BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / lib / libg++ / grot / etc / release.log
* changes from libg++-1.36.3 to libg++-1.37.0
* Most utility classes and functions are now in stand-alone .cc and/or .h
files. This should generate smaller exectuables, and, sometimes
faster compilation. In particular, istream.h, and ostream.h are
now separately includable. If you only need one, you don't have
to get the other.
* The Plex classes now understand `const'. The `changes' and `changed'
member functions were removed, since it is now possible to
avoid changes in Plex structures by using const versions.
* class RandomInteger is available, courtesy of John Reidl.
* PlotFile3D, a 3D plot class is in libg++/etc. It will be
incorporated into libg++ proper for the next release, perhaps
with a few changes. Thanks to Tom Ngo.
* various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
* The file etc/HINTS is an emacs RMAIL file that contains recent
bug-lib-g++ list mail and related messages that may be useful.
* changes from libg++-1.36.1 to libg++-1.36.3
* `Tmp' classes have been eliminated from Strings, Integers, etc.
(Via some retuning of the main classes, Tmp classes were found
to not significantly impact performance one way or the other,
so they were removed.)
* There is now a version of malloc, directly supporting operator
new, etc. It may be faster and better suited to C++ applications
than your libc malloc. You should be able to use it unless you need
a special malloc for a distributed shared memory environment or
the like. If you can't use it, edit the appropriate flag in
the top-level Makefile. I would very much appreciate feedback
about whether this malloc makes any difference in time or space
efficiency than whatever you are now using.
* By default, output is now line-buffered. Use the
NO_LINE_BUFFER_STREAMBUF define in the Makefile to override
* Otherwise, the stream classes remain C++-1.2 compatible.
C++-2.0-compatible versions are still in the works.
* various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
* changes from libg++-1.35.0 & 1.35.1 to 1.36.1
* various and sundry bug fixes, minor enhancements, and/or portability
improvements as described in the ChangeLog.
* Most everything should now work on most SystemV machines. Let me
know if they don't.
* genclass now allows an optional prefix to be used instead of type
name concatenation in order to help minimize filename
lengths for SYSV users. This is not a great solution, but
is A solution to filename length problems for SYSV users.
* Some, but not all classes now behave well with respect to
the new 2.0 const specifications. Some uncertainties about
how g++ will interpret gcc-based const function qualifiers
(to indicate lack of side effects) versus C++-2.0 const member
functions has held up the conversion of some classes to use
const in either or both of these ways.
* A version of etags suitable for use with c++ is in etc/
(courtesy of J. Clark)
* `graph', a unix graph(1) work-alike is in libg++/etc, courtesy
of Rich Murphey.
* RAVLMap (Ranked AVLs) prototypes.
* The GetOpt class & support has been moved from etc/ into libg++.a
* Streams have been redone to be nearly 100% AT&T 1.2 compatible.
One minor possible incompatibility exists (ostream<< char)
that can be eliminated via #define NO_OUTPUT_CHAR at the
top of stream.h. This is probably necessary in order to
compile et++. See libg++.texinfo for more details.
The new stream implementation is not particulary pretty.
Its main virtue is that it avoids some of the worst things
about both AT&T streams and old libg++ streams. A much
superior AT&T 2.0-iostream superset is in the works
for future release.
* changes from libg++-1.25.0 to libg++-1.32.0
* Nearly all data and methods previously declared as `private'
are now declared as `protected' to make subclassing from
library classes easier.
* Most classes now contain a method `OK()' that checks to
make sure that an objects internal data is in a valid state.
See the documentation for further details
* Mosts tests in ./tests now contain various kinds of assert
statements. If tests execute without assertion failures,
and without any other errors that cause aborted execution,
you may consider them successful. The test files now include
nearly all of my internal tests, which in turn have been
made more extensive.
* Plex classes are available.
A bit of propaganda about these:
Plexes are very attractive replacements for arrays
in many contexts. Try them!
* `shrink' and `contains' have been added to Obstack
* Files and streams have not yet been revamped (a complete
reworking awaits the AT&T 2.0 stream specification), but
have been adjusted to provide slightly faster IO in some
cases, and now support the use of a user-supplied string
to read or write from instead of an actual IO source.
* Rationals are now normalized when input via `>>'.
* atoI is fixed.
* variable-length representations in String, Integer, etc., are
now completely different. See the documentation for details.
* New String functions:
* readline -- read in a line from an istream as a String
* prepend -- prepend stuff to a String
* through -- make a SubString from beginning to match point
* from -- make a SubString from match point to end
* s[i] -- now returns the char by reference
* BitVec's are no longer supported, since their capabilities
are now incorporated in the revised BitString class.
* stdarg.h and regex.h are revised to support the Sun4
* Several interesting and/or useful examples of libg++
class use are in ./etc, mainly courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
* .cc file names are now all less than 15 characters. Some
.h file names are longer, but this should not present
problems on SYSV systems.
* pseudo-generic `proto' classes have been thoroughly revised:
* The prototype file names now end in `P', not `.proto'
and are in the g++-include directory
* A single, simple-to-use collection traversal mechanism
via pseudo-indices (`Pix') is used instead of particular
traversal friend classes.
