[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / pascal / src / cset.c
* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)cset.c 5.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
#include "whoami.h"
#include "0.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "opcode.h"
#include "objfmt.h"
#include "tree_ty.h"
#ifdef PC
#include "pc.h"
#include <pcc.h>
#include "align.h"
#endif PC
* CONSETS causes compile time constant sets to be constructed here.
* COMPSETSZE defines the maximum number of longs to be used in
* constant set construction
#define CONSETS
#define COMPSETSZE 10
#define BITSPERLONG 32
#define LG2BITSBYTE 3
#define MSKBITSBYTE 0x07
#define LG2BITSLONG 5
#define MSKBITSLONG 0x1f
* rummage through a `constant' set (i.e. anything within [ ]'s) tree
* and decide if this is a compile time constant set or a runtime set.
* this information is returned in a structure passed from the caller.
* while rummaging, this also reorders the tree so that all ranges
* preceed all singletons.
precset( r , settype , csetp )
struct tnode *r;
struct nl *settype;
struct csetstr *csetp;
register struct tnode *e;
register struct nl *t;
register struct nl *exptype;
register struct tnode *el;
register struct tnode *pairp;
register struct tnode *singp;
struct tnode *ip;
int lower;
int upper;
bool setofint;
csetp -> csettype = NIL;
csetp -> paircnt = 0;
csetp -> singcnt = 0;
csetp -> comptime = TRUE;
setofint = FALSE;
if ( settype != NIL ) {
if ( settype -> class == SET ) {
* the easy case, we are told the type of the set.
exptype = settype -> type;
} else {
* we are told the type, but it's not a set
* supposedly possible if someone tries
* e.g string context [1,2] = 'abc'
error("Constant set involved in non set context");
return csetp -> comptime;
} else {
* So far we have no indication
* of what the set type should be.
* We "look ahead" and try to infer
* The type of the constant set
* by evaluating one of its members.
e = r->cset_node.el_list;
if (e == NIL) {
* tentative for [], return type of `intset'
settype = lookup( (char *) intset );
if ( settype == NIL ) {
panic( "empty set" );
settype = settype -> type;
if ( settype == NIL ) {
return csetp -> comptime;
if ( isnta( settype , "t" ) ) {
error("Set default type \"intset\" is not a set");
return csetp -> comptime;
csetp -> csettype = settype;
setran( settype -> type );
if (((set.uprbp + 1) >> LG2BITSLONG) >= COMPSETSZE)
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
return csetp -> comptime;
e = e->list_node.list;
if (e == NIL) {
return csetp -> comptime;
if (e->tag == T_RANG) {
e = e->rang.expr1;
t = rvalue(e, NLNIL , RREQ );
if (t == NIL) {
return csetp -> comptime;
* The type of the set, settype, is
* deemed to be a set of the base type
* of t, which we call exptype. If,
* however, this would involve a
* "set of integer", we cop out
* and use "intset"'s current scoped
* type instead.
if (isa(t, "r")) {
error("Sets may not have 'real' elements");
return csetp -> comptime;
if (isnta(t, "bcsi")) {
error("Set elements must be scalars, not %ss", nameof(t));
return csetp -> comptime;
if (isa(t, "i")) {
settype = lookup((char *) intset);
if (settype == NIL)
settype = settype->type;
if (settype == NIL)
return csetp -> comptime;
if (isnta(settype, "t")) {
error("Set default type \"intset\" is not a set");
return csetp -> comptime;
exptype = settype->type;
* say we are doing an intset
* but, if we get out of range errors for intset
* we punt constructing the set at compile time.
setofint = TRUE;
} else {
exptype = t->type;
if (exptype == NIL)
return csetp -> comptime;
if (exptype->class != RANGE)
exptype = exptype->type;
settype = defnl((char *) 0, SET, exptype, 0);
csetp -> csettype = settype;
# ifndef CONSETS
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
# endif CONSETS
setran( exptype );
if (((set.uprbp + 1) >> LG2BITSLONG) >= COMPSETSZE)
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
lower = set.lwrb;
upper = set.lwrb + set.uprbp;
pairp = NIL;
singp = NIL;
while ( el = r->cset_node.el_list ) {
e = el->list_node.list;
if (e == NIL) {
* don't hang this one anywhere.
