Updated `README.md` with info about new two-player mode.
[sgk-go] / regression / games / kgs / evand-TheGNUGo.sgf
RU[AGA]SZ[19]HA[9]KM[0.50]TM[60]OT[25/480 Canadian]
PW[evand]PB[TheGNUGo]WR[1d]BR[9k]DT[2004-09-07]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/]AB[dd][jd][pd][dj][jj][pj][dp][jp][pp]C[TheGNUGo [9k\]: GTP Engine for TheGNUGo (black): GNU Go version 3.5.10
;W[so]C[karasu [2k?\]: black doing well
;W[mi]C[fosil [-\]: :)
;W[nh]C[karasu [2k?\]: are the programmers watching?
;B[kl]C[fosil [-\]: hard to give a computer handi i guess
;W[gg]C[karasu [2k?\]: w will win unless makes big error
;W[fi]C[fosil [-\]: w?
;B[gm]C[fosil [-\]: well, allowed w to ruin moyo
fosil [-\]: kinda stupidly
;W[hl]C[karasu [2k?\]: kill LL corner is however very impressive
;W[oe]C[karasu [2k?\]: well done
evand [1d\]: one of the programmers was playing, karasu :)
evand [1d\]: thanks
karasu [2k?\]: ah then you cheated :-)
evand [1d\]: hardly :)
evand [1d\]: I haven't played it in months
evand [1d\]: besides, it was an unrated game
karasu [2k?\]: it did quite well
evand [1d\]: a few stupid mistakes
evand [1d\]: and lettting me in the center was bad
evand [1d\]: but in general, it played ok
karasu [2k?\]: losing right side group was sad
evand [1d\]: and the UR was really bad
evand [1d\]: yeah
evand [1d\]: I might make some testcases from the game
evand [1d\]: depends how energetic I'm feeling
karasu [2k?\]: make it tougher?
evand [1d\]: or at least document the weaknesses :)
karasu [2k?\]: well good luck.
karasu [2k?\]: c u