Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 design and verification files.
[OpenSPARC-T2-DV] / verif / env / common / vera / classes / baseUtilsClass.vr
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: baseUtilsClass.vr
// Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// For the avoidance of doubt, and except that if any non-GPL license
// choice is available it will apply instead, Sun elects to use only
// the General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) at this time for any
// software where a choice of GPL license versions is made
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// otherwise unspecified.
// Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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// have any questions.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
#include <vera_defines.vrh>
#include "std_display_defines.vri"
#include "std_display_class.vrh"
#include "plusArgMacros.vri"
// if your bench does not use any common Verilog error detection,
// define NO_VERILOG_ERRORS so that code gets excluded from here!
#include "errorCountTasks.if.vrh"
class BaseUtils {
local string className = "baseUtilsClass";
local StandardDisplay dbg;
local integer startTime = 0;
local integer clockPeriod;
task new(StandardDisplay dbgHndl, integer clockPeriod = 100);
function reg [63:0] list2vector(string thrstr);
task dumpFailing();
task startTimer();
task dumpStats();
task wait4termination(integer maxCycle=0);
task exitBench(string scope=null, string message="",
reg noPrint=0, reg externalFail=0);
function reg file_exists(string filename, string mode);
function reg [39:0] hashpa(reg [39:0] pa);
task updateClockPeriod(integer period);
task BaseUtils::new(StandardDisplay dbgHndl, integer clockPeriod = 100) {
this.dbg = dbgHndl;
this.clockPeriod = clockPeriod;
task BaseUtils::updateClockPeriod(integer period) {
if (this.clockPeriod != period)
dbg.dispmon("baseUtils", MON_ALWAYS,
psprintf("clockPeriod updated to %0d",clockPeriod));
this.clockPeriod = period;
// Extract vector from comma seperated string
function reg [63:0] BaseUtils::list2vector(string thrstr) {
string tempstr;
integer i;
list2vector = 0;
if (thrstr.match("^all$")) {
list2vector = 64'hffffffffffffffff;
} else if (thrstr.match("^none$")) {
list2vector = 0;
} else {
for (i=0;i<thrstr.len();i++) {
if (tempstr != ",") {
list2vector[tempstr.atoi()] = 1;
// Placeholders - expect to be extended in bench
task BaseUtils::dumpFailing() {
printf ("[dumpFailing] Nothing to Dump: Need to override this method\n");
task BaseUtils::startTimer () {
startTime = 0; // review, NTB cant get_systime();
// Placeholders - expect to be extended in bench
task BaseUtils::dumpStats () {
integer endTime;
integer cycleCount;
integer simTime;
endTime = 2; // review, NTB cant get_systime();
cycleCount = get_cycle();
simTime = endTime - startTime;
if (simTime <1) simTime = 1;
printf ("\nINFO >> Simulation CPS = %0d [%0d cycles in %0d secs]\n\n",
cycleCount/simTime, cycleCount, simTime);
// Will wait for too many errors, too much time,
// too many clocks, too many idle cycles etc.
// Will NOT participate in a natural "good end".
// This is for certain benches. You may want to redefine this
// in your class that extends this.
task BaseUtils::wait4termination(integer maxCycle=0) {
// combine Verilog and Vera counts
integer myErrors[2]; // = {0,0};
integer myWarns[2]; // = {0,0};
integer previousCountE[2]; // = {0,0};
integer previousCountW[2]; // = {0,0};
integer i;
// for NTB
for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
myErrors[i] = 0;
myWarns[i] = 0;
previousCountE[i] = 0;
previousCountW[i] = 0;
fork // too many errors
// watch verilog errors. you can see an inc of > 1...
while (1) {
@(errorCount_if.errorCount or errorCount_if.warnCount);
myErrors[0] += (errorCount_if.errorCount - previousCountE[0]);
previousCountE[0] = errorCount_if.errorCount;
myWarns[0] += (errorCount_if.warnCount - previousCountW[0]);
previousCountW[0] = errorCount_if.warnCount;
// watch vera errors. you can see an inc of > 1...
while (1) {
wait_var(dbg.errors, dbg.warnings);
myErrors[1] += (dbg.errors - previousCountE[1]);
previousCountE[1] = dbg.errors;
myWarns[1] += (dbg.warnings - previousCountW[1]);
previousCountW[1] = dbg.warnings;
while ((myErrors[0] + myErrors[1]) < dbg.maxerror &&
(myWarns[0] + myWarns[1]) < dbg.maxwarning)
exitBench(*, // scope
*, // message
myErrors[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0, // no vera print, verilog will
1); // force a fail
// too many clocks
// NOTE: get_cycle is based on Vera's SystemClock and may not
// match your particular concept of what a "cycle" is in your bench!
if ((maxCycle > 0) && (clockPeriod > 0)) {
while (1) {
// Please to not check every clock!
