREAL:
96 case TYDREAL:
97 ERR(l_R());
98 break;
99 case TYCOMPLEX:
100 case TYDCOMPLEX:
101 ERR(l_C());
102 break;
103 case TYLOGICAL:
104 ERR(l_L());
105 break;
106 case TYCHAR:
107 ERR(l_CHAR());
108 break;
109 }
110 loopend:
111 if(lquit) return(0);
112 if(feof(cf)) err(elist->ciend,(EOF),"list in")
113 else if(ferror(cf))
114 { clearerr(cf);
115 err(elist->cierr,errno,"list in")
116 }
117 if(ltype==NULL) goto bump;
118 switch((int)type)
119 {
120 case TYSHORT:
121 ptr->flshort=lx;
122 break;
123 case TYLOGICAL:
124 case TYLONG:
125 ptr->flint=lx;
126 break;
127 case TYREAL:
128 ptr->flreal=lx;
129 break;
130 case TYDREAL:
131 ptr->fldouble=lx;
132 break;
133 case TYCOMPLEX:
134 xx=(float *)ptr;
135 *xx++ = lx;
136 *xx = ly;
137 break;
138 case TYDCOMPLEX:
139 yy=(double *)ptr;
140 *yy++ = lx;
141 *yy = ly;
142 break;
143 case TYCHAR:
144 b_char(lchar,(char *)ptr,len);
145 break;
146 }
147 bump:
148 if(lcount>0) lcount--;
149 ptr = (flex *)((char *)ptr + len);
150 }
151 return(0);
154{ double a,b,c,d;
155 int i,ch,sign=0,da,db,dc;
156 a=b=c=d=0;
157 da=db=dc=0;
158 if(lcount>0) return(0);
159 ltype=NULL;
160 da=rd_int(&a);
161 if(da== -1) sign=da;
162 if(GETC(ch)!='*')
163 { ungetc(ch,cf);
164 db=1;
165 b=a;
166 a=1;
167 }
168 else
169 db=rd_int(&b);
170 if(GETC(ch)!='.')
171 { dc=c=0;
172 ungetc(ch,cf);
173 }
174 else dc=rd_int(&c);
175 if(isexp(GETC(ch))) db=rd_int(&d);
176 else if(issign(ch))
177 { ungetc(ch, cf);
178 db = rd_int(&d);
179 }
180 else
181 { ungetc(ch,cf);
182 d=0;
183 }
184 lcount=a;
185 if(!db && !dc)
186 return(0);
187 if(db && b<0)
188 { sign=1;
189 b = -b;
190 }
191 for(i=0;i<dc;i++) c/=10;
192 b=b+c;
193 for(i=0;i<d;i++) b *= 10;
194 for(i=0;i< -d;i++) b /= 10;
195 if(sign) b = -b;
196 ltype=TYLONG;
197 lx=b;
198 return(0);
200rd_int(x) double *x;
201{ int ch,sign=0,i;
202 double y;
203 i=0;
204 y=0;
205 if(GETC(ch)=='-') sign = -1;
206 else if(ch=='+') sign=0;
207 else ungetc(ch,cf);
208 while(isdigit(GETC(ch)))
209 { i++;
210 y=10*y+ch-'0';
211 }
212 ungetc(ch,cf);
213 if(sign) y = -y;
214 *x = y;
215 return(y!=0?i:sign);
218{ int ch;
219 if(lcount>0) return(0);
220 ltype=NULL;
221 GETC(ch);
222 if(ch!='(')
223 { if(fscanf(cf,"%d",&lcount)!=1)
224 if(!feof(cf)) err(elist->cierr,112,"complex format")
225 else err(elist->cierr,(EOF),"lread");
226 if(GETC(ch)!='*')
227 { ungetc(ch,cf);
228 if(!feof(cf)) err(elist->cierr,112,"no star")
229 else err(elist->cierr,(EOF),"lread");
230 }
231 if(GETC(ch)!='(')
232 { ungetc(ch,cf);
233 return(0);
234 }
235 }
236 lcount = 1;
237 ltype=TYLONG;
238 fscanf(cf,"%lf",&lx);
239 while(isblnk(GETC(ch)) || (ch == '\n'));
240 if(ch!=',')
241 { ungetc(ch,cf);
242 err(elist->cierr,112,"no comma");
243 }
244 while(isblnk(GETC(ch)));
245 ungetc(ch,cf);
246 fscanf(cf,"%lf",&ly);
