Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 /
## File:
## $Id:,v 2.32 2002/10/20 03:49:22 ehood Exp $
## Author:
## Earl Hood
## Description:
## Routines to set options for MHonArc.
## MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter
## Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Earl Hood,
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
## 02111-1307, USA
package mhonarc;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;
## get_resources() is responsible for grabbing resource settings from
## the command-line and resource file(s).
sub get_resources {
my(%opt) = ();
die(qq{Try "$PROG -help" for usage information\n}) unless
"add", # Add a message to archive
"afs", # Bypass file permission checks
# Perl expression for modifying displayed addresses
"annotate", # Add a note to message(s)
"authsort", # Sort by author
"archive", # Create an archive (the default)
"conlen", # Honor Content-Length fields
# Check for "no archive" flag in messages
"datefields=s", # Fields that contains the date of a message
"dbfile=s", # Database/state filename for mhonarc archive
"decodeheads", # Decode all 1522 encoded data in message headers
# Define custom resource variables
"doc", # Print link to doc at end of index page
"docurl=s", # URL to mhonarc documentation
"editidx", # Change index page layout only
"expiredate=s", # Message cut-off date
"expireage=i", # Time in seconds from current if message expires
"folrefs", # Print links to explicit follow-ups/references
"footer=s", # File containing user text for bottom of index page
# (option no longer applicable)
"force", # Perform archive operation even if unable to lock
"fromfields=s", # Fields that contains the "from" of a message
"genidx", # Generate an index based upon archive contents
"gmtdatefmt=s", # Date specification for GMT date
"gzipexe=s", # Pathname of Gzip executable
"gzipfiles", # Gzip files
"gziplinks", # Add ".gz" extensions to files
"header=s", # File containing user text for top of index page
# (option no longer applicable)
"htmlext=s", # Extension for HTML files
"idxfname=s", # Filename of index page
"idxprefix=s", # Filename prefix for multi-page main index
"idxsize=i", # Maximum number of messages shown in indexes
"keeponrmm", # Do not delete message files on archive remove
# Date specification for local date
"lock", # Do archive locking (default)
"lockdelay=i", # Time delay in seconds between lock tries
"lockmethod=s", # Set the method of locking
"locktries=i", # Number of tries in locking an archive
"mailtourl=s", # URL to use for e-mail address hyperlinks
"main", # Create a main index
"maxsize=i", # Maximum number of messages allowed in archive
"mbox", # Use mailbox format (ignored now)
"mh", # Use MH mail folders format (ignored now)
"mhpattern=s", # Regular expression for message files in a directory
"modtime", # Set modification time on files to message date
"months=s", # Month names
"monthsabr=s", # Abbreviated month names
# Perl expression(s) for selective message exclusion
"msgpgs", # Create message pages
"msgsep=s", # Message separator for mailbox files
"msgprefix=s", # Filename prefix for message files
"multipg", # Generate multi-page indexes
"news", # Add links to newsgroups
"noauthsort", # Do not sort by author
"noarchive", # Do not create an archive
# Do not check for "no archive" flag in messages
"noconlen", # Ignore Content-Length fields
# Do not decode 1522 encoded data in message headers
"nodoc", # Do not print link to doc at end of index page
"nofolrefs", # Do not print links to explicit follow-ups/references
"nogzipfiles", # Do not Gzip files
"nogziplinks", # Do not add ".gz" extensions to files
"nokeeponrmm", # Delete message files on archive remove
"nolock", # Do no archive locking
"nomailto", # Do not add in mailto links for e-mail addresses
"nomain", # Do not create a main index
"nomsgpgs", # Do not create message pages
"nomodtime", # Do no set modification time on files to message date
"nomultipg", # Do not generate multi-page indexes
"nonews", # Do not add links to newsgroups
# Use own implementation for time format process
"noreverse", # List messages in normal order
# Do not save resource values in db
"nosort", # Do not sort
"nospammode", # Do not run in (anti)spam mode
"nosubsort", # Do not sort by subject
# Do not do subject based threading
# Text to use if message has no subject
"notedir", # Location of notes
"notetext=s@", # Text data of note
"nothread", # Do not create threaded index
"notreverse", # List oldest thread first