csetp -> csettype = NIL;
r->cset_node.el_list = el->list_node.next;
if (e->tag == T_RANG) {
if ( csetp -> comptime && constval( e->rang.expr2 ) ) {
#ifdef CONSETS
t = con.ctype;
if ( con.crval < lower || con.crval > upper ) {
if ( setofint ) {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
} else {
error("Range upper bound of %D out of set bounds" , ((long)con.crval) );
csetp -> csettype = NIL;
#endif CONSETS
} else {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
t = rvalue(e->rang.expr2, NLNIL , RREQ );
if (t == NIL) {
(void) rvalue(e->rang.expr1, NLNIL , RREQ );
goto pairhang;
if (incompat(t, exptype, e->rang.expr2)) {
cerror("Upper bound of element type clashed with set type in constant set");
if ( csetp -> comptime && constval( e->rang.expr1 ) ) {
#ifdef CONSETS
t = con.ctype;
if ( con.crval < lower || con.crval > upper ) {
if ( setofint ) {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
} else {
error("Range lower bound of %D out of set bounds" , ((long)con.crval) );
csetp -> csettype = NIL;
#endif CONSETS
} else {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
t = rvalue(e->rang.expr1, NLNIL , RREQ );
if (t == NIL) {
goto pairhang;
if (incompat(t, exptype, e->rang.expr1)) {
cerror("Lower bound of element type clashed with set type in constant set");
* remove this range from the tree list and
* hang it on the pairs list.
ip = el->list_node.next;
el->list_node.next = pairp;
pairp = r->cset_node.el_list;
r->cset_node.el_list = ip;
csetp -> paircnt++;
} else {
if ( csetp -> comptime && constval( e ) ) {
#ifdef CONSETS
t = con.ctype;
if ( con.crval < lower || con.crval > upper ) {
if ( setofint ) {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
} else {
error("Value of %D out of set bounds" , ((long)con.crval) );
csetp -> csettype = NIL;
#endif CONSETS
} else {
csetp -> comptime = FALSE;
t = rvalue( e, NLNIL , RREQ );
if (t == NIL) {
goto singhang;
if (incompat(t, exptype, e)) {
cerror("Element type clashed with set type in constant set");
* take this expression off the tree list and
* hang it on the list of singletons.
ip = el->list_node.next;
el->list_node.next = singp;
singp = r->cset_node.el_list;
r->cset_node.el_list = ip;
csetp -> singcnt++;
# ifdef PC
if ( pairp != NIL ) {
for ( el = pairp ; el->list_node.next != NIL ; el = el->list_node.next ) /* void */;
el->list_node.next = singp;
r->cset_node.el_list = pairp;
} else {
r->cset_node.el_list = singp;
# endif PC
# ifdef OBJ
if ( singp != NIL ) {
for ( el = singp ; el->list_node.next != NIL ; el = el->list_node.next ) /* void */;
el->list_node.next = pairp;
r->cset_node.el_list = singp;
} else {
r->cset_node.el_list = pairp;
# endif OBJ
if ( csetp -> csettype == NIL ) {
csetp -> comptime = TRUE;
return csetp -> comptime;
#ifdef CONSETS
* mask[i] has the low i bits turned off.
long mask[] = {
# ifdef DEC11
0xffffffff , 0xfffffffe , 0xfffffffc , 0xfffffff8 ,
0xfffffff0 , 0xffffffe0 , 0xffffffc0 , 0xffffff80 ,
0xffffff00 , 0xfffffe00 , 0xfffffc00 , 0xfffff800 ,
0xfffff000 , 0xffffe000 , 0xffffc000 , 0xffff8000 ,
0xffff0000 , 0xfffe0000 , 0xfffc0000 , 0xfff80000 ,
0xfff00000 , 0xffe00000 , 0xffc00000 , 0xff800000 ,
0xff000000 , 0xfe000000 , 0xfc000000 , 0xf8000000 ,
0xf0000000 , 0xe0000000 , 0xc0000000 , 0x80000000 ,
# else
0xffffffff , 0xfeffffff , 0xfcffffff , 0xf8ffffff ,
0xf0ffffff , 0xe0ffffff , 0xc0ffffff , 0x80ffffff ,
0x00ffffff , 0x00feffff , 0x00fcffff , 0x00f8ffff ,
0x00f0ffff , 0x00e0ffff , 0x00c0ffff , 0x0080ffff ,
0x0000ffff , 0x0000feff , 0x0000fcff , 0x0000f8ff ,
0x0000f0ff , 0x0000e0ff , 0x0000c0ff , 0x000080ff ,
0x000000ff , 0x000000fe , 0x000000fc , 0x000000f8 ,
0x000000f0 , 0x000000e0 , 0x000000c0 , 0x00000080 ,
# endif DEC11
* given a csetstr, either
* put out a compile time constant set and an lvalue to it.
* or
* put out rvalues for the singletons and the pairs
* and counts of each.
