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<H3><A NAME="SECTION0051453000000000000000"> Pickling and unpickling external objects</A>
For the benefit of object persistence, the <tt class="module">pickle</tt> module
supports the notion of a reference to an object outside the pickled
data stream. Such objects are referenced by a ``persistent id'',
which is just an arbitrary string of printable ASCII characters.
The resolution of such names is not defined by the <tt class="module">pickle</tt>
module; it will delegate this resolution to user defined functions on
the pickler and unpickler.<A NAME="tex2html20"
To define external persistent id resolution, you need to set the
<tt class="member">persistent_id</tt> attribute of the pickler object and the
<tt class="member">persistent_load</tt> attribute of the unpickler object.
To pickle objects that have an external persistent id, the pickler
must have a custom <tt class="function">persistent_id()</tt> method that takes an
object as an argument and returns either <code>None</code> or the persistent
id for that object. When <code>None</code> is returned, the pickler simply
pickles the object as normal. When a persistent id string is
returned, the pickler will pickle that string, along with a marker
so that the unpickler will recognize the string as a persistent id.
To unpickle external objects, the unpickler must have a custom
<tt class="function">persistent_load()</tt> function that takes a persistent id
string and returns the referenced object.
Here's a silly example that <em>might</em> shed more light:
<div class="verbatim"><pre>
import pickle
from cStringIO import StringIO
src = StringIO()
p = pickle.Pickler(src)
def persistent_id(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'x'):
return 'the value %d' % obj.x
return None
p.persistent_id = persistent_id
class Integer:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __str__(self):
return 'My name is integer %d' % self.x
i = Integer(7)
print i
datastream = src.getvalue()
print repr(datastream)
dst = StringIO(datastream)
up = pickle.Unpickler(dst)
class FancyInteger(Integer):
def __str__(self):
return 'I am the integer %d' % self.x
def persistent_load(persid):
if persid.startswith('the value '):
value = int(persid.split()[2])
return FancyInteger(value)
raise pickle.UnpicklingError, 'Invalid persistent id'
up.persistent_load = persistent_load
j = up.load()
print j
In the <tt class="module">cPickle</tt> module, the unpickler's
<tt class="member">persistent_load</tt> attribute can also be set to a Python
list, in which case, when the unpickler reaches a persistent id, the
persistent id string will simply be appended to this list. This
functionality exists so that a pickle data stream can be ``sniffed''
for object references without actually instantiating all the objects
in a pickle.<A NAME="tex2html21"
HREF="#foot8892"><SUP>3.9</SUP></A> Setting
<tt class="member">persistent_load</tt> to a list is usually used in conjunction with
the <tt class="method">noload()</tt> method on the Unpickler.
<DT><A NAME="foot8985">... unpickler.</A><A
<DD>The actual mechanism for
associating these user defined functions is slightly different for
<tt class="module">pickle</tt> and <tt class="module">cPickle</tt>. The description given here
works the same for both implementations. Users of the <tt class="module">pickle</tt>
module could also use subclassing to effect the same results,
overriding the <tt class="method">persistent_id()</tt> and <tt class="method">persistent_load()</tt>
methods in the derived classes.
<DT><A NAME="foot8892">... pickle.</A><A
<DD>We'll leave you with the image of Guido and Jim
sitting around sniffing pickles in their living rooms.
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<span class="release-info">Release 2.4.2, documentation updated on 28 September 2005.</span>
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