Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 architecture model.
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / sam-t2 / sam / cpus / vonk / ss / api / memsync / src / TsoChecker.h
2* ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
4* OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: TsoChecker.h
5* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
8* The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
10* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
12* The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
13* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15* General Public License for more details.
17* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
18* License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
19* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21* ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
27** Copyright (C) 2002, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
29** Sun considers its source code as an unpublished, proprietary
30** trade secret and it is available only under strict license provisions.
31** This copyright notice is placed here only to protect Sun in the event
32** the source is deemed a published work. Disassembly, decompilation,
33** or other means of reducing the object code to human readable form
34** is prohibited by the license agreement under which this code is
35** provided to the user or company in possession of this copy."
38#include <iostream>
39#include <fstream>
40#include <list>
41#include <vector>
43#include "TsoCheckerDefs.h"
44#include "TsoCheckerCmd.h"
45#include "TsoNode.h"
46#include "TsoEdge.h"
47#include "MemoryAccessHistory.h"
49namespace Tso {
51 /**
52 * TSOchecker is designed to perform on-the-fly TSO memory consistency model check
53 * in the RTL-Riesling co-sim environment with no limiation on which diags can be
54 * checked against TSO compliance. The kernel of the algorithm is a digraph which
55 * is generated according to instruction's memory access order, program order, and
56 * data dependence, and is constructed in a way that a cycle in the grpah indicates
57 * a TSO violation.
58 * <p>
59 * Note that instructions that do not need to comply with TSO model are not included
60 * in forming the digraph. These instructions include block load, block store, and
61 * block init store, as well as those accessing to I/O address space. Membar is also
62 * not considered in current algorithm, however, this can be in the enhancement plan.
63 * <p>
64 * The TSOchecker defines a single API to other program. The TsoChecker class is the
65 * class where the API locates. It implements the service routines to handle this API.
66 * The fields of this API are defined in the TsoCheckerCmd.h.
67 * <p>
68 * Whenever the API method is called, a node is created. If the entry belongs to the
69 * type of instructions that have to comply with the TSO memory model, it is placed
70 * into the digrpah. However, all entries for one instruction can appear as only one
71 * node in the graph. The routine then create edges between nodes based on their
72 * data dependence and program order constraints. An edge can be a output-depednence
73 * edge, a flow-dependece edge, an anti-dependence edge, a load-load program order
74 * edge, a load-store program order edge, or a store-store program order edge. Finally,
75 * the program checks if there is a cycle in the digraph, and prun the digraph.
76 * <p>
77 * If there is a TSO violation, the program throw an exception and print out the existing
78 * digraph in a text file named TsoViolationDiGraph, which can be processed using the
79 * dot program (as of this writing, it is in /net/suntools/export/tools/sparc/bin/dot).
80 * <p>
81 * @see TsoCheckerCmd.h
82 * @see MemoryAccessHistory.h
83 * @see MemoryAccessHistoryItem.h
84 * @see TsoNode.h
85 * @see TsoEdge.h
86 */
87 class TsoChecker {
89 public:
90 /**
91 * Default constructor
92 */
93 TsoChecker();
95 /**
96 * Copy constructor
97 *
98 * @param orig The TsoChecker object to copy.
99 */
100 TsoChecker( const TsoChecker &orig );
102 /**
103 * Destructor
104 */
105 virtual ~TsoChecker();
107 /**
108 * Equality operator
109 *
110 * @param rhs The right hand side of the equality operator
111 * @return Return true if this objec and rhs are equal,
112 * otherwise return false
113 */
114 bool operator==( const TsoChecker &rhs ) const;
116 /**
117 * Assignment operator
118 *
119 * @param rhs The right hand side of the assignment operator.
120 * @return The lvalue of the assignment.
121 */
122 const TsoChecker & operator=( const TsoChecker &rhs );
124 /**
125 * Return a string representation of this TsoChecker object.
126 */
127 std::string toString() const;
129 /**
130 * Initialize private data structures
131 */
132 void init(int nstrands);
134 /**
135 * Handle memory access registration and TSO violation check. <br>
136 * This is the main method other program calls to perform TSO violation check.
137 * It performs the following tasks:
138 * - create TsoNode for an input request
139 * - book-keep the content of a TsoNode, especially if a node's instruction
140 * contains multiple TSO node.
