Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / tools / src / nas,5.n2.os.2 / pfe /
class GetAttrError(Exception):
def __init__(self,name):
Exception.__init__(self) = name
def __str__(self):
return "The strand has no getable state member '""'"
class DelAttrError(Exception):
def __init__(self,name):
Exception.__init__(self) = name
def __str__(self):
return "Strand attributes such as "" can not be deleted"
class SetAttrError(Exception):
def __init__(self,name):
Exception.__init__(self) = name
def __str__(self):
return "The strand has no setable state member '"+name+"'"
class TrapLevelZeroError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return "Trap state can not be accessed when tl=0"
def __geterror_fun__(name,strand):
raise GetAttrError(name)
def __seterror_fun__(name,strand,value):
raise SetAttrError(name)
def __geterror__(name):
return lambda strand: __geterror_fun__(name,strand)
def __seterror__(name):
return lambda strand,value: __seterror_fun__(name,strand,value)
def __gettl_check__(strand):
tl = Strand.__getfun__['tl'](strand)
if tl == 0:
raise TrapLevelZeroError()
return tl
def __gettt__(strand): return TrapStack.__getfun__['tt'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand))
def __settt__(strand,value): TrapStack.__setfun__['tt'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand),value)
def __gettpc__(strand): return TrapStack.__getfun__['tpc'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand))
def __settpc__(strand,value): TrapStack.__setfun__['tpc'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand),value)
def __gettnpc__(strand): return TrapStack.__getfun__['tnpc'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand))
def __settnpc__(strand,value): TrapStack.__setfun__['tnpc'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand),value)
def __gettstate__(strand): return TrapStack.__getfun__['tstate'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand))
def __settstate__(strand,value): TrapStack.__setfun__['tstate'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand),value)
def __gethtstate__(strand): return TrapStack.__getfun__['htstate'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand))
def __sethtstate__(strand,value): TrapStack.__setfun__['htstate'](strand,__gettl_check__(strand),value)
class Strand:
__getfun__= {
'tt': __gettt__,
'tpc': __gettpc__,
'tnpc': __gettnpc__,
'tstate': __gettstate__,
'htstate': __gethtstate__
__setfun__ = {
'tt': __settt__,
'tpc': __settpc__,
'tnpc': __settnpc__,
'tstate': __settstate__,
'htstate': __sethtstate__
for i in ['pc', 'npc', 'cwp', 'cansave', 'canrestore', 'otherwin', 'cleanwin', 'wstate',
'y', 'asi', 'ccr', 'fsr', 'gsr', 'fprs', 'pil', 'softint',
'tl', 'gl', 'pstate', 'hpstate', 'tba', 'htba', 'hver', 'hintp',
'tick', 'stick', 'tick_cmpr', 'stick_cmpr', 'hstick_cmpr', 'rstv_addr'
'max_tl', 'max_gl', 'max_ptl', 'max_pgl','max_wp','strand_id']:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
__irf__ = ['g%d' % i for i in range(0,8)]\
+ ['o%d' % i for i in range(0,8)]\
+ ['l%d' % i for i in range(0,8)]\
+ ['i%d' % i for i in range(0,8)]
__frf__ = ['f%d' % i for i in range(0,64)]
__drf__ = ['d%d' % i for i in range(0,64,2)]
__qrf__ = ['q%d' % i for i in range(0,64,4)]
__asr__ = ['asr%d' % i for i in range(0,32)]
__pr__ = ['pr%d' % i for i in range(0,32)]
__hpr__ = ['hpr%d' % i for i in range(0,32)]
__sim__ = ['sim%d' % i for i in range(0,32)]
for i in __irf__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __frf__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __drf__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __qrf__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __asr__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __pr__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __hpr__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
for i in __sim__:
__getfun__[i] = __geterror__(i)
__setfun__[i] = __seterror__(i)
del i
def __init__(self,strand,ref):
self.__dict__['__strand__'] = strand
self.__dict__['ref'] = ref
self.__dict__['inst_tlb'] = {}
self.__dict__['data_tlb'] = {}
self.__dict__['brk'] = {}
self.__dict__['t'] = TrapStack(strand)
self.__dict__['g'] = GlobalStack(strand)
self.__dict__['w'] = WindowStack(strand)
self.__dict__['__listing__'] = 0
self.__dict__['__verify__'] = False
self.__dict__['__ras__'] = False
def __getattr__(self,name):
if Strand.__getfun__.has_key(name):
return Strand.__getfun__[name](self.__strand__)
raise GetAttrError(name)
def __setattr__(self,name,data):
if Strand.__setfun__.has_key(name):
return Strand.__setfun__[name](self.__strand__,data)
#self.__dict__[name] = data
if self.__dict__.has_key(name):
self.__dict__[name] = data
# print 'Cant set. No strand attribute %s\n' % (name,)
except GetAttrError:
return 'Cant set. No strand attribute %s\n' % (name,)
self.__dict__[name] = data
def __delattr__(self,name):
if name == 'brk':
for i in self.brk:
del self.brk[i]
elif name == 'inst_tlb':
for i in self.inst_tbl:
del self.inst_tlb[i]
elif name == 'data_tlb':
for i in self.data_tbl:
del self.data_tlb[i]
elif name == '__strand__' or name == 't':
del self.__dict__[name]
def __repr__(self):
return "<Strand instance>"
def __str__(self):
return "<Strand instance>"
# mode switching related interface
def lstmode(self,lstval = None):
lstmode() switches the strand to listing mode based on the value of lstval
a value of 0 disables the list mode.
