Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / Psh /
## do not modify - autogenerated ##
package Psh::Strategy::Bang;
require Psh::Strategy;
=item * C<bang>
If the input line starts with ! all remaining input will be
sent unchanged to /bin/sh
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_LINE;
sub runs_before {
return qw(brace);
sub applies {
return 'pass to sh' if substr(${$_[1]},0,1) eq '!';
sub execute {
my $command= substr(${$_[1]},1);
my $fgflag = 1;
if ($command =~ /^(.*)\&\s*$/) {
$command= $1;
Psh::OS::fork_process( $command, $fgflag, $command, 1);
return (1,undef);
package Psh::Strategy::Perl;
=item * C<perl>
If the input line starts with p! all remaining input will be
sent unchanged to the perl interpreter
require Psh::Strategy;
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_LINE;
sub runs_before {
return qw(built_in brace);
sub applies {
return 'perl evaluation' if substr(${$_[1]},0,2) eq 'p!';
sub execute {
${$_[1]}= substr(${$_[1]},2);
package Psh::Strategy::Brace;
=item * C<bang>
Input within curly braces will be sent unchanged to the perl
require Psh::Strategy;
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(built_in);
sub applies {
return 'perl evaluation' if substr(${$_[1]},0,1) eq '{';
sub execute {
package Psh::Strategy::Built_in;
require Psh::Strategy;
require Psh::Options;
require Psh::Support::Builtins;
sub new { Psh::Strategy::new(@_) }
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(executable auto_resume auto_cd);
sub applies {
my $fnname= ${$_[2]}[0];
if( $fnname= Psh::Support::Builtins::is_builtin($fnname)) {
eval 'use Psh::Builtins::'.ucfirst($fnname);
if ($@) {
return $fnname;
return '';
sub execute {
my $line= ${$_[1]};
my @words= @{$_[2]};
my $command= $_[3];
shift @words;
my $coderef;
my $rest= join(' ',@words);
no strict 'refs';
$coderef= *{join('','Psh::Builtins::',ucfirst($command),
return (1,sub { &{$coderef}($rest,\@words); }, [], 0, undef );
package Psh::Strategy::Perlfunc;
=item * C<perlfunc>
Tries to detect perl builtins - this is helpful if you e.g. have
a print command on your system. This is a small, minimal version
without options which will react on your own sub's or on a limited
list of important perl builtins. Please also see the strategy
require Psh::Strategy;
sub new { Psh::Strategy::new(@_) }
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(perlscript auto_resume executable);
my %perl_builtins = qw(
print 1 printf 1 push 1 pop 1 shift 1 unshift 1 system 1
package 1
chop 1 chomp 1 use 1 for 1 foreach 1 sub 1 do 1
sub applies {
my @words= @{$_[2]};
my $line= ${$_[1]};
my $fnname = $words[0];
my $parenthesized = 0;
# catch "join(':',@foo)" here as well:
if ($fnname =~ m/\(/) {
$parenthesized = 1;
$fnname = (split('\(', $fnname))[0];
my $qPerlFunc = 0;
if (exists $perl_builtins{$fnname}) {
my $needArgs = $perl_builtins{$fnname};
if ($needArgs > 0
and ($parenthesized
or scalar(@{$_[2]}) >= $needArgs)) {
$qPerlFunc = 1;
} elsif( $fnname =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\:\:([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)$/) {
if( $1 eq 'CORE') {
my $needArgs = $perl_builtins{$2};
if ($needArgs > 0
and ($parenthesized or scalar(@{$_[2]}) >= $needArgs)) {
$qPerlFunc = 1;
} else {
$qPerlFunc = (Psh::PerlEval::protected_eval("defined(&{'$fnname'})"))[0];
} elsif( $fnname =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/) {
$qPerlFunc = (Psh::PerlEval::protected_eval("defined(&{'$fnname'})"))[0];
return $line if $qPerlFunc;
return '';
sub execute {
my @args= @_;
return Psh::Strategy::Eval::execute(@args);
package Psh::Strategy::Executable;
=item * C<executable>
This strategy will search for an executable file and execute it
if possible.
require Psh::Strategy;
require Psh::Options;
my %built_ins=();
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub runs_before {
return qw(eval);
sub applies {
my $com= @{$_[2]}->[0];
my $executable= Psh::Util::which($com);
return $executable if defined $executable;
return '';
sub execute {
my $inputline= ${$_[1]};
my @words= @{$_[2]};
my $tmp= shift @words;
my $executable= $_[3];
if (Psh::Options::get_option('expansion') and
(!$Psh::current_options or !$Psh::current_options->{noexpand})) {
@words= Psh::PerlEval::variable_expansion(\@words);
if (Psh::Options::get_option('globbing') and
(!$Psh::current_options or !$Psh::current_options->{noglob})) {
@words = Psh::Parser::glob_expansion(\@words);
@words = map { Psh::Parser::unquote($_)} @words;
return (1,join(' ',$executable,@words),[$executable,$tmp,@words], 0, undef, );
package Psh::Strategy::Eval;
=item * C<eval>
All input will be evaluated by the perl interpreter without
any conditions.
require Psh::Strategy;
sub new { Psh::Strategy::new(@_) }
sub consumes {
return Psh::Strategy::CONSUME_TOKENS;
sub applies {
return 'perl evaluation';
sub execute {
my $todo= ${$_[1]};
if( $_[4]) { # we are second or later in a pipe
my $code;
$todo=~ s/\} ?([qg])\s*$/\}/;
my $mods= $1 || '';
if( $mods eq 'q' ) { # non-print mode
$code='while(<STDIN>) { @_= split /\s+/; '.$todo.' ; }';
} elsif( $mods eq 'g') { # grep mode
$code='while(<STDIN>) { @_= split /\s+/; print $_ if eval { '.$todo.' }; } ';
} else {
$code='while(<STDIN>) { @_= split /\s+/; '.$todo.' ; print $_ if $_; }';
return (1,sub {return 1,Psh::PerlEval::protected_eval($code,'eval'); }, [], 0, undef);
} else {
return (1,sub {
local @Psh::tmp= Psh::PerlEval::protected_eval($todo,'eval');
return ((@Psh::tmp && $Psh::tmp[0])?1:0, @Psh::tmp);
}, [], 0, undef);