Fixed minor typo in Makefile comment.
[screensavers] / hacks / NEDsim / ned_programs / Makefile
# (c) 2021 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com> #
# See LICENSE.txt file for copyright and license details. #
# Configuration
# To keep the rules simple, since we are dealing with six different file
# extensions, NED_EMBED is defined with no suffix, leaving the suffix to be
# hardcoded in each step as appropriate and simplifying the make target list.
.SUFFIXES: .ned_asm
NED_SRC != ls *.ned_asm
NED_EMBED := $(NED_SRC:.ned_asm=)
# This header file will contain C declarations for the binary blobs and a
# variable which tracks their size. It should be included in any C source code
# that will link against the object files containing the binary blobs.
DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE = embedded_ned_program_declarations.h
# Misc program names/paths.
GNU_ASM = as
NED_ASM = ned1asm
NED_OBJDUMP = ned1objdump
# Targets
# Since nedasm and nedobjcopy will not overwrite existing files, include target
# `clean` as a preq.
all: clean $(NED_EMBED)
# Build an #include guard around the C declarations of the binary blobs.
@echo "/* Autogenerated code. Do not edit. */" >> $(DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE)
@echo "#endif" >> $(DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE)
# We assemble the NED source and then dump the executable code section of
# the resulting a.out file as a binary blob.
@$(NED_ASM) -i $*.ned_asm -o $*.out
@$(NED_OBJDUMP) -i $*.out -o $*.bin
# Using `sed`, prepare an x86 assembly file as a container for each NED
# binary blob. This includes building a C header file with relevant
# declarations for each binary blob.
@sed 's/INSERTNAME/$*/g' container.x86_asm_template > $*.x86_asm
@echo "extern const uint8_t $*[];" >> $(DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE)
@echo "extern const size_t $*_size;" >> $(DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE)
# Assemble the container, creating a linkable object file containing the
# NED binary blob.
@$(GNU_ASM) -o $*.o $*.x86_asm
@rm -f $*.bin $*.x86_asm $*.out
@rm -f *.bin *.x86_asm *.out *.o $(DECLARATION_HEADER_FILE)*