[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / find / find.c
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Cimarron D. Taylor of the University of California, Berkeley.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)find.c 8.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fts.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "find.h"
* find_formplan --
* process the command line and create a "plan" corresponding to the
* command arguments.
char **argv;
PLAN *plan, *tail, *new;
* for each argument in the command line, determine what kind of node
* it is, create the appropriate node type and add the new plan node
* to the end of the existing plan. The resulting plan is a linked
* list of plan nodes. For example, the string:
* % find . -name foo -newer bar -print
* results in the plan:
* [-name foo]--> [-newer bar]--> [-print]
* in this diagram, `[-name foo]' represents the plan node generated
* by c_name() with an argument of foo and `-->' represents the
* plan->next pointer.
for (plan = tail = NULL; *argv;) {
if (!(new = find_create(&argv)))
if (plan == NULL)
tail = plan = new;
else {
tail->next = new;
tail = new;
* if the user didn't specify one of -print, -ok or -exec, then -print
* is assumed so we add a -print node on the end. It is possible that
* the user might want the -print someplace else on the command line,
* but there's no way to know that.
if (!isoutput) {
new = c_print();
if (plan == NULL)
tail = plan = new;
else {
tail->next = new;
tail = new;
* the command line has been completely processed into a search plan
* except for the (, ), !, and -o operators. Rearrange the plan so
* that the portions of the plan which are affected by the operators
* are moved into operator nodes themselves. For example:
* [!]--> [-name foo]--> [-print]
* becomes
* [! [-name foo] ]--> [-print]
* and
* [(]--> [-depth]--> [-name foo]--> [)]--> [-print]
* becomes
* [expr [-depth]-->[-name foo] ]--> [-print]
* operators are handled in order of precedence.
plan = paren_squish(plan); /* ()'s */
plan = not_squish(plan); /* !'s */
plan = or_squish(plan); /* -o's */
return (plan);
FTS *tree; /* pointer to top of FTS hierarchy */
* find_execute --
* take a search plan and an array of search paths and executes the plan
* over all FTSENT's returned for the given search paths.
find_execute(plan, paths)
PLAN *plan; /* search plan */
char **paths; /* array of pathnames to traverse */
register FTSENT *entry;
PLAN *p;
if (!(tree = fts_open(paths, ftsoptions, (int (*)())NULL)))
err(1, "ftsopen");
while (entry = fts_read(tree)) {
switch(entry->fts_info) {
case FTS_D:
if (isdepth)
case FTS_DP:
if (!isdepth)
case FTS_DNR:
case FTS_ERR:
case FTS_NS:
warn("%s", entry->fts_path);
#define BADCH " \t\n\\'\""
if (isxargs && strpbrk(entry->fts_path, BADCH)) {
warnx("%s: illegal path", entry->fts_path);
* call all the functions in the execution plan until one is
* false or all have been executed. This is where we do all
* the work specified by the user on the command line.
for (p = plan; p && (p->eval)(p, entry); p = p->next);