Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / IO /
require 5;
package IO::Stty;
use POSIX;
sub stty {
# I'm not feeling very inspired about this. Terminal parameters are obscure
# and boring. Basically what this will do is get the current setting,
# take the parameters, modify the setting and write it back. Zzzz.
# This is not especially efficent and probably not too fast. Assuming the POSIX
# spec has been implemented properly it should mostly work.
# Version info
if ($_[1] eq '-v' || $_[1] =~ /version/ ) {
return $IO::Stty::VERSION."\n";
my ($tty_handle)=shift; # This should be a \*HANDLE
my (@parameters);
# Build the 'this really means this' cases.
foreach $parameter (@_) {
if($parameter eq 'ek') {
push (@parameters,'erase',8,'kill',21);
if($parameter eq 'sane') {
push (@parameters,'cread','-ignbrk','brkint','-inlcr','-igncr','icrnl',
'time',0,'min',0 );
# Ugh.
if($parameter eq 'cooked' || $parameter eq '-raw') {
# Is this right?
push (@parameters,'brkint','ignpar','istrip','icrnl','ixon','opost',
push (@parameters,'intr',3,'quit',28,'erase',8,'kill',21,'eof',
if($parameter eq 'raw' || $parameter eq '-cooked') {
push (@parameters,'-ignbrk','-brkint','-ignpar','-parmrk','-inpck',
'-opost','-isig','-icanon','min',1,'time',0 );
if($parameter eq 'pass8') {
push (@parameters,'-parenb','-istrip','cs8');
if($parameter eq '-pass8') {
push (@parameters,'parenb','istrip','cs7');
if($parameter eq 'crt') {
push (@parameters,'echoe','echok');
if($parameter eq 'dec') {
# 127 == delete, no?
push (@parameters,'echoe','echok','intr',3,'erase', 127,'kill',21);
if($parameter =~ /^\d+$/) {
push (@parameters,'ispeed',$parameter,'ospeed',$parameter);
push (@parameters,$parameter);
# Notice fileno() instead of handle->fileno(). I want it to work with
# normal fhs.
my ($file_num) = fileno($tty_handle);
# Is it a terminal?
return undef unless isatty($file_num);
my($tty_name) = ttyname($file_num);
# make a terminal object.
my($termios)= POSIX::Termios->new();
$termios->getattr($file_num) || warn "Couldn't get terminal parameters for '$tty_name', fine num ($file_num)";
my($c_cflag) = $termios->getcflag;
my($c_iflag) = $termios->getiflag;
my($ispeed) = $termios->getispeed;
my($c_lflag) = $termios->getlflag;
my($c_oflag) = $termios->getoflag;
my($ospeed) = $termios->getospeed;
# OK.. we have our crap.
# Do we want to know what the crap is?
if($parameters[0] eq '-a') {
return show_me_the_crap ($c_cflag,$c_iflag,$ispeed,$c_lflag,$c_oflag,
# did we get the '-g' flag?
if($parameters[0] eq '-g') {
return "$c_cflag:$c_iflag:$ispeed:$c_lflag:$c_oflag:$ospeed:".
# Or the converse.. -g used before and we're getting the return.
# Note that this uses the functionality of stty -g, not any specific
# method. Don't take the output here and feed it to the OS stty.
# This will make perl -w happy.
my(@useless_var) = split(':',$parameters[0]);
if (@useless_var == 17) {
# print "Feeding back...\n";
@parameters = split(':',$parameters[0]);
@parameters=(); # Unset so while loop is passed.
# So.. what shall we set?
while ($parameter = shift(@parameters)) {
# print "Param:$parameter:\n";
$set_value = 1; # On by default...
