Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Midas_samy /
# -*- perl -*-
package Midas::Section;
use strict;
use File::Spec;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use Carp;
use Midas::Command;
use Midas::Configure;
use Midas::Paths;
use Midas::Preprocess ':internals';
use Midas::State;
use Midas::Globals;
use Midas::Source;
use Midas::Application;
use Midas::Error;
use Midas::Segment;
use TRELoad 'BitFieldTie';
use fields qw(
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(init_section);
our $Num = 0;
sub init_section {
$Num = 0;
sub new {
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
unless (ref $this) {
$this = fields::new($this);
foreach my $key (keys %args) {
$this->{$key} = $args{$key};
return $this;
sub new_from_line {
my $class = shift;
my $startline = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $srcfile = shift;
my $srcline = shift;
my $appobj = shift;
my $srcfile_start = $srcfile;
my $srcline_start = $srcline;
local ($_);
$_ = $startline;
my $mmu = $STATE->get_mmu();
fatal "Badly formatted SECTION line=$srcline, file=$srcfile:\n$_",
M_SECSYNTAX unless /^\s*SECTION\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)\s*$/;
my $secname = $1;
my @secargs = split ',', $2;
my $link_attrs;
my $section_args = {};
foreach my $secarg (@secargs) {
$secarg =~ s/\s+//g;
if($secarg =~ /(\S+)=(\S+)/) {
$section_args->{lc $1} = $2;
} elsif($secarg =~ /(\S+)/) {
$section_args->{lc $1} = 1;
if(keys %$section_args) {
$link_attrs = $mmu->create_attrs_object('link');
$link_attrs->init_from_args($srcfile, $srcline, name => $secname,
my $name = lc $secname;
$name =~ s/^\.//;
my $secnum = $Num++;
my $file = "sec${secnum}.${name}.s";
$file = path_to_build_file $file; # in build_dir
(my $ofile = $file) =~ s/\.s$/.o/;
my $source = Midas::Source::Assembly->new(sfile => $file,
ofile => $ofile,
fullsource => $file,
my %seg_hash = ();
foreach my $segment (Midas::Segment->all_names()) {
$seg_hash{$segment} = [];
my $this = Midas::Section->new
name => $secname,
args => $section_args,
seg_attrs => \%seg_hash,
link_attrs => defined $link_attrs ? [ $link_attrs ] : [],
files => [ $source ],
srcfile => $srcfile_start,
srcline => $srcline_start,
srcfilestop => $srcfile,
srclinestop => $srcline,
appobj => $appobj,
return $this;
sub get_segment_attrs {
my $this = shift;
my $segment = shift;
return @{$this->{seg_attrs}{$segment}};
sub add_attrs {
my $this = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
if($attrs->{type} eq 'link') {
push @{$this->{link_attrs}}, $attrs;
} elsif(exists $this->{seg_attrs}{$attrs->{type}}) {
my $len = @{$this->{seg_attrs}{$attrs->{type}}};
push @{$this->{seg_attrs}{$attrs->{type}}}, $attrs;
$attrs->unique_name($this->secname . "_$attrs->{type}_$len");
sub get_map_attrs {
my $this = shift;
my @attrs;
foreach my $seg (Midas::Segment->all_names()) {
push @attrs, $this->get_segment_attrs($seg);
return @attrs;
sub get_link_attrs {
my $this = shift;
return @{$this->{link_attrs}};
sub print_debug {
my $this = shift;
chat "Section $this->{name}\n", 3;
foreach my $seg (Midas::Segment->all_names()) {
my $num = $this->get_segment_attrs($seg);
chat " num_$seg\t=$num\n", 3;
my $nl = $this->get_link_attrs();
chat " num_link = $nl\n", 3;
my @files = @{$this->{files}}; my $n_files = @files;
chat " FILES ($n_files)\n", 3;
foreach my $f (@files) {
chat " " . $f->debug_string . "\n", 3;
# This function may be called from a child thread, sot it is important
# that it doesn't write any state (i.e., have any side-effects)
sub build {
my $this = shift;
foreach my $source (@{$this->{files}}) {
sub secname {
my $this = shift;
return lc $this->{name};
sub preprocess_midas_directive {
my $this = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $output = $line;
$output =~ s/(\$(\w+))/exists $ENV{$2} ? $ENV{$2} : $1/ge;
return $output;
sub parse_midas_cc_line {
my $this = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $srcline = shift;
my $srcfile = shift;
my ($file, $output, $args);
my $processed = $this->preprocess_midas_directive($line);
if($processed =~ /\bFILE\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
$file = $1;
if($processed =~ /\bOUTPUT\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
$output = $1;
if($processed =~ /\bARGS\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
$args = $1;
fatal "MIDAS_CC line does not contain FILE argument at line=$srcline, ".
