Initial commit of OpenSPARC T2 architecture model.
[OpenSPARC-T2-SAM] / rst / rstzip3 / rstzip_v3 / rstzip3.C
// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T2 Processor File: rstzip3.C
// Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
/* rz3.C
* the RZ3 compressor/decompressor
* Copyright (C) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
#ident "@(#)1.4 06/28/04 SMI rstzip3.C"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "zlib.h"
#include "rstf/rstf.h"
#include "rstzip3.h"
#include "rz3_section.h"
rz3_bitarray_descr rstzip3::bitarray_descr[] = {
{"rtype_key_array ", 2, rz3_bufsize_default},
{"rtype_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default >>4},
{"cpuid_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default},
{"raw_cpuid_array ", 10, (rz3_bufsize_default>>4)}, // was 6 in older versions
{"instr_pred_all_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default},
{"instr_pred_raw_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default>>4}, // was 7 in v3.19 and older
{"raw_instr_array ", 32, (rz3_bufsize_default>>4)},
{"dcti_ea_va_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"value_iszero_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"valuecache_level_array ", 3, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"valuecache_data0_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits0 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits0, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"valuecache_data1_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits1 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits1, rz3_bufsize_default>>3},
{"valuecache_data2_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits2 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits2, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"valuecache_data3_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits3 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits3, rz3_bufsize_default>>5},
{"valuecache_data4_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits4 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits4, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"valuecache_data5_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits5 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits5, rz3_bufsize_default>>7},
{"valuecache_data6_array ", rz3_valuecache_idxbits6 + rz3_valuecache_lsbits6, rz3_bufsize_default>>8},
{"raw_value64_array ", 64, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"regval_postInstr_array ", 1, (rz3_bufsize_default>>1)},
{"regval_regtype_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default},
{"regval_raw_regtype_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"regval_regid_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default},
{"regval_raw_regid_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"memval_fields_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"memval_size_array ", 3, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"memval_addr36_43_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"memval_addr04_35_array ", 32, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"pavadiff_ictxt_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"pavadiff_raw_ictxt_array ", 13, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"pavadiff_pc_pa_va_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"pavadiff_ea_valid_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"pavadiff_dctxt_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"pavadiff_raw_dctxt_array ", 13, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"pavadiff_ea_pa_va_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>2},
{"pavadiff_lookahead_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>8},
{"tlb_info_array ", 30, rz3_bufsize_default>>4}, // was 26bytes in v3.19 and older
{"trap_info_array ", 49, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"dma_iswrite_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"dma_nbytes_array ", 32, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"rfs_rtype_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_pc_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_instr_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_bt_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_cw_raw_reftype_array ", 3, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_raw_cpuid_array ", 10, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_cw_dma_size_array ", 32, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"rfs_cw_asi_array ", 8, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_cw_pf_fcn_array ", 5, rz3_bufsize_default>>6},
{"rfs_cw_va_valid_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
{"rfs_cw_pa_pred_array ", 1, rz3_bufsize_default>>4},
}; // struct rz3_bitarray_descr rstzip3::bitarray_descr[]
// the rel field is a parameter relative to which to print stats
// (in addition to per record and per instr). eg raw-regvals per regval.
