Added missing include guard to simulator header file.
[screensavers] / hacks / NEDsim / NEDsim.c
/* (c) 2021 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com> */
/* See LICENSE.txt file for copyright and license details. */
#include "screenhack.h"
#include "simulator.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Data Structures */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct NEDsim {
// Various X resources
Display * dpy;
Window win;
GC gc;
// Tracks the width and height (in pixels) of 'win' on 'dpy'.
int dpy_width, dpy_height;
// To ensure the NED display is always synchronized/valid, we
// double-buffer. This is that buffer.
Pixmap panel;
// The front panel is defined in a fixed grid of 'cells' which are then
// scaled and projected onto the actual screen. This variable tracks the
// size of one 'cell' in screen pixels.
int cell_size;
// Like above, this variable tracks the scaled size (in pixels) of cell
// borders when projecting them on the screen.
int border_size;
// Since the panel will be smaller than the display window, these two
// variable track the location (in pixels) of the upper left corner of the
// NED panel (pretending it didn't have rounded corners) relative to the
// display window's origin.
int origin_x_offset, origin_y_offset;
// Delay (in microseconds) between clock cycles in the NED CPU.
size_t delay;
// Since the heap and stack areas are resized to fit the display, this
// variable tracks their height.
int num_data_rows;
// This is an index into the color_list[] array, selecting a color scheme.
size_t color_index;
// If the display is unsuitable (e.g. too small), this boolean is 'true'.
// With this, we blank the display but keep the simulation itself running,
// allowing the ongoing simulation to display when the situation is
// corrected, and allowing us to avoid boring the user with unnecessary
// simulation restarts.
Bool suitable_display;
// The font size is dynamically adjusted based on display size. This
// variable stores the full font description, including the correct font
// size, all in the X11 font specifier format. For example,
// -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-72-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
// if the display were using a 72 point helvetica font without emphasis.
char * current_font;
// This struct contains all machine state for the simulated NED computer.
struct NEDstate * nedstate;
struct color_rgb {
// The type 'unsigned short' comes from the XColor struct definition.
// The red, green, and blue values are always in the range 0 to 65535
// inclusive, independent of the number of bits actually used in the
// display hardware. The server scales these values to the range used
// by the hardware. Black is represented by (0,0,0), and white is
// represented by (65535,65535,65535).
unsigned short red, green, blue;
struct color_scheme {
// The following entries define a full color scheme for a NED panel.
struct color_rgb
panel_bg, // Empty screen space not taken up by the panel
panel_fg, // Panel body/faceplate
light_on, // Illuminated data indicator
light_off, // Non-illuminated data indicator
error_on, // Illuminated error indicator
error_off, // Non-illuminated error indicator
primary, // Primary panel color (see: logo background)
secondary, // Secondary panel color (see: "HALT" text background)
tertiary, // Tertiary panel color (see: "" text background)
border, // Cell borders
text; // Panel text
// All included color schemes for NEDsim are defined in this array. To select a
// particular color scheme at runtime, use the `-color N` CLI option.
static struct color_scheme color_list[] = {
{ // This color scheme is inspired by the KI10 version of the PDP-10.
// Many RGB values came from:
{63479,63479,63479}, // 092-XXXX-123
{ 5140, 2056, 5654}, // 092-XXXX-152
{65535,11051,15677}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-139
{20000,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{65535,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{20000,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{ 4112,12850,20046}, // 092-XXXX-145
{12336,29555,37008}, // 092-XXXX-151
{30326,24158, 6425}, // 092-XXXX-157
{63479,63479,63479}, // 092-XXXX-123
{63479,63479,63479} // 092-XXXX-123
{ // This color scheme is (very loosely) inspired by the first version of the PDP-11/70.
// Many RGB values came from:
{63479,63479,63479}, // 092-XXXX-123
{ 5140, 2056, 5654}, // 092-XXXX-152
{51400,34952,26682}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-136
{20000,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{65535,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{20000,13107,12850}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-154
{28270, 8995,19532}, // 092-XXXX-140
{40092,11051,15677}, // 092-XXXX-139
{15000,21000, 4000}, // homemade, derived from 092-XXXX-129
{63479,63479,63479}, // 092-XXXX-123
{63479,63479,63479} // 092-XXXX-123
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Helper Functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: Explain
static void
set_color(struct NEDsim * nedsim, struct color_rgb * color)
XColor temp;
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->win, &xgwa); = color->red; = color->green; = color->blue;
XAllocColor(nedsim->dpy, xgwa.colormap, &temp);
XSetForeground(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->gc, temp.pixel);
// TODO: Explain
// TODO: Make this a lot faster.
