Reorganized wumpus, combining `wump_ui.pvvs` and `wump_game.pvvs`.
[vvhitespace] / syntax_highlighting / vvhitespace.vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language: VVhitespace
" Based on:
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let b:current_synax = "vvhitespace"
" Stack IMP
syn match stackIMP '^[sS][sS]'
syn match stackIMP '^[sS][nN][sStTnN]'
" Arithmetic IMP
syn match arithIMP '^[tT][sS][sStT][sStTnN]'
" Heap IMP
syn match heapIMP '^[tT][tT][sStT]'
" Control Flow IMP
syn match controlIMP '^[nN][nNsStT][nNsStT]'
syn match ioIMP '^[tT][nN][sStT][sStT]'
" Label Definition
syn match labelDef 'V[sStT]\+N'
" Comments
syn match commentBlock '|.*$'
syn match commentBlock '@.*$'
" Define colors using existing Highlight Groups.
" To see a list of other Highlight Groups, type `:highlight` in vim.
hi def link stackIMP Type
hi def link arithIMP ModeMsg
hi def link heapIMP Special
hi def link controlIMP Constant
hi def link ioIMP Keyword
hi def link labelDef Function
hi def link commentBlock NonText