a value of 1 enables the list mode where the executed instruction along
with the sideeffects are displayed.
a value of 2 enables the list mode where only the executed instruction
is displayed.
w/o an argument the current listing mode is returned
if lstval == None:
return self.__listing__
elif type(lstval) != int:
raise TypeError
self.__listing__ = lstval
if lstval != 0:
self.step = self.__lststep__
if lstval == 1:
if self.__dict__.has_key('__lstnames__'):
if == 0:
for r in self.__lstnames__:
if r in ['tt','tpc','tnpc','tstate','htstate']:
self.__lststate__[r] = None
self.__lststate__[r] = getattr(self,r)
for r in self.__lststate__:
self.__lststate__[r] = getattr(self,r)
self.step = self.__runstep__
def vrfmode(self,on):
vrfmode() switches the strand to verification mode when on=True, e.g turn of optimisations for
run mode. This means that every load/store and instruction fetch goes through the
if on == None:
return self.__verify__
elif type(on) != bool:
raise TypeError
self.__verify__ = on
def rasmode(self,on):
rasmode() switches the strand into ras mode when on=True, expects vrfmode to be on
if on == None:
return self.__ras__
elif type(on) != bool:
raise TypeError
self.__ras__ = on
# translate addresses
def va2pa(self,va,ctx=None,pid=None):
def ra2pa(self,ra,pid=None):
# CMP related interface
def available(self,on=None):
def enable(self,on=None):
def running(self,on=None):
def stepping(self,on=None):
# step related interface
def step(self,n=None):
step() steps the simulator n instructions forward
The method is switched between __runstep__ and __lststep__ by lstmode()
def __runstep__(self,n=None):
runstep() steps the simulator n instruction without echoing inpstr to output
def __lststep__(self,n=None):
lststep() steps the simulator n instruction and echo instr to output
class TrapStackEntry:
def __init__(self,strand,tl):
self.__dict__['strand'] = strand
self.__dict__['tl'] = tl
def __getattr__(self,name):
return TrapStack.__getfun__[name](self.strand,
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
return TrapStack.__setfun__[name](self.strand,,value)
class TrapStack:
MAXTL = 15
__getfun__ = {}
__setfun__ = {}
for field in ['tt','tpc','tnpc','tstate','htstate']:
__getfun__[field] = __geterror__(field)
__setfun__[field] = __seterror__(field)
del field
def __init__(self,strand):
self.trap_stack = {}
for tl in range(1,TrapStack.MAXTL):
self.trap_stack[tl] = TrapStackEntry(strand,tl)
def __getitem__(self,index):
if index == 0:
raise TrapLevelZeroError()
return self.trap_stack[index]
class GlobalStackEntry:
def __init__(self,strand,gl):
self.__dict__['strand'] = strand
self.__dict__['gl'] = gl
def __getattr__(self,name):
return GlobalStack.__getfun__[name](self.strand,
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
return GlobalStack.__setfun__[name](self.strand,,value)
def __getitem__(self,index):
return GlobalStack.__getfun__[index](self.strand,
def setitem__(self,index,value):
return GlobalStack.__setfun__[index](self.strand,,value)
class GlobalStack:
__getfun__ = {}
__setfun__ = {}
for r in ['g%d' % i for i in range(0,8)]:
__getfun__[r] = __geterror__(r)
__setfun__[r] = __seterror__(r)
def __init__(self,strand):
self.global_stack = {}
for gl in range(0,GlobalStack.MAXGL + 1):
self.global_stack[gl] = GlobalStackEntry(strand,gl)
def __getitem__(self,index):
return self.global_stack[index]
class WindowRegEntry:
def __init__(self,strand,win):
self.__dict__['strand'] = strand
self.__dict__['win'] = win
def __getattr__(self,name):
return WindowStack.__getfun__[name](self.strand,
def __setattr__(self,name,value):
return WindowStack.__setfun__[name](self.strand,,value)
def __getitem__(self,index):
return WindowStack.__getfun__[index](self.strand,
def __setitem__(self,index,value):
return WindowStack.__setfun__[index](self.strand,,value)
class WindowStack:
MAXWP = 32
__getfun__ = {}
__setfun__ = {}
for r in Strand.__irf__[8:]:
__getfun__[r] = __geterror__(r)
__setfun__[r] = __seterror__(r)
def __init__(self,strand):
self.window_stack = {}
for win in range(0,WindowStack.MAXWP):
self.window_stack[win] = WindowRegEntry(strand,win)
def __getitem__(self,index):
return self.window_stack[index]