141 * - maintain the node in the tmpList_ until they form a consecutive instruction
142 * sequence
143 * - form data dependence edges of the node
144 * - form program order edges of the nodes that is in consecutive instruction sequence
145 * - check TSO violation and prun the TSO digraph
146 * - report error and print out the TSO digraph if violating the TSO rules
147 *
148 * @param cmd TsoCheckerCmd data structure containing TSO API fields
149 * @see TsoCheckerCmd.h
150 */
151 void input(TsoCheckerCmd& cmd);
153 /**
154 * Another form of input() method
155 */
156 void input(uint32_t tid, uint64_t iseq, enum INSTR_TYPE itype, enum MEM_CMD cmd,
157 uint64_t addr, uint64_t data, uint8_t sizeV, enum DATA_SRC dsrc,
158 uint64_t macc, uint64_t gobs, uint64_t time);
160 /**
161 * Find the node in tmpList_ that belongs to the same instruction
162 * @param cmd The entry TsoCheckerCmd data structure
163 * @return matched TSO node pointer or NULL
164 */
165 TsoNode* findNode(TsoCheckerCmd& cmd);
167 /**
168 * Find the prvious TSO node in the nodeList_
169 * @param ntype TSO node type, TSO_LOAD or TSO_STORE
170 * @param tid Thread ID used to select nodeList_
171 * @return matched TSO node pointer or NULL
172 * @see TsoCheckerDefs.h
173 */
174 TsoNode* findPrev(enum TSO_NODE_TYPE ntype, uint32_t tid);
176 /**
177 * Insert a node into tmpList_ in is iseq ascending order
178 * @param tid Thread ID to select tmpList_
179 * @param np Node pointer to be inserted
180 */
181 void tmpListInsert(uint32_t tid, TsoNode *np);
183 /**
184 * Form data dependence edge for the node. The types of data dependence edges
185 * include flow, anti, and output. Two methods, storeCommit() and loadAccess()
186 * in the MemoryAccessHistory class are called depending on the input node type.
187 * @param np Pointer of the node
188 * @see MemoryAccessHistory.h
189 */
190 void formDataDependenceEdges(TsoNode *np);
192 /**
193 * Form program order edge for the node. <br>
194 * If the node is a load, then
195 * - a load-load program order edge is created from the previous TSO load to this load.
196 * If the node is a store, then
197 * - a load-store program order edge is created from the provious TSO load to this store,
198 * - a store-store program order edge is created from the provious TSO store to this store
199 */
200 void formProgramOrderEdges(uint32_t tid);
202 /**
203 * Check to see if a node can be removed. A node does not check for TSO violation
204 * unless it is removable. <br>
205 * A load node can be removed as long as it is not the last load node in the nodeList_. <br>
206 * A store node cannot be removed unless the following conditions are all met:
207 * - not the last store node in the nodeList_
208 * - all nodes corresponding to its valid bytes of data all become old
209 * - its retire time has passed
210 * @param np Pointer of node to be checked
211 * @return a boolean
212 */
213 bool canRemove(TsoNode *np);
215 /**
216 * Check if there is a path from nodeP to startNodeP in the digraph consisting of
217 * TSO nodes, data dependence edges, and program order edges. <br>
218 * Checking TSO violation in this algorithm is equivalen to check if there is a cycle
219 * in the digraph. checkCycle(&n1, &n1) can be used to check if a cycle is formed for
220 * node n1.
221 * @param nodeP Pointer of node to be checked
222 * @param startNodeP Pointer of node that begins the check
223 * @return a boolean
224 */
225 bool checkCycle(TsoNode *nodeP, TsoNode *startNodeP);
227 /**
228 * Remove a node in the MemoryAccessHistory and all its edges.
229 * @param np Pointer of the node
230 */
231 void removeNode(TsoNode *np);
233 /**
234 * Return a string of a node's output edge in the format of dot program
235 * @param node Pointer of the node
236 * @return the string
237 */
238 std::string printOutEdges(TsoNode* node);
240 /**
241 * Print the digraph for the nodes in the nodeList_ to output file named
242 * TsoViolationDiGraph (flag=ERROR) or TsoDigraph (flag=NORMAL) in the
243 * dot-processable text format.
244 * <p>
245 * - Use "dot -Tps TsoViolationDigraph -o" to
246 * generate ps file for TSO violation nodes
247 * - Use "dot -Tps TsoDigraph -o" to
248 * generate ps file for remaining TSO nodes
249 * - goto for more info
250 * about the dot program
251 * @param flag Flag determines which output file name to be used
252 */
253 void printNodeList(int flag);
255 /**
256 * This method is the same as printNodeList(NORMAL).
257 */
258 void printNodeList();
260 /******************************************************************
261 * Private variable get/set methods
262 ******************************************************************/
263 void setTime(uint64_t time) { time_ = time; }
264 uint64_t getTime() const { return time_; }
266 protected:
268 private:
269 /**
270 * maccHist_ contains the memory update history based on the store instructions
271 * @see MemoryAccessHistory.h
272 */
273 MemoryAccessHistory maccHist_;
275 /**
276 * nodeList_ is a pointer to an array of TsoNode pointer lists: one list per thread. <br>
277 * The list contains nodes that have been in program order, and are candidates
278 * for TSO vialation check and prun
279 */
280 std::list<TsoNode*> *nodeList_;
282 /**
283 * tmpList_ is a pointer to an array of TsoNode pointer lists: one list per thread. <br>
284 * The list contains node that have not yet been in program order.
285 */
286 std::list<TsoNode*> *tmpList_;
288 /**
289 * lastPoIseq_ is a pointer to an uint64_t array: one field per thread. <br>
290 * It indicates the last Instruction sequence number that is in the nodeList_.
291 */
292 uint64_t *lastPoIseq_; // last Program Order Iseq
294 /**
295 * time_ indicates the time when the access happens
296 */
297 uint64_t time_;
298 int listSize_;
299 };
300} /* namespace Tso */
302#endif /* _TSOCHECKER_H */