Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / doc / MHonArc / quickstart.html
<TITLE>MHonArc v2.5 -- Quick Start</TITLE>
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<H1><a name="quickstart">Quick Start</a></H1>
<P>This section will give you a "<EM>quick start</EM>" on using
<li><a href="#folders">Converting mail</a>
<li><a href="#adding">Adding Messages to an Archive</a>
<li><a href="#single">Converting a single message</a>
<H2><a name="folders">Converting mail</a></H2>
<P>Since MHonArc supports <EM>MH</EM> mail folders and
UUCP/Unix mailbox files, the term "<EM>mail folder</EM>" will represent
the <EM>MH</EM> mail folder or mailbox file you want to process.
To convert your mail folder to an HTML archive, use the following:
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc </b><VAR>path</VAR><b>/inbox</b>
<P>Where <VAR>path</VAR> represents the path to the directory
that contains the mail folder <EM>inbox</EM>. If you are in the
directory that contains inbox, then you can leave out the
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<td>The "<b><tt>shell&gt;</tt></b>" represents your shell's prompt.
<P>You may specify more than one mail folder
to process on the command-line: </P>
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc </b><VAR>path</VAR><b>/inbox1</b> <VAR>path</VAR><b>/inbox2</b> ...
<p>You may also specify standard input, "<b><tt>-</tt></b>",
as the source of mail folder.
This is useful if want to use MHonArc in a pipe:
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -- - </b><VAR>path</VAR><b>/inbox</b>
<p>The "<b><tt>--</tt></b>" (two hyphens) is required to terminate
command-line option parsing so "<b><tt>-</tt></b>" will not be
treated as the start of an option. The example also illustrates
that you can still specify regular mail folders with standard
input. In this example, MHonArc will process standard input and
then <tt><VAR>path</VAR>/inbox</tt>.
<P>When MHonArc finishes, the following
files will be created: </P>
The main index file containing links
to all mail messages converted. Messages are listed with subjects and
who the messages are from. All messages are listed in sorted order
by date received/sent. </P>
The file listing messages by thread.
<LI><P><tt><strong>msg*.html</strong></tt>: HTML versions of the mail messages, where<CODE> * </CODE>represents a
message number from 0 to the number of message processed minus 1.
(or <tt>MHONARC.DB</tt> under Windows):
This database file is
needed inorder for MHonArc to perform additions of new mail messages
to the archive. Information is stored to perform mail threading updates
when new messages are added, as well as any defined
<a href="resources.html">resources</a>.
<LI><P><EM>Other</EM>: Depending on the content-types of the e-mail
messages converted, other files may be created for images, videos,
binaries, etc.
<p>The actual filenames may differ depending on the settings
of various <a href="resources.html">resources</a>.
<P>All the files created will be put into the current
working directory, by default. You can control the
destination of the output location by using the
<a href="resources/outdir.html"><strong><tt>-outdir</tt></strong></a>
option. </P>
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -outdir /home/ehood/htmlarchive /home/ehood/mail/inbox</b>
<P>Here is a sample session converting a mail folder:
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc ~/mail/inbox</b>
Converting messages to .
Reading /mnt/ehood/mail/inbox ..........
Writing mail ...
Writing ./maillist.html ...
Writing ./threads.html ...
Writing database ...
10 messages
<p>By default, MHonArc prints out information about its progress.
This can be disabled with the
<a href="resources/quiet.html"><strong><tt>-quiet</tt></strong></a>
<H2><a name="adding">Adding Messages to an Archive</a></H2>
<P>If you have new messages you want to add to an existing archive,
you must utilizing the
<a href="resources/add.html"><strong><tt>-add</tt></strong></a>
command-line option. With the
<a href="resources/add.html"><strong><tt>-add</tt></strong></a>,
you can do the following: </P>
<LI><P>Add a mail folder to an archive, or
<LI><P>Add a single message to an archive.
<P>Adding a mail folder to an archive in the current working directory
can be done like the following: </P>
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -add </b><VAR>&lt;path&gt;</VAR><b>/mailfolder</b>
<P>If you are not in the same directory as the archive, then you
can specify the location of the archive to add to with the
<a href="resources/outdir.html"><strong><tt>-outdir</tt></strong></a>
option. </P>
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<td><P>MHonArc will skip any messages that already exist in
the archive. Therefore, MHonArc can be used to rescan the
same mail folder and only convert any new messages it finds.
<P>If no mail folder arguments are specified, then MHonArc
will attempt to add a <EM>single</EM> message read in from standard
input. </P>
shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -add &lt; single.msg</b>
<P>Or, from a pipe:
shell&gt; <b>cat single.msg | mhonarc -add</b>
<H2><a name="single">Converting a single message</a></H2>
<P>MHonArc has the ability to process a single
mail message independent of creating, or modifying, an
archive. To convert a single message to HTML use the
<a href="resources/single.html"><strong><tt>-single</tt></strong></a>
option. The message to process can be specified by a filename on the
command-line, or by reading the message from standard input if no file
is specified. The filtered message is sent to standard output. All
formatting options apply to the single message as with messages
being processed for an archive, with the exception of formatting
related specificly to archive processing, like index links and mail
thread links. </P>
<DT>Input from standard input:
<DD><P><tt>shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -single &lt; messagefile &gt; file.html</b></tt>
<DT>Filename on command-line:
<P><tt>shell&gt; <b>mhonarc -single messagefile &gt; file.html</b></tt>
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$Date: 2001/12/24 14:38:07 $ <br>
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