# unset if starts w/ -, as in -crtscts
$set_value = 0 if $parameter=~ s/^\-//;
# Now the fun part.
# c_cc field crap.
if ($parameter eq 'intr') { $control_chars{'INTR'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'quit') { $control_chars{'QUIT'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'erase') { $control_chars{'ERASE'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'kill') { $control_chars{'KILL'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'eof') { $control_chars{'EOF'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'eol') { $control_chars{'EOL'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'start') { $control_chars{'START'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'stop') { $control_chars{'STOP'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'susp') { $control_chars{'SUSP'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'min') { $control_chars{'MIN'} = shift @parameters; next;}
if ($parameter eq 'time') { $control_chars{'TIME'} = shift @parameters; next;}
# c_cflag crap
if ($parameter eq 'clocal') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | CLOCAL) : ($c_cflag & (~CLOCAL))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'cread') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | CREAD) : ($c_cflag & (~CREAD))); next; }
# As best I can tell, doing |~CS8 will clear the bits.. under solaris
# anyway, where CS5 = 0, CS6 = 0x20, CS7= 0x40, CS8=0x60
if ($parameter eq 'cs5') { $c_cflag = (($c_cflag & ~CS8 )| CS5); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'cs6') { $c_cflag = (($c_cflag & ~CS8 )| CS6); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'cs7') { $c_cflag = (($c_cflag & ~CS8 )| CS7); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'cs8') { $c_cflag = ($c_cflag | CS8); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'cstopb') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | CSTOPB) : ($c_cflag & (~CSTOPB))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'hupcl' || $parameter eq 'hup') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | HUPCL) : ($c_cflag & (~HUPCL))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'parenb') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | PARENB) : ($c_cflag & (~PARENB))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'parodd') { $c_cflag = ($set_value ? ($c_cflag | PARODD) : ($c_cflag & (~PARODD))); next; }
# That was fun. Still awake? c_iflag time.
if ($parameter eq 'brkint') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | BRKINT) : ($c_iflag & (~BRKINT)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'icrnl') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | ICRNL) : ($c_iflag & (~ICRNL)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'ignbrk') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | IGNBRK) : ($c_iflag & (~IGNBRK)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'igncr') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | IGNCR) : ($c_iflag & (~IGNCR)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'ignpar') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | IGNPAR) : ($c_iflag & (~IGNPAR)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'inlcr') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | INLCR) : ($c_iflag & (~INLCR)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'inpck') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | INPCK) : ($c_iflag & (~INPCK)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'istrip') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | ISTRIP) : ($c_iflag & (~ISTRIP)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'ixoff') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | IXOFF) : ($c_iflag & (~IXOFF)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'ixon') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | IXON) : ($c_iflag & (~IXON)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'parmrk') { $c_iflag = (($set_value ? ($c_iflag | PARMRK) : ($c_iflag & (~PARMRK)))); next; }
# Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet...
# print "Values: $c_lflag,".($c_lflag | ECHO)." ".($c_lflag & (~ECHO))."\n";
if ($parameter eq 'echo') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ECHO) : ($c_lflag & (~ECHO)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'echoe') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ECHOE) : ($c_lflag & (~ECHOE)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'echok') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ECHOK) : ($c_lflag & (~ECHOK)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'echonl') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ECHONL) : ($c_lflag & (~ECHONL)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'icanon') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ICANON) : ($c_lflag & (~ICANON)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'iexten') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | IEXTEN) : ($c_lflag & (~IEXTEN)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'isig') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | ISIG) : ($c_lflag & (~ISIG)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'noflsh') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | NOFLSH) : ($c_lflag & (~NOFLSH)))); next; }
if ($parameter eq 'tostop') { $c_lflag = (($set_value ? ($c_lflag | TOSTOP) : ($c_lflag & (~TOSTOP)))); next; }
# Make it stop! Make it stop!
# c_oflag crap.
if ($parameter eq 'opost') { $c_oflag = (($set_value ? ($c_oflag | OPOST) : ($c_oflag & (~OPOST)))); next; }
# Speed?
if ($parameter eq 'ospeed') { $ospeed = &{"POSIX::B".shift(@parameters)}; next; }
if ($parameter eq 'ispeed') { $ispeed = &{"POSIX::B".shift(@parameters)}; next; }
# Default.. parameter hasn't matched anything
# print "char:".sprintf("%lo",ord($parameter))."\n";
warn "IO::Stty::stty passed invalid parameter '$parameter'\n";
# What a pain in the ass! Ok.. let's write the crap back.
$termios->setattr($file_num,TCSANOW); # TCSANOW = do immediately. don't unbuffer first.
