[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / tn3270 / distribution / README
There are 3 interfaces we define.
One is that between the host computer and the 3274 controller. This
interface specifies the AIDs, orders, commands, attributes, WCC, formats
of various read and write commands, etc., that are transmitted to and
from the host. Additionally, the mapping between EBCDIC and the
internal 3270 display code occurs at this interface.
The logic for this interface is in outbound.c and inbound.c. The interface
is parameterized in 3270.h and ebc_disp.[hc].
The second interface is between the keyboard and the 3274 controller.
This interface specifies which keyboard scan codes perform which
function (either are a character like A, or some function like EEOF, or
some AID-generating function like CLEAR or PFK1).
The logic for this interface is in inbound.c, and is parameterized in
kbd3270.h and hits.c.
The third and last interface is between the screen and the 3274 controller.
This interface specifies the internal 3270 display code, error messages
which may be presented to the screen by the 3274, and the bell.