[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / pascal / src / objfmt.h
* Copyright (c) 1980, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)objfmt.h 8.1 (Berkeley) %G%
* The size of the display.
#define DSPLYSZ 20
* The structure of the runtime display
#ifdef OBJ
struct dispsave {
char *locvars; /* pointer to local variables */
struct blockmark *stp; /* pointer to local stack frame */
* The following union allows fast access to
* precomputed display entries
union display {
struct dispsave frame[DSPLYSZ];
char *raw[2*DSPLYSZ];
} display;
#endif OBJ
#ifdef PC
#ifdef vax
* the display is made up of saved AP's and FP's.
* FP's are used to find locals,
* and AP's are used to find parameters.
* FP and AP are untyped pointers,
* but are used throughout as (char *).
* the display is used by adding AP_OFFSET or FP_OFFSET to the
* address of the approriate display entry.
struct dispsave {
char *savedAP;
char *savedFP;
} display[ DSPLYSZ ];
# define AP_OFFSET ( 0 )
# define FP_OFFSET ( sizeof (char *) )
#endif vax
#ifdef mc68000
* the display is just the saved a6.
* arguments are at positive offsets,
* locals are at negative offsets.
* there are no offsets within the saved display structure.
struct dispsave {
char *saveda6;
} display[ DSPLYSZ ];
# define AP_OFFSET (0)
# define FP_OFFSET (0)
#endif mc68000
#ifdef tahoe
* the display is just the saved FP.
* arguments are at positive offsets,
* locals are at negative offsets.
* there are no offsets within the saved display structure.
struct dispsave {
char *savedFP;
} display[ DSPLYSZ ];
# define AP_OFFSET 0
# define FP_OFFSET 0
#endif tahoe
#endif PC
* the structure below describes the block mark used by the architecture.
* this is the space used by the machine between the arguments and the
* whatever is used to point to the arguments.
#ifdef OBJ
struct blockmark {
char *tos; /* pointer to top of stack frame */
struct iorec *file; /* pointer to active file name */
struct hdr {
long framesze; /* number of bytes of local vars */
long nargs; /* number of bytes of arguments */
long tests; /* TRUE => perform runtime tests */
short offset; /* offset of procedure in source file */
char name[1]; /* name of active procedure */
} *entry;
struct dispsave odisp; /* previous display value for this level */
struct dispsave *dp; /* pointer to active display entry */
char *pc; /* previous location counter */
long lino; /* previous line number */
#endif OBJ
#ifdef PC
#ifdef vax
* since we have the ap pointing to the number of args:
struct blockmark {
long nargs;
#endif vax
#ifdef mc68000
* there's the saved pc (from the jsr)
* and the saved a6 (from the link a6).
struct blockmark {
char *savedpc;
char *saveda6;
#endif mc68000
#ifdef tahoe
* since we have the fp pointing to its predecessor
struct blockmark {
long savedfp;
#endif tahoe
#endif PC
* formal routine structure:
struct formalrtn {
long (*fentryaddr)(); /* formal entry point */
long fbn; /* block number of function */
struct dispsave fdisp[ DSPLYSZ ]; /* saved at first passing */
#ifndef PC
#ifndef OBJ
struct formalrtn frtn;
#define FBNOFFSET ( FENTRYOFFSET + sizeof frtn.fentryaddr )
#define FDISPOFFSET ( FBNOFFSET + sizeof frtn.fbn )
#ifdef OBJ
* the creation time, the size and the magic number of the obj file
struct pxhdr {
long maketime;
long objsize;
long symtabsize;
short magicnum;
* START defines the beginning of the text space.
* This should be the defined external label "start",
* however there is no way to access externals from C
* whose names do not begin with an "_".
#ifdef vax
# define HEADER_BYTES 2048 /* the size of px_header */
# define START 0x0 /* beginning of text */
#endif vax
#ifdef tahoe
# define HEADER_BYTES 2560 /* the size of px_header */
# define START 0x0 /* beginning of text */
#endif tahoe
#ifdef mc68000
# define HEADER_BYTES 3072 /* the size of px_header */
# define START 0x8000 /* beginning of text */
#endif mc68000
# define INDX 1 /* amt to shift display index */
#endif OBJ
* these are because of varying sizes of pointers
#ifdef ADDR16
# define PTR_AS O_AS2
# define PTR_RV O_RV2
# define PTR_IND O_IND2
# define PTR_CON O_CON2
# define PTR_DUP O_SDUP2
# define CON_INT O_CON2
# define INT_TYP (nl + T2INT)
# define PTR_DCL char *
# define TOOMUCH 50000
# define SHORTADDR 65536
# define MAXSET 65536 /* maximum set size */
#endif ADDR16
#ifdef ADDR32
# define PTR_AS O_AS4
# define PTR_RV O_RV4
# define PTR_IND O_IND4
# define PTR_CON O_CON4
# define PTR_DUP O_SDUP4
# define CON_INT O_CON24
# define INT_TYP (nl + T4INT)
# define PTR_DCL unsigned long /* for pointer variables */
# define SHORTADDR 32768 /* maximum short address */
# define TOOMUCH 65536 /* maximum variable size */
# define MAXSET 65536 /* maximum set size */
#endif ADDR32
* Offsets due to the structure of the runtime stack.
* DPOFF1 is the amount of fixed storage in each block allocated
* as local variables for the runtime system.
* since locals are allocated negative offsets,
* -DPOFF1 is the last used implicit local offset.
* DPOFF2 is the size of the block mark.
* since arguments are allocated positive offsets,
* DPOFF2 is the end of the implicit arguments.
* for obj, the first argument has the highest offset
* from the stackpointer. and the block mark is an
* implicit last parameter.
* for pc, the first argument has the lowest offset
* from the argumentpointer. and the block mark is an
* implicit first parameter.
# ifdef OBJ
# ifdef ADDR32
# define MAGICNUM 0403 /* obj magic number */
# define DPOFF1 0
# define DPOFF2 (sizeof (struct blockmark))
# define INPUT_OFF -8 /* offset of `input' */
# define OUTPUT_OFF -4 /* offset of `output' */
# endif ADDR32
# ifdef ADDR16
# define MAGICNUM 0404
# define DPOFF1 0
# define DPOFF2 (sizeof (struct blockmark))
# define INPUT_OFF -2
# define OUTPUT_OFF -4
# endif ADDR16
# endif OBJ
# ifdef PC
# define DPOFF1 ( sizeof (struct rtlocals) )
# define DPOFF2 ( sizeof (struct blockmark) )
# define INPUT_OFF 0
# define OUTPUT_OFF 0
# endif PC