// Input: size in 'cells', and sets font to fill that size, minus border and padding room.
static void
set_font_size(struct NEDsim * nedsim, int size)
// vvv--- for border ---vvv vvv--- for padding ---vvv
int desired_height_in_pixels = (size * nedsim->cell_size) - (2 * nedsim->border_size) - (8 * nedsim->border_size);
const char * font_size_prefix = "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-";
const char * font_size_suffix = "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
size_t buffer_size = strlen(font_size_prefix) + strlen(font_size_suffix) + 100; // '100' since nobody needs font with size in 'points' greater than 100 decimal digits long.
char * font_full_name = malloc(buffer_size);
int font_size_in_points = 2; // Start with a 2 pt font and work our way up.
while (1) {
// Load the font.
snprintf(font_full_name, buffer_size, "%s%d%s", font_size_prefix, font_size_in_points, font_size_suffix);
XFontStruct * font = XLoadQueryFont(nedsim->dpy, font_full_name);
if (!font) {
printf("WARNING: Unable to load font %s. Probably gonna look wonky.\n", font_full_name);
font = XLoadQueryFont(nedsim->dpy, "fixed");
XSetFont(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->gc, font->fid);
// Get the height.
int direction, ascent, descent;
XCharStruct overall;
XTextExtents(font, "X", 1, &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall);
// Compare the height.
int height = overall.ascent - overall.descent;
if (height == desired_height_in_pixels) {
} else if (height > desired_height_in_pixels) {
snprintf(font_full_name, buffer_size, "%s%d%s", font_size_prefix, font_size_in_points, font_size_suffix);
XFontStruct * font = XLoadQueryFont(nedsim->dpy, font_full_name);
if (!font) {
printf("WARNING: Unable to load font %s. Probably gonna look wonky.\n", font_full_name);
font = XLoadQueryFont(nedsim->dpy, "fixed");
XSetFont(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->gc, font->fid);
} else {
nedsim->current_font = font_full_name;
// TODO: Explain
// TODO: Explain that this returns result in pixels so we can track fractional cell usage.
static void
get_text_size(struct NEDsim * nedsim, const char * text, int * x_size, int * y_size)
int direction, ascent, descent;
XCharStruct overall;
XFontStruct * font = XLoadQueryFont(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->current_font);
XTextExtents(font, text, strlen(text), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall);
*x_size = overall.width;
*y_size = overall.ascent - overall.descent;
// TODO: Explain
// TODO: Note that this might leave the foreground color changed.
// Argument coordinates are in 'cells', not pixels.
static void
draw_rect_area(struct NEDsim * nedsim, size_t x_origin, size_t y_origin, size_t x_size, size_t y_size,
Bool bord_top, Bool bord_bottom, Bool bord_left, Bool bord_right)
x_origin *= nedsim->cell_size;
x_origin += nedsim->origin_x_offset;
y_origin *= nedsim->cell_size;
y_origin += nedsim->origin_y_offset;
x_size *= nedsim->cell_size;
y_size *= nedsim->cell_size;
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, x_origin, y_origin, x_size, y_size);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].border);
if (bord_top) {
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, x_origin, y_origin, x_size, nedsim->border_size);
if (bord_bottom) {
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, x_origin, (y_origin + y_size - nedsim->border_size), x_size, nedsim->border_size);
if (bord_left) {
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, x_origin, y_origin, nedsim->border_size, y_size);
if (bord_right) {
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (x_origin + x_size - nedsim->border_size), y_origin, nedsim->border_size, y_size);
// TODO: Explain
// Arguments are in units of 'cells', not pixels.
// Will leave foreground color changed.
