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<H2><A NAME="SECTION000770000000000000000"></A><A NAME="module-markup"></A>
6.7 Module-specific Markup
The markup described in this section is used to provide information
about a module being documented. Each module should be documented
in its own <tt class='macro'>&#92;section</tt>. A typical use of this markup
appears at the top of that section and might look like this:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
\section{\module{spam} ---
Access to the SPAM facility}
\modulesynopsis{Access to the SPAM facility of \UNIX.}
\moduleauthor{Jane Doe}{}
Python packages<a id='l2h-4' xml:id='l2h-4'></a> -- collections of modules that can
be described as a unit -- are documented using the same markup as
modules. The name for a module in a package should be typed in
``fully qualified'' form (it should include the package name).
For example, a module ``foo'' in package ``bar'' should be marked as
<code>&#92;module{}</code>, and the beginning of the reference
section would appear as:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
\section{\module{} ---
Module from the \module{bar} package}
\modulesynopsis{Nifty module from the \module{bar} package.}
\moduleauthor{Jane Doe}{}
Note that the name of a package is also marked using
<tt class='macro'>&#92;module</tt>.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;declaremodule</tt></b>
Requires two parameters: module type ("<tt class="samp">standard</tt>",
"<tt class="samp">builtin</tt>", "<tt class="samp">extension</tt>", or "<tt class="samp"></tt>"), and the module
name. An optional parameter should be given as the basis for the
module's ``key'' used for linking to or referencing the section.
The ``key'' should only be given if the module's name contains any
underscores, and should be the name with the underscores stripped.
Note that the <var>type</var> parameter must be one of the values
listed above or an error will be printed. For modules which are
contained in packages, the fully-qualified name should be given as
<var>name</var> parameter. This should be the first thing after the
<tt class='macro'>&#92;section</tt> used to introduce the module.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;platform</tt></b>
Specifies the portability of the module. <var>specifier</var> is a
comma-separated list of keys that specify what platforms the
module is available on. The keys are short identifiers;
examples that are in use include "<tt class="samp">IRIX</tt>", "<tt class="samp">Mac</tt>",
"<tt class="samp">Windows</tt>", and "<tt class="samp">Unix</tt>". It is important to use a key
which has already been used when applicable. This is used to
provide annotations in the Module Index and the HTML and GNU info
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;modulesynopsis</tt></b>
The <var>text</var> is a short, ``one line'' description of the
module that can be used as part of the chapter introduction.
This is must be placed after <tt class='macro'>&#92;declaremodule</tt>.
The synopsis is used in building the contents of the table
inserted as the <tt class='macro'>&#92;localmoduletable</tt>. No text is
produced at the point of the markup.
<dl class='macrodesc'>
<dt><b><tt class='macro'>&#92;moduleauthor</tt></b>
This macro is used to encode information about who authored a
module. This is currently not used to generate output, but can be
used to help determine the origin of the module.
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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