# Do not list threads by subject
# List threads by ordered processed
"nourl", # Do not make URL hyperlinks
# List of other rcfiles for extra indexes
"outdir=s", # Destination of HTML files
"pagenum=s", # Page to output if -genidx
"perlinc=s@", # List of paths to search for MIME filters
# Use POSIX strftime()
"quiet", # No status messages while running
"rcfile=s@", # Resource file for mhonarc
"varregex=s", # Regex matching resource variables
"reverse", # List messages in reverse order
"rmm", # Remove messages from an archive
"savemem", # Write message data while processing
# Save resource values in db
"scan", # List out archive contents to terminal
"single", # Convert a single message to HTML
"sort", # Sort messages in increasing date order
"spammode", # Run in (anti)spam mode
"stderr=s", # Set file for stderr
"stdin=s", # Set file for stdin
"stdout=s", # Set file for stdout
# Regex for leading articles in subjects
# Regex for leading reply string in subjects
# Perl expression for modifying subjects
# Check subjects for threads
"subsort", # Sort message by subject
"tidxfname=s", # File name of threaded index page
"tidxprefix=s", # Filename prefix for multi-page thread index
"time", # Print processing time
"title=s", # Title of index page
"ttitle=s", # Title of threaded index page
"thread", # Create threaded index
"tlevels=i", # Maximum # of nested lists in threaded index
"treverse", # Reverse order of thread listing
"tslice=s", # Set size of thread slice listing
# Maximum # of nested lists in thread slices
"tsort", # List threads by date
"tsubsort", # List threads by subject
"umask=i", # Set umask of process
"url", # Make URL hyperlinks
"weekdays=s", # Weekday names
# Abbreviated weekday names
## API (only?) options
"noarg", # Just load code
"readdb", # Just read db
"v", # Version information
"help" # A brief usage message
## Check for help/version options (nothing to do)
if ($opt{'help'}) { &usage(); return 0; }
if ($opt{'v'}) { &version(); return 0; }
## Check std{in,out,err} options
DUP: {
$MhaStdin = \*STDIN;
#$MhaStdout = \*STDOUT;
#$MhaStderr = \*STDERR;
if (defined($opt{'stdout'}) && !ref($opt{'stdout'})) {
open(STDOUT, ">>$opt{'stdout'}") ||
die qq/ERROR: Unable to create "$opt{'stdout'}": $!\n/;
if ($opt{'stderr'} eq $opt{'stdout'}) {
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") ||
die qq/ERROR: Unable to dup STDOUT: $!\n/;
if (defined($opt{'stderr'}) && !ref($opt{'stderr'})) {
open(STDERR, ">>$opt{'stderr'}") ||
die qq/ERROR: Unable to create "$opt{'stderr'}": $!\n/;
if (defined($opt{'stdin'})) {
if (ref($opt{'stdin'})) {
$MhaStdin = $opt{'stdin'};
} else {
open(STDIN, "<$opt{'stdin'}") ||
die qq/ERROR: Unable to open "$opt{'stdin'}": $!\n/;
$MhaStdin = \*STDIN;
my $curfh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
select(STDERR); $| = 1;
## Initialize variables
require ''; &mhinit_vars();
## These options have NO resource file equivalent.
$NoArg = $opt{'noarg'};
$ReadDB = $opt{'readdb'};
$ADD = $opt{'add'};
$RMM = $opt{'rmm'};
$SCAN = $opt{'scan'};
$QUIET = $opt{'quiet'};
$EDITIDX = $opt{'editidx'};
$ANNOTATE= $opt{'annotate'};
$AFS = $opt{'afs'};
if ($opt{'genidx'}) {
$IDXONLY = 1; $QUIET = 1; $ADD = 0;
} else {
if ($opt{'single'} && !$RMM && !$ANNOTATE) {
$SINGLE = 1; $QUIET = 1;
} else {
$SINGLE = 0;
$ReadDB = 1 if ($ADD || $EDITIDX || $RMM || $ANNOTATE || $SCAN ||
$DoArchive = 1 if $opt{'archive'};
$DoArchive = 0 if $opt{'noarchive'};
my $dolock = !$NoArg && !$opt{'nolock'};
## Check argv
unless (($#ARGV >= 0) || $ADD || $SINGLE || $EDITIDX || $SCAN ||
$IDXONLY || $ReadDB || !$DoArchive || $NoArg) {
return -1;
## Require needed libraries
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '' if $SCAN;
require '' if $SINGLE;
require '' if $RMM;
require '' if $ANNOTATE;
print STDOUT "This is MHonArc v$VERSION, Perl $] $^O\n" unless $QUIET;
## Evaluate site local initialization
delete($INC{''}); # force re-evaluation
eval { require ''; }; # ignore status
## Read default resource file
if ($DefRcFile) {
if (defined $ENV{'HOME'}) {
# check if in home directory
$tmp = join($DIRSEP, $ENV{'HOME'}, $DefRcName);
if (-e $tmp) {
local $_;
foreach (@INC) {
$tmp = join($DIRSEP, $_, $DefRcName);
if (-e $tmp) {
## Grab a few options
@FMTFILE = @{$opt{'rcfile'}} if defined($opt{'rcfile'});
$LOCKTRIES = $opt{'locktries'} if defined($opt{'locktries'}) &&
($opt{'locktries'} > 0);
$LOCKDELAY = $opt{'lockdelay'} if defined($opt{'lockdelay'}) &&
($opt{'lockdelay'} > 0);
$FORCELOCK = $opt{'force'};
$LockMethod = &set_lock_mode($opt{'lockmethod'})
if defined($opt{'lockmethod'});