// Draws filled circle with upper left corner at x,y.
static void
draw_circular_area(struct NEDsim * nedsim, size_t x, size_t y, double diameter)
// First, convert the function argument units from 'cells' to 'pixels'
x *= nedsim->cell_size;
y *= nedsim->cell_size;
diameter *= nedsim->cell_size;
// Add the panel's absolute x,y offset to the requested coordinates.
x += nedsim->origin_x_offset;
y += nedsim->origin_y_offset;
// Shrink the circle to be a bit smaller than the bounding box allows. Note
// that the three adjustment values must sum to 1.0.
// For example, 0.7 + 0.15 + 0.15 = 1.0.
x += (0.15 * diameter);
y += (0.15 * diameter);
diameter *= 0.7;
// Because we only draw the bottom border on repeated rows (e.g. draw_wordline()),
// we need to offset vertically by half a border height.
y -= (0.5 * nedsim->border_size);
// Start angle 0 and ending angle 360*64 is one full circle in Xlib units.
XFillArc(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, x, y, diameter, diameter, 0, 360*64);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_panel(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
// TODO: Collect all relevant #defines somewhere.
// Draw background color over entire window.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].panel_bg);
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, 0, 0, nedsim->dpy_width, nedsim->dpy_height);
// Draw NED panel in foreground color.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].panel_fg);
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->cell_size * OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS,
nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS)
// Give the panel rounded corners by first deleting the four right-angle corners...
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].panel_bg);
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_x_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS-1)),
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_y_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS - 1)),
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_x_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS-1)),
nedsim->origin_y_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS - 1)),
// ...and then replacing them with filled arcs, forming rounded corners.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].panel_fg);
XFillArc(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->cell_size * 2, nedsim->cell_size * 2,
180*64, -90*64
XFillArc(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_x_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS-2)),
nedsim->cell_size * 2, nedsim->cell_size * 2,
0, 90*64
XFillArc(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_y_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS - 2)),
nedsim->cell_size * 2, nedsim->cell_size * 2,
180*64, 90*64
XFillArc(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc,
nedsim->origin_x_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS-2)),
nedsim->origin_y_offset + (nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS - 2)),
nedsim->cell_size * 2, nedsim->cell_size * 2,
0, -90*64
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_logo(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define LOGO_X_OFFSET 2
#define LOGO_Y_OFFSET 2
#define LOGO_WIDTH 20
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the logo area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].primary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, LOGO_X_OFFSET, LOGO_Y_OFFSET, LOGO_WIDTH, LOGO_NAME_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
// Now draw the 'NED' text in the top box.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
set_font_size(nedsim, LOGO_NAME_HEIGHT);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "NED", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_x_offset = ((LOGO_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
int local_y_offset = ((LOGO_NAME_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (LOGO_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((LOGO_Y_OFFSET+LOGO_NAME_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "NED", 3);
// And draw the '' text in the bottom box.
set_font_size(nedsim, LOGO_WEBSITE_HEIGHT);
get_text_size(nedsim, "", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
local_x_offset = ((LOGO_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
local_y_offset = ((LOGO_WEBSITE_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (LOGO_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((LOGO_Y_OFFSET+LOGO_NAME_HEIGHT+LOGO_WEBSITE_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "", 18);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_halt(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define HALT_X_OFFSET 26
#define HALT_Y_OFFSET 2
#define HALT_WIDTH 6
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the halt area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, HALT_X_OFFSET, HALT_Y_OFFSET, HALT_WIDTH, HALT_LIGHT_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].secondary);
// And finally, draw the label.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "HALT", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_x_offset = ((HALT_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
int local_y_offset = ((HALT_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (HALT_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((HALT_Y_OFFSET+HALT_LIGHT_HEIGHT+HALT_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "HALT", 4);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_wordline_lights(struct NEDsim * nedsim, uint32_t word, int x, int y)
for (int i = 0; i < WORDLINE_WIDTH; i++) {
if (word & (1<<(WORDLINE_WIDTH-1-i))) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_on);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_off);
draw_circular_area(nedsim, x+i, y, WORDLINE_HEIGHT);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_wordline(struct NEDsim * nedsim, int x, int y)
// First, draw a solid box in the primary color over the entire wordline area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].primary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, x, y, WORDLINE_WIDTH, WORDLINE_HEIGHT, False, True, False, False);
// Now, draw stripes in the secondary color.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (WORDLINE_WIDTH/(2*WORDLINE_BITS_PER_STRIPE)); i++) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].secondary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, (x+(i*(WORDLINE_WIDTH/WORDLINE_BITS_PER_STRIPE))), y,
// Finally, draw the lights.
draw_wordline_lights(nedsim, 0, x, y);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_pc(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
// TODO: Note that all #defines use units of 'cells', not 'pixels', etc.
