[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / vacation / vacation.1
.\" Copyright (c) 1985, 1987 Regents of the University of California.
.\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
.\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" @(#)vacation.1 6.4 (Berkeley) %G%
.TH VACATION 1 "June 16, 1985"
.UC 6
vacation \- return ``I am on vacation'' indication
.B vacation
.B -i
.B vacation login
\fIVacation\fP returns a message to the sender of a message telling
them that you are not currently reading your mail. The intended use
is in a \fI.forward\fP file. For example, your \fI.forward\fP file might
.ti +5
\eeric, "|/usr/ucb/vacation eric"
which would send messages to you (assuming your login name was eric) and
send a message back to the sender.
\fIVacation\fP expects a file \fI.vacation.msg\fP, in your home directory,
containing a message to be sent back to each sender. It should be an entire
message (including headers). For example, it might say:
.in +5
From: eric@ucbmonet.Berkeley.EDU (Eric Allman)
Subject: I am on vacation
Delivered-By-The-Graces-Of: the Vacation program
I am on vacation until July 22. If you have something urgent,
please contact Joe Kalash <kalash@ucbingres.Berkeley.EDU>.
.in -5
\fIVacation\fP reads the first line from the standard input for
a \s-1UNIX\s0-style ``From'' line to determine the sender.
\fISendmail\fP(8) includes this ``From'' line automatically.
This message will only be sent once a week to each unique sender. The
people who have sent you messages are maintained as an \fIndbm\fP(3)
database in the files \fI.vacation.pag\fP and \fI.vacation.dir\fP in
your home directory. To avoid notifying various mailing lists of your
absence, any addresses listed in \fI.vacation.ignore\fP will never be
replied to. Also, no messages from ``-REQUEST'', ``Postmaster'',
``UUCP'', ``MAILER'', or ``MAILER-DAEMON'' will be replied to. Nor is
a notification sent if a ``Precedence: bulk'' or ``Precedence: junk'' line
is included in the mail header.
The \fB-i\fP flag initializes the vacation database files. It should be
used before you modify your \fI.forward\fP file as well as when you
update your \fI.vacation.ignore\fP file.
Fatal errors, such as calling \fIvacation\fP with incorrect arguments,
or with non-existent \fIlogin\fPs, are logged in the system log file,
using \fIsyslog\fP(8).
.ta \w'~/.vacation.ignore 'u
~/.vacation.dir database file
~/.vacation.ignore list of addresses to ignore
~/.vacation.msg message to send
~/.vacation.pag database file
sendmail(8), syslog(8)