// delay is measurably better than repeat (x) @(posedge CLOCK).
// I asked Synopsys to measure it, really.
if (get_cycle() >= maxCycle) {
dbg.dispmon("baseUtils", MON_ALWAYS,
psprintf("Max cycles of %0d exceeded (Vera)! Exiting with ERRORs...",maxCycle));
join none
// This task may not be reached if the bench fails for some
// other reason like a call to error(), expect error, std_display_class
// deciding there are too many errors, etc.
// It is suggested that this be the last thing you do when you
// think that you are done.
task BaseUtils::exitBench(string scope=null,
string message="",
reg noPrint=0, // set if you know Verilog will print FAIL
reg externalFail=0) {
string tmpstr;
reg [1024:0] testNameVera,testNameAsm,testNameAlt;
integer seedFileHndl, errors, warns, weFailed=0;
if (message == null) message = " ";
// check VERA error count
if (errors || (warns >= dbg.maxwarning) || externalFail) weFailed = 1;
// If you are using seeding.vri, this will update seeds.log with status.
seedFileHndl = fopen( "./seeds.log", "a" );
if ( seedFileHndl !== 0 ) {
if (mChkPlusarg(vera_diag_name=)) mGetPlusargStr(vera_diag_name=,testNameVera);
if (mChkPlusarg(asm_diag_name=)) mGetPlusargStr(asm_diag_name=,testNameAsm);
if (mChkPlusarg(test=)) mGetPlusargStr(test=,testNameAlt);
if (weFailed) {
fprintf(seedFileHndl, "Diag %s %s %s FAILED! Use this seed...\n", testNameVera, testNameAsm, testNameAlt, errors, warns);
} else {
fprintf(seedFileHndl, "Diag %s %s %s possibly PASSED. If you don't see PASSED, it may have hung.\n", testNameVera, testNameAsm, testNameAlt);
// if we are not printing this stuff in verilog, print it here in vera!
// if both Vera and Verilog are checking for errors, this text may get
// printed by both Vera and Verilog.
if (noPrint == 0) {
if (scope == null) scope = className;
if (weFailed) {
// regreport needs "ERROR". Do not alter.
sprintf(tmpstr, "Diag Finished/Failed with ERRORs! %s\n", message);
dbg.dispmon(scope, MON_ALWAYS, tmpstr);
// NOTE: CLOCK is based on Vera's SystemClock and may not
// match your particular concept of what a "clock" or "cycle" is in your bench!
repeat (dbg.wait_cycle_to_kill) @(posedge CLOCK);
} else {
// regreport needs "GOOD End". Do not alter.
// Reaching "GOOD End" does not imply passing. The word PASS shall never
// be printed, ever! That is up to regreport to decide. This assumes a Sparc
// bench and regreport being in use although I expect regreport to be used for
// all simulations that are not Sparc based.
sprintf(tmpstr, "Diag Reached GOOD End! (pre-regreport checking) %s\n", message);
dbg.dispmon(scope, MON_ALWAYS,tmpstr);
// will remove following later after sims gets changed
sprintf(tmpstr, "regreport will determine if diag has really PASSED\n");
dbg.dispmon(scope, MON_ALWAYS,tmpstr);
sprintf(tmpstr, "regreport clock period: %0d units\n", this.clockPeriod);
dbg.dispmon(scope, MON_ALWAYS,tmpstr);
function reg BaseUtils::file_exists(string filename, string mode) {
integer FP;
FP = fopen(filename, mode, SILENT);
if (FP === 0) {
file_exists = 0;
} else {
file_exists = 1;
fclose (FP);
// It is assumed that gParam.hash_on is checked before calling the routine.
function reg [39:0] BaseUtils::hashpa(reg [39:0] pa) {
hashpa = pa;
hashpa [17:11] = {(pa[32:28]^pa[17:13]),(pa[19:18]^pa[12:11])};