#define PC_X_OFFSET 36
#define PC_Y_OFFSET 7
#define PC_WIDTH 32
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the PC area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, PC_X_OFFSET, PC_Y_OFFSET, PC_WIDTH, PC_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
draw_wordline(nedsim, PC_X_OFFSET, PC_Y_OFFSET+PC_LABEL_HEIGHT);
// Now draw the label text "PC".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "PC", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_x_offset = ((PC_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
int local_y_offset = ((PC_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (PC_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((PC_Y_OFFSET+PC_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "PC", 2);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_sc(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define SC_X_OFFSET 42
#define SC_Y_OFFSET 2
#define SC_WIDTH 5
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the SC area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].secondary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, SC_X_OFFSET, SC_Y_OFFSET, SC_WIDTH, SC_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, SC_X_OFFSET, SC_Y_OFFSET+SC_LABEL_HEIGHT, SC_WIDTH, SC_LIGHT_HEIGHT, False, True, False, False);
// Now draw the label text "SC".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "SC", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_x_offset = ((SC_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
int local_y_offset = ((SC_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (SC_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((SC_Y_OFFSET+SC_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "SC", 2);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_psw(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define PSW_N_X_OFFSET 51
#define PSW_Z_X_OFFSET 58
#define PSW_Y_OFFSET 2
// First draw the four colored boxes that comprise the two PSW areas.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].secondary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, PSW_N_X_OFFSET, PSW_Y_OFFSET, PSW_LABEL_WIDTH, PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].secondary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, PSW_Z_X_OFFSET, PSW_Y_OFFSET, PSW_LABEL_WIDTH, PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, (PSW_N_X_OFFSET + 1), PSW_Y_OFFSET+PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT, PSW_LIGHT_WIDTH, PSW_LIGHT_HEIGHT, False, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, (PSW_Z_X_OFFSET + 1), PSW_Y_OFFSET+PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT, PSW_LIGHT_WIDTH, PSW_LIGHT_HEIGHT, False, True, False, False);
// Now draw the label text "N".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "N", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_x_offset = ((PSW_LABEL_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
int local_y_offset = ((PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (PSW_N_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((PSW_Y_OFFSET+PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "N", 1);
// Now draw the label text "Z".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
get_text_size(nedsim, "Z", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
local_x_offset = ((PSW_LABEL_WIDTH * nedsim->cell_size) - text_x_size) / 2;
local_y_offset = ((PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, (PSW_Z_X_OFFSET * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset + local_x_offset),
((PSW_Y_OFFSET+PSW_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "Z", 1);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_stack(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define STACK_X_OFFSET 2
#define STACK_Y_OFFSET 12
#define STACK_WIDTH 32
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the stack area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, STACK_X_OFFSET, STACK_Y_OFFSET, STACK_WIDTH, STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
for (int i = 0; i < nedsim->num_data_rows; i++) {
// Now draw the label text "Stack Size:".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "Stack Size:", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_y_offset = ((STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, ((STACK_X_OFFSET + 1) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset),
((STACK_Y_OFFSET+STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "Stack Size:", 11);
// TODO: Explain
static void
draw_heap(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
#define HEAP_X_OFFSET 36
#define HEAP_Y_OFFSET 12
#define HEAP_WIDTH 32
// TODO: What should I do about this define? I would like to be able to specify the address so I can do things like display the code itself if nothign interesting happens in RAM.
#define HEAP_START_ADDRESS 0x20000000
// First draw the two colored boxes that comprise the heap area.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, HEAP_X_OFFSET, HEAP_Y_OFFSET, HEAP_WIDTH, HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
for (int i = 0; i < nedsim->num_data_rows; i++) {
// Now draw the label text "RAM Base:".
