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<H1><A NAME="SECTION007100000000000000000">
5.1 <tt class="module">pydoc</tt> --
Documentation generator and online help system</A>
<A NAME="module-pydoc"></A>
<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.1.</span>
<a id='l2h-1059' xml:id='l2h-1059'></a>
The <tt class="module">pydoc</tt> module automatically generates documentation from
Python modules. The documentation can be presented as pages of text
on the console, served to a Web browser, or saved to HTML files.
The built-in function <tt class="function">help()</tt> invokes the online help system
in the interactive interpreter, which uses <tt class="module">pydoc</tt> to generate
its documentation as text on the console. The same text documentation
can also be viewed from outside the Python interpreter by running
<b class="program">pydoc</b> as a script at the operating system's command prompt.
For example, running
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
pydoc sys
at a shell prompt will display documentation on the <tt class="module"><a href="module-sys.html">sys</a></tt>
module, in a style similar to the manual pages shown by the <span class="Unix">Unix</span>
<b class="program">man</b> command. The argument to <b class="program">pydoc</b> can be the name
of a function, module, or package, or a dotted reference to a class,
method, or function within a module or module in a package. If the
argument to <b class="program">pydoc</b> looks like a path (that is, it contains the
path separator for your operating system, such as a slash in <span class="Unix">Unix</span>),
and refers to an existing Python source file, then documentation is
produced for that file.
Specifying a <b class="programopt">-w</b> flag before the argument will cause HTML
documentation to be written out to a file in the current directory,
instead of displaying text on the console.
Specifying a <b class="programopt">-k</b> flag before the argument will search the
synopsis lines of all available modules for the keyword given as the
argument, again in a manner similar to the <span class="Unix">Unix</span> <b class="program">man</b>
command. The synopsis line of a module is the first line of its
documentation string.
You can also use <b class="program">pydoc</b> to start an HTTP server on the local
machine that will serve documentation to visiting Web browsers.
<b class="program">pydoc</b> <b class="programopt">-p 1234</b> will start a HTTP server on port
1234, allowing you to browse the documentation at
<code>http://localhost:1234/</code> in your preferred Web browser.
<b class="program">pydoc</b> <b class="programopt">-g</b> will start the server and additionally
bring up a small <tt class="module"><a href="module-Tkinter.html">Tkinter</a></tt>-based graphical interface to help
you search for documentation pages.
When <b class="program">pydoc</b> generates documentation, it uses the current
environment and path to locate modules. Thus, invoking
<b class="program">pydoc</b> <b class="programopt">spam</b> documents precisely the version of
the module you would get if you started the Python interpreter and
typed "<tt class="samp">import spam</tt>".
Module docs for core modules are assumed to reside in
<a class="url" href=""></a>. This can be overridden by
setting the <a class="envvar" id='l2h-1060' xml:id='l2h-1060'>PYTHONDOCS</a> environment variable to a different URL or
to a local directory containing the Library Reference Manual pages.
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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