## These options must be grabbed before reading the database file
## since these options may tells us where the database file is.
$OUTDIR = $opt{'outdir'} if $opt{'outdir'};
if (!$NoArg && !($SCAN || $IDXONLY || $SINGLE)) {
die qq/ERROR: "$OUTDIR" does not exist\n/ unless -e $OUTDIR;
if (!$AFS) {
die qq/ERROR: "$OUTDIR" is not readable\n/ unless -r $OUTDIR;
die qq/ERROR: "$OUTDIR" is not writable\n/ unless -w $OUTDIR;
die qq/ERROR: "$OUTDIR" is not executable\n/ unless -x $OUTDIR;
$DBFILE = $opt{'dbfile'} if $opt{'dbfile'};
## Create lock
if ($dolock && $DoArchive && !$SINGLE) {
$! = 75; # EX_TEMPFAIL (for sendmail)
die("ERROR: Unable to lock $OUTDIR after $LOCKTRIES tries\n");
## Check if we need to access database file
if ($ReadDB) {
$DBPathName = OSis_absolute_path($DBFILE) ?
## Invoke preload callback
if (defined($CBDbPreLoad) && defined(&$CBDbPreLoad)) {
if (-e $DBPathName) {
print STDOUT "Reading database ...\n" unless $QUIET;
## Just perform a require. Delete %INC entry to force
## evaluation.
delete $INC{$DBPathName};
require($DBPathName) ||
die("ERROR: Database read error of $DBPathName\n");
## Check db version with program version
warn "Warning: Database ($DbVERSION) != ",
"program ($VERSION) version.\n";
## Check for 1.x archive, and update data as needed
if ($DbVERSION =~ /^1\./) {
print STDOUT "Updating database $DbVERSION data ...\n"
unless $QUIET;
## Check for 2.[0-4] archive
if ($DbVERSION =~ /^2\.[0-4]\./) {
print STDOUT "Updating database $DbVERSION data ...\n"
unless $QUIET;
if ($DbVERSION =~ /^2\.[01]\./) {
## Set %Follow here just incase it does not get recomputed
%Follow = %FollowOld;
if (!$IDXONLY) {
if ($#ARGV < 0) { $ADDSINGLE = 1; } # See if adding single mesg
else { $ADDSINGLE = 0; }
$ADD = $MhaStdin;