247 while(isblnk(GETC(ch)));
248 if(ch!=')') err(elist->cierr,112,"no )");
249 while(isblnk(GETC(ch)));
250 if(ch != '\n') ungetc(ch,cf);
251 return(0);
255 int ch;
256 if(lcount>0) return(0);
257 ltype=NULL;
258 GETC(ch);
259 if(isdigit(ch))
260 { ungetc(ch,cf);
261 fscanf(cf,"%d",&lcount);
262 if(GETC(ch)!='*')
263 if(!feof(cf)) err(elist->cierr,112,"no star")
264 else err(elist->cierr,(EOF),"lread");
265 }
266 else ungetc(ch,cf);
267 if(GETC(ch)=='.') GETC(ch);
268 switch(ch)
269 {
270 case 't':
271 case 'T':
272 lx=1;
273 break;
274 case 'f':
275 case 'F':
276 lx=0;
277 break;
278 default:
279 if(isblnk(ch) || issep(ch) || ch==EOF)
280 { ungetc(ch,cf);
281 return(0);
282 }
283 else err(elist->cierr,112,"logical");
284 }
285 ltype=TYLONG;
286 lcount = 1;
287 while(!issep(GETC(ch)) && ch!=EOF);
288 ungetc(ch, cf);
289 return(0);
291#define BUFSIZE 128
293{ int ch,size,i;
294 char quote,*p;
295 if(lcount>0) return(0);
296 ltype=NULL;
298 GETC(ch);
299 if(isdigit(ch))
300 { ungetc(ch,cf);
301 fscanf(cf,"%d",&lcount);
302 if(GETC(ch)!='*') err(elist->cierr,112,"no star");
303 }
304 else ungetc(ch,cf);
305 if(GETC(ch)=='\'' || ch=='"') quote=ch;
306 else if(isblnk(ch) || (issep(ch) && ch != '\n') || ch==EOF)
307 { ungetc(ch,cf);
308 return(0);
309 }
310 else err(elist->cierr,112,"no quote");
311 ltype=TYCHAR;
312 if(lchar!=NULL) free(lchar);
313 size=BUFSIZE;
314 p=lchar=(char *)malloc(size);
315 if(lchar==NULL) err(elist->cierr,113,"no space");
316 for(i=0;;)
317 { while(GETC(ch)!=quote && ch!='\n'
318 && ch!=EOF && ++i<size) *p++ = ch;
319 if(i==size)
320 {
321 newone:
322 lchar=(char *)realloc(lchar, size += BUFSIZE);
323 p=lchar+i-1;
324 *p++ = ch;
325 }
326 else if(ch==EOF) return(EOF);
327 else if(ch=='\n')
328 { if(*(p-1) != '\\') continue;
329 i--;
330 p--;
331 if(++i<size) *p++ = ch;
332 else goto newone;
333 }
334 else if(GETC(ch)==quote)
335 { if(++i<size) *p++ = ch;
336 else goto newone;
337 }
338 else
339 { ungetc(ch,cf);
340 *p++ = 0;
341 return(0);
342 }
343 }
345s_rsle(a) cilist *a;
347 int n;
348 if(!init) f_init();
349 if(n=c_le(a,READ)) return(n);
350 reading=1;
351 external=1;
352 formatted=1;
353 l_first=1;
354 l_comma = 1;
355 lioproc = l_read;
356 lquit = 0;
357 lcount = 0;
358 if(curunit->uwrt)
359 return(nowreading(curunit));
360 else return(0);
362c_le(a,flag) cilist *a;
364 fmtbuf="list io";
365 if(a->ciunit>=MXUNIT || a->ciunit<0)
366 err(a->cierr,101,"stler");
367 scale=recpos=0;
368 elist=a;
369 curunit = &units[a->ciunit];
370 if(curunit->ufd==NULL && fk_open(flag,SEQ,FMT,a->ciunit))
371 err(a->cierr,102,"lio");
372 cf=curunit->ufd;
373 if(!curunit->ufmt) err(a->cierr,103,"lio")
374 return(0);
376do_lio(type,number,ptr,len) ftnint *number,*type; flex *ptr; ftnlen len;
378 return((*lioproc)(number,ptr,len,*type));