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[unix-history] / gnu / lib / libg++ / libg++ /
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
written by Doug Lea (
This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
String class implementation
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include <String.h>
#include <std.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <new.h>
#include <builtin.h>
// extern "C" {
#include <regex.h>
// }
void String::error(const char* msg) const
(*lib_error_handler)("String", msg);
String::operator const char*() const
return (const char*)chars();
// globals
StrRep _nilStrRep = { 0, 1, { 0 } }; // nil strings point here
String _nilString; // nil SubStrings point here
the following inline fcts are specially designed to work
in support of String classes, and are not meant as generic replacements
for libc "str" functions.
inline copy fcts - I like left-to-right from->to arguments.
all versions assume that `to' argument is non-null
These are worth doing inline, rather than through calls because,
via procedural integration, adjacent copy calls can be smushed
together by the optimizer.
// copy n bytes
inline static void ncopy(const char* from, char* to, int n)
if (from != to) while (--n >= 0) *to++ = *from++;
// copy n bytes, null-terminate
inline static void ncopy0(const char* from, char* to, int n)
if (from != to)
while (--n >= 0) *to++ = *from++;
*to = 0;
to[n] = 0;
// copy until null
inline static void scopy(const char* from, char* to)
if (from != 0) while((*to++ = *from++) != 0);
// copy right-to-left
inline static void revcopy(const char* from, char* to, short n)
if (from != 0) while (--n >= 0) *to-- = *from--;
inline static int slen(const char* t) // inline strlen
if (t == 0)
return 0;
const char* a = t;
while (*a++ != 0);
return a - 1 - t;
// minimum & maximum representable rep size
#define MAXStrRep_SIZE ((1 << (sizeof(short) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1)
#define MINStrRep_SIZE 16
// The basic allocation primitive:
// Always round request to something close to a power of two.
// This ensures a bit of padding, which often means that
// concatenations don't have to realloc. Plus it tends to
// be faster when lots of Strings are created and discarded,
// since just about any version of malloc (op new()) will
// be faster when it can reuse identically-sized chunks
inline static StrRep* Snew(int newsiz)
unsigned int siz = sizeof(StrRep) + newsiz + MALLOC_MIN_OVERHEAD;
unsigned int allocsiz = MINStrRep_SIZE;
while (allocsiz < siz) allocsiz <<= 1;
if (allocsiz >= MAXStrRep_SIZE)
(*lib_error_handler)("String", "Requested length out of range");
StrRep* rep = (StrRep *) new char[allocsiz];
rep->sz = allocsiz - sizeof(StrRep);
return rep;
// Do-something-while-allocating routines.
// We live with two ways to signify empty Sreps: either the
// null pointer (0) or a pointer to the nilStrRep.
// We always signify unknown source lengths (usually when fed a char*)
// via len == -1, in which case it is computed.
// allocate, copying src if nonull
StrRep* Salloc(StrRep* old, const char* src, int srclen, int newlen)
if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(src);
if (newlen < srclen) newlen = srclen;
StrRep* rep;
if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
rep = Snew(newlen);
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
ncopy0(src, rep->s, srclen);
if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
return rep;
// reallocate: Given the initial allocation scheme, it will
// generally be faster in the long run to get new space & copy
// than to call realloc
StrRep* Sresize(StrRep* old, int newlen)
if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
StrRep* rep;
if (old == 0)
rep = Snew(newlen);
else if (newlen > old->sz)
rep = Snew(newlen);
ncopy0(old->s, rep->s, old->len);
delete old;
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
return rep;
// like allocate, but we know that src is a StrRep
StrRep* Scopy(StrRep* old, StrRep* s)
if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
if (s == &_nilStrRep) s = 0;
if (old == s)
return (old == 0)? &_nilStrRep : old;
else if (s == 0)
old->s[0] = 0;
old->len = 0;
return old;
StrRep* rep;
int newlen = s->len;
if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz)
if (old != 0) delete old;
rep = Snew(newlen);
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
ncopy0(s->s, rep->s, newlen);
return rep;
// allocate & concatenate
StrRep* Scat(StrRep* old, const char* s, int srclen, const char* t, int tlen)
if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(s);
if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
int newlen = srclen + tlen;
StrRep* rep;
if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
(t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len]))) // beware of aliasing
rep = Snew(newlen);
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