// ps_max => none
struct rz3_perf_stats_descr rstzip3::perf_stats_descr[] = {
{"nrecords ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"instr_counts ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"brpred_refs ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"brpred_misses ", rstzip3::ps_brpred_refs},
{"an_misses ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"ras_refs ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"ras_misses ", rstzip3::ps_ras_refs},
{"ea_valid_misses ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"ea_va_valuecache_refs ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"ea_va_valuecache_misses ", rstzip3::ps_ea_va_valuecache_refs},
{"regval_records ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"regval_raw_regtype_count ", rstzip3::ps_regval_records},
{"regval_raw_regid_count ", rstzip3::ps_regval_records},
{"regval_valuecache_refs ", rstzip3::ps_regval_records},
{"regval_valuecache_misses ", rstzip3::ps_regval_valuecache_refs},
{"pavadiff_count ", rstzip3::ps_MAX},
{"pavadiff_ictxt_misses ", rstzip3::ps_pavadiff_count},
{"pavadiff_raw_pc_pa ", rstzip3::ps_pavadiff_count},
{"pavadiff_ea_valid_count ", rstzip3::ps_pavadiff_count},
{"pavadiff_dctxt_misses ", rstzip3::ps_pavadiff_count},
{"pavadiff_raw_ea_pa_va ", rstzip3::ps_pavadiff_count}
}; // struct rz3_perf_stats_descr rstzip3::perf_stats_descr = {}
rstzip3::rstzip3(const char * fname, const char * mode)
rz3_error = false;
verbose = false;
stats = false;
g0_nonzero_warn = true; // will be set to false after first instance unless verbose
if ((mode == NULL) || (mode[0] == 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rz3: mode must be specified as \"r\" or \"w\"\n");
rz3_error = true;
} else if (strcmp(mode, "r") == 0) {
c_nd = false;
} else if (strcmp(mode, "w") == 0) {
c_nd = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rz3: mode must be specified as \"r\" or \"w\"\n");
rz3_error = true;
header = new rz3_header;
shdr = new rz3_section_header(this);
if (c_nd) {
rz3_bufsize = rz3_bufsize_default;
if (fname != NULL) {
gzf = gzopen(fname, "w");
if (gzf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rz3: failed gzopen of output file "); perror(fname);
rz3_error = true;
} else {
gzf = gzdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, "w");
if (gzf == NULL) {
perror("ERROR: rz3: failed gzdopen of STDOUT");
rz3_error = true;
// write header
strcpy(header->magic, rz3_hdr_magic);
header->major_version = rstzip3_major_version;
header->minor_version = rstzip3_minor_version;
header->reserved16 = 0;
header->reserved32 = 0;
gzwrite(gzf, header, sizeof(rz3_header));
strcpy(shdr->magic, rz3_shdr_magic);
rstf_pre212 = false; // set to true if necessary upon reading rst header record
pre320 = false;
pre323 = false;
} else /* decompress */ {
if (fname != NULL) {
gzf = gzopen(fname, "r");
if (gzf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rz3: failed gzopen of input file "); perror(fname);
rz3_error = true;
} else /* stdin */{
gzf = gzdopen(STDIN_FILENO, "r");
if (gzf == NULL) {
perror("ERROR: rz3: failed gzdopen of STDIN");
rz3_error = true;
// read header
int nbytes = gzread(gzf, header, sizeof(rz3_header));
if (nbytes != sizeof(rz3_header)) {
int errnum;
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: gzread rz3 header from input file: %s"); gzerror(gzf, &errnum);
fprintf(stderr, "errnum %d\n", errnum);
rz3_error = true;
// check header
if ((header->magic[0] == 0) || strcmp(rz3_hdr_magic, header->magic)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rz3 header magic string mismatch\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, " expected: %s\n", rz3_hdr_magic);
fprintf(stderr, " saw: ");
int i;
for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
if (isprint(header->magic[i])) fprintf(stderr, "%c", header->magic[i]); else fprintf(stderr, "\\%03o", (int) header->magic[i]);
rz3_error = true;
// version must be >= 3.15. v3.14beta was the first beta version which is not supported
if ((header->major_version == 3) && (header->minor_version == 14)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: rstzip v3.14beta is an unsupported version.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Please decompress this file using the stand-alone rstzip v3.14beta binary,\n");
fprintf(stderr, "and recompress using the latest rstzip3 compressor\n");
rz3_error = true;
// check if our major/minor version is >= version number from file
float f1 = rstzip3_major_version + rstzip3_minor_version/1000.0;
float f2 = header->major_version + header->minor_version/1000.0;
if (f2 > f1) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: version number of compressed file (%d.%03d) is greater than this build (%d.%03d)\n",
header->major_version, header->minor_version, rstzip3_major_version, rstzip3_minor_version);
rz3_error = true;
if ((header->major_version == 3) && (header->minor_version <= 19)) {
pre320 = true;
} else {
pre320 = false;
rstf_pre212 = false; // this variable is ignored during decompression
if ((header->major_version == 3) && (header->minor_version <= 21)) {
rz3_bufsize = rz3_bufsize_pre322;
} else {
rz3_bufsize = rz3_bufsize_default;
if ((header->major_version == 3) && (header->minor_version <= 22)) {
pre323 = true;
} else {
pre323 = false;
} // compress/decompress?
