Added instructions for setting up reverse SSH tunnel to frostburg.SGK.
[] / data / development / test_equipment / hp_3586_gpib_spectrum_analyzer.files /
# Quick script to use HP 3586C SLM
# as a rudimentary spectrum analyzer.
use Device::SerialPort;
# Set up the serial port
# 19200, 81N on the USB ftdi driver
my $port = Device::SerialPort->new("/dev/ttyUSB0");
# Initialize Prologix USB-GPIB Controller
$port->write("++mode 1\n");
$port->write("++auto 1\n");
$port->write("++addr 16\n");
# Initialize HP 3586C
$port->write("B3\n"); # Set BW Filter
$port->write("T1\n"); # Terminate in 50 ohms
$port->write("A1\n"); # Average: On
# Frequency Sweep Definition
$freq_start = 9250;
$freq_end = 10250;
$freq_increment = 1;
$freq_index = $freq_start;
while ($freq_index <= $freq_end) {
push (@frequency, $freq_index);
$freq_index = $freq_index + $freq_increment;
$scan_rep = 70;
$scan_index = 1;
print "#(kHz) (UNIXtime) (dBm)\n";
print "Freq Time Amplitude\n";
while ($scan_index <= $scan_rep) {
print "# Starting Repetition: $scan_index\n";
# Gather and print the measurements
# If you want to sweep faster, adjust the two sleep() statements.
# Check manual for minimum settling times for your configuration of
# BW filter, averaging, etc.
foreach $freq (@frequency) {
my $char = $port->lookfor();
$char =~ s/N//g;
$char =~ s/\r//g; # To match the newlines from the HP 3586C
chomp $char;
$time = time;
print "$freq $time $char \n";
$scan_index = $scan_index + 1;