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, "RAM Base:", &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_y_offset = ((HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, ((HEAP_X_OFFSET + 1) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset),
((HEAP_Y_OFFSET+HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), "RAM Base:", 9);
// Now draw the address text.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
char address[11];
snprintf(address, sizeof(address), "0x%08X", HEAP_START_ADDRESS);
get_text_size(nedsim, address, &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
local_y_offset = ((HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, ((HEAP_X_OFFSET + 1 + (HEAP_WIDTH / 2)) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset),
((HEAP_Y_OFFSET+HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), address, strlen(address));
// TODO: Explain
static void
update_display(struct NEDsim * nedsim)
// Draw the halt indicator.
if (nedsim->nedstate->halted) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].error_on);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].error_off);
draw_circular_area(nedsim, HALT_X_OFFSET, HALT_Y_OFFSET, HALT_WIDTH);
// Draw the PSW "N" light.
if (nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->psw->negative) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_on);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_off);
// Draw the PSW "Z" light.
if (nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->psw->zero) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_on);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_off);
// Draw the SC.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SC_WIDTH; i++) {
if ((SC_WIDTH-1-i) == nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->sc) {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_on);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].light_off);
draw_circular_area(nedsim, SC_X_OFFSET+i, SC_Y_OFFSET+SC_LABEL_HEIGHT, SC_LIGHT_HEIGHT);
// Draw the PC.
draw_wordline_lights(nedsim, nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->pc, PC_X_OFFSET, PC_Y_OFFSET+PC_LABEL_HEIGHT);
// Draw the stack lights.
int64_t top_of_stack = ((int64_t)nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->sp) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < nedsim->num_data_rows; i++) {
if ((top_of_stack-i) >= 0) {
draw_wordline_lights(nedsim, nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->stack[top_of_stack-i], STACK_X_OFFSET, STACK_Y_OFFSET+STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT+i);
} else {
draw_wordline_lights(nedsim, 0, STACK_X_OFFSET, STACK_Y_OFFSET+STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT+i);
// Draw the stack size in text.
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].tertiary);
draw_rect_area(nedsim, STACK_X_OFFSET+(STACK_WIDTH/2), STACK_Y_OFFSET, STACK_WIDTH/2, STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT, True, True, False, False);
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].text);
char stack_size[11];
snprintf(stack_size, sizeof(stack_size), "0x%08X", nedsim->nedstate->active_thread->sp);
int text_x_size, text_y_size;
get_text_size(nedsim, stack_size, &text_x_size, &text_y_size);
int local_y_offset = ((STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT * nedsim->cell_size) - text_y_size) / 2;
XDrawString(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, ((STACK_X_OFFSET + 1 + (STACK_WIDTH / 2)) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_x_offset),
((STACK_Y_OFFSET+STACK_LABEL_HEIGHT) * nedsim->cell_size + nedsim->origin_y_offset - local_y_offset), stack_size, strlen(stack_size));
// Draw the heap lights.
for (i = 0; i < nedsim->num_data_rows; i++) {
draw_wordline_lights(nedsim, ram_r_word(nedsim->nedstate, HEAP_START_ADDRESS+(i*BPW)), HEAP_X_OFFSET, HEAP_Y_OFFSET+HEAP_LABEL_HEIGHT+i);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Screenhack API Functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static Bool
NEDsim_event(Display * dpy, Window win, void * closure, XEvent * event)
return False;
static void
NEDsim_free(Display * dpy, Window win, void * closure)
struct NEDsim * nedsim = closure;
if (nedsim->nedstate != NULL) {
// TODO: Replace all this with proper code to free everything related to the screensaver itself.
XFreeGC(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->gc);
XFreePixmap(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel);
static void *
NEDsim_init(Display * dpy, Window win)
// =========================================================================
// Basic Setup
// =========================================================================
struct NEDsim * nedsim;
nedsim = calloc(1, sizeof(*nedsim));
if (!nedsim) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to calloc() for NEDsim struct in NEDsim_init().\n");
nedsim->dpy = dpy;
nedsim->win = win;
XGCValues gcv;
nedsim->gc = XCreateGC(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->win, GCForeground, &gcv);
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->win, &xgwa);
nedsim->dpy_width = xgwa.width;
nedsim->dpy_height = xgwa.height;
nedsim->panel = XCreatePixmap(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->win, nedsim->dpy_width, nedsim->dpy_height, xgwa.depth);
// =========================================================================
// Process User Requests
// =========================================================================
nedsim->delay = get_integer_resource(nedsim->dpy, "delay", "Integer");
nedsim->delay *= 1000; /* Turn milliseconds into microseconds. */
// If the user did not supply a program for execution, randomly select one
// of the included programs.