sdata = new rz3_section_data(shdr, pre320);
clear(); // clear prediction-related state variables
tdata = new rz3_percpu_data * [rz3_max_ncpus];
int i;
for (i=0; i<(rz3_max_ncpus); i++) {
tdata[i] = NULL;
interface_buffer = new rstf_unionT[rz3_bufsize];
interface_buffer_size = interface_buffer_count = 0;
rfs_phase = false;
rfs_cw_phase = false;
rfs_bt_phase = false;
nsections = 0;
perf_stats = new int [ps_MAX];
perf_stat_totals = new int64_t [ps_MAX];
for (i=0; i<ps_MAX; i++) {
perf_stat_totals[i] = 0;
if (!c_nd) {
// testfp = fopen("/tmp/rz3tmp.rst", "w");
} else {
testfp = NULL;
} // rstzip3::rstzip3(const char * fname, const char * mode)
if (c_nd) {
if (interface_buffer_count != 0) {
compress_buffer(interface_buffer, interface_buffer_count);
interface_buffer_count = 0;
} else {
// caller did not wait to read all decompressed records. ignore
if (sdata != NULL) {
if (verbose) sdata->print_totals();
if (verbose) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<rz3_max_ncpus; i++) {
if (tdata[i] != NULL) {
if (stats) print_stat_totals();
if (gzf != NULL) {
gzclose(gzf); gzf = NULL;
delete shdr; shdr = NULL;
delete sdata; sdata = NULL;
int i;
for (i=0; i<(rz3_max_ncpus); i++) {
if (tdata[i] != NULL) {
delete tdata[i]; tdata[i] = NULL;
delete [] tdata; tdata = NULL;
if (interface_buffer != NULL) {
delete [] interface_buffer;
} // rstzip3::~rstzip3()
int rstzip3::compress(rstf_unionT * buf, int nrec)
// if interface buffer count is non-zero, copy in records to fill up buffer
int done = 0;
if (interface_buffer_count) {
int n = (rz3_bufsize - interface_buffer_count);
if (n > nrec) n = nrec;
memcpy(interface_buffer+interface_buffer_count, buf, n*sizeof(rstf_unionT));
interface_buffer_count += n;
if (interface_buffer_count == rz3_bufsize) {
compress_buffer(interface_buffer, rz3_bufsize);
interface_buffer_count = 0;
done += n;
if (done == nrec) {
return done;
// at this point, there are no records waiting to be compressed in the buffer
while((nrec-done) >= rz3_bufsize) {
compress_buffer(buf+done, rz3_bufsize);
done += rz3_bufsize;
// at this point, the buffer is empty; there may be some records left to be
// compressed, but not enough to fill the buffer
if (done < nrec) {
memcpy(interface_buffer, buf+done, (nrec-done)*sizeof(rstf_unionT));
interface_buffer_count += (nrec-done);
return nrec;
} // int rstzip3::compress(rstf_unionT * buf, int nrec)
int rstzip3::decompress(rstf_unionT * buf, int nrec)
// if there are some records ready to be
// copied out, copy out as many as possible
int done = 0;
if (interface_buffer_count) {
int n = interface_buffer_count;
if (n > nrec) n = nrec;
memcpy(buf+done, interface_buffer+(interface_buffer_size-interface_buffer_count), n*sizeof(rstf_unionT));
interface_buffer_count -= n;
done += n;
if (done == nrec) return nrec;
// at this point, if we haven't returned, done < nrec and interface_buffer_count == 0
// decompress the next section.
while((nrec-done) >= rz3_bufsize) {
int n = decompress_buffer(buf+done, rz3_bufsize); // returns the actual number of records decmopressed
// this should be equal to rz3_bufsize unless we reached the end of file
if (n == 0) return done;
done += n;
// at this point, the number of records that can be copied to the caller is < rz3_bufsize.