#endif CONSETS
postcset( r , csetp )
struct tnode *r;
struct csetstr *csetp;
register struct tnode *el;
register struct tnode *e;
int lower;
int upper;
int lowerdiv;
int lowermod;
int upperdiv;
int uppermod;
long *lp;
long *limit;
long tempset[ COMPSETSZE ];
long temp;
char *cp;
# ifdef PC
int label;
char labelname[ BUFSIZ ];
# endif PC
if ( csetp -> comptime ) {
#ifdef CONSETS
setran( ( csetp -> csettype ) -> type );
limit = &tempset[ ( set.uprbp >> LG2BITSLONG ) + 1 ];
for ( lp = &tempset[0] ; lp < limit ; lp++ ) {
*lp = 0;
for ( el = r->cset_node.el_list ; el != NIL ; el = el->list_node.next ) {
e = el->list_node.list;
if ( e->tag == T_RANG ) {
(void) constval( e->rang.expr1 );
lower = con.crval;
(void) constval( e->rang.expr2 );
upper = con.crval;
if ( upper < lower ) {
lowerdiv = ( lower - set.lwrb ) >> LG2BITSLONG;
lowermod = ( lower - set.lwrb ) & MSKBITSLONG;
upperdiv = ( upper - set.lwrb ) >> LG2BITSLONG;
uppermod = ( upper - set.lwrb ) & MSKBITSLONG;
temp = mask[ lowermod ];
if ( lowerdiv == upperdiv ) {
temp &= ~mask[ uppermod + 1 ];
tempset[ lowerdiv ] |= temp;
limit = &tempset[ upperdiv-1 ];
for ( lp = &tempset[ lowerdiv+1 ] ; lp <= limit ; lp++ ) {
*lp |= 0xffffffff;
if ( lowerdiv != upperdiv ) {
tempset[ upperdiv ] |= ~mask[ uppermod + 1 ];
} else {
(void) constval( e );
temp = con.crval - set.lwrb;
cp = (char *)tempset;
cp[temp >> LG2BITSBYTE] |= (1 << (temp & MSKBITSBYTE));
if ( !CGENNING )
# ifdef PC
label = (int) getlab();
putprintf(" .data" , 0 );
(void) putlab( (char *) label );
lp = &( tempset[0] );
limit = &tempset[ ( set.uprbp >> LG2BITSLONG ) + 1 ];
while (lp < limit) {
putprintf(" .long 0x%x", 1, (int) (*lp++));
for (temp = 2 ; temp <= 8 && lp < limit ; temp++) {
putprintf(",0x%x", 1, (int) (*lp++));
putprintf("", 0);
putprintf(" .text", 0);
sprintf( labelname , PREFIXFORMAT , LABELPREFIX , (char *) label );
putleaf( PCC_ICON , 0 , 0 , PCCTM_PTR | PCCT_STRTY , labelname );
# endif PC
# ifdef OBJ
(void) put(2, O_CON, (int)(((set.uprbp >> LG2BITSLONG) + 1) *
lp = &( tempset[0] );
limit = &tempset[ ( set.uprbp >> LG2BITSLONG ) + 1 ];
while ( lp < limit ) {
(void) put(2, O_CASE4, (int) (*lp ++));
# endif OBJ
panic("const cset");
#endif CONSETS
} else {
# ifdef PC
putleaf( PCC_ICON , (int) csetp -> paircnt , 0 , PCCT_INT , (char *) 0 );
putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
putleaf( PCC_ICON , (int) csetp -> singcnt , 0 , PCCT_INT , (char *) 0 );
putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
for ( el = r->cset_node.el_list ; el != NIL ; el = el->list_node.next ) {
e = el->list_node.list;
if ( e->tag == T_RANG ) {
(void) rvalue( e->rang.expr2 , NLNIL , RREQ );
putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
(void) rvalue( e->rang.expr1 , NLNIL , RREQ );
putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
} else {
(void) rvalue( e , NLNIL , RREQ );
putop( PCC_CM , PCCT_INT );
# endif PC
# ifdef OBJ
for ( el = r->cset_node.el_list ; el != NIL ; el = el->list_node.next ) {
e = el->list_node.list;
if ( e->tag == T_RANG ) {
(void) stkrval( e->rang.expr1 , NLNIL , (long) RREQ );
(void) stkrval( e->rang.expr2 , NLNIL , (long) RREQ );
} else {
(void) stkrval( e , NLNIL , (long) RREQ );
(void) put(2 , O_CON24 , (int)csetp -> singcnt );
(void) put(2 , O_CON24 , (int)csetp -> paircnt );
# endif OBJ