Initial commit of GNU Go v3.8.
[sgk-go] / regression / games / STS-RV / MiscProblems / _semeai_C9_001.sgf
GN[White (W) vs. Black (B)]
SY[Cgoban 1.9.12]TM[10:00(5x1:00)];PL[W]
C[Strange semiai involving ko inside the eye.
J1 K1: White plays G1 and wins. If black plays G1 its useless (not enough liberties) but if he plays G2 gets a ko then threatens at Q2 white makes two eyes and black scapes.
So black G2 and seki, white G1 and win.
A8 A7: Black to play B9 and win. White to play A10 (gaining 8 liberties) and win.
A10 A9: Black to play T15|S13|S11 and win. White to play S11, S13 and gets a ko. Since black has no threats, white wins the ko and the semiai. If black answers T12 white wins the semiai on liberties.