Built framework to allow ANSI mode to coexist with ASCII mode.
[sgk-go] / doc / Makefile.am
## Process this file with automake to create Makefile.in
info_TEXINFOS = gnugo.texi
gnugo_TEXINFOS = analyze.texi api.texi board.texi copying.texi dfa.texi \
dragon.texi eyes.texi gnugo.texi gtp.texi gtp-commands.texi \
influence.texi introduction.texi move_generation.texi \
moyo.texi overview.texi owl.texi patterns.texi \
reading.texi regression.texi sgf.texi using.texi \
utils.texi install.texi montecarlo.texi
man_MANS = gnugo.6
EPS = cdfa.eps dfa.eps dfa2.eps oldlogo.eps newlogo.eps \
path.eps sync-prod1.eps sync-prod2.eps logo-34.eps \
logo-32.eps logo-36.eps
FIG = cdfa.fig dfa.fig dfa2.fig path.fig sync-prod1.fig sync-prod2.fig
PNG = cdfa.png dfa.png dfa2.png path.png sync-prod1.png sync-prod2.png
JPG = cdfa.jpg dfa.jpg dfa2.jpg oldlogo.jpg path.jpg sync-prod1.jpg \
sync-prod2.jpg newlogo.jpg logo-32.jpg logo-34.jpg logo-36.jpg
PDF = cdfa.pdf dfa2.pdf dfa.pdf logo-34.pdf path.pdf sync-prod1.pdf \
sync-prod2.pdf logo-36.pdf
EXTRA_DIST = automake-1.4.patch gnugo.6 gnugo.pod gtp-commands.sed \
$(EPS) $(FIG) $(PNG) $(JPG) $(PDF)
CLEANFILES = *.log *.dvi *.aux *.vr *.tp *.ky *.pg *.cps *.fns *.toc \
*.fn *.cp *~
TEXI2PDF = texi2pdf
TEXI2HTML = texi2html
gnugo.6: $(srcdir)/gnugo.pod
pod2man $(srcdir)/gnugo.pod --section 6 --release @VERSION@ > gnugo.6
BUILT_SOURCES = gtp-commands.texi
cmdsrc = $(srcdir)/../interface/play_gtp.c
gnugo.pdf: gnugo.texi $(gnugo_TEXINFOS)
$(TEXI2PDF) $<
gnugo.html: gnugo.texi $(gnugo_TEXINFOS)
$(TEXI2HTML) -split=chapter -nosec_nav -expand=tex $<
## Rebuild gtp-commands.texi from play_gtp.c:
sed -e '1r '$(srcdir)/gtp-commands.sed \
-e '/static struct gtp_command commands/,/^}/!d' \
-e '/^ /!d' -e '/NULL/d' \
-e 's/ *{"\(.*\)"[^a-z]*\(gtp_[a-z_]*\)}.*/s,\2,\1,g/' \
$(cmdsrc) > TMP.sed
sed -f TMP.sed $(cmdsrc) > $(srcdir)/gtp-commands.texi
rm -f TMP.sed