char * input_file = get_string_resource(nedsim->dpy, "binary", "String");
if (input_file == NULL) {
// TODO: Need to include some default programs and randomly select one to load into RAM.
nedsim->nedstate = init_simulator("./test.out");
} else {
nedsim->nedstate = init_simulator(input_file);
// If the user did not select a color scheme, select one randomly.
nedsim->color_index = get_integer_resource(nedsim->dpy, "color", "Integer");
if (nedsim->color_index == -1) {
nedsim->color_index = random() % sizeof(color_list)/sizeof(color_list[0]);
} else if (nedsim->color_index >= sizeof(color_list)/sizeof(color_list[0])) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Color index out of range.\n");
nedsim->color_index = 0;
// =========================================================================
// Scale Panel To Screen
// =========================================================================
// We desire to make the panel as wide as possible while also making the
// cell size an integer pixel size.
nedsim->cell_size = nedsim->dpy_width / OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS;
// Cell sizes below about 10 pixels result in unreadable fonts. For now,
// we'll use that as our cutoff. It also works well with a 1:10 border:cell
// ratio.
if (nedsim->cell_size < 10) {
nedsim->suitable_display = False;
return nedsim;
// Center the panel horizontally.
nedsim->origin_x_offset = (nedsim->dpy_width -
(nedsim->cell_size * OVERALL_WIDTH_IN_CELLS)) / 2;
// The stack and heap displays are variable height. Size them to fit the
// display window.
int available_space_for_data_rows = nedsim->dpy_height -
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
if ((nedsim->cell_size * (1 << i)) > available_space_for_data_rows) {
nedsim->num_data_rows = (1 << --i);
// Enforce a minimum vertical size, though '4' is arbitrary.
if (nedsim->num_data_rows < 4) {
nedsim->suitable_display = False;
return nedsim;
// Center the panel vertically.
nedsim->origin_y_offset = (nedsim->dpy_height -
(nedsim->cell_size * (HEADER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS + nedsim->num_data_rows + FOOTER_HEIGHT_IN_CELLS))) / 2;
// Scale border relative to cell_size in a 1:10 relationship.
nedsim->border_size = nedsim->cell_size / 10;
// =========================================================================
// Draw Initial Panel
// =========================================================================
nedsim->suitable_display = True;
return nedsim;
static unsigned long
NEDsim_draw(Display * dpy, Window win, void * closure)
struct NEDsim * nedsim = closure;
// Update the panel display buffer.
if (nedsim->suitable_display) {
nedsim->nedstate = run_simulator(nedsim->nedstate);
} else {
set_color(nedsim, &color_list[nedsim->color_index].error_on);
XFillRectangle(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->gc, 0, 0, nedsim->dpy_width, nedsim->dpy_height);
// Copy panel buffer to display window.
XCopyArea(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->panel, nedsim->win, nedsim->gc, 0, 0, nedsim->dpy_width, nedsim->dpy_height, 0, 0);
return nedsim->delay;
static void
NEDsim_reshape(Display * dpy, Window win, void * closure, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
struct NEDsim * nedsim = closure;
// Only re-initialize the display if it changed size.
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
XGetWindowAttributes(nedsim->dpy, nedsim->win, &xgwa);
if (nedsim->dpy_width != xgwa.width || nedsim->dpy_height != xgwa.height) {
// Although we are re-initializing the display, we wish to retain the
// in-progress NED simulation. Thus, we retain the NEDstate pointer.
struct NEDstate * original_nedstate = nedsim->nedstate;
nedsim->nedstate = NULL;
NEDsim_free(dpy, win, nedsim);
struct NEDsim * new_nedsim = NEDsim_init(dpy, win);
new_nedsim->nedstate = original_nedstate;
closure = new_nedsim;
static const char * NEDsim_defaults[] = {
"*delay: 250",
"*color: -1",
static XrmOptionDescRec NEDsim_options[] = {
{ "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-binary", ".binary", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-color", ".color", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Blinken-lights simulator for NED1 CPU architecture.", NEDsim)