Updates to `stdlib_tests/` for release.
[vvhitespace] / syntax_highlighting / README.md

VVhitespace Syntax Highlighting

VVS Syntax Highlighting Example

I find it useful to highlight each IMP a different color as well as highlight code comments and label definitions. The above image is typical of my VVhitespace editing environment.

If you would like something similar, the configuration examples below can be used with vim or neatvi. Other editors that use regex matching can reuse the regular expressions from these examples to achieve similar results.

This syntax highlighting definition works only with the way I write VVhitespace code in this repository. Comments in particular can take many forms other than specified here.

If you take the time to put together a configuration for other editors, or improve the regex definitions, let me know.

VIM Highlighting

If they don’t already exist, create the folders ~/.vim/syntax and ~/.vim/ftdetect.

% mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax
% mkdir -p ~/.vim/ftdetect

Create a file named ~/.vim/ftdetect/vvhitespace.vim to detect the filetype based on the file extension. It should contain a single line:

au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pvvs set filetype=vvhitespace

Create a file named ~/.vim/syntax/vvhitespace.vim containing the following:

if exists("b:current_syntax")

let b:current_syntax = "vvhitespace"

" Stack IMP
syn match stackIMP '^[sS][sS]'
syn match stackIMP '^[sS][nN][sStTnN]'

" Arithmetic IMP
syn match arithIMP '^[tT][sS][sStT][sStTnN]'

" Heap IMP
syn match heapIMP '^[tT][tT][sStT]'

" Control Flow IMP
syn match controlIMP '^[nN][nNsStT][nNsStT]'

syn match ioIMP '^[tT][nN][sStT][sStT]'

" Label Definition
syn match labelDef 'V[sStT]\+N'

" Comments
syn match commentBlock '|.*$'
syn match commentBlock '@.*$'

" Define colors using existing Highlight Groups.
" To see a list of other Highlight Groups, type `:highlight` in vim.
hi def link stackIMP     Type
hi def link arithIMP     ModeMsg
hi def link heapIMP      Special
hi def link controlIMP   Constant
hi def link ioIMP        Keyword
hi def link labelDef     Function
hi def link commentBlock NonText

That’s it! You should now see syntax highlighting when opening files with names ending in *.pvvs.

If you don’t see any syntax highlighting, check your .vimrc and other config locations for conflicting options. Try manually enabling syntax highlighting with the syntax on configuration directive.

NeatVI Highlighting

Open the file conf.h for editing.

Add the following line to the filetypes array, matching all *.pvvs files.

{"pvvs", "\\.pvvs$"},    /* VVhitespace */

Add the following block to the highlights array.

{"pvvs", {2}, "^[sS][sS]"},                  /* IMP: Stack Manipulation */
{"pvvs", {2}, "^[sS][nN][sStTnN]"},          /* IMP: Stack Manipulation */
{"pvvs", {8}, "^[tT][sS][sStT][sStTnN]"},    /* IMP: Arithmetic */
{"pvvs", {5}, "^[tT][tT][sStT]"},            /* IMP: Heap Access */
{"pvvs", {1}, "^[nN][nNsStT][nNsStT]"},      /* IMP: Control Flow */
{"pvvs", {4}, "^[tT][nN][sStT][sStT]"},      /* IMP: Input/Output */
{"pvvs", {6 | SYN_BD}, "V[sStT]+N "},        /* Label Definitions */
{"pvvs", {3 | SYN_IT}, "\\|.*$"},            /* Comments */
{"pvvs", {3 | SYN_IT}, "\\@.*$"},            /* Comments */

Recompile NeatVI and syntax highlighting should work on all files with names ending in *.pvvs.