## Remove lock if db not going to be changed
if ($SCAN || $IDXONLY) {
## Clear thread flag if genidx, must be explicitly set
## Read resource file(s) (I initially used the term 'format file').
## Look for resource in outdir unless existing according to
## current value.
foreach (@FMTFILE) {
$_ = join($DIRSEP, $OUTDIR, $_) unless -e $_;
## Check if extension for HTML files defined on the command-line
$HtmlExt = $opt{'htmlext'} if defined($opt{'htmlext'});
$RFC1522 = 1; # Always True
## Other indexes resource files
if (defined($opt{'otherindex'})) {
my @array = ();
foreach (@{$opt{'otherindex'}}) {
push(@array, split(/$PATHSEP/o, $_));
unshift(@OtherIdxs, @array);
## Perl INC paths
if (defined($opt{'perlinc'})) {
my @array = ();
foreach (@{$opt{'perlinc'}}) {
push(@array, split(/$PATHSEP/o, $_));
unshift(@PerlINC, @array);
@OtherIdxs = remove_dups(\@OtherIdxs);
@PerlINC = remove_dups(\@PerlINC);
## Require mail parsing library
unshift(@INC, @PerlINC);
if (!$SCAN) {
# require readmail library
require '' || die("ERROR: Unable to require\n");
$readmail::FormatHeaderFunc = \&mhonarc::htmlize_header;
$MHeadCnvFunc = \&readmail::MAILdecode_1522_str;
$IsDefault{'MIMEALTPREFS'} = !scalar(@MIMEAltPrefs);
## Get other command-line options
$DBFILE = $opt{'dbfile'} if $opt{'dbfile'}; # Override db
$DBPathName = OSis_absolute_path($DBFILE) ?
$DOCURL = $opt{'docurl'} if $opt{'docurl'};
$FROM = $opt{'msgsep'} if $opt{'msgsep'};
$IDXPREFIX = $opt{'idxprefix'} if $opt{'idxprefix'};
$IDXSIZE = $opt{'idxsize'} if defined($opt{'idxsize'});
$IDXSIZE *= -1 if $IDXSIZE < 0;
$OUTDIR = $opt{'outdir'} if $opt{'outdir'}; # Override db
$MAILTOURL = $opt{'mailtourl'} if $opt{'mailtourl'};
$MAXSIZE = $opt{'maxsize'} if defined($opt{'maxsize'});
$MAXSIZE = 0 if $MAXSIZE < 0;
$MHPATTERN = $opt{'mhpattern'} if $opt{'mhpattern'};
$TIDXPREFIX = $opt{'tidxprefix'} if $opt{'tidxprefix'};
$TITLE = $opt{'title'} if $opt{'title'};
$TLEVELS = $opt{'tlevels'} if $opt{'tlevels'};
$TTITLE = $opt{'ttitle'} if $opt{'ttitle'};
$MsgPrefix = $opt{'msgprefix'} if defined($opt{'msgprefix'});
$GzipExe = $opt{'gzipexe'} if $opt{'gzipexe'};
$VarExp = $opt{'varregex'} if $opt{'varregex'} &&
($opt{'varregex'} =~ /\S/);
$TSLICELEVELS = $opt{'tslicelevels'} if $opt{'tslicelevels'};
$IDXNAME = $opt{'idxfname'} || $IDXNAME || $ENV{'M2H_IDXFNAME'} ||
$TIDXNAME = $opt{'tidxfname'} || $TIDXNAME || $ENV{'M2H_TIDXFNAME'} ||
$ExpireDate = $opt{'expiredate'} if $opt{'expiredate'};
$ExpireTime = $opt{'expireage'} if $opt{'expireage'};
$ExpireTime *= -1 if $ExpireTime < 0;
$GMTDateFmt = $opt{'gmtdatefmt'} if $opt{'gmtdatefmt'};
$LocalDateFmt = $opt{'localdatefmt'} if $opt{'localdatefmt'};
$AddressModify = $opt{'addressmodifycode'} if $opt{'addressmodifycode'};
$SubArtRxp = $opt{'subjectarticlerxp'} if $opt{'subjectarticlerxp'};
$SubReplyRxp = $opt{'subjectreplyrxp'} if $opt{'subjectreplyrxp'};
$SubStripCode = $opt{'subjectstripcode'} if $opt{'subjectstripcode'};
$MsgExcFilter = $opt{'msgexcfilter'} if defined($opt{'msgexcfilter'});
$NoSubjectTxt = $opt{'nosubjecttxt'} if $opt{'nosubjecttxt'};
$IdxPageNum = $opt{'pagenum'} if defined($opt{'pagenum'});
## Determine location of message note files
$NoteDir = $opt{'notedir'} if $opt{'notedir'};