# OK.. that sucked.
sub show_me_the_crap {
my ($c_cflag,$c_iflag,$ispeed,$c_lflag,$c_oflag,
$ospeed,$control_chars) = @_;
my(%cc) = %$control_chars;
# rs = return string
$rs .= 'speed ';
if ($ospeed == B0) { $rs .= 0; }
if ($ospeed == B50) { $rs .= 50; }
if ($ospeed == B75) { $rs .= 75; }
if ($ospeed == B110) { $rs .= 110; }
if ($ospeed == B134) { $rs .= 134; }
if ($ospeed == B150) { $rs .= 150; }
if ($ospeed == B200) { $rs .= 200; }
if ($ospeed == B300) { $rs .= 300; }
if ($ospeed == B600) { $rs .= 600; }
if ($ospeed == B1200) { $rs .= 1200; }
if ($ospeed == B1800) { $rs .= 1800; }
if ($ospeed == B2400) { $rs .= 2400; }
if ($ospeed == B4800) { $rs .= 4800; }
if ($ospeed == B9600) { $rs .= 9600; }
if ($ospeed == B19200) { $rs .= 19200; }
if ($ospeed == B38400) { $rs .= 38400; }
$rs .= " baud\n";
$rs .= <<EOM;
intr = $cc{'INTR'}; quit = $cc{'QUIT'}; erase = $cc{'ERASE'}; kill = $cc{'KILL'};
eof = $cc{'EOF'}; eol = $cc{'EOL'}; start = $cc{'START'}; stop = $cc{'STOP'}; susp = $cc{'SUSP'};
# c flags.
$rs .= (($c_cflag & CLOCAL) ? '' : '-' ).'clocal ';
$rs .= (($c_cflag & CREAD) ? '' : '-' ).'cread ';
$rs .= (($c_cflag & CSTOPB) ? '' : '-' ).'cstopb ';
$rs .= (($c_cflag & HUPCL) ? '' : '-' ).'hupcl ';
$rs .= (($c_cflag & PARENB) ? '' : '-' ).'parenb ';
$rs .= (($c_cflag & PARODD) ? '' : '-' ).'parodd ';
$c_cflag = $c_cflag & CS8;
if ($c_cflag == CS8) {
$rs .= "cs8\n";
} elsif ($c_cflag == CS7) {
$rs .= "cs7\n";
} elsif ($c_cflag == CS6) {
$rs .= "cs6\n";
} else {
$rs .= "cs5\n";
# l flags.
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ECHO) ? '' : '-' ).'echo ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ECHOE) ? '' : '-' ).'echoe ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ECHOK) ? '' : '-' ).'echok ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ECHONL) ? '' : '-' ).'echonl ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ICANON) ? '' : '-' ).'icanon ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & ISIG) ? '' : '-' ).'isig ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & NOFLSH) ? '' : '-' ).'noflsh ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & TOSTOP) ? '' : '-' ).'tostop ';
$rs .= (($c_lflag & IEXTEN) ? '' : '-' ).'iexten ';
# o flag. jam it after the l flags so it looks more compact.
$rs .= (($c_oflag & OPOST) ? '' : '-' )."opost\n";
# i flags.
$rs .= (($c_iflag & BRKINT) ? '' : '-' ).'brkint ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & IGNBRK) ? '' : '-' ).'ignbrk ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & IGNPAR) ? '' : '-' ).'ignpar ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & PARMRK) ? '' : '-' ).'parmrk ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & INPCK) ? '' : '-' ).'inpck ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & ISTRIP) ? '' : '-' ).'istrip ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & INLCR) ? '' : '-' ).'inlcr ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & ICRNL) ? '' : '-' ).'icrnl ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & IXON) ? '' : '-' ).'ixon ';
$rs .= (($c_iflag & IXOFF) ? '' : '-' )."ixoff\n";
return $rs;