// to avoid buffer overflow, we use the interface buffer once again
while(done < nrec) {
interface_buffer_size = decompress_buffer(interface_buffer, rz3_bufsize);
if (interface_buffer_size == 0) return done;
interface_buffer_count = interface_buffer_size;
// how many can we copy out?
int n = interface_buffer_size;
if (n > (nrec-done)) n = (nrec-done);
// copy and update (decrement) buffer count
memcpy(buf+done, interface_buffer+(interface_buffer_size-interface_buffer_count), n*sizeof(rstf_unionT));
done += n;
interface_buffer_count -= n;
// at this point done = nrec.
return nrec;
} // rstzip3::decompress(rstf_unionT * buf, int nrec)
bool rstzip3::error() {
return rz3_error;
} // bool rstzip3::error() {
void rstzip3::setverbose() {
verbose = true;
} // rstzip3::setverbose()
void rstzip3::setstats() {
stats = true;
} // void rstzip3::setstats() {
void rstzip3::clear()
pred_cpuid = 0;
last_instr_cpuid = 0;
rfs_cw_phase = false;
rfs_bt_phase = false;
rfs_nrecords = 0;
rfs_records_seen = 0;
prev_rtype = 0;
} // void rstzip3::clear()
void rstzip3::clear_stats()
// bzero(perf_stats, ps_MAX * sizeof(int));
memset(perf_stats, 0, ps_MAX * sizeof(int));
} // void rstzip3::clear_stats()
void rstzip3::print_stats()
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "\nPerformance statistics for this section:\n");
for (i=0; i<ps_MAX; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s \t%d \t%0.4f%%/rec \t%0.4f%%/instr", perf_stats_descr[i].name, perf_stats[i],
perf_stats[i]*100.0/perf_stats[ps_nrecords], perf_stats[i]*100.0/perf_stats[ps_instr_count]);
if (perf_stats_descr[i].rel != ps_MAX) {
int rel = perf_stats_descr[i].rel;
fprintf(stderr, " \t%0.4f%%/%s", perf_stats[i]*100.0/perf_stats[rel], perf_stats_descr[rel].name);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
} // void rstzip3::print_stats()
void rstzip3::print_stat_totals()
int i;
fprintf(stderr, "\nOverall performance statistics:\n");
for (i=0; i<ps_MAX; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "total %s \t%lld \t%0.4f%%/rec \t%0.4f%%/instr", perf_stats_descr[i].name, perf_stat_totals[i],
perf_stat_totals[i]*100.0/perf_stat_totals[ps_nrecords], perf_stat_totals[i]*100.0/perf_stat_totals[ps_instr_count]);
if (perf_stats_descr[i].rel != ps_MAX) {
int rel = perf_stats_descr[i].rel;
fprintf(stderr, " \t%0.4f%%/%s", perf_stat_totals[i]*100.0/perf_stat_totals[rel], perf_stats_descr[rel].name);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
} // void rstzip3::print_stat_totals()
void rstzip3::update_stats()
// update some stats using sdata array counts
perf_stats[ps_nrecords] = shdr->nrecords;
perf_stats[ps_instr_count] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[instr_pred_all_array];
// brpred_refs
// brpred_misses
// an_misses
// ras_refs
// ras_misses
// ea_valid_misses
// ea_lookup_table_misses
perf_stats[ps_regval_records] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[regval_postInstr_array];
perf_stats[ps_regval_raw_regtype_count] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[regval_raw_regtype_array];
perf_stats[ps_regval_raw_regid_count] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[regval_raw_regid_array];
perf_stats[ps_pavadiff_count] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[pavadiff_ictxt_pred_array];
perf_stats[ps_pavadiff_ictxt_misses] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[pavadiff_raw_ictxt_array];
perf_stats[ps_pavadiff_ea_valid_count] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[pavadiff_dctxt_pred_array];
perf_stats[ps_pavadiff_dctxt_misses] = shdr->rz3_bitarray_counts[pavadiff_raw_dctxt_array];
int i;
for (i=0; i<ps_MAX; i++) {
perf_stat_totals[i] += perf_stats[i];
} // void rstzip3::update_stats()