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<H2><A NAME="SECTION006120000000000000000">
4.1.2 Template strings</A>
Templates provide simpler string substitutions as described in <a class="rfc" id='rfcref-86823' xml:id='rfcref-86823'
href="">PEP 292</a>.
Instead of the normal "<tt class="samp">%</tt>"-based substitutions, Templates support
"<tt class="samp">$</tt>"-based substitutions, using the following rules:
<LI>"<tt class="samp">$$</tt>" is an escape; it is replaced with a single "<tt class="samp">$</tt>".
<LI>"<tt class="samp">$identifier</tt>" names a substitution placeholder matching a mapping
key of "identifier". By default, "identifier" must spell a Python
identifier. The first non-identifier character after the "<tt class="samp">$</tt>" character terminates this placeholder specification.
<LI>"<tt class="samp">${identifier}</tt>" is equivalent to "<tt class="samp">$identifier</tt>". It is
required when valid identifier characters follow the placeholder but are
not part of the placeholder, such as "${noun}ification".
Any other appearance of "<tt class="samp">$</tt>" in the string will result in a
<tt class="exception">ValueError</tt> being raised.
<span class="versionnote">New in version 2.4.</span>
The <tt class="module">string</tt> module provides a <tt class="class">Template</tt> class that implements
these rules. The methods of <tt class="class">Template</tt> are:
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><span class="typelabel">class</span>&nbsp;<tt id='l2h-830' xml:id='l2h-830' class="class">Template</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
The constructor takes a single argument which is the template string.
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><tt id='l2h-831' xml:id='l2h-831' class="method">substitute</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var>mapping</var><big>[</big><var>, **kws</var><big>]</big><var></var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Performs the template substitution, returning a new string. <var>mapping</var> is
any dictionary-like object with keys that match the placeholders in the
template. Alternatively, you can provide keyword arguments, where the
keywords are the placeholders. When both <var>mapping</var> and <var>kws</var> are
given and there are duplicates, the placeholders from <var>kws</var> take
<dl><dt><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="baseline">
<td><nobr><b><tt id='l2h-832' xml:id='l2h-832' class="method">safe_substitute</tt></b>(</nobr></td>
<td><var>mapping</var><big>[</big><var>, **kws</var><big>]</big><var></var>)</td></tr></table></dt>
Like <tt class="method">substitute()</tt>, except that if placeholders are missing from
<var>mapping</var> and <var>kws</var>, instead of raising a <tt class="exception">KeyError</tt>
exception, the original placeholder will appear in the resulting string
intact. Also, unlike with <tt class="method">substitute()</tt>, any other appearances of the
"<tt class="samp">$</tt>" will simply return "<tt class="samp">$</tt>" instead of raising
<tt class="exception">ValueError</tt>.
While other exceptions may still occur, this method is called ``safe'' because
substitutions always tries to return a usable string instead of raising an
exception. In another sense, <tt class="method">safe_substitute()</tt> may be anything other
than safe, since it will silently ignore malformed templates containing
dangling delimiters, unmatched braces, or placeholders that are not valid
Python identifiers.
<tt class="class">Template</tt> instances also provide one public data attribute:
<dl><dt><b><tt id='l2h-833' xml:id='l2h-833' class="member">template</tt></b></dt>
This is the object passed to the constructor's <var>template</var> argument. In
general, you shouldn't change it, but read-only access is not enforced.
Here is an example of how to use a Template:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
&gt;&gt;&gt; from string import Template
&gt;&gt;&gt; s = Template('$who likes $what')
&gt;&gt;&gt; s.substitute(who='tim', what='kung pao')
'tim likes kung pao'
&gt;&gt;&gt; d = dict(who='tim')
&gt;&gt;&gt; Template('Give $who $100').substitute(d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Invalid placeholder in string: line 1, col 10
&gt;&gt;&gt; Template('$who likes $what').substitute(d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'what'
&gt;&gt;&gt; Template('$who likes $what').safe_substitute(d)
'tim likes $what'
Advanced usage: you can derive subclasses of <tt class="class">Template</tt> to customize the
placeholder syntax, delimiter character, or the entire regular expression used
to parse template strings. To do this, you can override these class
<LI><var>delimiter</var> - This is the literal string describing a placeholder
introducing delimiter. The default value "<tt class="samp">$</tt>". Note that this
should <em>not</em> be a regular expression, as the implementation will
call <tt class="method">re.escape()</tt> on this string as needed.
<LI><var>idpattern</var> - This is the regular expression describing the pattern
for non-braced placeholders (the braces will be added automatically as
appropriate). The default value is the regular expression
"<tt class="samp">[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*</tt>".
Alternatively, you can provide the entire regular expression pattern by
overriding the class attribute <var>pattern</var>. If you do this, the value must
be a regular expression object with four named capturing groups. The
capturing groups correspond to the rules given above, along with the invalid
placeholder rule:
<LI><var>escaped</var> - This group matches the escape sequence,
e.g. "<tt class="samp">$$</tt>", in the default pattern.
<LI><var>named</var> - This group matches the unbraced placeholder name; it
should not include the delimiter in capturing group.
<LI><var>braced</var> - This group matches the brace enclosed placeholder name;
it should not include either the delimiter or braces in the capturing
<LI><var>invalid</var> - This group matches any other delimiter pattern (usually
a single delimiter), and it should appear last in the regular
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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