## See if note text defined on command-line
if (defined $opt{'notetext'}) {
$NoteText = join(" ", @{$opt{'notetext'}});
} else {
$NoteText = undef;
## Parse any rc variable definition from command-line
if (defined($opt{'definevar'})) {
my @array = ();
foreach (@{$opt{'definevar'}}) {
push(@array, &parse_vardef_str($_));
%CustomRcVars = (%CustomRcVars, @array);
$CONLEN = 1 if $opt{'conlen'};
$CONLEN = 0 if $opt{'noconlen'};
$MAIN = 1 if $opt{'main'};
$MAIN = 0 if $opt{'nomain'};
$MODTIME = 1 if $opt{'modtime'};
$MODTIME = 0 if $opt{'nomodtime'};
$MULTIIDX = 1 if $opt{'multipg'};
$MULTIIDX = 0 if $opt{'nomultipg'};
$NODOC = 0 if $opt{'doc'};
$NODOC = 1 if $opt{'nodoc'};
$NOMAILTO = 1 if $opt{'nomailto'};
$NONEWS = 0 if $opt{'news'};
$NONEWS = 1 if $opt{'nonews'};
$NOURL = 0 if $opt{'url'};
$NOURL = 1 if $opt{'nourl'};
$SLOW = 1 if $opt{'savemem'};
$THREAD = 1 if $opt{'thread'};
$THREAD = 0 if $opt{'nothread'};
$TREVERSE = 1 if $opt{'treverse'};
$TREVERSE = 0 if $opt{'notreverse'};
$DoFolRefs = 1 if $opt{'folrefs'};
$DoFolRefs = 0 if $opt{'nofolrefs'};
$GzipFiles = 1 if $opt{'gzipfiles'};
$GzipFiles = 0 if $opt{'nogzipfiles'};
$GzipLinks = 1 if $opt{'gziplinks'};
$GzipLinks = 0 if $opt{'nogziplinks'};
$NoMsgPgs = 0 if $opt{'msgpgs'};
$NoMsgPgs = 1 if $opt{'nomsgpgs'};
$SaveRsrcs = 1 if $opt{'saveresources'};
$SaveRsrcs = 0 if $opt{'nosaveresources'};
$SpamMode = 1 if $opt{'spammode'};
$SpamMode = 0 if $opt{'nospammode'};
$KeepOnRmm = 1 if $opt{'keeponrmm'};
$KeepOnRmm = 0 if $opt{'nokeeponrmm'};
$CheckNoArchive = 1 if $opt{'checknoarchive'};
$CheckNoArchive = 0 if $opt{'nochecknoarchive'};
$POSIXstrftime = 1 if $opt{'posixstrftime'};
$POSIXstrftime = 0 if $opt{'noposixstrftime'};
$DecodeHeads = 1 if $opt{'decodeheads'};
$DecodeHeads = 0 if $opt{'nodecodeheads'};
$readmail::DecodeHeader = $DecodeHeads;
## Clear main flag if genidx and thread specified
@DateFields = split(/[:;]/, $opt{'datefields'}) if $opt{'datefields'};
@FromFields = split(/[:;]/, $opt{'fromfields'}) if $opt{'fromfields'};
foreach (@FromFields) { s/\s//g; tr/A-Z/a-z/; }
($TSliceNBefore, $TSliceNAfter, $TSliceInclusive) =
split(/[:;]/, $opt{'tslice'}) if $opt{'tslice'};
@Months = split(/:/, $opt{'months'}) if defined($opt{'months'});
@months = split(/:/, $opt{'monthsabr'}) if defined($opt{'monthsabr'});
@Weekdays = split(/:/, $opt{'weekdays'}) if defined($opt{'weekdays'});
@weekdays = split(/:/, $opt{'weekdaysabr'}) if defined($opt{'weekdaysabr'});
## Set umask
if ($UNIX) {
$UMASK = $opt{'umask'} if defined($opt{'umask'});
eval { umask oct($UMASK); };
## Get sort method
$AUTHSORT = 1 if $opt{'authsort'};
$AUTHSORT = 0 if $opt{'noauthsort'};
$SUBSORT = 1 if $opt{'subsort'};
$SUBSORT = 0 if $opt{'nosubsort'};
$NOSORT = 1 if $opt{'nosort'};
$NOSORT = 0 if $opt{'sort'};
$REVSORT = 1 if $opt{'reverse'};
$REVSORT = 0 if $opt{'noreverse'};
if ($NOSORT) {
} elsif ($SUBSORT) {
## Check for thread listing order
$TSUBSORT = 1 if $opt{'tsubsort'};
$TSUBSORT = 0 if $opt{'notsubsort'};
$TNOSORT = 1 if $opt{'notsort'};
$TNOSORT = 0 if $opt{'tsort'};
$TREVERSE = 1 if $opt{'treverse'};
$TREVERSE = 0 if $opt{'notreverse'};
if ($TNOSORT) {
$NoSubjectThreads = 1 if $opt{'nosubjectthreads'};
$NoSubjectThreads = 0 if $opt{'subjectthreads'};
