[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / Makefile
# Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# @(#)Makefile 5.14 (Berkeley) %G%
# make file for debugger "dbx"
# The file "defs.h" is included by all.
.SUFFIXES: .h .c .s .o .1 .0
AOUT = tdbx
DEST = /usr/ucb/dbx
CC = cc
AS = as
# if you want gripes
# CFLAGS = -g '-DMAINTAINER="linton@shasta.stanford.edu"'
CFLAGS = -O # -g
LD = cc
LDFLAGS = # -g
LIBRARIES = # -lPW for IRIS (System V)
OBJ = \
y.tab.o \
asm.o \
events.o \
c.o \
cerror.o \
check.o \
coredump.o \
debug.o \
eval.o \
fortran.o \
keywords.o \
languages.o \
library.o \
lists.o \
machine.o \
main.o \
mappings.o \
modula-2.o \
names.o \
object.o \
operators.o \
pascal.o \
printsym.o \
process.o \
runtime.o \
scanner.o \
source.o \
stabstring.o \
symbols.o \
tree.o \
HDR = \
asm.h \
events.h \
c.h \
check.h \
coredump.h \
debug.h \
eval.h \
fortran.h \
keywords.h \
languages.h \
lists.h \
machine.h \
main.h \
mappings.h \
modula-2.h \
names.h \
object.h \
operators.h \
pascal.h \
printsym.h \
process.h \
runtime.h \
scanner.h \
source.h \
stabstring.h \
symbols.h \
tree.h \
SRC = \
defs.h \
commands.y \
asm.c \
events.c \
c.c \
cerror.${MACHINE}.s \
check.c \
coredump.c \
debug.c \
eval.c \
fortran.c \
keywords.c \
languages.c \
library.c \
lists.c \
main.c \
mappings.c \
modula-2.c \
names.c \
object.c \
operators.c \
pascal.c \
printsym.c \
process.c \
scanner.c \
source.c \
stabstring.c \
symbols.c \
tree.c \
${MACHINE}.c \
runtime.${MACHINE}.c \
@echo "compiling $*.c"
@${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $*.c
@echo "assembling $*.s"
@rm -f tmp
@/lib/cpp $*.s | grep -v "^#" > tmp
@${AS} -o $*.o tmp
@rm -f tmp
./makedefs -f $*.c $*.h
all ${AOUT}: makedefs mkdate ${HDR} ${OBJ}
@rm -f date.c
@./mkdate > date.c
@echo "linking"
@${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c date.c
@${LD} ${LDFLAGS} date.o ${OBJ} ${LIBRARIES} -o ${AOUT}
profile: ${HDR} ${OBJ}
@rm -f date.c
@./mkdate > date.c
@echo "linking with -p"
@${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -p date.c ${OBJ} ${LIBRARIES} -o ${AOUT}
y.tab.c: commands.y
@echo "expect 2 shift/reduce conflicts"
yacc -d commands.y
cerror.s: cerror.${MACHINE}.s
@rm -f cerror.s
@ln -s cerror.${MACHINE}.s cerror.s
machine.c: ${MACHINE}.c
@rm -f machine.c
@ln -s ${MACHINE}.c machine.c
ops.c: ops.${MACHINE}.c
@rm -f ops.c
@ln -s ops.${MACHINE}.c ops.c
runtime.c: runtime.${MACHINE}.c
@rm -f runtime.c
@ln -s runtime.${MACHINE}.c runtime.c
makedefs: makedefs.c library.o cerror.o
${CC} -g makedefs.c library.o cerror.o -o makedefs
mkdate: mkdate.c
${CC} -g ${CFLAGS} mkdate.c -o mkdate
@echo "don't print it, it's too long"
# Don't worry about the removal of header files, they're created from
# the source files.
rm -f ${HDR} ${OBJ} y.tab.c y.tab.h ${AOUT} mkdate mkdate.o \
makedefs makedefs.o date.c core mon.out prof.out make.out \
cerror.s ops.c machine.c runtime.c date.o
@chdir tests; make clean
cleandir: clean
rm -f dbx.0 tags .depend
rm -f ${HDR} y.tab.h
testinstall: ${AOUT} test install
@cd tests; make
install: ${AOUT} dbx.0
install -s -o bin -g bin -m 755 ${AOUT} ${DESTDIR}${DEST}
install -c -o bin -g bin -m 444 dbx.0 ${DESTDIR}/usr/man/cat1
# Create a tar file called "tape" containing relevant files.
TAPE = f tape
@tar c${TAPE} Makefile History READ_ME ${SRC} \
makedefs.c mkdate.c tests pc0mods dbx.1 newdbx.1 dbxstab.5
# without tests subdirectory
@tar c${TAPE} Makefile History READ_ME ${SRC} \
makedefs.c mkdate.c dbx.1 newdbx.1 dbxstab.5
# Header dependencies are purposely incomplete since header files
# are "written" every time the accompanying source file changes even if
# the resulting contents of the header don't change. The alternative is
# to force a "makedefs" to be invoked for every header file each time dbx
# is made.
# Also, there should be a dependency of scanner.o and keywords.o on y.tab.h
# but misfortunately silly make does a "makedefs y.tab.c y.tab.h" which
# destroys y.tab.h.
symbols.o tree.o check.o eval.o events.o: operators.h