ncopy(s, rep->s, srclen);
ncopy0(t, &(rep->s[srclen]), tlen);
if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
return rep;
// double-concatenate
StrRep* Scat(StrRep* old, const char* s, int srclen, const char* t, int tlen,
const char* u, int ulen)
if (old == &_nilStrRep) old = 0;
if (srclen < 0) srclen = slen(s);
if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
if (ulen < 0) ulen = slen(u);
int newlen = srclen + tlen + ulen;
StrRep* rep;
if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
(t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len])) ||
(u >= old->s && u < &(old->s[old->len])))
rep = Snew(newlen);
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
ncopy(s, rep->s, srclen);
ncopy(t, &(rep->s[srclen]), tlen);
ncopy0(u, &(rep->s[srclen+tlen]), ulen);
if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
return rep;
// like cat, but we know that new stuff goes in the front of existing rep
StrRep* Sprepend(StrRep* old, const char* t, int tlen)
char* s;
int srclen;
if (old == &_nilStrRep || old == 0)
s = 0; old = 0; srclen = 0;
s = old->s; srclen = old->len;
if (tlen < 0) tlen = slen(t);
int newlen = srclen + tlen;
StrRep* rep;
if (old == 0 || newlen > old->sz ||
(t >= old->s && t < &(old->s[old->len])))
rep = Snew(newlen);
rep = old;
rep->len = newlen;
revcopy(&(s[srclen]), &(rep->s[newlen]), srclen+1);
ncopy(t, rep->s, tlen);
if (old != rep && old != 0) delete old;
return rep;
// string compare: first argument is known to be non-null
inline static int scmp(const char* a, const char* b)
if (b == 0)
return *a != 0;
signed char diff = 0;
while ((diff = *a - *b++) == 0 && *a++ != 0);
return diff;
inline static int ncmp(const char* a, int al, const char* b, int bl)
int n = (al <= bl)? al : bl;
signed char diff;
while (n-- > 0) if ((diff = *a++ - *b++) != 0) return diff;
return al - bl;
int fcompare(const String& x, const String& y)
const char* a = x.chars();
const char* b = y.chars();
int al = x.length();
int bl = y.length();
int n = (al <= bl)? al : bl;
signed char diff = 0;
while (n-- > 0)
char ac = *a++;
char bc = *b++;
if ((diff = ac - bc) != 0)
if (ac >= 'a' && ac <= 'z')
ac = ac - 'a' + 'A';
if (bc >= 'a' && bc <= 'z')
bc = bc - 'a' + 'A';
if ((diff = ac - bc) != 0)
return diff;
return al - bl;
// these are not inline, but pull in the above inlines, so are
// pretty fast
int compare(const String& x, const char* b)
return scmp(x.chars(), b);
int compare(const String& x, const String& y)
return scmp(x.chars(), y.chars());
int compare(const String& x, const SubString& y)
return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
int compare(const SubString& x, const String& y)
return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
int compare(const SubString& x, const SubString& y)
return ncmp(x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
int compare(const SubString& x, const char* b)
if (b == 0)
return x.length();
const char* a = x.chars();
int n = x.length();
signed char diff;
while (n-- > 0) if ((diff = *a++ - *b++) != 0) return diff;
return (*b == 0) ? 0 : -1;
index fcts
int String::search(int start, int sl, char c) const
const char* s = chars();
if (sl > 0)
if (start >= 0)
const char* a = &(s[start]);
const char* lasta = &(s[sl]);
while (a < lasta) if (*a++ == c) return --a - s;
const char* a = &(s[sl + start + 1]);
while (--a >= s) if (*a == c) return a - s;
return -1;
int String::search(int start, int sl, const char* t, int tl) const
const char* s = chars();
if (tl < 0) tl = slen(t);
if (sl > 0 && tl > 0)
if (start >= 0)
const char* lasts = &(s[sl - tl]);
const char* lastt = &(t[tl]);
const char* p = &(s[start]);
while (p <= lasts)
const char* x = p++;
const char* y = t;
while (*x++ == *y++) if (y >= lastt) return --p - s;
const char* firsts = &(s[tl - 1]);
const char* lastt = &(t[tl - 1]);
const char* p = &(s[sl + start + 1]);
while (--p >= firsts)
const char* x = p;
const char* y = lastt;
while (*x-- == *y--) if (y < t) return ++x - s;
return -1;
int String::match(int start, int sl, int exact, const char* t, int tl) const
if (tl < 0) tl = slen(t);
if (start < 0)
start = sl + start - tl + 1;
if (start < 0 || (exact && start != 0))
return -1;
else if (exact && sl - start != tl)
return -1;
if (sl == 0 || tl == 0 || sl - start < tl || start >= sl)
return -1;
int n = tl;
const char* s = &(rep->s[start]);
while (--n >= 0) if (*s++ != *t++) return -1;
return tl;
void SubString::assign(StrRep* ysrc, const char* ys, int ylen)
if (&S == &_nilString) return;
if (ylen < 0) ylen = slen(ys);
StrRep* targ = S.rep;
int sl = targ->len - len + ylen;
if (ysrc == targ || sl >= targ->sz)
StrRep* oldtarg = targ;
targ = Sresize(0, sl);
ncopy(oldtarg->s, targ->s, pos);
ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
scopy(&(oldtarg->s[pos + len]), &(targ->s[pos + ylen]));
delete oldtarg;
else if (len == ylen)
ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), len);
else if (ylen < len)
ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
scopy(&(targ->s[pos + len]), &(targ->s[pos + ylen]));
revcopy(&(targ->s[targ->len]), &(targ->s[sl]), targ->len-pos-len +1);
ncopy(ys, &(targ->s[pos]), ylen);
targ->len = sl;
S.rep = targ;
* substitution
int String::_gsub(const char* pat, int pl, const char* r, int rl)
int nmatches = 0;
if (pl < 0) pl = slen(pat);
if (rl < 0) rl = slen(r);
int sl = length();
if (sl <= 0 || pl <= 0 || sl < pl)
return nmatches;
const char* s = chars();
// prepare to make new rep
StrRep* nrep = 0;
int nsz = 0;
char* x = 0;
int si = 0;
int xi = 0;
int remaining = sl;
while (remaining >= pl)
int pos = search(si, sl, pat, pl);
if (pos < 0)
int mustfit = xi + remaining + rl - pl;
if (mustfit >= nsz)
if (nrep != 0) nrep->len = xi;
nrep = Sresize(nrep, mustfit);
nsz = nrep->sz;
x = nrep->s;
pos -= si;
ncopy(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), pos);
ncopy(r, &(x[xi + pos]), rl);
si += pos + pl;
remaining -= pos + pl;
xi += pos + rl;
if (nrep == 0)
if (nmatches == 0)
return nmatches;
nrep = Sresize(nrep, xi+remaining);
ncopy0(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), remaining);
nrep->len = xi + remaining;
if (nrep->len <= rep->sz) // fit back in if possible
rep->len = nrep->len;
ncopy0(nrep->s, rep->s, rep->len);
rep = nrep;
return nmatches;
int String::_gsub(const Regex& pat, const char* r, int rl)
int nmatches = 0;
int sl = length();
if (sl <= 0)
return nmatches;
if (rl < 0) rl = slen(r);
const char* s = chars();
StrRep* nrep = 0;
int nsz = 0;
char* x = 0;
int si = 0;
int xi = 0;
int remaining = sl;
int pos, pl = 0; // how long is a regular expression?
while (remaining > 0)
pos =, sl, pl, si); // unlike string search, the pos returned here is absolute
if (pos < 0 || pl <= 0)
int mustfit = xi + remaining + rl - pl;
if (mustfit >= nsz)
if (nrep != 0) nrep->len = xi;
nrep = Sresize(nrep, mustfit);
x = nrep->s;
nsz = nrep->sz;
pos -= si;
ncopy(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), pos);
ncopy(r, &(x[xi + pos]), rl);
si += pos + pl;
remaining -= pos + pl;
xi += pos + rl;
if (nrep == 0)
if (nmatches == 0)
return nmatches;
nrep = Sresize(nrep, xi+remaining);
ncopy0(&(s[si]), &(x[xi]), remaining);
nrep->len = xi + remaining;
if (nrep->len <= rep->sz) // fit back in if possible
rep->len = nrep->len;
ncopy0(nrep->s, rep->s, rep->len);
rep = nrep;
return nmatches;
* deletion
void String::del(int pos, int len)
if (pos < 0 || len <= 0 || (unsigned)(pos + len) > length()) return;
int nlen = length() - len;
int first = pos + len;
ncopy0(&(rep->s[first]), &(rep->s[pos]), length() - first);
rep->len = nlen;
void String::del(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
del(first, mlen);
void String::del(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int p = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
del(p, tlen);
void String::del(const String& y, int startpos)
del(search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length()), y.length());
void String::del(const SubString& y, int startpos)
del(search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length()), y.length());
void String::del(char c, int startpos)
del(search(startpos, length(), c), 1);
* substring extraction
SubString String::at(int first, int len)
return _substr(first, len);
SubString String::operator() (int first, int len)
return _substr(first, len);
SubString String::before(int pos)
return _substr(0, pos);
SubString String::through(int pos)
return _substr(0, pos+1);
SubString String::after(int pos)
return _substr(pos + 1, length() - (pos + 1));
SubString String::from(int pos)
return _substr(pos, length() - pos);
SubString String::at(const String& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(first, y.length());
SubString String::at(const SubString& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(first, y.length());
SubString String::at(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
return _substr(first, mlen);
SubString String::at(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
return _substr(first, tlen);
SubString String::at(char c, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
return _substr(first, 1);
SubString String::before(const String& y, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::before(const SubString& y, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::before(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
return _substr(0, first);
SubString String::before(char c, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), c);
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::before(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int last = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::through(const String& y, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
if (last >= 0) last += y.length();
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::through(const SubString& y, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
