Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / perlmod / regreport,1.64.2
use IO::Handle;
use Getopt::Long;
BEGIN {chomp ($root = `configsrch Regreport /`);}
use lib "$ENV{'DV_ROOT'}/tools/perlmod/Regreport/".$root;
use Regreport;
use strict;
my($PROG) = ($0=~ m%([^/]+)$%); # regreport real name
# an initial sanity check.
if(!(defined $ARGV[0])) {die " No arguments specified... please try regreport -h\n"; }
# A cute way to parse the command line. (legacy stuff)
# This assigns a variable directly from command line ..
eval '$'.$1.'$2;' while $ARGV[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z_]+=)(.*)/ && shift;
my %opt = ();
my @Options = qw(debug cut_name! sas_only regenerate regress
ver 1 h clean_pass fails_only sim=s);
$opt{debug} = 0;
$opt{sas_only} = 0;
$opt{cut_name} = 1;
$opt{regenerate}= 0;
$opt{regress} = 0;
$opt{clean_pass}= 0;
$opt{fails_only}= 0;
$opt{ver} = 0;
$opt{h} = 0;
$opt{'1'} = 0;
GetOptions(\%opt, @Options) or die "Error in arguments!\n";
$debug = $opt{debug};
$sas_only = $opt{sas_only};
$cut_name = $opt{cut_name};
$clean_pass = $opt{clean_pass};
$fails_only = $opt{fails_only} || defined ($ENV{REGREPORT_FAILS_ONLY}) ;
$sim = $opt{sim};
my $regenerate = $opt{regenerate};
my $regress = $opt{regress};
my $ver = $opt{ver};
my $single = $opt{'1'};
my $h = $opt{h};
exit 0;
}elsif($ver) {
print "You are running: $PROG\n";
exit 0;
exit 0;
}elsif($regress) {
if((defined $ARGV[0]) && (defined $ARGV[1]) && (-d $ARGV[1])){
if (defined ($ENV{CLEAN_PASS})) {
$clean_pass = 1;
my $status = wait_regression($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]);
if (!defined ($ENV{REGRESS_MAIL}) ||
defined ($ENV{REGRESS_MAIL}) && ($ENV{REGRESS_MAIL} !~ /^no$/i)) {
my $mailto = $ENV{USER};
$mailto = $mailto.",$ENV{REGRESS_MAIL}" if (defined ($ENV{REGRESS_MAIL}));
my $finish = "Completed";
if ($status) {
$finish = "Incomplete"
my $subject = "'$finish Regression results for $ARGV[1]'";
system ("/bin/mailx -s $subject $mailto < $ARGV[0] ");
exit 0;
die " -regress options are not correct. Needs file_name, dir_name, try regreport -h\n";
}elsif($single) { #1 diag report
$rsfh = \*STDOUT;
if(defined $ARGV[0]) { &chk_single_diag($ARGV[0]); }
else { &chk_single_diag("."); }
exit 0;
if((defined $ARGV[0]) && (-d $ARGV[0])) { #regression directory
open (STDOUT, "| tee regreport.log") or
die "DIE. Could not open regreport.log for stdout" ;
$rsfh = \*STDOUT;
my$total = 1; my $pass = 0;
$total=(regress_stat(0, @ARGV))[0];
$pass=(regress_stat(0, @ARGV))[1];
print STDERR "\n";
if ($clean_pass && ($total == $pass)) {
printf STDOUT "Cleaning Run Directories in $ARGV[0]..\n";
opendir (DIR, "$ARGV[0]");
foreach (grep(!/^\.+$/,readdir DIR)) {
system ("rm -rf $ARGV[0]/$_") if (-d "$ARGV[0]/$_");
close DIR;
print STDERR "Something went wrong. Probably cannot chdir.Try regreport -h \n";
exit 1;
sub usage {
print <<EOH;
Usage: regreport <options> [<directory> [<list>]]
-1 [<regress_dir>]:
print report for the specified or current-directory diag; [regress dir].
-regress <output_file> <directory>:
in regression mode, regreport writes summary status for finished
diags to a file until all diags are finished. NOTE: if
some diag does not produce status, $PROG will wait forever.
print version number and exit.
sims.log will not be parsed, only sas.log will get parsed.
cuts the name from a sss:sss:sss:ddd formatted name. Default is to cut.
will regenerate the status.log files in the diag directories.
will clean up passing directories.
will show details for fails only
<directory> [<list>]
print report for all diags under <directory>. <list> is
0 or more of simulation 'system' names, such as
'spc2', 'cmp', 'cmp1', 'cmp8', etc. When nothing
specified, all systems are included.
CLEAN_PASS : Clean passing dirs
REGRESS_MAIL : Set to comma seperated list. Default is to send user
email when run in regress mode. When set to "no"
sends no email at all.
REGREPORT_FAILS_ONLY : Show details for fails only.
Examine all regression .log files for diags under
regression directory
and print reports. The most common use is
$0 <regress_dir>