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[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / f77 / libF77 / opcodes.h
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2 * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
3 * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
4 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5 *
6 * @(#)opcodes.h 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%
7 *
8 * We just define the floating-point opcodes, to ease our minds.
9 */
11# define ACBD 0x6f
12# define ACBF 0x4f
13# define ADDD2 0x60
14# define ADDD3 0x61
15# define ADDF2 0x40
16# define ADDF3 0x41
17# define CMPD 0x71
18# define CMPF 0x51
19# define CVTDB 0x68
20# define CVTDF 0x76
21# define CVTDL 0x6a
22# define CVTDW 0x69
23# define CVTFB 0x48
24# define CVTFD 0x56
25# define CVTFL 0x4a
26# define CVTFW 0x49
27# define CVTRDL 0x6b
28# define CVTRFL 0x4b
29# define DIVD2 0x66
30# define DIVD3 0x67
31# define DIVF2 0x46
32# define DIVF3 0x47
33# define EMODD 0x74
34# define EMODF 0x54
35# define MNEGD 0x72
36# define MNEGF 0x52
37# define MOVD 0x70
38# define MOVF 0x50
39# define MULD2 0x64
40# define MULD3 0x65
41# define MULF2 0x44
42# define MULF3 0x45
43# define POLYD 0x75
44# define POLYF 0x55
45# define SUBD2 0x62
46# define SUBD3 0x63
47# define SUBF2 0x42
48# define SUBF3 0x43
49# define TSTD 0x73
50# define TSTF 0x53