[unix-history] / usr / src / old / pcc / lint / llibs / llib-lc
/* llib-lc 1.12 84/09/24 */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fstab.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <nlist.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
/*** SECTION 2 ***/
int errno;
int accept(s, a, l) struct sockaddr *a; int *l; { return s; }
int access( p, m) char *p; { return 0; }
int acct(f) char *f; { return 0;}
int bind(s, n, l) struct sockaddr *n; { return 0; }
char *brk(a) char *a; { return(a); }
int chdir(s) char *s; { return(0); }
int chmod(s, m) char *s; { return(0); }
int chown(s, u, g) char *s; { return(0); }
int chroot( d ) char *d; { return 0; }
int close(f) { return(0); }
int connect( s, n, l) struct sockaddr *n; { return 0; }
int dup(f) { return(f); }
int dup2( o, n) { return o; }
execve(s, v, e) char *s, *v[], *e[]; {;}
_exit(s) {;}
int fcntl(f, c, a) { return (0); }
int flock( f, o ) { return 0; }
int fork() { return(0); }
int fsync( f ) { return 0; }
int fstat(f, b) struct stat *b; { return(0); }
int ftruncate( d, l) { return 0;}
int getdtablesize() { return 20 ; }
int getegid() { return(1); }
int geteuid() { return(1); }
int getgid() { return(1); }
int getgroups( n, g ) int *n, *g; { return 0; }
int gethostid() { return 1; }
int gethostname( n, l ) char *n; int l; { return 0 ;}
int getitimer( w, v ) struct itimerval *v; { return 0; }
int getpagesize() { return 1; }
int getpgrp(p) { return 1; }
int getpid() { return(1); }
int getppid() { return(1); }
int getpriority( w, who) { return 1;}
int getrlimit( res, rip) struct rlimit *rip; { return 0;}
int getrusage( res, rip) struct rusage *rip; { return 0;}
int getsockname(s, name, namelen) char *name; int *namelen; { return(0); }
int getsockopt( s, level, opt, buf, len ) { return 0;}
int gettimeofday( t, z ) struct timeval *t; struct timezone *z; { return 0;}
int getuid() { return(1); }
int ioctl( d, r, p) char *p; { return 0;}
int kill(p, s) { return(0); }
int killpg( pg, s) { return 0;}
int link(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(0); }
int listen( s, b ){ return 0; }
off_t lseek(f, o, d) off_t o; { return(0); }
int lstat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return(0); }
#ifdef notdef
int madvise( a, l, b ) char * a; int l, b; { return 0;}
int mmap( a, l, p, s, f, o ) char * a; off_t o; { return 0;}
int mincore( a, l, v ) char * a; int l; char *v; { return 0; }
int mkdir( p, m ) char *p; { return 0; }
int mknod(n, m, a) char *n; { return(0); }
int mount(s, n, f) char *s, *n; { return(0); }
#ifdef notdef
int mprotect( a, l, p) char * a; { return 0;}
int mremap( a, l, p, s, f) char * a, f; { return 0;}
int munmap( a, l) char * a; { return 0;}
/* VARARGS2 */
int open(f, m, stuff) char *f; { return(0); }
int pipe(f) int f[2]; { return(0); }
profil(b, s, o, i) char *b; {;}
int ptrace(r, p, a, d) { return(0); }
int read(f, b, l) char *b; { return(l); }
int readv( d, v, l) struct iovec *v; { return l; }
int readlink( p, b, s ) char *p, *b; { return 1; }
reboot( h ) {;}
int recv( s, b, l, f ) char *b; { return l ; }
int recvfrom( s, b, l, f, fr, fl ) char *b; struct sockaddr *fr; int *fl;
{ return l; }
int recvmsg( s, m, f ) struct msghdr m[]; { return 1; }
int rename( f, t ) char *f, *t; { return 0;}
int rmdir( p ) char *p; { return 0;}
char *sbrk(i) { return((char *)0); }
int select( n, r, w, e, t ) int *r, *w, *e; struct timeval *t; { return n; }
int send( s, m, l, f ) char *m; { return l; }
int sendto( s, m, l, f, t, tl ) char *m; struct sockaddr *t; { return l; }
int sendmsg( s, m, l) struct msghdr m[]; { return l; }
