Updated #includes for stdlib.
[vvhitespace] / tests / vv_test.py
# (c) 2019 Aaron Taylor <ataylor at subgeniuskitty dot com>
# All rights reserved.
# Quick and dirty tests for the VVhitespace interpreter.
import os, subprocess
compiler_path = '../vvc'
interpreter_path = '../vvi'
temp_file = './test.vvs'
path_to_tests = './'
src_extension = '.pvvs'
tests = [
# Format: ['filename_without_extension', 'string for stdin', 'string for expected stdout']
['0001_push_printchar_exit', '', 'A'],
['1001_stack_push', '', 'A'],
['1002_stack_dup', '', 'AA'],
['1003_stack_swap', '', 'AB'],
['1004_stack_drop', '', 'A'],
['2001_arithmetic_addition', '', 'B'],
['2002_arithmetic_subtraction', '', 'A'],
['2003_arithmetic_multiplication', '', 'B'],
['2004_arithmetic_division', '', 'A'],
['2005_arithmetic_remainder', '', 'A'],
['3001_heap', '', 'BCA'],
['4001_flowcontrol_exit', '', ''],
['4002_flowcontrol_unconditional_jump_to_label', '', 'A'],
['4003_flowcontrol_jump_if_tos_is_zero', '', 'A'],
['4004_flowcontrol_jump_if_tos_is_negative', '', 'A'],
['4005_flowcontrol_jump_to_subroutine', '', 'A'],
['4006_flowcontrol_return_from_subroutine', '', 'A'],
['4100_flowcontrol_branches_not_taken', '', 'A'],
['5001_io_output_character', '', 'A'],
['5002_io_output_digit', '', '2'],
['5003_io_input_character', 'A', 'A'],
['5004_io_input_digit', '1', '1'],
for test in tests:
subprocess.run([compiler_path, '-i', path_to_tests + test[0] + src_extension, '-o', temp_file])
result = subprocess.run([interpreter_path, '-i', temp_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, input=test[1].encode('utf-8'))
if result.stdout.decode('utf-8') != test[2]:
print('\n' + test[0])
print('.', end='', flush=True)