Updated `README.md` with info about new two-player mode.
[sgk-go] / regression / games / kgs / tournament10 / GNU-NeuroGo.sgf
PB[NeuroGo]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/]
DT[2006-01-08]EV[Tenth KGS Computer Go Tournament - Formal division]
C[GNU [13k\]: GTP Engine for GNU (white): GNU Go version 3.7.7
NeuroGo [?\]: GTP Engine for NeuroGo (black): NeuroGo version Dec 22 2005
C[gunnar [?\]: B6 overplay.
C[tromp [-\]: wa7 is cool
tromp [-\]: hi, gunnar:)
gunnar [?\]: I never quite understood what was going on there.
gunnar [?\]: Hi.
tromp [-\]: gnugo saw under the stones
tromp [-\]: i mean wb7
gunnar [?\]: Ah, that cool. :-)
tromp [-\]: it captures b8
gunnar [?\]: Not every day you see that in a game.
tromp [-\]: certainly not
tromp [-\]: you can be proud of your baby:)