if (last >= 0) last += y.length();
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::through(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
if (first >= 0) first += mlen;
return _substr(0, first);
SubString String::through(char c, int startpos)
int last = search(startpos, length(), c);
if (last >= 0) last += 1;
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::through(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int last = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
if (last >= 0) last += tlen;
return _substr(0, last);
SubString String::after(const String& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
if (first >= 0) first += y.length();
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::after(const SubString& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
if (first >= 0) first += y.length();
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::after(char c, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
if (first >= 0) first += 1;
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::after(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
if (first >= 0) first += mlen;
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::after(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
if (first >= 0) first += tlen;
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::from(const String& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::from(const SubString& y, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::from(const Regex& r, int startpos)
int mlen;
int first =, length(), mlen, startpos);
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::from(char c, int startpos)
int first = search(startpos, length(), c);
return _substr(first, length() - first);
SubString String::from(const char* t, int startpos)
int tlen = slen(t);
int first = search(startpos, length(), t, tlen);
return _substr(first, length() - first);
* split/join
int split(const String& src, String results[], int n, const String& sep)
String x = src;
const char* s = x.chars();
int sl = x.length();
int i = 0;
int pos = 0;
while (i < n && pos < sl)
int p =, sl, sep.chars(), sep.length());
if (p < 0)
p = sl;
results[i].rep = Salloc(results[i].rep, &(s[pos]), p - pos, p - pos);
pos = p + sep.length();
return i;
int split(const String& src, String results[], int n, const Regex& r)
String x = src;
const char* s = x.chars();
int sl = x.length();
int i = 0;
int pos = 0;
int p, matchlen;
while (i < n && pos < sl)
p =, sl, matchlen, pos);
if (p < 0)
p = sl;
results[i].rep = Salloc(results[i].rep, &(s[pos]), p - pos, p - pos);
pos = p + matchlen;
return i;
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_NRV)
String join(String src[], int n, const String& separator) return x;
String sep = separator;
int xlen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
xlen += src[i].length();
xlen += (n - 1) * sep.length();
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
ncopy(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
j += src[i].length();
ncopy(sep.chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), sep.length());
j += sep.length();
ncopy0(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
String join(String src[], int n, const String& separator)
String x;
String sep = separator;
int xlen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
xlen += src[i].length();
xlen += (n - 1) * sep.length();
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
ncopy(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
j += src[i].length();
ncopy(sep.chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), sep.length());
j += sep.length();
ncopy0(src[i].chars(), &(x.rep->s[j]), src[i].length());
return x;
StrRep* Sreverse(StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
int n = src->len;
if (src != dest)
dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
if (n > 0)
char* a = dest->s;
char* b = &(a[n - 1]);
while (a < b)
char t = *a;
*a++ = *b;
*b-- = t;
return dest;
StrRep* Supcase(StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
int n = src->len;
if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
char* p = dest->s;
char* e = &(p[n]);
for (; p < e; ++p) if (islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p);
return dest;
StrRep* Sdowncase(StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
int n = src->len;
if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
char* p = dest->s;
char* e = &(p[n]);
for (; p < e; ++p) if (isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p);
return dest;
StrRep* Scapitalize(StrRep* src, StrRep* dest)
int n = src->len;
if (src != dest) dest = Salloc(dest, src->s, n, n);
char* p = dest->s;
char* e = &(p[n]);
for (; p < e; ++p)
int at_word;
if (at_word = islower(*p))
*p = toupper(*p);
at_word = isupper(*p) || isdigit(*p);
if (at_word)
while (++p < e)
if (isupper(*p))
*p = tolower(*p);