## Check if all messages must be updated (this has been simplified;
## any serious change should be done via editidx).
} else {
## Set date names
&set_date_names(\@weekdays, \@Weekdays, \@months, \@Months);
## Set %Zone with user-specified timezones
while (($zone, $offset) = each(%ZoneUD)) {
$Zone{$zone} = $offset;
## Require some more libaries
require ''; &mhidxrc_set_vars();
require ''; &create_routines();
require '';
require '';
require '';
require '' unless $SCAN || $IDXONLY || !$DoArchive;
## Load text clipping function
if (defined($TextClipSrc)) {
eval { require $TextClipSrc; };
if ($@) { warn qq/Warning: $@\n/; }
if (!defined($TextClipFunc) || !defined(&$TextClipFunc)) {
$TextClipFunc = \&clip_text;
$TextClipSrc = undef;
$IsDefault{'TEXTCLIPFUNC'} = 1;
} else {
$IsDefault{'TEXTCLIPFUNC'} = 0;
## Predefine %Index2TLoc in case of message deletion
if (@TListOrder) {
@Index2TLoc{@TListOrder} = (0 .. $#TListOrder);
## Define %Index2MsgId hash
foreach (keys %MsgId) {
$Index2MsgId{$MsgId{$_}} = $_;
## Set $ExpireDateTime from $ExpireDate
if ($ExpireDate) {
my @array = ();
if (@array = &parse_date($ExpireDate)) {
$ExpireDateTime = &get_time_from_date(@array[1..$#array]);
} else {
warn qq|Warning: Unable to parse EXPIREDATE, "$ExpireDate"\n|;
## Get highest message number
if ($ADD) {
$LastMsgNum = &get_last_msg_num();
} else {
$LastMsgNum = -1;
## Delete bogus empty entries in hashes due to bug in earlier
## versions to avoid any future problems.
# update DOCURL if default old value
if ($DOCURL eq '') {
$DOCURL = '';
## Check if printing process time
$TIME = $opt{'time'};
## Version routine
sub version {
print $VINFO;
## Usage routine
sub usage {
require '';
## read_fmt_file() requires the library with the resource file
## read subroutine and calls the routine.
sub read_fmt_file {
require '';
&read_resource_file; # implicit passing of @_
## Routine to update 1.x data structures to 2.0.
sub update_data_1_to_2 {
local(%EntName2Char) = (
'lt', '<',
'gt', '>',
'amp', '&',
sub entname_to_char {
my($name) = shift;
my($ret) = $EntName2Char{$name};
if (!$ret) {
$ret = "&$name;";
foreach $index (keys %From) {
$From{$index} =~ s/\&([\w\-.]+);/&entname_to_char($1)/ge;
foreach $index (keys %Subject) {
$Subject{$index} =~ s/\&([\w\-.]+);/&entname_to_char($1)/ge;
delete $IndexNum{''};
$TLITXT = '<li>' . $TLITXT unless ($TLITXT) && ($TLITXT =~ /<li>/i);
$THEAD .= "<ul>\n" unless ($THEAD) && ($THEAD =~ m%<ul>\s*$%i);
$TFOOT = "</ul>\n" unless ($TFOOT) && ($TFOOT =~ m%^\s*</ul>%i);
## Update 2.1, or earlier, data.
sub update_data_2_1_to_later {
# we can preserve filter arguments
if (defined(%main::MIMEFiltersArgs)) {
warn qq/ preserving MIMEARGS...\n/;
%readmail::MIMEFiltersArgs = %main::MIMEFiltersArgs;
$IsDefault{'MIMEARGS'} = 0;
## Update 2.4, or earlier, data.
sub update_data_2_4_to_later {
# convert Perl 4 style data to Perl 5 style
my($index, $value);
while (($index, $value) = each(%Refs)) {
next if ref($value);
$Refs{$index} = [ split(/$X/o, $value) ];
while (($index, $value) = each(%FollowOld)) {
next if ref($value);
$FollowOld{$index} = [ split(/$bs/o, $value) ];
while (($index, $value) = each(%Derived)) {
next if ref($value);
$Derived{$index} = [ split(/$X/o, $value) ];