int setgroups( n, g) int *g; { return 0; }
int sethostid( h ) { return 0;}
int sethostname( n, l ) char *n; int l; { return 0 ;}
int setitimer( w, v, ov ) struct itimerval *v, *ov; { return 0; }
int setpgrp( g, pg) { return 0; }
int setpriority( w, who, pri ) { return 1;}
int setregid( r, e){ return 0; }
int setreuid( r, e){ return 0; }
int setrlimit( res, rip) struct rlimit *rip; { return 0;}
int setsockopt( s, level, opt, buf, len ) { return 0;}
int settimeofday( t, z ) struct timeval *t; struct timezone *z; { return 0;}
int shutdown( s, h ){ return 0;}
int (*signal(c, f))() int (*f)(); { return(f); }
int (*sigvec(c, f, m))() int (*f)(); { return(f); }
int sigblock(m) { return (m); }
int sigsetmask(m) { return (m); }
sigpause(m) { ; }
int sigstack(a, on) char *a; int on; { ; }
int socket( a, t, p) {return 1;}
int socketpair( d, t, p, s ) int s[2]; { return 0; }
int stat(s, b) char *s; struct stat *b; { return(0); }
#ifdef notdef
char * stk( a ) char * a; { return a; }
char * sstk( a ) int a; { return (char *)0; }
int swapon( b, s ) char *b; { return 0;}
int symlink( t, f) char *t, *f; { return 0;}
int truncate( p, l) char *p; { return 0;}
int umask( n ) { return n; }
int unlink(s) char *s; { return(0); }
int utimes( f, t ) char *f; struct timeval t[2]; { return 0 ;}
int vfork() { return(0); }
int wait(s) union wait *s; { return(1); }
int wait3( s, o, r) union wait *s; struct rusage *r; { return 1;}
int write(f, b, l) char *b; { return(l); }
int writev( f, v, l) struct iovec *v; { return l; }
/*** SECTION 3 ***/
/* antique system calls and unclassified */
abort() {;}
int abs(i) int i; { return(i); }
int alarm(s) unsigned s; { return(s); }
alphasort( d1, d2) struct direct *d1, *d2; { return 0;}
char * asctime(t) struct tm *t; { return(""); }
double atof(s) char *s; { return(1.); }
int atoi(s) char *s; { return 1; }
long atol(s) char *s; { return 1L; }
char * calloc(n,s) unsigned n, s; { static char c[1]; return(c); }
void closedir( p ) DIR *p; {}
int creat(s, m) char *s; { return(0); }
char * crypt(k,s) char *k, *s; { return(""); }
char * ctime(c) time_t *c;{ return(""); }
char _ctype_[];
char * ecvt(v, n, d, s) double v; int *d, *s; { return(""); }
encrypt(s, i) char *s; {}
int endfsent() { return 0; }
int endgrent() { return 0; }
int endpwent() { return 0; }
execl(f, a) char *f, *a; {;}
execle(f, a) char *f, *a; {;}
execv(s, v) char *s, *v[]; {;}
exit(s) {;}
char * fcvt(v, n, d, s) double v; int *d, *s; { return(""); }
free(p) char *p; {;}
double frexp( v, e) double v; int *e; { return v; }
char * gcvt(v, n, b) double v; char *b; { return(""); }
char * getenv( n ) char *n; { return n; }
struct fstab * getfsent() { return (struct fstab *)NULL; }
struct fstab * getfsspec( n ) char *n; { return (struct fstab *)NULL; }
struct fstab * getfsfile( n ) char *n; { return (struct fstab *)NULL; }
struct fstab * getfstype( t ) char *t; { return (struct fstab *)NULL; }
struct group * getgrent() { return (struct group *)NULL; }
struct group * getgrgid( n ) { return (struct group *)NULL; }
struct group * getgrnam( n ) char *n; { return (struct group *)NULL; }
char * getlogin(){ return " "; }
char * getpass( n ) char *n ; { return n; }
int getpw( u, b) char *b; { return 0; }
struct passwd * getpwent() { return (struct passwd *)NULL; }
struct passwd * getpwuid( n ) { return (struct passwd *)NULL; }
struct passwd * getpwnam( n ) char *n; { return (struct passwd *)NULL; }
struct tm * gmtime(c) time_t *c; { return gmtime(c); }
int gtty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
char * index(s, c) char *s, c; { return s; }
long * initstate( s, st, n) unsigned s; long *st; { return st; }