else if (!islower(*p) && !isdigit(*p))
return dest;
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_NRV)
String replicate(char c, int n) return w;
w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n);
char* p = w.rep->s;
while (n-- > 0) *p++ = c;
*p = 0;
String replicate(const String& y, int n) return w
int len = y.length();
w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n * len);
char* p = w.rep->s;
while (n-- > 0)
ncopy(y.chars(), p, len);
p += len;
*p = 0;
String common_prefix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos) return r;
const char* xchars = x.chars();
const char* ychars = y.chars();
const char* xs = &(xchars[startpos]);
const char* ss = xs;
const char* topx = &(xchars[x.length()]);
const char* ys = &(ychars[startpos]);
const char* topy = &(ychars[y.length()]);
for (int l = 0; xs < topx && ys < topy && *xs++ == *ys++; ++l);
r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ss, l, l);
String common_suffix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos) return r;
const char* xchars = x.chars();
const char* ychars = y.chars();
const char* xs = &(xchars[x.length() + startpos]);
const char* botx = xchars;
const char* ys = &(ychars[y.length() + startpos]);
const char* boty = ychars;
for (int l = 0; xs >= botx && ys >= boty && *xs == *ys ; --xs, --ys, ++l);
r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ++xs, l, l);
String replicate(char c, int n)
String w;
w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n);
char* p = w.rep->s;
while (n-- > 0) *p++ = c;
*p = 0;
return w;
String replicate(const String& y, int n)
String w;
int len = y.length();
w.rep = Sresize(w.rep, n * len);
char* p = w.rep->s;
while (n-- > 0)
ncopy(y.chars(), p, len);
p += len;
*p = 0;
return w;
String common_prefix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos)
String r;
const char* xchars = x.chars();
const char* ychars = y.chars();
const char* xs = &(xchars[startpos]);
const char* ss = xs;
const char* topx = &(xchars[x.length()]);
const char* ys = &(ychars[startpos]);
const char* topy = &(ychars[y.length()]);
for (int l = 0; xs < topx && ys < topy && *xs++ == *ys++; ++l);
r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ss, l, l);
return r;
String common_suffix(const String& x, const String& y, int startpos)
String r;
const char* xchars = x.chars();
const char* ychars = y.chars();
const char* xs = &(xchars[x.length() + startpos]);
const char* botx = xchars;
const char* ys = &(ychars[y.length() + startpos]);
const char* boty = ychars;
for (int l = 0; xs >= botx && ys >= boty && *xs == *ys ; --xs, --ys, ++l);
r.rep = Salloc(r.rep, ++xs, l, l);
return r;
// IO
istream& operator>>(istream& s, String& x)
if (!s.ipfx(0) || (!(s.flags() & ios::skipws) && !ws(s)))
s.clear(ios::failbit|s.rdstate()); // Redundant if using GNU iostreams.
return s;
int ch;
int i = 0;
x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, 20);
register streambuf *sb = s.rdbuf();
while ((ch = sb->sbumpc()) != EOF)
if (isspace(ch))
if (i >= x.rep->sz - 1)
x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, i+1);
x.rep->s[i++] = ch;
x.rep->s[i] = 0;
x.rep->len = i;
int new_state = s.rdstate();
if (i == 0) new_state |= ios::failbit;
if (ch == EOF) new_state |= ios::eofbit;
return s;
int readline(istream& s, String& x, char terminator, int discard)
if (!s.ipfx(0))
return 0;
int ch;
int i = 0;
x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, 80);
register streambuf *sb = s.rdbuf();
while ((ch = sb->sbumpc()) != EOF)
if (ch != terminator || !discard)
if (i >= x.rep->sz - 1)
x.rep = Sresize(x.rep, i+1);
x.rep->s[i++] = ch;
if (ch == terminator)
x.rep->s[i] = 0;
x.rep->len = i;
if (ch == EOF) s.clear(ios::eofbit|s.rdstate());
return i;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const SubString& x)
const char* a = x.chars();
const char* lasta = &(a[x.length()]);
while (a < lasta)
// from John.Willis@FAS.RI.CMU.EDU
int String::freq(const SubString& y) const
int found = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
if (match(i,length(),0,y.chars(), y.length())>= 0) found++;
int String::freq(const String& y) const
int found = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
if (match(i,length(),0,y.chars(),y.length()) >= 0) found++;
int String::freq(const char* t) const
int found = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
if (match(i,length(),0,t) >= 0) found++;
int String::freq(char c) const
int found = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
if (match(i,length(),0,&c,1) >= 0) found++;
int String::OK() const
if (rep == 0 // don't have a rep
|| rep->len > rep->sz // string oustide bounds
|| rep->s[rep->len] != 0) // not null-terminated
error("invariant failure");
return 1;
int SubString::OK() const
int v = S != (const char*)0; // have a String;
v &= S.OK(); // that is legal
v &= pos + len >= S.rep->len;// pos and len within bounds
if (!v) S.error("SubString invariant failure");
return v;