"file=$srcfile\n", M_DIRECTIVESYNTAX unless defined $file;
my $assemble = 0;
$assemble = 1 if defined $args && $args =~ /(\s|\A)-S(\s|\Z)/;
my $sfile;
my $ofile;
my $full_file = $file;
$file = basename $file;
if($assemble) {
$sfile = $output;
if(not defined $output) {
if($file =~ /\.c$/) {
($sfile = $file) =~ s/\.c$/.s/;
} else {
$sfile = $file . ".s";
($ofile = $sfile) =~ s/\.s$/.o/;
} elsif($sfile =~ /\.s$/) {
($ofile = $sfile) =~ s/\.s$/.o/;
} elsif($sfile =~ /\.o$/) {
$ofile = $sfile;
$sfile =~ s/\.o$/.s/;
} else {
$ofile = $sfile . ".o";
} else {
$ofile = $output;
if(not defined $output) {
if($file =~ /\.c$/) {
($ofile = $file) =~ s/\.c$/.o/;
} else {
$ofile = $file . ".o";
my $rec = {
cfile => $file,
sfile => $sfile,
ofile => $ofile,
assemble => $assemble,
args => $args,
chat "LINE: $line\n", 3;
chat " cfile = $file\n", 3;
chat " sfile = $sfile\n", 3;
chat " ofile = $ofile\n", 3;
chat " assemble = $assemble\n", 3;
chat " args = $args\n", 3;
chat " fullsource = $full_file", 3;
my $source = Midas::Source::C->new(
cfile => $file,
sfile => $sfile,
ofile => $ofile,
args => $args,
fullsource => $full_file,
push @{$this->{files}}, $source;
sub parse_midas_obj_line {
my $this = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $srcline = shift;
my $srcfile = shift;
my $file;
my $processed = $this->preprocess_midas_directive($line);
if($processed =~ /\bFILE\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
$file = $1;
fatal "MIDAS_OBJ line does not contain FILE argument at line=$srcline, ".
"file=$srcfile\n", M_DIRECTIVESYNTAX unless defined $file;
chat "LINE: $line\n", 3;
chat " ofile = $file\n", 3;
my $source = Midas::Source::Object->new(
ofile => $file,
fullsource => $file,
push @{$this->{files}}, $source;
sub parse_midas_lib_line {
my $this = shift;
my $line = shift;
my $srcline = shift;
my $srcfile = shift;
my $file;
my $processed = $this->preprocess_midas_directive($line);
if($processed =~ /\bFILE\s*=\s*(\S+)/) {
$file = $1;
fatal "MIDAS_LIB line does not contain FILE argument at line=$srcline, ".
"file=$srcfile\n", M_DIRECTIVESYNTAX unless defined $file;
chat "LINE: $line\n", 3;
chat " ofile = $file\n", 3;
my $source = Midas::Source::Library->new(
ofile => $file,
fullsource => $file,
push @{$this->{files}}, $source;
sub get_object_list {
my $this = shift;
my @olist =
map { $_->get_object_file() }
grep { ! $_->is_library() }
return @olist;
sub get_library_list {
my $this = shift;
my @alist =
map { $_->get_object_file() }
grep { $_->is_library() }
return @alist;
sub sanity_check {
my $this = shift;
my $fline = "File=$this->{srcfile}, Line=$this->{srclinestop}";
my $error = 0;
my @messages;
if(scalar($this->get_map_attrs()) == 0) {
my $message = "Section $this->{name} has no attr blocks!\n";
$message .=" at $fline\n";
push @messages, { message => $message, code => M_SECSYNTAX };
my %link_seg;
foreach my $link_attr ($this->get_link_attrs()) {
push @messages, $link_attr->sanity_check();
foreach my $seg (Midas::Segment->all_names()) {
$link_seg{$seg} = 0 unless exists $link_seg{$seg};
$link_seg{$seg} ||= $link_attr->has_segment($seg);
foreach my $attr ($this->get_map_attrs()) {
push @messages, $attr->sanity_check();
foreach my $seg (Midas::Segment->all_names()) {
my @seg_attrs = $this->get_segment_attrs($seg);
if(not $CONFIG{allow_empty_sections}) {
if($link_seg{$seg} and ! @seg_attrs) {
my $message =
"Section $this->{name} has ${seg}_va but no attr_${seg} ".
"blocks\n at $fline\n";
push @messages, { message => $message, code => M_SECSYNTAX };
foreach my $attr (@seg_attrs) {
my $attr_fline = $attr->get_fline();
if(not $link_seg{$seg}) {
my $message = "Section $this->{name} has attr_$seg but no ${seg}_va\n".
" at $attr_fline\n";
push @messages, { message => $message, code => M_SECSYNTAX };
return @messages;
sub has_segment {
my $this = shift;
my $segment = shift;
return 1 if scalar $this->get_segment_attrs($segment);
sub get_section_link_tag {
my $this = shift;
my @olist = $this->get_object_list();
@olist = $this->get_library_list() unless @olist;
my $sectag = basename $olist[0], '.o', '.a';
return $sectag;
sub get_segment_link_name {
my $this = shift;
my $segment = shift;
my $sectag = $this->get_section_link_tag();
my $link_suffix = Midas::Segment->name2link_suffix($segment);
return "$sectag$link_suffix";