int isatty(f) { return 1; }
double ldexp( v, e) double v; { return v; }
longjmp( e, v) jmp_buf e; {;}
struct tm *localtime(c) time_t *c; { return localtime(c); }
char * malloc(n) unsigned n; {static char c; return(&c);}
double modf( v, p ) double v, *p; { return v; }
char * mktemp(p) char *p; { return(p);}
monitor(l, h, b, s, n) int (*l)(), (*h)(); short *b; {}
monstartup( l, h) int (*l)(), (*h)(); {;}
nlist( f, n) char *f; struct nlist n[]; {;}
DIR * opendir( f ) char *f; { return (DIR *)NULL; }
pause() {;}
perror(s) char *s; {}
struct direct * readdir( p ) DIR *p; { return (struct direct *)NULL; }
qsort( b, n, w, c ) char *b; int (*c)(); {;}
int rand(){ return 1; }
long random() { return 1L; }
char * re_comp(s) char *s ; { return s; }
int re_exec(s) char *s ; { return 1; }
char * realloc(p, n) char *p; unsigned n; { static char c[1]; return(c);}
char * rindex(s, c) char *s, c; { return s; }
int scandir(d, n, s, c) char *d; struct direct *(*n[]); int (*s)(),(*c)();
{ return 1; }
void seekdir( p, l) DIR *p; long l; {}
int setfsent() { return 0; }
int setgrent() { return 0; }
int setgid(g) { return(0); }
int setjmp(e) jmp_buf e; { return(0); }
setkey(k) char *k; {}
int setpwent() { return 0; }
long * setstate( st ) long *st; { return st; }
int setuid(u) { return(0); }
sleep(i) unsigned i; {}
int srand(s){ return s; }
char * strcat(a, b) char *a, *b; { return a; }
int strcmp(a, b) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
char * strcpy(a, b) char *a, *b; { return a; }
int strlen(s) char *s; { return(1); }
char * strncat(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return a;}
int strncmp(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return(1); }
char * strncpy(a, b, n) char *a, *b; { return a; }
int stty(f, b) struct sgttyb *b; { return(0); }
swab( f, t, n) char *f, *t; {;}
char * sys_errlist[];
int sys_nerr;
int system(s) char *s; { return(0); }
long tell(f) { return((long)0); }
long telldir( p ) DIR *p; { return 1L; }
time_t time(t) time_t *t; { return( 0 );}
char * timezone( z, d ){}
char * ttyname(f) { return " "; }
int ttyslot() { return 1; }
char * valloc(s) unsigned s; { return malloc(s); }
/* standard I/O library */
int fclose(f) FILE *f; {return(0);}
FILE * fdopen(fd, m) char *m; { return(stdin);}
int fflush(f) FILE *f; {return(0);}
int fgetc(f) FILE *f; {return 0; }
char * fgets( s, l, f ) char *s; FILE *f; { return(s); }
int _filbuf( f ) FILE *f; { return 0; }
/* the unsigned is due to putc and putchar macro expansion */
int _flsbuf( c, f ) unsigned c; FILE *f; { return 0; }
FILE * fopen(s,m) char *s, *m; { return(stdin); }
fprintf( f, s ) FILE *f; char *s; {;}
int fputc(c, f) char c; FILE *f; {return 0; }
fputs(s,f) char *s; FILE *f; {;}
int fread( p, s, n, f ) char *p; FILE *f; {return(1);}
FILE * freopen(s, m, f) char *s, *m; FILE *f; { return(stdin); }
fscanf( f, s ) FILE *f; char *s; {return(1);}
fseek(f, o, p) FILE *f; long o; { return(0); }
long ftell(f) FILE *f; { return(0L); }
int fwrite( p, s, n, f ) char *p; FILE *f; {return(0);}
int getw(f) FILE *f; { return 0;}
char * gets( s ) char *s; { return(s); }
struct _iobuf _iob[_NFILE];
int pclose( f ) FILE *f; { return 0; }
FILE * popen( c, t ) char *c, *t; { return(stdin); }
printf( s ) char *s; {;}
puts(s) char *s;{;}
int putw(w, f) FILE *f; { return 0;}
rewind(f) FILE *f; {;}
scanf( f ) char *f; {return(1); }
setbuf( f, b ) FILE *f; char *b; {;}
setbuffer( f, b, s ) FILE *f; char *b; {;}
char * sprintf( s, f ) char *s, *f; { return(s);}
sscanf( s, f ) char *s, *f; { return(1); }
ungetc( c, f ) FILE *f; { return(c); }