* `Bag' prototypes are included
* Base classes are now supplied, so that all implementations
of Sets, Bags, are derived, allowing programmers to
mix and match implementations.
* They are now simpler to create: all comparison operators
and the like are now defined as macros in a `defs' file
which uses some reasonable defaults.
* The `Dictionary' versions of Set prototypes are not now
supported. Revised versions of such classes are forthcoming.
* Class prototypes previously labelled as `Assoc' are now
called `Maps', with slightly different capabilities.
* Splay tree prototypes are available.
A bit more propaganda: Consider using Splay tree
based containers (Set, Bag, Map, PQ). They are often
the most efficient structures when performing mixtures
of operations (adds, deletes, searches...)
* Fixed precision reals are available, courtesy of Kurt Baudendistel
* An ordered hash Set prototype (VOHSet) is available,
courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
* MLCG now allows access and modifications to the seeds.
* The Normal random generator is fixed.
* SampleStatistic now allows any prob value for confidence
* some simple timer routines are in, courtesy of Doug Schmidt
* While the Vec class prototypes are still available, they are
currently undergoing revision in order to correspond to
the forthcoming Matrix package (which should be available
in the next libg++ release).
* A C++ version of GPERF, a perfect hash function generator
program is also available in ./etc, courtesy of Doug Schmidt.
* changes from libg++-1.22.2 to libg++-1.25.0
* All reported errors from the previous release are fixed, and many
suggested modifications have been performed. Thanks to all who
have sent bug reports and comments, including those with mail
addresses that I have not been able to reply to. (My mail connections
are sometimes more than a little fragile. If you send me mail and
I have not replied within a few days, you may want to try again. Sorry.)
* A serious problem in the use of Obstacks by conversion functions
has been repaired.
* A bug in maintaining reference counts on `find' and related operations
in List prototype classes has been fixed.
* Strings now support self case manipulation in addition to the
functional versions.
* Some new functions have been added to builtin.[]. All are now
documented in libg++.texinfo
* Overload declarations are now performed in std.h and math.h,
rather than builtin.h, to eliminate some include file ordering
* Random, RNG, and SampleStatistic classes are available,
thanks to Dirk Grunwald.
* A BitVec class is available.
* The are many new generic container class prototype files. These
support container classes based on elementary data structures
(and a couple of non-elementary ones). Please read the documentation.
* Class prototype OSet has been modified and renamed OLSet.
* The genclass utility has been modified
* changes from libg++-1.22.1 to 1.22.2
* Tests files are now in a separate directory.
* Several minor errors (Complex unary -, several BitString functions)
have been repaired.
* pow(0,0) returns 1 for all versions of pow.
* An experimental generic class prototyping feature is provided,
including prototypes for lisp-style lists and ordered list-based sets.
* several include files with the same names as those in AT&T CC
are provided. These simply #include other files. OOPS should now
compile using only g++-include files. See, however, the note
about struct exception in file math.h
* Some rearrangement of files containing char* conversion has been
done to eliminate linking of unnecessary classes.
* The inline-only-when-optimizing feature is still not supported.
* New Random number generator classes are not yet available. Stubs for
these files are in this directory. They should be available for next
* changes from libg++-1.21.1 to 1.22.0
* All documentation is in a stand-alone texinfo file, libg++.texinfo,
and is on its way to becoming a decent piece of documentation.
* All reported errors from the previous release are fixed, and many
suggested modifications have been performed. Thanks to all who
have sent bug reports and comments, including those with mail
addresses that I have not been able to reply to. (My mail connections
are sometimes more than a little fragile. If you send me mail and
I have not replied within a few days, you may want to try again. Sorry.)
* New Complex, BitSet, and BitString classes are available. You will
be performing a valuable service if you try these out and report
back any bugs/comments/suggestions about these or any other classes.
* File `values.h' has been added. This contains various system
constants like the number of bits per long, etc. It contains
much of the same information as sun <values.h>, although a
few names and things differ slightly.
* Files `builtin.h', `', and `' have been added.
`builtin' contains common inline and non-inline functions on
builtin types (like `abs'). `convert' contains code for performing
IO and char* conversions, mainly via Obstacks. Most of these
functions are not new -- they have been collected from other .h
and .cc files.
* Files `std.h' and `math.h' now declare all libc.a C functions
in a way that allows any of them to be overloaded in C++.
* Strings and Integers now perform expansion via realloc() --
see libconfig.h about whether you should #define SHOULD_FREE_TO_REALLOC.
* `eatwhite' is supported for istreams.
* File::getline(String, ...) and get(String) have been removed in order to
maintain greater independence of different classes.
* Strings now provide substring matching via new versions of
`contains' and `matches', `common_prefix' and `common_suffix'.
Also, there is more support for case operations via `fcompare', etc.
The versions of `decompose' that do not deal with Regexes have
been deleted since they provide little functionality over other
operations. Also, a few special case functions dealing with char*'s
have been deleted since the required constructors are necessary
anyway. Several other corrections have been made in,
including the elimination of a few aliasing problems.
* The implementations of Integers and Rationals are now both much
more efficient and well-tested, while remaining machine independent.
A few minor visible features have been added and/or changed.
* The `box' command in PlotFile is now simulated, whether or not
it is present in libplot.a
* The inlining-only-if-optimizing feature is still not fully implemented.