Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perl-5.8.0 / lib / site_perl / 5.8.0 / sun4-solaris / Tk /
package Tk::Button;
# Conversion from Tk4.0 button.tcl competed.
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '3.014'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/Tk/ $
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
# to additional disclaimer in license.terms due to partial
# derivation from Tk4.0 sources.
use strict;
require Tk::Widget;
use base qw(Tk::Widget);
use vars qw($buttonWindow $relief);
sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::button }
Construct Tk::Widget 'Button';
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
$mw->bind($class,'<Enter>', 'Enter');
$mw->bind($class,'<Leave>', 'Leave');
$mw->bind($class,'<1>', 'butDown');
$mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-1>', 'butUp');
$mw->bind($class,'<space>', 'Invoke');
$mw->bind($class,'<Return>', 'Invoke');
return $class;
# tkButtonEnter --
# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse pointer enters a
# button widget. It records the button we're in and changes the
# state of the button to active unless the button is disabled.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the widget.
sub Enter
my $w = shift;
my $E = shift;
if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
$w->configure('-state' => 'active');
$w->configure('-state' => 'active', '-relief' => 'sunken') if (defined($buttonWindow) && $w == $buttonWindow)
$Tk::window = $w;
# tkButtonLeave --
# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse pointer leaves a
# button widget. It changes the state of the button back to
# inactive. If we're leaving the button window with a mouse button
# pressed (tkPriv(buttonWindow) == $w), restore the relief of the
# button too.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the widget.
sub Leave
my $w = shift;
$w->configure('-state'=>'normal') if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled');
$w->configure('-relief' => $relief) if (defined($buttonWindow) && $w == $buttonWindow);
undef $Tk::window;
# tkButtonDown --
# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse button is pressed in
# a button widget. It records the fact that the mouse is in the button,
# saves the button's relief so it can be restored later, and changes
# the relief to sunken.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the widget.
sub butDown
my $w = shift;
$relief = $w->cget('-relief');
if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
$buttonWindow = $w;
$w->configure('-relief' => 'sunken')
# tkButtonUp --
# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse button is released
# in a button widget. It restores the button's relief and invokes
# the command as long as the mouse hasn't left the button.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the widget.
sub butUp
my $w = shift;
if (defined($buttonWindow) && $buttonWindow == $w)
undef $buttonWindow;
$w->configure('-relief' => $relief);
if ($w->IS($Tk::window) && $w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
# tkButtonInvoke --
# The procedure below is called when a button is invoked through
# the keyboard. It simulate a press of the button via the mouse.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the widget.
sub Invoke
my $w = shift;
if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
my $oldRelief = $w->cget('-relief');
my $oldState = $w->cget('-state');
$w->configure('-state' => 'active', '-relief' => 'sunken');
$w->configure('-state' => $oldState, '-relief' => $oldRelief);